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In this paper we show how to use two‐colored pixels as a generic tool for image processing. We apply two‐colored pixels as a basic operator as well as a supporting data structure for several image processing applications. Traditionally, images are represented by a regular grid of square pixels with one constant color each. In the two‐colored pixel representation, we reduce the image resolution and replace blocks of N × N pixels by one square that is split by a (feature) line into two regions with constant colors. We show how the conversion of standard mono‐colored pixel images into two‐colored pixel images can be computed efficiently by applying a hierarchical algorithm along with a CUDA‐based implementation. Two‐colored pixels overcome some of the limitations that classical pixel representations have, and their feature lines provide minimal geometric information about the underlying image region that can be effectively exploited for a number of applications. We show how to use two‐colored pixels as an interactive brush tool, achieving realtime performance for image abstraction and non‐photorealistic filtering. Additionally, we propose a realtime solution for image retargeting, defined as a linear minimization problem on a regular or even adaptive two‐colored pixel image. The concept of two‐colored pixels can be easily extended to a video volume, and we demonstrate this for the example of video retargeting.  相似文献   

Interactive computation of global illumination is a major challenge in current computer graphics research. Global illumination heavily affects the visual quality of generated images. It is therefore a key attribute for the perception of photo‐realistic images. Path tracing is able to simulate the physical behaviour of light using Monte Carlo techniques. However, the computational burden of this technique prohibits interactive rendering times on standard commodity hardware in high‐quality. Trying to solve the Monte Carlo integration with fewer samples results in characteristic noisy images. Global illumination filtering methods take advantage of the fact that the integral for neighbouring pixels may be very similar. Averaging samples of similar characteristics in screen‐space may approximate the correct integral, but may result in visible outliers. In this paper, we present a novel path tracing pipeline based on an edge‐aware filtering method for the indirect illumination which produces visually more pleasing results without noticeable outliers. The key idea is not to filter the noisy path traced images but to use it as a guidance to filter a second image composed from characteristic scene attributes that do not contain noise by default. We show that our approach better approximates the Monte Carlo integral compared to previous methods. Since the computation is carried out completely in screen‐space it is therefore applicable to fully dynamic scenes, arbitrary lighting and allows for high‐quality path tracing at interactive frame rates on commodity hardware.  相似文献   

Mappings between color spaces are ubiquitous in image processing problems such as gamut mapping, decolorization, and image optimization for color‐blind people. Simple color transformations often result in information loss and ambiguities, and one wishes to find an image‐specific transformation that would preserve as much as possible the structure of the original image in the target color space. In this paper, we propose Laplacian colormaps, a generic framework for structure‐preserving color transformations between images. We use the image Laplacian to capture the structural information, and show that if the color transformation between two images preserves the structure, the respective Laplacians have similar eigenvectors, or in other words, are approximately jointly diagonalizable. Employing the relation between joint diagonalizability and commutativity of matrices, we use Laplacians commutativity as a criterion of color mapping quality and minimize it w.r.t. the parameters of a color transformation to achieve optimal structure preservation. We show numerous applications of our approach, including color‐to‐gray conversion, gamut mapping, multispectral image fusion, and image optimization for color deficient viewers.  相似文献   

Many works focus on multi‐spectral capture and analysis, but multi‐spectral display still remains a challenge. Most prior works on multi‐primary displays use ad‐hoc narrow band primaries that assure a larger color gamut, but cannot assure a good spectral reproduction. Content‐dependent spectral analysis is the only way to produce good spectral reproduction, but cannot be applied to general data sets. Wide primaries are better suited for assuring good spectral reproduction due to greater coverage of the spectral range, but have not been explored much. In this paper we explore the use of wide band primaries for accurate spectral reproduction for the first time and present the first content‐independent multi‐spectral display achieved using superimposed projections with modified wide band primaries. We present a content‐independent primary selection method that selects a small set of n primaries from a large set of m candidate primaries where m > n. Our primary selection method chooses primaries with complete coverage of the range of visible wavelength (for good spectral reproduction accuracy), low interdependency (to limit the primaries to a small number) and higher light throughput (for higher light efficiency). Once the primaries are selected, the input values of the different primary channels to generate a desired spectrum are computed using an optimization method that minimizes spectral mismatch while maximizing visual quality. We implement a real prototype of multi‐spectral display consisting of 9‐primaries using three modified conventional 3‐primary projectors, and compare it with a conventional display to demonstrate its superior performance. Experiments show our display is capable of providing large gamut assuring a good visual appearance while displaying any multi‐spectral images at a high spectral accuracy.  相似文献   

Many visualization techniques use images containing meaningful color sequences. If such images are converted to grayscale, the sequence is often distorted, compromising the information in the image. We preserve the significance of a color sequence during decolorization by mapping the colors from a source image to a grid in the CIELAB color space. We then identify the most significant hues, and thin the corresponding cells of the grid to approximate a curve in the color space, eliminating outliers using a weighted Laplacian eigenmap. This curve is then mapped to a monotonic sequence of gray levels. The saturation values of the resulting image are combined with the original intensity channels to restore details such as text. Our approach can also be used to recolor images containing color sequences, for instance for viewers with color‐deficient vision, or to interpolate between two images that use the same geometry and color sequence to present different data.  相似文献   

Content‐aware image retargeting is a technique that can flexibly display images with different aspect ratios and simultaneously preserve salient regions in images. Recently many image retargeting techniques have been proposed. To compare image quality by different retargeting methods fast and reliably, an objective metric simulating the human vision system (HVS) is presented in this paper. Different from traditional objective assessment methods that work in bottom‐up manner (i.e., assembling pixel‐level features in a local‐to‐global way), in this paper we propose to use a reverse order (top‐down manner) that organizes image features from global to local viewpoints, leading to a new objective assessment metric for retargeted images. A scale‐space matching method is designed to facilitate extraction of global geometric structures from retargeted images. By traversing the scale space from coarse to fine levels, local pixel correspondence is also established. The objective assessment metric is then based on both global geometric structures and local pixel correspondence. To evaluate color images, CIE L*a*b* color space is utilized. Experimental results are obtained to measure the performance of objective assessments with the proposed metric. The results show good consistency between the proposed objective metric and subjective assessment by human observers.  相似文献   

Medical illustrations have been used for a long time for teaching and communicating information for diagnosis or surgery planning. Illustrative visualization systems create methods and tools that adapt traditional illustration techniques to enhance the result of renderings. Clipping the volume is a popular operation in volume rendering for inspecting the inner parts, though it may remove some information of the context that is worth preserving. In this paper we present a new editing technique based on the use of clipping planes, direct structure extrusion, and illustrative methods, which preserves the context by adapting the extruded region to the structures of interest of the volumetric model. We will show that users may interactively modify the clipping plane and edit the structures to highlight, in order to easily create the desired result. Our approach works with segmented volume models and non‐segmented ones. In the last case, a local segmentation is performed on‐the‐fly. We will demonstrate the efficiency and utility of our method.  相似文献   

We present a practical real‐time approach for rendering lens‐flare effects. While previous work employed costly ray tracing or complex polynomial expressions, we present a coarser, but also significantly faster solution. Our method is based on a first‐order approximation of the ray transfer in an optical system, which allows us to derive a matrix that maps lens flare‐producing light rays directly to the sensor. The resulting approach is easy to implement and produces physically‐plausible images at high framerates on standard off‐the‐shelf graphics hardware.  相似文献   

Color adaptation is a well known ability of the human visual system (HVS). Colors are perceived as constant even though the illuminant color changes. Indeed, the perceived color of a diffuse white sheet of paper is still white even though it is illuminated by a single orange tungsten light, whereas it is orange from a physical point of view. Unfortunately global illumination algorithms only focus on the physics aspects of light transport. The ouput of a global illuminantion engine is an image which has to undergo chromatic adaptation to recover the color as perceived by the HVS. In this paper, we propose a new color adaptation method well suited to global illumination. This method estimates the adaptation color by averaging the irradiance color arriving at the eye. Unlike other existing methods, our approach is not limited to the view frustrum, as it considers the illumination from all the scene. Experiments have shown that our method outperforms the state of the art methods.  相似文献   

Time series prediction methods are used on a daily basis by analysts for making important decisions. Most of these methods use some variant of moving averages to reduce the number of data points before prediction. However, to reach a good prediction in certain applications (e.g., power consumption time series in data centers) it is important to preserve peaks and their patterns. In this paper, we introduce automated peak‐preserving smoothing and prediction algorithms, enabling a reliable long term prediction for seasonal data, and combine them with an advanced visual interface: (1) using high resolution cell‐based time series to explore seasonal patterns, (2) adding new visual interaction techniques (multi‐scaling, slider, and brushing & linking) to incorporate human expert knowledge, and (3) providing both new visual accuracy color indicators for validating the predicted results and certainty bands communicating the uncertainty of the prediction. We have integrated these techniques into a well‐fitted solution to support the prediction process, and applied and evaluated the approach to predict both power consumption and server utilization in data centers with 70–80% accuracy.  相似文献   

Image‐based rendering (IBR) techniques allow capture and display of 3D environments using photographs. Modern IBR pipelines reconstruct proxy geometry using multi‐view stereo, reproject the photographs onto the proxy and blend them to create novel views. The success of these methods depends on accurate 3D proxies, which are difficult to obtain for complex objects such as trees and cars. Large number of input images do not improve reconstruction proportionally; surface extraction is challenging even from dense range scans for scenes containing such objects. Our approach does not depend on dense accurate geometric reconstruction; instead we compensate for sparse 3D information by variational image warping. In particular, we formulate silhouette‐aware warps that preserve salient depth discontinuities. This improves the rendering of difficult foreground objects, even when deviating from view interpolation. We use a semi‐automatic step to identify depth discontinuities and extract a sparse set of depth constraints used to guide the warp. Our framework is lightweight and results in good quality IBR for previously challenging environments.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a new approach for color transfer. Rather than transferring color from one image to another globally, we propose a system with a stroke‐based user interface to provide a direct indication mechanism. We further present a multiple local color transfer method. Through our system the user can easily enhance a defect (source) photo by referring to some other good quality (target) images by simply drawing some strokes. Then, the system will perform the multiple local color transfer automatically. The system consists of two major steps. First, the user draws some strokes on the source and target images to indicate corresponding regions and also the regions he or she wants to preserve. The regions to be preserved which will be masked out based on an improved graph cuts algorithm. Second, a multiple local color transfer method is presented to transfer the color from the target image(s) to the source image through gradient‐guided pixel‐wise color transfer functions. Finally, the defect (source) image can be enhanced seamlessly by multiple local color transfer based on some good quality (target) examples through an interactive and intuitive stroke‐based user interface.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approach for color transfer between two images. Our method is unique in its consideration of the scene illumination and the constraint that the mapped image must be within the color gamut of the target image. Specifically, our approach first performs a white‐balance step on both images to remove color casts caused by different illuminations in the source and target image. We then align each image to share the same ‘white axis’ and perform a gradient preserving histogram matching technique along this axis to match the tone distribution between the two images. We show that this illuminant‐aware strategy gives a better result than directly working with the original source and target image's luminance channel as done by many previous methods. Afterwards, our method performs a full gamut‐based mapping technique rather than processing each channel separately. This guarantees that the colors of our transferred image lie within the target gamut. Our experimental results show that this combined illuminant‐aware and gamut‐based strategy produces more compelling results than previous methods. We detail our approach and demonstrate its effectiveness on a number of examples.  相似文献   

We propose various simulation strategies to generate single‐frame fire effects for images, as opposed to multi‐frame fire effects for animations. To accelerate 3D simulation and to provide a user with early hints on the final effect, we propose a 2D‐guided 3D simulation approach, which runs a faster 2D simulation first, and then guides 3D simulation using the 2D simulation result. To achieve this, we explore various boundary conditions and develop a constrained projection method. Since only the final frame will be used while intermediate frames are abandoned, earlier intermediate frames can take larger time steps and have large noise applied, quickly generating turbulent flow structures. As the final frame approaches, we increase the flow quality by reducing the time step and not adding any noise. This adaptive time stepping allows us to use more computational resource near or at the final frame. We also develop divergence and buoyancy modification methods to guide flames along arbitrary, even physically implausible, directions. Our simulation methods can effectively and efficiently generate a variety of fire effects useful for image decoration.  相似文献   

Higher‐order finite element methods have emerged as an important discretization scheme for simulation. They are increasingly used in contemporary numerical solvers, generating a new class of data that must be analyzed by scientists and engineers. Currently available visualization tools for this type of data are either batch oriented or limited to certain cell types and polynomial degrees. Other approaches approximate higher‐order data by resampling resulting in trade‐offs in interactivity and quality. To overcome these limitations, we have developed a distributed visualization system which allows for interactive exploration of non‐conforming unstructured grids, resulting from space‐time discontinuous Galerkin simulations, in which each cell has its own higher‐order polynomial solution. Our system employs GPU‐based raycasting for direct volume rendering of complex grids which feature non‐convex, curvilinear cells with varying polynomial degree. Frequency‐based adaptive sampling accounts for the high variations along rays. For distribution across a GPU cluster, the initial object‐space partitioning is determined by cell characteristics like the polynomial degree and is adapted at runtime by a load balancing mechanism. The performance and utility of our system is evaluated for different aeroacoustic simulations involving the propagation of shock fronts.  相似文献   

Because of its versatility, speed and robustness, shadow mapping has always been a popular algorithm for fast hard shadow generation since its introduction in 1978, first for offline film productions and later increasingly so in real‐time graphics. So it is not surprising that recent years have seen an explosion in the number of shadow map related publications. Because of the abundance of articles on the topic, it has become very hard for practitioners and researchers to select a suitable shadow algorithm, and therefore many applications miss out on the latest high‐quality shadow generation approaches. The goal of this survey is to rectify this situation by providing a detailed overview of this field. We show a detailed analysis of shadow mapping errors and derive a comprehensive classification of the existing methods. We discuss the most influential algorithms, consider their benefits and shortcomings and thereby provide the readers with the means to choose the shadow algorithm best suited to their needs.  相似文献   

Color transfer is an image processing technique which can produce a new image combining one source image's contents with another image's color style. While being able to produce convincing results, however, Reinhard et al.'s pioneering work has two problems—mixing up of colors in different regions and the fidelity problem. Many local color transfer algorithms have been proposed to resolve the first problem, but the second problem was paid few attentions. In this paper, a novel color transfer algorithm is presented to resolve the fidelity problem of color transfer in terms of scene details and colors. It's well known that human visual system is more sensitive to local intensity differences than to intensity itself. We thus consider that preserving the color gradient is necessary for scene fidelity. We formulate the color transfer problem as an optimization problem and solve it in two steps—histogram matching and a gradient‐preserving optimization. Following the idea of the fidelity in terms of color and gradient, we also propose a metric for objectively evaluating the performance of example‐based color transfer algorithms. The experimental results show the validity and high fidelity of our algorithm and that it can be used to deal with local color transfer.  相似文献   

A common weathering effect is the appearance of cracks due to material fractures. Previous exemplar‐based aging and weathering methods have either reused images or sought to replicate observed patterns exactly. We introduce a new approach to exemplar‐based modeling that creates weathered patterns on synthetic objects by matching the statistics of fracture patterns in a photograph. We present a user study to determine which statistics are correlated to visual similarity and how they are perceived by the user. We then describe a revised physically‐based fracture model capable of producing a wide range of crack patterns at interactive rates. We demonstrate how a Bayesian optimization method can determine the parameters of this model so it can produce a pattern with the same key statistics as an exemplar. Finally, we present results using our approach and various exemplars to produce a variety of fracture effects in synthetic renderings of complex environments. The speed of the fracture simulation allows interactive previews of the fractured results and its application on large scale environments.  相似文献   

Since high dynamic range (HDR) displays are not yet widely available, there is still a need to perform a dynamic range reduction of HDR content to reproduce it properly on standard dynamic range (SDR) displays. The most common techniques for performing this reduction are termed tone‐mapping operators (TMOs). Although mobile devices are becoming widespread, methods for displaying HDR content on these SDR screens are still very much in their infancy. While several studies have been conducted to evaluate TMOs, few have been done with a goal of testing small screen displays (SSDs), common on mobile devices. This paper presents an evaluation of six state‐of‐the‐art HDR video TMOs. The experiments considered three different levels of ambient luminance under which 180 participants were asked to rank the TMOs for seven tone‐mapped HDR video sequences. A comparison was conducted between tone‐mapped HDR video footage shown on an SSD and on a large screen SDR display using an HDR display as reference. The results show that there are differences between the performance of the TMOs under different ambient lighting levels and the TMOs that perform well on traditional large screen displays also perform well on SSDs at the same given luminance level.  相似文献   

Annoying shaky motion is one of the significant problems in home videos, since hand shake is an unavoidable effect when capturing by using a hand‐held camcorder. Video stabilization is an important technique to solve this problem, but the stabilized videos resulting from some current methods usually have decreased resolution and are still not so stable. In this paper, we propose a robust and practical method of full‐frame video stabilization while considering user's capturing intention to remove not only the high frequency shaky motions but also the low frequency unexpected movements. To guess the user's capturing intention, we first consider the regions of interest in the video to estimate which regions or objects the user wants to capture, and then use a polyline to estimate a new stable camcorder motion path while avoiding the user's interested regions or objects being cut out. Then, we fill the dynamic and static missing areas caused by frame alignment from other frames to keep the same resolution and quality as the original video. Furthermore, we smooth the discontinuous regions by using a three‐dimensional Poisson‐based method. After the above automatic operations, a full‐frame stabilized video can be achieved and the important regions and objects can also be preserved.  相似文献   

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