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自动硬币清分卷包机研制 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
目的为解决各类硬币自动整理、分类、包装问题,设计研究一种自动硬币清分卷包机。方法利用离心力将硬币有序上料,然后采用消极分类法分离硬币,进行清分,接着对清分后的硬币进行光电计数、移币定位、堆叠码垛,直至对硬币进行卷包。结果对关键部件进行了有限元受力分析,基于分析结果优化了结构,减小了变形,应用PLC控制系统完成了整机工作过程控制。结论利用PLC控制实现了设备机电一体化,提高了整机的适应性和可靠性。 相似文献
从电涡流传感器的基本原理出发,提出使用高频反射式和低频透射式的双路涡流传感器技术,用于硬币识别检测装置中对硬币的材质、厚度等参数进行综合检测,提升硬币的检测识别率。 相似文献
主要介绍基于AT89C52单片机的彩色3D打印机配色模块及相关控制装置的设计过程.以12864液晶显示器作为人机交互设备,用矩阵键盘进行颜色代码输入,以专用驱动芯片A4988作为步进电机的驱动,设计蜗杆式减速送丝机构,保证了步进电机的转矩以及定量进给的控制精度.研究表明:从键盘输入颜色代码,经51单片机运算,通过控制I/O端口的脉冲输出频率来控制步进电机的转速,从而控制不同颜色耗材的挤入量,实现了仅使用三原色耗材制造多颜色打印件的目的.该系统可以外挂于传统3D打印机上,适用于单色打印机的多色化改造,对全彩熔融3D打印机的研发有重要意义. 相似文献
基于虚拟装配的硬币自动包装机设计方法 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
为解决硬币处理困难的问题,研究和设计了一种新型台式硬币包装机.在开发过程中采用基于 3D 特征造型和虚拟装配等CAD 技术,应用Pro/E 软件实现了该硬币包装机的三维设计和数字化样机的建立;通过动态仿真和干涉分析,验证了设计方案的可行性.该方法为此种硬币包装机物理样机的制作,和日后产品结构的设计优化提供了快捷有效的途径. 相似文献
传统FDM(fused deposition molding,熔融沉积成型)型3D打印机在打印倒体件的过程中需设置辅助支撑结构,打印完成后去除支撑结构,这会导致成型件的精度降低。为解决传统FDM型3D打印机存在的问题,设计了一种基于混合坐标系的FDM型3D打印机。将基于笛卡尔坐标系的运动方式转换为基于拟球坐标系的运动方式,由X-Z平面内的旋转运动、X-Y平面内的旋转运动和Z轴方向的直线运动组合成拟球坐标系内的运动,达到无支撑3D打印的目的。介绍了基于混合坐标系的FDM型3D打印机控制系统的硬件和软件设计。用传统FDM型和基于混合坐标系的FDM型3D打印机进行打印实验并作对比,结果表明在同等级精度硬件配置的情况下,基于混合坐标系的FDM型3D打印机可以实现更高的打印精度。基于混合坐标系的FDM型3D打印机创新性强、造价低,拥有自主知识产权,具有广阔的市场前景。 相似文献
为解决航空发动机压力测量受感部研制过程中存在周期长、尺寸大和质量大的问题,采用3D打印技术开展航空发动机压力测量受感部制造方法研究。通过三维建模、切片离散、叠加打印、后期处理、精加工等流程制作压力受感部,并进行质量考核试验,通过考核后配装发动机使用。结果表明:采用3D打印技术制作压力受感部周期短、结构质量轻,受感部满足GJB150.16A—2009规定的振动耐久性试验考核要求,满足飞行试验装机使用条件,受感部可以达到预期使用寿命。形成一套基于3D打印技术的受感部设计和考核方法,未来3D打印技术在航空发动机受感部小型化、轻量化方面有广阔的应用前景。 相似文献
目的满足新产品的研发、后期维护以及操作培训等方面的需求。方法选用型号为Makerbot Replicator2的3D打印机为例,通过实际测量在三维建模软件SolidWorks中进行精确建模,之后利用3dsMax进行模型优化,最后导入到VRP完成虚拟装配系统制作。结果该系统能够展示整个3D打印机的内外部结构和装配过程。结论将虚拟装配技术与3D打印机相结合,能够以数字化的形式呈现3D打印机的整体结构和功能,而不必再受客观条件的制约,为工业产品的设计、完善、维护和管理提供了一种崭新的方式,对市场现有的3D打印机具有一定的适用性。 相似文献
本文利用3D打印技术制备了“椭圆形跑道”样件来研究不同纤维角度和纤维层分布对样件机械性能的影响,并通过实验考察各种力学测试中样件的断裂模式。然后基于变密度的拓扑优化理论对三点弯曲梁、C形夹和弹架悬臂进行结构拓扑优化,并通过力学性能实验进行验证。结果表明,在所有的测试中都观察到样件具有各向异性的机械性能,其中纤维方向具有最高的强度和刚度,而跨层方向具有较低的强度和刚度。通过有限元分析和压缩试验表明,经过拓扑优化的连续碳纤维3D打印弹架悬臂结构能够经受住极端运行条件的考验。 相似文献
高分子3D打印材料和打印工艺 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
3D打印技术亦称为增材制造,是基于三维数学模型数据,通过连续的物理层叠加,逐层增加材料来生成三维实体的技术。3D打印技术与传统材料加工技术相比有许多突出的优势,吸引了国内外工业界、投资界、学术界、新闻媒体和社会公众的热切关注。目前制约3D打印技术发展的因素主要有两个:打印工艺和打印材料。高分子聚合物在3D打印材料中占据主要地位。介绍了当前3D打印常用的高分子材料(热塑性高分子和光敏树脂)和与之相适应的打印工艺(FDM、SLS、SLA、Polyjet等),并对它们的特性和优缺点进行了评述,讨论了这些3D打印材料和工艺的开发面临的问题和挑战。 相似文献
Xueju Wang Xiaogang Guo Jilong Ye Ning Zheng Punit Kohli Dongwhi Choi Yi Zhang Zhaoqian Xie Qihui Zhang Haiwen Luan Kewang Nan Bong Hoon Kim Yameng Xu Xiwei Shan Wubin Bai Rujie Sun Zizheng Wang Hokyung Jang Fan Zhang Yinji Ma Zheng Xu Xue Feng Tao Xie Yonggang Huang Yihui Zhang John A. Rogers 《Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)》2019,31(2)
Capabilities for controlled formation of sophisticated 3D micro/nanostructures in advanced materials have foundational implications across a broad range of fields. Recently developed methods use stress release in prestrained elastomeric substrates as a driving force for assembling 3D structures and functional microdevices from 2D precursors. A limitation of this approach is that releasing these structures from their substrate returns them to their original 2D layouts due to the elastic recovery of the constituent materials. Here, a concept in which shape memory polymers serve as a means to achieve freestanding 3D architectures from the same basic approach is introduced, with demonstrated ability to realize lateral dimensions, characteristic feature sizes, and thicknesses as small as ≈500, 10, and 5 µm simultaneously, and the potential to scale to much larger or smaller dimensions. Wireless electronic devices illustrate the capacity to integrate other materials and functional components into these 3D frameworks. Quantitative mechanics modeling and experimental measurements illustrate not only shape fixation but also capabilities that allow for structure recovery and shape programmability, as a form of 4D structural control. These ideas provide opportunities in fields ranging from micro‐electromechanical systems and microrobotics, to smart intravascular stents, tissue scaffolds, and many others. 相似文献
Vyacheslav Shulunov 《Virtual and Physical Prototyping》2017,12(3):249-260
The definition of a point’s location in volume by Cartesian, spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems requires three dimensions (x, y, z), (r, θ, ?) and (ρ, ?, z) accordingly. It is obvious that superfluity, only two dimensions and the constant (a point’s height or plane thickness) are enough because, when the plane is transformed into a roll, the third dimension appears. It is easy to convert a three-dimensional space to a two-dimensional one if you know the thickness of the spatial layer and the equation of equivalence between 3D and 2D spaces. This work discusses several advantages of conformal transformation methods to convert different volume objects into a ribbon, based on its symmetry and the spiral coordinate system for roll powder sintering (RPS) [Shulunov, V.R., 2014. A high performance, high precision, low cost rapid prototyping and manufacturing technology. AUSMT Copyright ©. International Journal of Automation Smart Technology, 4 (3). doi:10.5875/ausmt.v4i3.718, Shulunov, V.R., 2015a. A roll powder sintering additive manufacturing technology. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 789–790, 1212–1216. © Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.789-790.1212, Shulunov, V.R., 2015b. Several advantages of the ultra high-precision additive manufacturing technology, © Springer-Verlag London. International Journal of Advance Manufacturing Technology. doi:10.1007/s00170-015-7533-0] additive manufacturing technology. RPS requires slicing a 3D object with Archimedes spiral scanning. The proposed methods can be used to transform 3D objects into 2D objects. 相似文献
The onset of multi-material 3D printing and the combination of smart materials into the printable material has led to the development of an exciting new technology called 4D printing. This paper will introduce the background and development into 4D printing, discuss water reactive 4D printing methods and temperature reactive 4D printing, modelling and simulation software, and future applications of this new technology. Smart materials that react to different external stimuli are described, along with the benefits of these smart materials and their potential use in 4D printing applications; specifically, existing light-reactive smart materials. 4D printing has the prospective to simplify the design and manufacturing of different products and the potential of automating actuation devices that naturally react to their environment without the need for human interaction, batteries, processors, sensors, and motors. 相似文献
For both developed and developing countries, manufacturing plays a crucial role in international competition. There is a growing consensus that 3D printing (3DP) technologies will revolutionise the development of global manufacturing. Although considerable research has previously been conducted to define the technological and economic benefits of 3DP on global manufacturing, minimal research has linked 3DP with Chinese manufacturing (CM). Therefore, to address this research gap and to investigate 3DP’s potential impact on alleviating CM’s development issues, this paper explores the definition, characteristics and mainstream technologies of 3DP, presents the current situation and the main problems of CM, and analyses the potential impact of 3DP on the development of CM. Then, this study introduces the current 3DP promotion and industrialisation situation in China as well as the issues with promoting 3DP in CM. 相似文献
Sung Hyun Park Ruitao Su Jaewoo Jeong Shuang‐Zhuang Guo Kaiyan Qiu Daeha Joung Fanben Meng Michael C. McAlpine 《Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)》2018,30(40)
Extrusion‐based 3D printing, an emerging technology, has been previously used in the comprehensive fabrication of light‐emitting diodes using various functional inks, without cleanrooms or conventional microfabrication techniques. Here, polymer‐based photodetectors exhibiting high performance are fully 3D printed and thoroughly characterized. A semiconducting polymer ink is printed and optimized for the active layer of the photodetector, achieving an external quantum efficiency of 25.3%, which is comparable to that of microfabricated counterparts and yet created solely via a one‐pot custom built 3D‐printing tool housed under ambient conditions. The devices are integrated into image sensing arrays with high sensitivity and wide field of view, by 3D printing interconnected photodetectors directly on flexible substrates and hemispherical surfaces. This approach is further extended to create integrated multifunctional devices consisting of optically coupled photodetectors and light‐emitting diodes, demonstrating for the first time the multifunctional integration of multiple semiconducting device types which are fully 3D printed on a single platform. The 3D‐printed optoelectronic devices are made without conventional microfabrication facilities, allowing for flexibility in the design and manufacturing of next‐generation wearable and 3D‐structured optoelectronics, and validating the potential of 3D printing to achieve high‐performance integrated active electronic materials and devices. 相似文献
Over the past 30 years, additive manufacturing (AM) has developed rapidly and has demonstrated great potential in biomedical applications. AM is a materials-oriented manufacturing technology, since the solidification mechanism, architecture resolution, post-treatment process, and functional application are based on the materials to be printed. However, 3D printable materials are still quite limited for the fabrication of bioimplants. In this work, 2D/3D AM materials for bioimplants are reviewed. Furthermore, inspired by Tai Chi, a simple yet novel soft/rigid hybrid 4D AM concept is advanced to develop complex and dynamic biological structures in the human body based on 4D printing hybrid ceramic precursor/ceramic materials that were previously developed by our group. With the development of multi-material printing technology, the development of bioimplants and soft/rigid hybrid biological structures with 2D/3D/4D AM materials can be anticipated. 相似文献