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The visual world contains more information than can be perceived in a single glance. Consequently, humans make eye and head movements and somehow construct a stable and continuous representation of the visual environment from these successive views. How this is accomplished has puzzled psychologists for over a century. The present research investigated the properties of transsaccadic integration, the integration of information across saccadic eye movements. The results of several experiments suggest that the mental representation of the environment that is constructed across eye movements is surprisingly schematic and undetailed, and based more on the contents of the current fixation than on one's memory for the contents of previous fixations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Six experiments are reported dealing with the types of information integrated across eye movements (EMs) in picture perception. A line drawing of an object was presented in peripheral vision, and the 12 Ss (members of the university community) made an EM to it. During the saccade, the initially presented picture was replaced by another that the S was instructed to name as quickly as possible. The relation between the stimulus on the 1st fixation and the stimulus on the 2nd fixation was varied. Across experiments, there was about 100–230 msec facilitation when the pictures were identical compared with a control condition in which only the target location was specified on the 1st fixation. This finding implies that information about the 1st picture facilitated naming the 2nd picture. When the pictures represented the same concept (e.g., 2 pictures of a horse), there was a 90-msec facilitation effect that could have been the result of either the visual or conceptual similarity of the pictures. However, when the pictures had different names, only visual similarity produced facilitation; there appeared to be inhibition from the competing names. Results of all experiments are consistent with a model in which the activation of both the visual features and the name of the picture seen on the 1st fixation survive the saccade and combine with the information extracted on the 2nd fixation to produce identification and naming of the 2nd picture. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied visual masking and visual integration across saccadic eye movements in 4 experiments. In a 5th experiment, 4 randomly chosen dots from a 3?×?5 dot matrix were presented in 1 fixation, and 4 different dots from the matrix were presented in a 2nd fixation. Ss reported the location of the missing dot. When the 1st display was presented just before the saccade (as in Exps I–III), Ss accurately specified the missing dot location when the dots were presented to the same region of the retina but not when they were presented in the same place in space. When the 1st display was presented well before the saccade (as in Exp IV), Ss performed poorly regardless of retinal or spatial overlap. Results indicate the existence of a short-lived retinotopic visual persistence but provide no support for a spatiotopic visual persistence capable of fusing the contents of successive fixations. It is concluded that transsaccadic integration depends instead on an abstract memory that accumulates position and identity information about the contents of successive fixations. Results are discussed in relation to the work by M. L. Davidson et al (see record 1974-10245-001). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Individual differences in eye movements during picture viewing were examined across image format, content, and foveal quality in 3 experiments. Experiment 1 demonstrated that an individual's fixation durations were strongly related across 3 types of scene formats and that saccade amplitudes followed the same pattern. In Experiment 2, a similar relationship was observed for fixation durations across faces and scenes, although the amplitude relationship did not hold as strongly. In Experiment 3, the duration and amplitude relationships were observed when foveal information was degraded and even removed. Eye movement characteristics differ across individuals, but there is a great deal of consistency within individuals when viewing different types of images. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article addresses questions about the preparatory processes that immediately precede saccadic eye movements. Saccade latencies were measured in a task in which subjects were provided partial advance information about the spatial location of a target fixation. In one experiment, subjects were faster in initiating saccades when they knew either the direction or amplitude of the required movement in advance compared to a condition with equal uncertainty about the number of potential saccade targets but without knowledge of the parameters required to execute the movement. These results suggest that the direction and amplitude for an upcoming saccade were calculated separately, and not in a fixed serial order. In another experiment, subjects appear to have programmed the saccades more holistically—with computations of direction and amplitude parameters occurring simultaneously. The implications of these results for models of eye movement preparation are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A number of recent studies using eye movement data have yielded evidence suggesting that phonological codes are activated early in an eye fixation. However, experiments reported by M. Daneman and E. Reingold (1993; M. Daneman, E. M. Reingold, & M. Davidson, 1995) yielded data that led them to argue that phonological codes are primarily activated after lexical access has occurred. In this study, 3 experiments were carried out that were conceptually similar to those of M. Daneman and E. Reingold, and the resulting data supported the position that phonological codes are activated very early in an eye fixation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Eye movements were recorded during the reading of long words, which were presented in isolation at their optimal viewing position. Refixations were found to be preferentially directed toward the region of the word that contained the critical letters for distinguishing it from its competitors. In Experiments 1 and 2, low-frequency stimulus words sharing all letters except the initial ones with a high-frequency stimulus word (critical letters at the beginning of the word) elicited more left refixations than low-frequency stimulus words sharing all letters except the final ones with a high-frequency stimulus word (critical letters at the end of the word). A similar result was found in Experiments 3 and 4, using an orthographic priming paradigm. These results suggest that refixations are linked to the selection stage of lexical access, aimed at isolating a single lexical entry among a set of candidates activated during the first fixation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents 2 photoelectric methods of recording eye movements to investigate the oculomotor system of hospitalized patients with local brain lesions. The general appearance, operation, and advantages of (a) recording horizontal eye movements with direct ink-writing registration, and (b) simultaneous recording of horizontal and vertical eye movements are described. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Experiments are reported in which the target for a saccadic eye movement was displaced during the saccade. Ss adapted to the displacement by altering the amplitudes of subsequent saccades to compensate for it. Analysis of kinematic details of the saccade trajectories revealed that the adaptation did not arise from a simple remapping of perceived target locations. Instead, the adaptation appeared to be accomplished by a change in the gain of the saccadic system. The gain change arose primarily from a change in the magnitude of the force pulse for the saccade, not a change in the duration of the pulse. These results have implications for the mechanisms that underlie saccades in normal situations. In particular, people can separately adjust the magnitudes and durations of the force pulses used to produce saccades. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Prior research has generally assumed either that phonological codes do not contribute to Chinese character identification or that they do so only through a look-up process at the character level. In 3 experiments, a homophone seen parafoveally aided the identification of a target character that was fixated following an eye movement to the preview location. Moreover, high-frequency phonetically regular characters were named faster than high frequency, phonetically irregular characters. Thus, both lexical and sublexical phonological codes of Chinese characters are involved early in the process of character identification. Orthographic information from the preview was also used in character identification, as orthographically similar previews facilitated target identification as well. The evidence for the extraction of semantic information from parafoveal previews was mixed, as synonym previews facilitated in Experiment 2 but not in Experiment 1. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Human voluntary horizontal eye-movements are studied prior and subsequent to the ingestion of alcohol. Such movements are important, especially during reading and driving. Infrared monitoring techniques were employed to record eye movements and eye-movement latency histograms were tabulated. Blood alcohol levels were continually monitored. Alcohol increases eye-movement latency but the maximum latency occurred in most cases at different elapsed times from the time of maximum blood alcohol level. In general, a roughly 20% increase in latency occurs subsequent to alcohol. Whether this added delay is a result of a general depression of the oculomotor system or a specific increase in some oculomotor computing element is unresolved. Within the limits of our experimentation, there was no difference between latency change observed in moderate and heavy drinkers.  相似文献   

A number of early findings supported the notion that there is a correspondence between eye movements and the visual imagery of dreams. Subsequent studies, however, yielded contradictory results. It is suggested that eye movements might occasionally be related to the visual imagery of dreams, but that the notion of a constant isomorphic relationship between the 2 is untenable. It is also noted that REM bursts might correspond in other ways to dream content, i.e., as an integral and parallel part of the total picture of Stage 1 REM activation. (36 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Experimental psychologists have recently amassed a great deal of evidence supporting the hypothesis that the visual system can select a particular location over other locations in the visual field for further analysis without overtly orienting the eyes to the selected location. At the same time, we know that during reading and scene perception, the eyes are overtly directed to new regions of the visual field every 200 to 300 msec on average. How are covert shifts of attention and overt movements of the eyes related during complex visual-cognitive tasks? The available evidence from studies of the perceptual span in reading suggests that attention is allocated asymmetrically around the fixation point, with more information acquired in the direction that the eyes are moving. Based on this evidence and evidence from explorations of eye movement control in reading, the author presents a tentative model of the relationship between attention and eye movements, called the Sequential Attention Model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the assumption that the perceived relationship between counselor (interviewer) and client (participant) is enhanced using the model postulated by J. Grinder et al (1977). 72 17–27 yr olds participated in 1 of 2 interview conditions: (a) a congruent interview in which interviewers responded with "perceptual predicates" that matched Ss' representational system as indicated by eye movement and (b) an incongruent interview in which interviewers mismatched Ss' representational system. Empathy, ease, anxiety, and hostility were measured by 3 self-report instruments: Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory-Empathic Understanding Scale, Ease of Communication Inventory, and Multiple Affect Adjective Check List. Seven hypotheses used to test the main effects and interactions of sex of interviewer, sex of participant, and condition revealed questionable support for the notion of increased rapport when interviewers responded congruently to representational systems indicated by Ss' eye movements. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Eye movements across advertisements express a temporal pattern of bursts of respectively relatively short and long saccades, and this pattern is systematically influenced by activated scene perception goals. This was revealed by a continuous-time hidden Markov model applied to eye movements of 220 participants exposed to 17 ads under a free-viewing condition, and a scene-learning goal (ad memorization), a scene-evaluation goal (ad appreciation), a target-learning goal (product learning), or a target-evaluation goal (product evaluation). The model reflects how attention switches between two states--local and global--expressed in saccades of shorter and longer amplitude on a spatial grid with 48 cells overlaid on the ads. During the 5- to 6-s duration of self-controlled exposure to ads in the magazine context, attention predominantly started in the local state and ended in the global state, and rapidly switched about 5 times between states. The duration of the local attention state was much longer than the duration of the global state. Goals affected the frequency of switching between attention states and the duration of the local, but not of the global, state. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Shared motor error for multiple eye movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most natural actions are accomplished with a seamless combination of individual movements. Such coordination poses a problem: How does the motor system orchestrate multiple movements to produce a single goal-directed action? The results from current experiments suggest one possible solution. Oculomotor neurons in the superior colliculus of a primate responded to mismatches between eye and target positions, even when the animal made two different types of eye movements. This neuronal activity therefore does not appear to convey a command for a specific type of eye movement but instead encodes an error signal that could be used by multiple movements. The use of shared inputs is one possible strategy for ensuring that different movements share a common goal.  相似文献   

Grouping the studies under the general topic headings of techniques of measurement, analysis of the reading process, training to improve eye movements, typography and eye movements, and eye movements and fatigue the author reviews the relevant research literature which has appeared since January, 1945. In general there has been a dimunition of interest in this area. However, there has appeared a large amount of work on visual fixation, speed of eye movements, reaction time of the eye, oculomotor efficiency, and vision during eye movements. There is a need for more basic research. 72-item bibliography. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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