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BACKGROUND: Five renal recipients with neurovesical dysfunction (NVD) were retrospectively reviewed focusing on anatomical and urodynamic abnormalities of the lower urinary tract and their management prior to kidney transplantation. METHODS: The underlying anomalies in these 5 patients were a posterior urethral valve (1 with an imperforate anus; n = 2), meningomyelocele (n = 2) and a congenital short urethra with an imperforate anus (n = 1). Their urinary tracts were evaluated prior to transplantation with voiding cystourethrography, urethrocystoscopy, cystometrography and electromyography of the external urethral sphincter to identify a possible focus of urinary tract infection, urine storage and voiding function. RESULTS: All 5 patients had NVD proven by urodynamic studies or by documentation of urinary retention in the absence of mechanical outlet obstruction. Bilateral high grade vesicoureteral reflux was noted in all patients, requiring ureteroneocystostomy. Clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) was ultimately employed for bladder emptying in all patients. Two patients with poor bladder compliance underwent augmentation cystoplasty before transplantation. The Mitrofanoff procedure was used in 2 patients with structural urethral abnormalities to access the bladder for catheterization. After eradication of possible sources of infection and establishment of a low-pressure urine storage system with bladder emptying by CIC, kidney transplantation was performed. Following kidney transplantation, all of the recipients were asymptomatic for urinary tract infections using CIC. Although 1 patient lost his graft due to chronic rejection, the other 4 other patients have good renal function. CONCLUSION: Kidney transplantation in patients with NVD can be performed provided that their urinary tract problems are properly resolved.  相似文献   

Diurnal influences on natural killer (NK) cell changes to acute stress were assessed in 21 men and 21 women assigned to either an acute stress (mental arithmetic) or control task condition. Sessions began at either 8 a.m. or 2 p.m. Number of NK (CD3–CD56+) cells and NK activity were measured at baseline, during the 5-min task, and 60 and 90 min after the task. Both morning and afternoon stress participants had elevated NK cell numbers during the task. After the task, number of NK cells decreased in morning stress participants but remained significantly above baseline levels 60 and 90 min posttask. NK cell numbers in afternoon stress participants decreased to below baseline levels 60 and 90 min after the task. Changes in NK activity were driven primarily by diurnal influences. NK activity increased in all morning participants and stayed increased 60 and 90 min posttask. NK activity of all afternoon participants also increased during the task but dropped below baseline 60 and 90 min later. Greater increases in NK levels and activity during the task were associated with greater heart rate changes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A sense of coherence (SOC) has been found to be a strong predictor of health outcomes and life satisfaction in older adults. This study investigated mood and immune effects of anticipated voluntary housing relocation in 30 healthy older adults and 28 age-matched controls and examined whether SOC would buffer effects of relocation on natural killer (NK) cell activity. Movers completed assessments and had blood drawn 1 month before relocation to congregate living facilities; controls were assessed concurrently. Compared with the control group, movers showed decreased positive mood and NK activity and elevated thought intrusion. Positive mood mediated the relationship of moving with NK activity, whereas SOC moderated this relationship. Low SOC movers had the poorest NK activity; that of high SOC movers was less compromised. These findings are consistent with possible salutogenic contributions of SOC and positive mood to immune function in older adults facing stressful life transitions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The beta recombinase encoded by the streptococcal plasmid pSM19035, which shows 28 to 34% identity with DNA resolvases and DNA invertases, can catalyze formation of deletions or inversions between properly oriented target sites. We have constructed a number of site-directed mutations at residues that are conserved between the beta protein and other DNA recombinases of the resolvase/invertase family. The analysis of the recombination and DNA-binding ability of each mutant protein shows that the mutations affect the catalytic activity and, in two cases, the dimerization of the protein. The results suggest that the beta protein probably mediates recombination by a catalytic mechanism similar to that proposed for the resolvase/invertase family. Since the beta recombinase differs from DNA resolvases and DNA invertases in its lack of bias towards either of these reactions, the results presented support the hypothesis that its unique properties might depend on details of the architecture or assembly of the recombination complex. In addition, two beta protein mutants that can no longer form dimers in solution have provided new insights into the way the protein binds to DNA.  相似文献   

Examined the effect of rotation-induced stress on (1) the percentage distribution of natural killer (NK) YAC-1 target-binding cells and (2) NK cell activity from splenic lymphocytes of C3H/HeJ mice. Following a 6-day stress regimen, a marked decline in both the percentage of target-binding cells and in NK cell activity was observed. This decline was first evident 13 days after initiation of stress and persisted for 2 wks. Data indicate that intermittent rotation stress over a 6-day period results in a delayed but persistent deleterious effect on NK-YAC-1 target binding and NK cell activity that may be involved in cancer progression of the host. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested whether self-discrepancy theory could account for changes in natural killer (NK) cell activity after exposure to self-referential stimuli. Anxious, dysphoric, and control Ss were pretested and 1 mo later covertly exposed to their own self-guides as well as those of another S. Blood samples were drawn for analysis of NK cytotoxicity and cortisol. The dysphoric Ss manifested the greatest actual:ideal discrepancy, whereas the anxious Ss manifested the greatest actual:ought discrepancy. Content analysis of written responses showed that activating discrepancies induced specific negative states; priming discrepancies also increased cortisol for the anxious Ss. NK activity was lower after self-referential priming for both distressed groups, particularly the anxious Ss. The control Ss showed a trend toward increased NK activity after self-referential priming. The study represents the 1st experimental demonstration that negative self-evaluation can alter immune responses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of eccentric one-legged exercise on natural killer (NK) cell activity was studied in eight healthy males. To distinguish between local and systemic effects, blood samples were collected from veins in the exercising leg and resting arm. However, the results did not significantly differ between the leg and arm. To eliminate diurnal variations, the results were compared with a control group that did not exercise but had blood samples collected at the same time points. In the exercising group, plasma creatine kinase increased progressively during and up to 4 days after exercise. The percentage of CD16+ NK cells increased during exercise, which was paralleled by an increase in the NK cell activity per fixed number of blood mononuclear cells. The NK cell activity on a per NK cell basis did not change. The percentage of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD19+, and CD14+ cells did not change significantly during exercise. The present study thus showed that eccentric exercise with a relatively small muscle mass (1 quadriceps femoris muscle) causes systemic effects on NK cells. It is suggested that the increase in plasma epinephrine during eccentric exercise is responsible for the observed increase in the percentage of CD16+ cells.  相似文献   

Sugar alcohols are used in food products, yet their metabolic effects in humans are poorly known. We examined plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide responses and changes in carbohydrate and lipid oxidation after the ingestion of 25 g lactitol, xylitol, or glucose. Eight healthy, nonobese men were studied after an overnight fast. After the ingestion of lactitol or xylitol, the rise in plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide concentrations was less than after the ingestion of glucose (P < 0.02), with no difference between the two polyols. With the glycemic index of glucose as 100, the indexes of xylitol and lactitol were 7 and -1, respectively. A reactive hypoglycemia was observed 3 h after glucose ingestion, but not after the ingestion of sugar alcohols. There were no significant changes in the carbohydrate or lipid oxidation as determined by indirect calorimetry after the ingestion of sugar alcohols. After glucose ingestion, the rise in carbohydrate oxidation was nearly significant (P = 0.07). In conclusion, lactitol and xylitol cause smaller changes than does glucose in plasma glucose and insulin concentrations and thermogenic response. A small hormonal response and the lack of a thermogenic effect may be beneficial when these sugar alcohols are used in food products. The small glucose and insulin responses also suggest that lactitol and xylitol are suitable components of the diet for diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Pentoxifylline used in the treatment of vascular diseases has also some immunological effects. Among of these effects the influence of pentoxifylline on the natural killer cell activity was studied. In in vitro experiments the human natural killer cell cytotoxicity was examined in the presence of pentoxifylline. In our clinical trial we investigated the topic whether this drug has an immunomodulatory effect while administering it for different periods. The natural cytotoxicity of macroangiopathic patients treated with pentoxifylline was compared with the values of healthy controls and patients suffering from vascular disease and obtaining no pentoxifylline therapy. Sixty two macroangiopathic patients and twenty healthy controls were investigated altogether. In the in vitro natural killer cell reaction we found that the pentoxifylline was able to suppress the cytotoxicity at any time of the reaction. The influence of pentoxifylline on natural killer cell activity was neither due to the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1, nor to the alteration of membrane fluidity. However, this drug significantly (p < 0.05) decreases the apoptosis of target cells. The natural killer cell activity of patients with chronic pentoxifylline therapy lasting for more than a year was proved to be significantly (p < 0.005) lower. The presence of vascular disease does not influence the natural killer activity by itself. Concluding our results we can state that the suppressing effect of pentoxifylline on natural killer cell activity needs to be taken into consideration in case of clinical diseases where this drug is administered chronically.  相似文献   

Lymphotactin (Lptn) is a new protein belonging to the C or gamma subfamily of chemokines with only two of the four cysteine residues. Lptn was reported to act specifically on T lymphocytes and not on monocytes and neutrophils. To understand better the spectrum of action of Lptn we have examined its ability to induce natural killer (NK) cell migration. Freshly isolated human NK cells as well as long-term cultured NK cells propagated in interleukin-2 (IL-2)-containing medium migrated in response to Lptn. Optimal activity was observed at concentrations ranging from 50 to 200 ng/ml, and the efficacy was comparable to that of MCP-1, the prototype of C-C chemokines. Migration in response to Lptn was chemotaxis rather than chemokinesis as determined in a checkerboard analysis. Migration of NK cells was comparable to that observed with T lymphocytes from the same donor, under the same experimental conditions. Finally, in contrast to other cytokines (IL-2 and IL-12) which in addition to chemotaxis augment NK cell adhesion to endothelial cells in vitro, Lptn did not affect the adhesiveness of NK cells to vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

We employed the Rauscher murine leukemia virus (RMuLV) as a murine retrovirus model of AIDS, to test biological response modifiers (BRM) and antiviral agents for potential therapeutic activity against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We examined the relationship between the augmentation of natural killer (NK) cell activity and antiviral efficacy of a series of BRM, most of which are known inducers of interferon, in this model. Poly [I,C]-LC, MVE-2, and CL 246,738, but not Ampligen, soluble glucan, or 7-thia-8-oxoguanosine, consistently produced antiviral activity. In addition, the combination of suboptimal doses of oral 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) (in drinking water) and poly [I,C]-LC produced a synergistic antiviral effect. With all the BRM tested, a consistent pattern emerged, namely that antiviral activity always correlated with the augmentation of splenic NK cell activity in infected animals. For instance, poly [I,C]-LC boosted NK activity much more in infected mice treated therapeutically (treatment initiated after infection) than prophylactically (treatment initiated before infection), and it had greater antiviral activity therapeutically than prophylactically. For the BRM tested, antiviral activity did not occur without augmentation of NK activity in infected mice. In contrast, augmentation of NK activity in uninfected mice bore no relationship to antiviral activity. Furthermore, elimination of NK cells by treating mice with anti-asialo GM1 abolished the antiviral activity of poly [I,C]-LC. Although splenic NK activity was ablated by anti-asialo GM1, serum interferon levels were not affected by this treatment. These results point to a causal connection between the augmentation of NK cell activity and the antiviral efficacy of these BRM in this murine AIDS model. NK cells thus appear to play a key role in resistance to this retrovirus, as has been suggested for HIV.  相似文献   

We describe here the in vitro and in vivo antileukemia activity of a recently described natural killer (NK) cell line (NK-92), which has features of human activated NK cells. The cytotoxic activity of rhIL2-dependent cultured NK-92 cells against primary patient-derived leukemic target cells [12 acute myelogenous leukemias (AMLs), 7 T acute lymphoblastic leukemias (T-ALLs), 14 B-lineage-ALLs, and 13 chronic myelogenous leukemias (CMLs)], human leukemic cell lines (K562, KG1, HL60, Raji, NALM6, TALL-104, CEM-S, and CEM-T) and normal bone marrow cells was measured in 51Cr-release assay (CRA). The patient-derived leukemias could be subdivided into three groups based on their sensitivity to NK-92 cells: insensitive (< or =19% lysis), sensitive (20-49% lysis), and highly sensitive (> or =50% lysis) at an E:T ratio of 9:1. Of 46 patient-derived samples, 24 (52.2%) were sensitive or highly sensitive to NK-92-mediated in vitro cytotoxicity (6 of 12 AMLs, 7 of 7 T-ALLs, 5 of 14 B-lineage-ALLs, and 6 of 13 CMLs). NK-92 cells were highly cytotoxic against all of the eight leukemic cell lines tested in a standard 4-h CRA. Normal human bone marrow hematopoietic cells derived from 18 normal donors were insensitive to NK-92-mediated cytolysis. In comparison with human lymphokine-activated killer cells, normal NK cells, and T cells, NK-92 cells displayed more powerful antileukemia activity against a patient-derived T-ALL as well as K562 and HL60 cells, both in in vitro CRA and in a xenografted human leukemia SCID mouse model. The NK-92 cells did not induce the development of leukemia in SCID mice after i.v., i.p., or s.c. inoculation. In adoptive transfer experiments, SCID mice receiving i.p. inoculations of human leukemias derived from a T-ALL (TA27) and an AML (MA26) that were highly sensitive to the cytolysis of NK-92 cells in vitro, as well as a pre-B-ALL (BA31) that was insensitive to the in vitro cytolysis of NK-92 cells, were treated by administration of NK-92 cells with or without rhIL2 (2 x 10(7) NK-92 cells i.p.; one dose or five doses). Survival times of SCID mice bearing the sensitive TA27 and MA26 leukemias were significantly prolonged by adoptive cell therapy with NK-92 cells. Some of the animals who received five doses of NK-92 cells with or without rhIL2 administration were still alive without any signs of leukemia development 6 months after leukemia inoculation. In contrast, survival of mice bearing the insensitive BA31 leukemia were not affected by this treatment. This in vitro and in vivo antileukemia effect of NK-92 cells suggests that cytotoxic NK cells of this type may have potential as effectors of leukemia control.  相似文献   

The effect of 45 min of high- (80% VO2max) vs moderate- (50% VO2max) intensity treadmill exercise on natural killer cell cytotoxic activity (NKCA) was investigated in 10 well-conditioned (66.0 +/- 1.9 ml.kg-1.min-1), young males (22.1 +/- 1.3 yr). Blood samples were taken before and immediately after exercise, with three more samples taken during 3.5 h of recovery, and analyzed for proportion of NK cells (CD3-CD16+CD56+) and NKCA. Exercise at 80% vs 50% VO2max resulted in a greater immediate postexercise increase in proportion of NK cells, followed by a 1-h and 2-h decrease below preexercise levels for both intensity conditions. NKCA rose significantly above preexercise levels following high- but not moderate-intensity exercise. For both exercise intensity conditions, NKCA tended to drop below preexercise levels by 1 h postexercise, rising back to preexercise levels by 3.5 h postexercise. When NKCA was expressed on a per-NK cell basis, however, no change relative to preexercise levels occurred following moderate-intensity exercise, while a significant increase occurred after 2-h recovery from high-intensity exercise. These data demonstrate that both high- and moderate-intensity exercise are associated with significant shifts in circulating proportions of NK cells which significantly influence interpretation of NKCA data based on assays using separated mononuclear cells.  相似文献   

Attempts to define biological parameters that may be specifically associated with the pathophysiology of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have met with only limited success, reflecting perhaps the practical limitations resulting from the high frequency of comorbidity of this condition with Axis I, II and III psychiatric diagnoses. We now report our studies on natural killer cell activity (NKCA), and the response of this cellular immune function to an in vitro methionine-enkephalin (MET) challenge in a population of Vietnam veterans with PTSD. Due to the characteristics of our PTSD patients, our protocol included four sex-matched, age-comparable control groups: (1) chronic alcoholics, (2) chronic drug abusers excluding alcohol, (3) chronic users of alcohol and other drugs of abuse and (4) drug-free, healthy volunteers. Although these groups did not significantly differ in their "baseline" NKCA, significant findings emerged from their response to preincubation with MET (10(-10), 10(-8) and 10(-6) M; 40:1 effector-to-target cell ratio). To minimize interindividual variations in the expression of NKCA each subject was used as its own control. Whereas peptide challenge resulted in an increase in NK lytic function in a subpopulation of group four (one or more MET concentrations, 8 out of 22 subjects), it produced mixed results in samples from individuals in group 2, and in general failed to elicit NKCA changes in the samples from participants in groups 1 and 3. Nine of the thirteen PTSD patients responded to MET preincubation with decreases in NKCA, which in five of them reached values below 20% of baseline for the three peptide concentrations tested. These findings may suggest that the "stress factor" in Vietnam veterans with PTSD plays a role in downmodulating NK lytic function in response to an in vitro MET challenge, an effect that appears to be potentiated by the use of drugs of abuse other than alcohol. The possible clinical relevance of these findings, including the identification of a subgroup of PTSD patients on the basis of immunological tests such as the one described in this work, deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Alcohol consumption is associated with increased morbidity and mortality related to infectious diseases and malignancy (1-5), although immune mediation of these relationships is controversial. Specifically, the activity of natural killer (NK) cells, which are involved in the resistance to infections and metastasis, can be suppressed in the presence of ethanol in vitro. However, acute consumption or infusion of ethanol in vivo exerts no effects on NK activity assessed in vitro thereafter. Therefore, we have developed and used a method to study the effects of ethanol on NK activity in living rats by using an NK-sensitive metastatic process and selective depletion of NK cells in vivo. Acute ethanol intoxication caused a marked suppression of NK activity in vivo and a tenfold increase in the number of MADB106 tumor metastases. Ethanol had no effect in rats selectively depleted of NK cells or when an NK-insensitive tumor (C4047) was used. These findings suggest that even acute ethanol intoxication markedly suppresses NK activity in the living organism. This suppression may underlie some aspects of the association between alcoholism, infectious disease and malignancies.  相似文献   

The quantity of interferon (IFN) produced by concanavalin A stimulated leukocytes obtained from 40 medical students during examinations was significantly lower when compared with IFN levels produced by peripheral blood leukocytes taken 6 wks earlier (baseline). Three assays measuring natural killer cells also showed significant decrements during examinations when compared with baseline samples. Data on the Brief Symptom Inventory documented the significantly greater distress associated with examinations in comparison with baseline samples. Implications for immunosuppressive disorders and stress-associated illnesses are discussed. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We investigated natural killer (NK) cell activity in an animal model of ethanol-induced immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy. Two groups, of 10 rats each, received a continuous intragastric infusion of liquid diet through a permanent cannula for 6 weeks. The alcoholic group was infused additionally with intragastric ethanol, representing from 32% to 40% of the caloric requirement. The group of control rats received an isocaloric diet supplemented with glucose instead of alcohol. IgA nephropathy was observed in all the alcoholic rats but in none of the controls. NK cell activity was investigated in the two groups by measuring the cytotoxicity of spleen cells using the chromium release method. NK cell activity was found to be significantly increased in the alcoholic rats. In view of the known modulation of IgA synthesis by NK cells, we suggest that increased NK cell activity may be a contributing factor to the high levels of circulating IgA seen in IgA nephropathy secondary to chronic alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate were measured in 36 Ss (mean age 33 yrs) during periods of rest, intentional relaxation, unsignaled reaction time (RT), cold pressor tasks, and recovery periods, both before and after 4 wks of progressive relaxation training, transcendental meditation analog treatment, or an assessment control condition. Both types of relaxation training resulted in significant reductions in BP, but not heart rate, levels across all posttreatment assessment intervals (baseline, stress periods, and stress recovery). Relaxation training did not reduce cardiovascular response during stress periods, but did result in more rapid BP reductions in stress recovery periods. Scores on the Jenkins Activity Survey were related to posttreatment BP level during the RT task, with high scorers showing higher BPs than low scorers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Blood platelets have been found to play a major role in the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease. This study examined the effects of active and passive stressors on platelet function and assessed the possible effects of perceived control on platelet reactivity to stress. Heart rate, blood pressure, catecholamine levels, and platelet factor 4 (PF 4) were assessed in 55 healthy males during resting baseline (25 min), 7-min stressor/task periods, and recovery (60 min). Results showed significant increases in PF 4 during the stressor/task periods for both active and passive stressor groups. Psychological stress involving both active and passive participation had a direct effect on platelet activation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Among the different chemicals present in tobacco and tobacco smoke, 4-(methylnitrosamine)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) is the most potent carcinogen. In the present study the immunosuppressive effect of NNK was investigated in laboratory animals by analyzing the antitumor immune responses. Mice of B6C3F1 strain were treated with different doses of NNK by IP and assayed for natural killer cell activity by the lysis of 51Cr-labeled YAC-1 lymphoma cells. The control mice received physiological saline. The results showed a significant inhibition of natural killer cell activity in the spleen cells of mice treated with 100 or 250 mg/kg NNK. In contrast to the high-dose NNK group, treatment of mice with lower doses of NNK like 10 or 50 mg/kg had no significant effect on the natural killer cell activity. In addition to spleen, the natural killer cell activity was also suppressed in the hilar lymph nodes and lung cells of NNK-treated mice. The clearance of 125I labeled YAC-1 tumor cells was also reduced from the lungs of mice injected with NNK. Further, the metastatic potential of B16F10 melanoma cells was significantly higher, as evidenced by the increased lung tumor nodules in the high-dose NNK-treated mice. The decreased antitumor immune response in the carcinogen-treated mice was not due to a decrease of NK cells, because flow cytometric analysis indicated no change in the frequency of NK 1.1+ cells between control and treated animals. However, there was an increased plasma cortisone levels in the carcinogen-treated mice compared to control animals. Injection of mice with poly I:C or interleukin-12 was able to restore natural killer cell activity in the tobacco carcinogen-treated mice.  相似文献   

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