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On the 14–15th November 2019, the first workshop on Metals in Medicine took place in Paris at Chimie ParisTech, PSL University. Organised with the aim of having invited speakers share their experience in bringing metal-based drugs to (pre-)clinical trials, this event gathered 135 attendees from six continents to Paris. A special collection on this event has now been published in ChemBioChem, combining more than 20 articles on different topics related to metals in medicine.  相似文献   

张雷  盛野  苏建军 《广东化工》2012,39(10):162-162,164
随着新世纪的到来,现代社会对医学发展的要求逐步提高,医学化学作为医学生的一门非常重要的基础课,也面临着新的挑战和机遇。在强调素质教育的今天,医学化学教学应当顺应历史潮流适时改革,推陈出新,用新理念和新方法提高化学教学质量,为学生学习医学理论和技术打下坚实基础。首先:教师要丰富自己的知识面,提高自身的基本素质,与时俱进。只有在大量掌握专业知识的基础上,我们上课才能在书本内容的基础上有所发挥,才能将枯燥的知识变成一个个生动的故事。其次:教学内容的改革,优化教学内容,突出重点,突出"医学化学"的特色。现行的医学化学教材其基本框架仍在沿用数10年前的模式,许多非常实用的医学化学知识新技术在医学中的应用则很少涉及,因此医学化学教学内容改革势在必行。再次:现代的教学手段,多媒体的应用代替了单纯粉笔黑板的简单枯燥,但是还存在很多误区,教师多媒体技术过度依赖,不利于学生思维和创新能力的培养。影响教学的质量和效果。最后:化学是一门实验科学,化学知识的学习和化学素质的培养,都离不开化学实验的辅助作用。在化学的产生、建立和发展的过程中,化学实验是归纳化学基本规律,验证理论预言和假说的主要依据。因此,近年来大学化学实验的改革引起教育界的重视,加强对大学生的实验操作能力、自学能力、创新能力、心理素质和综合素质的培养。  相似文献   

曹宏梅  赖红伟  浦周芳 《广东化工》2012,39(11):219-220
对于医药学专业的学生来说,物理化学实验具有极其重要的地位。文中基于对物理化学实验教学的现状和存在的问题,提出了一些有益的改革措施。突出了学生在物理化学实验教授过程中的主体作用,目的在于培养和加强学生的实践能力和创新能力,提高其综合素质,从而达到提高教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

The central issue of this review is the importance of selectivity in heterogeneous catalysis. The implications of our mechanistic studies on model systems to the interpretation of catalytic processes are discussed. In particular, it is our thesis that the optimization of catalytic selectivity may require a different approach than that needed to increase overall catalytic activity. This is so because a given intermediate in the reaction mechanism may be slow to form, but able to react by following more than one relatively fast pathway. In the case of hydrocarbon reforming, while activity is often controlled by alkane activation, selectivity is likely to depend on the regioselectivity of the subsequent dehydrogenation of the resulting alkyl surface intermediates. Similar arguments can be used to explain the selectivity between dehydrogenation and dehydration reactions on alcohols. Additional complications arise from the build up of carbonaceous deposits on the surface of the catalyst under reaction conditions. Surface-science studies have led to the conclusion that these deposits modify the properties of the exposed catalytic metal, opening up new channels for mild reactions but still allowing for the occurrence of the more demanding reactions involved in hydrocarbon reforming and oxidation processes. Lastly, catalyst modification can be introduced in a controlled fashion, as in the case of the bestowing of chirality to normal hydrogenation catalysts by the addition of small amounts of chiral cocatalysts to the reaction mixture. A brief survey of our recent investigation of these systems is provided.  相似文献   

郑学家 《辽宁化工》2001,30(7):290-296
硼酸盐化学结构的研究 ,直接与硼化学品的技术开发密切相关。而其研究成果对指导硼酸盐工业生产实践具有重要的现实意义 ,不久前美国U .S .Borax公司所属硼砂研究公司的JohnFarmer(约翰·法尔莫 )博士发表的有关专论 ,值得推荐。  相似文献   

Park  Ken T.  Kong  Jie 《Topics in Catalysis》2002,18(3-4):175-181
The interaction of alkali metal with surfaces has been of great interest to the community of catalysis since alkali metal can play an important role as a promoter. On alkali-doped MoS2, such a promotion effect of alkali metal has been exemplified in the direct synthesis of linear alcohols from CO and H2, where the alkali-doping switches the catalyst selectivity from methanation to alcohol synthesis. This paper reviews recent high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy experiments that have provided direct observation of electron transfer from alkali metals to a model single crystal MoS2 and the capture of the supra-valence electrons in the subsequent oxidation reactions.  相似文献   

The vast majority of investigated compounds in modern medicine are based on organic molecules. Within the last decades, the field of medicinial chemistry is shifting towards the application of metal complexes. These compounds offer different mechanisms of action in comparison to organic molecules due to their unique properties, making them novel drug candidates. Herein, the successful combination of metal containing compounds and medicine is highlighted by their application for photodynamic therapy.  相似文献   

王艳 《光盘技术》2006,(1):55-56
CAI已经成为现代教育技术的重要组成部分。合理使用多媒体手段,巧妙运用CAI课件,让CAI走进医学化学课堂,对推动教学模式、教学思想和教学理论的改革等方面将发挥其重要作用。  相似文献   

农村饮用水污染中化学问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张宁  卢泽楷  陈永亨 《广东化工》2006,33(12):103-104,80
本研究主要采用文本分析的方法,对农村饮用水污染的现状、原因等进行分析,从化学的角度对污染物分类,并提出改进农村饮用水质量的若干建议。  相似文献   

The advent of organic synthesis in the nineteenth century sparked a revolution in chemistry that led from a serendipitous discovery to the art and science that it is today. Its creative nature turned into enabling technologies that set in motion entire new industries such as the dye and pharmaceutical enterprises and helped elucidate and confirm structures of countless natural products. It also served as the locomotive for discovery and invention of new reactions, synthetic strategies and technologies, and delivered myriad valuable compounds, more or less complex, for research and applications in our everyday lives. Today it is a partner of biology in the quest of understanding living nature and applying the gathered intelligence to discover and develop newer and more effective drugs.  相似文献   

马瑜璐  刘圣金 《广东化工》2022,49(4):216-218
基于目前中医药院校无机化学实验项目内容陈旧、性质验证性实验项目较多、实验手段落后等问题,从转化教学理念、更新教学内容、结合现代信息化教学手段等多方面对无机化学实验的教学进行改革探索.通过开发微型化实验,综合性设计性实验,科研反哺教学,结合虚拟仿真技术、微视频等现代信息化教学手段对中医药院校的无机化学实验进行线上/线下混...  相似文献   

谌书 《广东化工》2014,(5):86-87
含重金属的各种工业废物或副产物、消费品和城市垃圾若处理不当会成为潜在的污染物;若以环境友好的方式去处理与回收它们,则可成为重要的二次资源。生物浸提含重金属废物恰好能实现资源循环利用与环境污染治理的目的。文章综述生物浸提技术在冶金与制造、化工和石化、电镀和制革,电子行业等产生的废物资源化应用研究。  相似文献   

为提高药学专业天然药物化学的教学质量,将LBL+PBL双轨教学法应用于天然药物化学教学中,本文从教师理念、课程内容设置、教案书写、教学评价等方面对LBL+PBL双轨教学法在天然药物化学教学中的应用进行了探讨,最后结合学生对教师授课的满意度调查表对LBL+PBL双轨教学法在天然药物化学教学中的应用进行了原因分析和总结。  相似文献   

吴峥 《广州化工》2013,(20):211-212
针对医科院校有机化学的学习特点和对学生的培养要求,结合自己的教学实践,分别从灵活多变的教学方法和手段、多样化的教学形式以及绿色化学的教学理念入手,以激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生融会贯通的自主学习能力和实验操作技能为主要内容,探讨有机化学教学改革的心得体会。  相似文献   

冯学珍  伍善广  陆玉婷  陆苑 《广东化工》2014,41(20):147+146
为提高《天然药物化学》的教学质量,本作者拟采用LBL+PBL双轨教学法应用于天然药物化学的教学中,对药学专业374名学生进行问卷调查,调查结果表明,95.63%学生赞同将LBL+PBL双轨教学法应用于天然药物化学的教学中,为后续工作的展开奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

中药化学实验与学生创新能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
易运红 《广东化工》2008,35(2):93-95
文章介绍了中药化学实验中如何培养学生的创新能力,包括:加强基础能力;采用启发式教学;多开设设计性实验,加强各专业的融会贯通;改革实验考核方法;加强实验教师队伍建设等。通过采取这些措施,切实提高了学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

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