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In their recent discussion of the Richard Florida and Jane Jacobs‐inspired ‘creative cities’ policy literature, Hospers and Pen argue that despite increasingly more effective ‘space shrinking’ technologies, cities remain among the most suitable locations for creative activities of all types. This paper supplements their contribution by documenting more concretely how economically diversified cities provide a fertile environment for the discovery and development of new technological combinations. In doing so, we try to illustrate how a better understanding of the linkages between creativity and urban agglomeration would benefit from a multidisciplinary approach that studies both phenomena simultaneously.  相似文献   

Recent changes in service environments have changed the preconditions of their production and consumption. These changes include unbundling services from production processes, growth of the information-rich economy and society, the search for creativity in service production and consumption and continuing growth of digital technologies. These contextual changes affect city governments because they provide a range of infrastructure and welfare services to citizens. Concepts such as ‘smart city’, ‘intelligent city’ and ‘knowledge city’ build new horizons for cities in undertaking their challenging service functions in an increasingly cost-conscious, competitive and environmentally oriented setting. What is essential in practically all of them is that they paint a picture of cities with smooth information processes, facilitation of creativity and innovativeness, and smart and sustainable solutions promoted through service platforms. This article discusses this topic, starting from the nature of services and the new service economy as the context of smart local public services. On this basis, we build an overall framework for understanding the basic forms and dimensions of smart public services. The focus is on conceptual systematisation of the key dimensions of smart services and the conceptual modelling of smart service platforms through which digital technology is increasingly embedded in social creativity. We provide examples of real-life smart service applications within the European context.  相似文献   

In an era of globalization, intense competition and unpredictability, organizational creativity is increasingly important and, hence, tapping into the power of imagination in the work setting is propelled to unprecedented heights. This article explores how imagination is encouraged among employees within a successful NPD consultancy (Lunar Design Inc.) through the processes of ‘initiating’, ‘defining’, ‘imagining’ and ‘implementing’‘blue sky’ projects. Such activities enhance creative thinking, generate new knowledge, break down stereotypes, enhance employees’ morale and satisfaction and build a reputation of a visionary organization. We urge managers to address the hidden danger of pigeonholing conventional work as mundane, especially in times of a recession where more structure needs to be incorporated in ‘blue sky’ activities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the definition and management of creativity in the ‘creative industries’. Initially the paper sets out the economic and cultural context for the emergence of the creative industries, before going on to argue that there are gaps in our understanding of the role of creativity and particularly the management of creativity within these industries. Based on research undertaken with new media SMEs in the North West of England, the paper then explores the ways in which creativity is defined and managed within this sub–sector. It is shown that the meanings attached to creativity are variable and contested and that the precise definition and management of creativity is strongly determined by the internal workplace culture, and the external social and economic conditions within which firms operate. It is further suggested that while creativity is often seen as a ‘must have’ attribute for new media firms it may also, conversely, be considered a barrier to commercial success. The paper concludes that if we are to understand work and production in the creative industries, and offer institutional support for firms to develop and sustain creativity for competitive advantage, it may be necessary to develop a more detailed understanding of the role of creativity and creative management as both a general and specific, socially embedded process.  相似文献   

In the course of researching the question ‘What does it mean for knowledge to grow?’, the author has developed a large and unique compendium of components, some of which are knowledge systems that serve as research and creativity support systems. The self-modifying, self-effecting creative process and the results of developing and working with these systems, using novel methods and drawing on eclectic sources, is discussed.  相似文献   

Creativity has long been seen as a mysterious process. A better understanding of the nature of creativity and the processes that underpin it are needed in order to be able to make contributions to the design of creativity support tools. In this paper, current theories of creativity and models of the creative process are discussed and an empirical study outlined of participants individually and collaboratively undertaking two creative tasks in different domains. The tasks ‘write a poem’ and ‘design a poster’ were carried out via two media; pen and paper and with the use of a computer and software tools. Schön's theory of reflection-in-action is applied to the study results. The research has generated software requirements for tools to support these specific creative tasks, and also initial design features to enable support for group reflection of evolving creative artefacts.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of urban areas plays a major role in the daily life of dwellers. The current policy framework to ensure the quality of life of inhabitants leaving no one behind, leads decision-makers to seek better-informed choices for the sustainable planning of urban areas. Thus, a better understanding between the spatial structure of cities and their socio-economic level is of crucial relevance. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to quantify this two-way relationship. Therefore, we measured spatial patterns of 31 cities in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. We rely on spatial pattern metrics derived from a Local Climate Zone classification obtained by fusing remote sensing and open GIS data with a machine learning approach. Based upon the data, we quantified the relationship between spatial pattern metrics and socio-economic variables related to ‘education’, ‘health’, ‘living conditions’, ‘labor’, and ‘transport’ by means of multiple linear regression models, explaining the variability of the socio-economic variables from 43% up to 82%. Additionally, we grouped cities according to their level of ‘quality of life’ using the socio-economic variables, and found that the spatial pattern of low-dense built-up types was different among socio-economic groups. The proposed methodology described in this paper is transferable to other datasets, levels, and regions. This is of great potential, due to the growing availability of open statistical and satellite data and derived products. Moreover, we discuss the limitations and needed considerations when conducting such studies.  相似文献   

Given the present size of modern cities, it is beyond the perceptual capacity of most people to develop a good knowledge about the qualities of the urban space at every street corner. Correspondingly, for planners, it is also difficult to accurately answer questions such as ‘where the quality of the physical environment is the most dilapidated in the city that regeneration should be given first consideration’ and ‘in fast urbanising cities, how is the city appearance changing’. To address this issue, in the present study, we present a computer vision method that contains three machine learning models for the large-scale and automatic evaluation on the qualities of the urban environment by leveraging state-of-the-art machine learning techniques and wide-coverage street view images. From various physical qualities that have been identified by previous research to be important for the urban visual experience, we choose two key qualities, the construction and maintenance quality of building facade and the continuity of street wall, to be measured in this research. To test the validity of the proposed method, we compare the machine scores with public rating scores collected on-site from 752 passers-by at 56 locations in the city. We show that the machine learning models can produce a medium-to-good estimation of people's real experience, and the modelling results can be applied in many ways by researchers, planners and local residents.  相似文献   

The creative industries represent an important and growing sector of the UK economy. This paper explores organizational creativity in firms within the creative industries. A questionnaire based on both Amabile's ‘Organizational Creativity’ model and Ekvall's ‘Creative Climate’ model was completed in ten firms in different sectors of the creative industries. Follow‐up interviews with five firms were also conducted, to compare the outputs from each model as well as the variation in responses from firms in different sectors. The results indicate that both models of organizational creativity are complementary, although not necessarily fully applicable in the creative industries. Specific differences between firms in the graphic design/branding sector and firms in product design were also observed.  相似文献   

The contribution of this study is an increased understanding of personal creativity and the innovation process in haute cuisine, a validation of the socio‐cultural systems view of creativity and a model that accounts for the socio‐cultural dimensions of haute cuisine. In this paper we discuss existing views that conceptualize creativity and innovation in this sector as a sequential developmental process following the principles of operations management. However, based on in‐depth interviews with world‐renowned chefs, we argue for a systemic rather than sequential developmental process view. The reason for this is that the chefs interviewed understand the ‘creativity part’ of the innovation process as an embodied experience often guided by intuition and the ‘innovation part’ as a process of social evaluation greatly dependent on the perception, knowledge and value judgement of the testers from the leading restaurant guides. The main implications of the findings go beyond the haute cuisine sector and open areas for future research on creativity and intuition more generally.  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyses how creative organizations develop and use routines and processes to strengthen their creative capabilities. Using an exploratory framework based in resource‐based theory and creativity literature, it focuses on the role of the creative entrepreneur as a key component for organizations developing creative capabilities. The creative entrepreneur or agent builds collaboration, exploits knowledge and enhances relationships in and out of an organization. Drawing on three in‐depth case studies from different sectors (theatre, sports and software), the article expands the idea of creative capabilities to encompass routines and processes in organizations in industries generally not considered ‘creative’. Furthermore, it outlines how the creative entrepreneur is instrumental in developing and using the creative routines so that they form creative capabilities. Based on the analysis, the article discusses creative capabilities, collaboration in the process, and the creative entrepreneur’s role in developing and using them.  相似文献   

Are designers doomed to sacrifice creativity when integrating new product development processes? Although many studies highlight the need to produce original and innovative designs, maintaining creativity in the design process continues to be difficult due to industrial constraints. Thus, creativity is restricted to phases in the ‘fuzzy front end’ to avoid those constraints that might effectively kill it. However, constraints are also acknowledged as a resource for creativity, as has previously been shown with artists and engineers. Thus, we pose the following research question: In which cases can a constraint be a resource for creativity? To answer this question, we investigate different types of computer‐aided design (CAD) software. Relying on an experimental method, we compare the performance of those types of software at the so‐called design gap where design sketches are transformed into digital models. We show that some CAD software enables designers to work under additional constraints, be more creative and avoid the trade‐off between robustness and creativity, and that understanding this performance means appreciating that such software enables designers to play with the embedded constraints to reveal associated fixations and to design models that follow the constraint but overcome the fixation. Constraints and creativity are linked by two competing processes: constraints decrease the degree of freedom and, as a result, creative possibilities, but embedding constraints increases the awareness of fixations and therefore the capacity to design original models. Today, new CAD tools more effectively support the second process, which leads to ‘acquired originality’ in design.  相似文献   

Create/Innovate or die. This is the taken‐for‐granted ‘truth’ in the social, political and economic context in which we currently live. In fact, so accepted is this mantra that criticism seems foolish; mere evidence of the entrenched conservatism that needs to be challenged. This article posits an alternative view of creativity, drawing in particular on the thinking of the philosopher Gilles Deleuze. The writing of Deleuze is used to explore our understanding of creativity, in terms of what ‘creativity’ is (and what it is not), and the destructive (and sometimes pointless) nature of creativity. In doing so it is hoped that this article challenges clichéd representations of ‘creativity’, the typical ‘creativity is wonderful and we need a lot more of it . . .’ type arguments and assist scholars to become more creative (or at least more reflective) in their own practice.  相似文献   

The present contribution examines how the Western tradition of thought has pushed ‘creative rationality’ to one side and how rediscovering, that is to say, reintegrating this type of rationality provides a way of stimulating creativity and innovation. Exploring creative rationality has indeed great practical implications. It leads to promotion of a ‘pedagogy of adventure’.  相似文献   

Creativity has overtaken financial capital as the principal constraint facing businesses. Upper-level executives must, therefore, be able to develop creative solutions to strategic and administrative issues in order for firms to remain viable. Executive creativity not only contributes directly to corporate differentiation and innovation, it also helps create an environment that encourages, or perhaps requires, creative contributions from others. Executives are critically important knowledge workers that direct and enable the creative efforts of intellectual assets within a firm. Unfortunately, few empirical studies have sought to examine the creativity of knowledge workers beyond the narrow confines of basic research or R&D labs. This article presents an initial empirical test of an integrative theory of creative individual work performance in the domain of executive work. The study shows that by simultaneously considering executives’ interpretive style, motivation to pursue creative outcomes, creative ability, and work setting one can explain substantial variation in executives’ creative work performance.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the range of applicability of abductive reasoning for knowledge discovery. In particular, we discuss a novel form of abduction, called creative abduction, where new knowledge is generated in the process of explaining observed events, and demonstrate its relevance to knowledge discovery. The main contribution of this paper is twofold: First, we show that creative abduction can be used to infer a disposition explaining local temporal regularities. In the presence of multiple correlated regularities, this form abduction may significantly unify a given corpus of knowledge, corresponding to theory formation in scientific discovery. Second, we present a weaker form of creative abduction that infers a goal (e.g. interest) from simple ‘condition-effect’ rules called ‘transitions’. If multiple transitions are correlated, the weaker form of creative abduction can be used to identify, e.g. clusters of Web users, as done in Web usage mining. We will focus on the formal underpinnings of this new form of abduction that seems readily applicable to a wide range of practical knowledge discovery problems.  相似文献   


Finding creative solutions to design problems depends heavily on a fruitful exploration in early phases. Many aspects of evolutionary computation (EC) and in particular genetic algorithms (GA) make them highly suited as computational tools for discovering good solutions. This paper discusses specific aspects of the GA method which parallel traditional design methodologies described by creativity researchers including Gordon, deBono, Parnes, and Osborn among others. Because EC methods work with populations of ‘fairly good’ solutions, there is less danger that creativity will be harmed by design fixation, on one ‘best’ solution. An example application is demonstrated using the design of a small truss bridge. The solutions offered by the application are varied enough to allow the designer a choice of forms. At the same time, all of the solutions offered are ‘fairly good’. This demonstrates the aspects of EC which make it well suited for creative exploration of problems.  相似文献   

By linking lifestyle studies with creative industries research, this article opens a new perspective on creativity and innovation management. We argue that artists in the creative industries have to bridge the gap between artistic work and the economic need for self‐management, and that a bohemian lifestyle essentially supports them in doing so. The bohemian lifestyle, which is characterized by a devotion to art for art’s sake, is an essential source for work motivation of artists and an increasing number of other creative workers. The article draws upon an empirical study into artistic work and employment in German theatres. Enacting a bohemian lifestyle enables actors as ‘bohemian entrepreneurs’ to integrate intensive self‐management and self‐marketing as well as subordination of private life to work into their artistic work life. Analysing the link between lifestyle and creative work is crucial for understanding the way in which creative workers become artists and, at the same time, entrepreneurs of their creative talent.  相似文献   

Spatial systems appear to exhibit often a complex pattern of socio-economic development, in terms of (un)employment, income, mobility, ethnic composition, and urbanisation rates. Their evolution is co-determined by such factors as: market proximity, labour and housing market developments, public amenities, use of and access to transport systems, socio-economic composition of the population, etc. In addition, a sine qua non for sustaining urban economic growth is the local or regional presence of individual and collective cognitive assets that favour knowledge acquisition and transfer, education, innovation, and creativity. In this context, social capital and spatial accessibility are critical factors. The present paper aims to provide an operational framework for mapping out and understanding the mechanisms which drive spatial systems from the perspective of the resilience of urban areas, in the light of their social capital in combination with accessibility. Particular attention is therefore given to the essential role of social capital and transport accessibility in shaping both the economic development of cities and the spatial pattern in the evolution of cities, in terms of, inter alia, education, age, ethnic composition, (un)employment, and socio-economic poverty. For our quantitative analysis of the Swedish urban system, a quantile regression model is introduced and applied in order to study which urban-economic factors in Sweden determine the different levels of social capital, which are seen here as the fundamental component of the resilience capacity of urban areas.  相似文献   

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