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In computer cinematography, artists routinely use non‐physical lighting models to achieve desired appearances. This paper presents BendyLights, a non‐physical lighting model where light travels nonlinearly along splines, allowing artists to control light direction and shadow position at different points in the scene independently. Since the light deformation is smoothly defined at all world‐space positions, the resulting non‐physical lighting effects remain spatially consistent, avoiding the frequent incongruences of many non‐physical models. BendyLights are controlled simply by reshaping splines, using familiar interfaces, and require very few parameters. BendyLight control points can be keyframed to support animated lighting effects. We demonstrate BendyLights both in a realtime rendering system for editing and a production renderer for final rendering, where we show that BendyLights can also be used with global illumination.  相似文献   

Recent research in bidirectional importance sampling has focused primarily on structured illumination sources such as distant environment maps, while unstructured illumination has received little attention. In this paper, we present a method for bidirectional importance sampling of unstructured illumination, allowing us to use the same method for sampling both distant as well as local/indirect sources. Building upon recent work in [ WFA*05 ], we model complex illumination as a large set of point lights. The subsequent sampling process draws samples only from this point set. We start by constructing a piecewise constant approximation for the lighting using an illumination cut [ CPWAP08 ]. We show that this cut can be used directly for illumination importance sampling. We then use BRDF importance sampling followed by sample counting to update the cut, resulting in a bidirectional distribution that closely approximates the product of the illumination and BRDF. Drawing visibility samples from this new distribution significantly reduces the sampling variance. As a main advance over previous work, our method allows for unstructured sources, including arbitrary local direct lighting and one-bounce of indirect lighting.  相似文献   

Computing global illumination in complex scenes is even with todays computational power a demanding task. In this work we propose a novel irradiance caching scheme that combines the advantages of two state-of-the-art algorithms for high-quality global illumination rendering: lightcuts , an adaptive and hierarchical instant-radiosity based algorithm and the widely used (ir)radiance caching algorithm for sparse sampling and interpolation of (ir)radiance in object space. Our adaptive radiance caching algorithm is based on anisotropic cache splatting, which adapts the cache footprints not only to the magnitude of the illumination gradient computed with light-cuts but also to its orientation allowing larger interpolation errors along the direction of coherent illumination while reducing the error along the illumination gradient. Since lightcuts computes the direct and indirect lighting seamlessly, we use a two-layer radiance cache, to store and control the interpolation of direct and indirect lighting individually with different error criteria. In multiple iterations our method detects cache interpolation errors above the visibility threshold of a pixel and reduces the anisotropic cache footprints accordingly. We achieve significantly better image quality while also speeding up the computation costs by one to two orders of magnitude with respect to the well-known photon mapping with (ir)radiance caching procedure.  相似文献   

We present an importance sampling method for the bidirectional scattering distribution function (bsdf) of hair. Our method is based on the multi‐lobe hair scattering model presented by Sadeghi et al. [ [SPJT10] ]. We reduce noise by drawing samples from a distribution that approximates the bsdf well. Our algorithm is efficient and easy to implement, since the sampling process requires only the evaluation of a few analytic functions, with no significant memory overhead or need for precomputation. We tested our method in a research raytracer and a production renderer based on micropolygon rasterization. We show significant improvements for rendering direct illumination using multiple importance sampling and for rendering indirect illumination using path tracing.  相似文献   

We present a real-time method for rendering global illumination effects from large area and environmental lights on dynamic height fields. In contrast to previous work, our method handles inter-reflections (indirect lighting) and non-diffuse surfaces. To reduce sampling, we construct one multi-resolution pyramid for height variation to compute direct shadows, and another pyramid for each indirect bounce of incident radiance to compute inter-reflections. The basic principle is to sample the points blocking direct light, or shedding indirect light, from coarser levels of the pyramid the farther away they are from a given receiver point. We unify the representation of visibility and indirect radiance at discrete azimuthal directions (i.e., as a function of a single elevation angle) using the concept of a "casting set" of visible points along this direction whose contributions are collected in the basis of normalized Legendre polynomials. This analytic representation is compact, requires no precomputation, and allows efficient integration to produce the spherical visibility and indirect radiance signals. Sub-sampling visibility and indirect radiance, while shading with full-resolution surface normals, further increases performance without introducing noticeable artifacts. Our method renders 512×512 height fields (> 500K triangles) at 36Hz.  相似文献   

Recent work in interactive global illumination addresses diffuse and moderately glossy indirect lighting effects, but high‐frequency effects such as multi‐bounce reflections on highly glossy surfaces are often ignored. Accurately simulating such effects is important to convey the realistic appearance of materials such as chrome and shiny metal. In this paper, we present an efficient method for visualizing multi‐bounce glossy reflections at interactive rates under environment lighting. Our main contribution is a pre‐computation–based method which efficiently gathers subsequent highly glossy reflection passes modelled with a non‐linear transfer function representation based on the von Mises–Fisher distribution. We show that our gathering method is superior to scattered sampling. To exploit the sparsity of the pre‐computed data, we apply perfect spatial hashing. As a result, we are able to visualize multi‐bounce glossy reflections at interactive rates at a low pre‐computation cost.  相似文献   

We propose an algorithm to compute interactive indirect illumination in dynamic scenes containing millions of triangles. It makes use of virtual point lights (VPL) to compute bounced illumination and a point‐based scene representation to query indirect visibility, similar to Imperfect Shadow Maps (ISM). To ensure a high fidelity of indirect light and shadows, our solution is made view‐adaptive by means of two orthogonal improvements: First, the VPL distribution is chosen to provide more detail, that is, more dense VPL sampling, where these contribute most to the current view. Second, the scene representation for indirect visibility is adapted to ensure geometric detail where it affects indirect shadows in the current view.  相似文献   

In the context of realistic image synthesis, many stochastic methods have been proposed to sample direct and indirect radiance. We present new ways to use hardware graphics to sample direct and indirect lighting in a scene. Jittered sampling of light sources can easily be implemented on a fragment program to obtain soft shadow samples. Using a voxel representation of the scene, indirect illumination can be computed using hemispherical jittered sampling. These algorithms have been implemented in our rendering framework but can be used in other contexts like radiosity or final gathering of the photon map.  相似文献   

Indirect illumination is an important element for realistic image synthesis, but its computation is expensive and highly dependent on the complexity of the scene and of the BRDF of the involved surfaces. While off‐line computation and pre‐baking can be acceptable for some cases, many applications (games, simulators, etc.) require real‐time or interactive approaches to evaluate indirect illumination. We present a novel algorithm to compute indirect lighting in real‐time that avoids costly precomputation steps and is not restricted to low‐frequency illumination. It is based on a hierarchical voxel octree representation generated and updated on the fly from a regular scene mesh coupled with an approximate voxel cone tracing that allows for a fast estimation of the visibility and incoming energy. Our approach can manage two light bounces for both Lambertian and glossy materials at interactive framerates (25–70FPS). It exhibits an almost scene‐independent performance and can handle complex scenes with dynamic content thanks to an interactive octree‐voxelization scheme. In addition, we demonstrate that our voxel cone tracing can be used to efficiently estimate Ambient Occlusion.  相似文献   

We present a novel framework for efficiently computing the indirect illumination in diffuse and moderately glossy scenes using density estimation techniques. Many existing global illumination approaches either quickly compute an overly approximate solution or perform an orders of magnitude slower computation to obtain high-quality results for the indirect illumination. The proposed method improves photon density estimation and leads to significantly better visual quality in particular for complex geometry, while only slightly increasing the computation time. We perform direct splatting of photon rays, which allows us to use simpler search data structures. Since our density estimation is carried out in ray space rather than on surfaces, as in the commonly used photon mapping algorithm, the results are more robust against geometrically incurred sources of bias. This holds also in combination with final gathering where photon mapping often overestimates the illumination near concave geometric features. In addition, we show that our photon splatting technique can be extended to handle moderately glossy surfaces and can be combined with traditional irradiance caching for sparse sampling and filtering in image space.  相似文献   

Rendering animations of scenes with deformable objects, camera motion, and complex illumination, including indirect lighting and arbitrary shading, is a long‐standing challenge. Prior work has shown that complex lighting can be accurately approximated by a large collection of point lights. In this formulation, rendering of animation sequences becomes the problem of efficiently shading many surface samples from many lights across several frames. This paper presents a tensor formulation of the animated many‐light problem, where each element of the tensor expresses the contribution of one light to one pixel in one frame. We sparsely sample rows and columns of the tensor, and introduce a clustering algorithm to select a small number of representative lights to efficiently approximate the animation. Our algorithm achieves efficiency by reusing representatives across frames, while minimizing temporal flicker. We demonstrate our algorithm in a variety of scenes that include deformable objects, complex illumination and arbitrary shading and show that a surprisingly small number of representative lights is sufficient for high quality rendering. We believe out algorithm will find practical use in applications that require fast previews of complex animation.  相似文献   

For ray tracing based methods, traversing a hierarchical acceleration data structure takes up a substantial portion of the total rendering time. We propose an additional data structure which cuts off large parts of the hierarchical traversal. We use the idea of ray classification combined with the hierarchical scene representation provided by a bounding volume hierarchy. We precompute short arrays of indices to subtrees inside the hierarchy and use them to initiate the traversal for a given ray class. This arrangement is compact enough to be cache‐friendly, preventing the method from negating its traversal gains by excessive memory traffic. The method is easy to use with existing renderers which we demonstrate by integrating it to the PBRT renderer. The proposed technique reduces the number of traversal steps by 42% on average, saving around 15% of time of finding ray‐scene intersection on average.  相似文献   

We introduce image-space radiosity and a hierarchical variant as a method for interactively approximating diffuse indirect illumination in fully dynamic scenes. As oft observed, diffuse indirect illumination contains mainly low-frequency details that do not require independent computations at every pixel. Prior work leverages this to reduce computation costs by clustering and caching samples in world or object space. This often involves scene preprocessing, complex data structures for caching, or wasted computations outside the view frustum. We instead propose clustering computations in image space, allowing the use of cheap hardware mipmapping and implicit quadtrees to allow coarser illumination computations. We build on a recently introduced multiresolution splatting technique combined with an image-space lightcut algorithm to intelligently choose virtual point lights for an interactive, one-bounce instant radiosity solution. Intelligently selecting point lights from our reflective shadow map enables temporally coherent illumination similar to results using more than 4096 regularly-sampled VPLs.  相似文献   

In contrast to 2D scatterplots, the existing 3D variants have the advantage of showing one additional data dimension, but suffer from inadequate spatial and shape perception and therefore are not well suited to display structures of the underlying data. We improve shape perception by applying a new illumination technique to the pointcloud representation of 3D scatterplots. Points are classified as locally linear, planar, and volumetric structures—according to the eigenvalues of the inverse distance-weighted covariance matrix at each data element. Based on this classification, different lighting models are applied: codimension-2 illumination, surface illumination, and emissive volumetric illumination. Our technique lends itself to efficient GPU point rendering and can be combined with existing methods like semi-transparent rendering, halos, and depth or attribute based color coding. The user can interactively navigate in the dataset and manipulate the classification and other visualization parameters. We demonstrate our visualization technique by showing examples of multi-dimensional data and of generic pointcloud data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new inverse reflector design method using a GPU‐based computation of outgoing light distribution from reflectors. We propose a fast method to obtain the outgoing light distribution of a parametrized reflector, and then compare it with the desired illumination. The new method works completely in the GPU. We trace millions of rays using a hierarchical height‐field representation of the reflector. Multiple reflections are taken into account. The parameters that define the reflector shape are optimized in an iterative procedure in order for the resulting light distribution to be as close as possible to the desired, user‐provided one. We show that our method can calculate reflector lighting at least one order of magnitude faster than previous methods, even with millions of rays, complex geometries and light sources.  相似文献   

Interactive computation of global illumination is a major challenge in current computer graphics research. Global illumination heavily affects the visual quality of generated images. It is therefore a key attribute for the perception of photo‐realistic images. Path tracing is able to simulate the physical behaviour of light using Monte Carlo techniques. However, the computational burden of this technique prohibits interactive rendering times on standard commodity hardware in high‐quality. Trying to solve the Monte Carlo integration with fewer samples results in characteristic noisy images. Global illumination filtering methods take advantage of the fact that the integral for neighbouring pixels may be very similar. Averaging samples of similar characteristics in screen‐space may approximate the correct integral, but may result in visible outliers. In this paper, we present a novel path tracing pipeline based on an edge‐aware filtering method for the indirect illumination which produces visually more pleasing results without noticeable outliers. The key idea is not to filter the noisy path traced images but to use it as a guidance to filter a second image composed from characteristic scene attributes that do not contain noise by default. We show that our approach better approximates the Monte Carlo integral compared to previous methods. Since the computation is carried out completely in screen‐space it is therefore applicable to fully dynamic scenes, arbitrary lighting and allows for high‐quality path tracing at interactive frame rates on commodity hardware.  相似文献   

Lighting design plays a crucial role in indoor lighting design, computer cinematograph and many other applications. Computer‐assisted lighting design aims to find a lighting configuration that best approximates the illumination effect specified by designers. In this paper, we present an automatic approach for lighting design, in which discrete and continuous optimization of the lighting configuration, including the number, intensity, and position of lights, are achieved. Our lighting design algorithm consists of two major steps. The first step estimates an initial lighting configuration by light sampling and clustering. The initial light clusters are then recursively merged to form a light hierarchy. The second step optimizes the lighting configuration by alternatively selecting a light cut on the light hierarchy to determine the number of representative lights and optimizing the lighting parameters using the simplex method. To speed up the optimization computation, only illumination at scene vertices that are important to rendering are sampled and taken into account in the optimization. Using the proposed approach, we develop a lighting design system that can compute appropriate lighting configurations to generate the illumination effects iteratively painted and modified by a designer interactively.  相似文献   

Inappropriate lighting is often responsible for poor quality video. In most offices and homes, lighting is not designed for video conferencing. This can result in unevenly lit faces, distracting shadows, and unnatural colors. We present a method for relighting faces that reduces the effects of uneven lighting and color. Our setup consists of a compact lighting rig and a camera that is both inexpensive and inconspicuous to the user. We use unperceivable infrared (IR) lights to obtain an illumination bases of the scene. Our algorithm computes an optimally weighted combination of IR bases to minimize lighting inconsistencies in foreground areas and reduce the effects of colored monitor light. However, IR relighting alone results in images with an unnatural ghostly appearance, thus a retargeting technique is presented which removes the unnatural IR effects and produces videos that have substantially more balanced intensity and color than the original video.  相似文献   

High quality lighting is one of the challenges for interactive tree rendering. To this end, this paper presents a lighting model allowing real‐time rendering of trees with convincing indirect lighting. Rather than defining an empirical model to mimic lighting of real trees, we work at a lower level by modeling the spatial distribution of leaves and by assigning them probabilistic properties. We focus mainly on precise low‐frequency lighting that our eyes are more sensitive to and we add high‐frequency details afterwards. The resulting model is efficient and simple to implement on a GPU.  相似文献   

We introduce a set of robust importance sampling techniques which allow efficient calculation of direct and indirect lighting from arbitrary light sources in both homogeneous and heterogeneous media. We show how to distribute samples along a ray proportionally to the incoming radiance for point and area lights. In heterogeneous media, we decouple ray marching from light calculations by computing a representation of the transmittance function that can be quickly evaluated during sampling, at the cost of a small amount of bias. This representation also allows the calculation of another probability density function which can direct samples to regions most likely to scatter light. These techniques are orthogonal and can be combined via multiple importance sampling to further reduce variance. Our method has very modest per‐ray memory requirements and does not require any preprocessing, making it simple to integrate into production ray tracing based renderers.  相似文献   

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