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该主要叙述天然气的物理化学性能,以及燃气轮机燃用天然气发电时对天然气的品质要求。  相似文献   

引进天然气优化发电能源结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍我国发电能源结构,燃用天然气与煤炭的比较,天然气的储量,运输,安全性,引进LNG以改善发电能源以煤为主的结构,以减轻环境污染治理的压力和改进调峰手段,供参考。  相似文献   

引入出力系数、运行系数等指标,通过量化转化效率、技术成熟先进性、运行安全可靠性和经济效益评估天然气余压发电系统的运行情况,形成完整的余压发电评估体系。为了验证评估体系的准确性,基于层次分析评价方法对某调压站的余压发电运行情况进行了评价。结果显示:调压站能量利用效率为45.2%~58.9%,技术成熟度为9级,运行安全可靠性处于较高水平,静态投资回收期为5.1 a,与实际情况吻合,证明了建立的评价方法具有较好的可行性。  相似文献   

我国天然气发电发展现状及前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新世纪以来,我国天然气发电实现快速发展,但近两年我国天然气发电行业的发展遇到诸多问题。本文介绍了我国天然气发电行业的发展现状,分析了目前天然气发电发展面临的问题及不确定因素,对天然气发电的发展前景进行了展望,提出了推动我国天然气发电行业健康发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

天然气发电的市场前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张焕云 《中国能源》2005,27(12):42-42,41
随着国家能源结构政策的调整,天然气作为一种高效清洁的能源,不仅应用于我们的生活中,也将逐步推广应用于燃气联合循环发电,目前,杭州半山电厂,张家港华兴电厂,上海化学工区热电等已于2005年6月并网发电,北京京丰等电厂已建成的天然气机组,正在试运行,很快也要并网发电。天然气  相似文献   

赵旺初 《节能》2002,(3):43-43
新疆和田天然气电站工程已开建,首期50MW于2001年投运。陕西靖边电厂总容量2×300MW。兰州燃气电厂开建,首期总容量600MW。湖北武昌热电厂、沙市热电厂等7台机组将“煤电”或“油电”改为“气电”,总容量约650MW。福建拟建一、二套1200~2400MW液化天然气电厂。广西钦州使用南海天然气计划建1400MW电厂。广东新建惠州电厂一期3×330MW;前湾电厂3×350MW电厂。深圳东部进行“大代小”改造,装机容量1×300MW。香港计划扩建南丫岛电厂,2012年前新装2×300MW联合循环机组,并将…  相似文献   

进入21世纪以后,上海市作为长江流域和全国最大的贸易、金融、信息、科技、文化中心城市,到2020年将进一步建设成为太平洋西岸最大的金融、贸易中心之一。城市的现代化程度将赶上国际水平。为此,对电力的需求也将大力提高。香港1990年人口580万人,发电设备容量613.2万KW,人均1,057KW;新加坡人口270.5万人,发电设备容量320万KW,人均1.18KW。日本东京,1990午人口4066万人,发电设备容量4655力KW,人均1.14KW。上海市,1991年人口1287.2万人,发电设备容量497万KW,人均0.386KW。进入21世纪后如按人均1KW计,届时发电设备容量需1400万KW以上。有关部门曾作预测,2010年上海市最高电力负荷将达1700万KW,如果还是以燃煤为主来发电,则原煤消耗量将从1991年的1167万吨猛增到21世纪的3360~5000万吨/年。既使全部采用神木府谷东胜的低硫、低灰优质动力煤,各电厂排出的SO_2和灰渣的数量也将是惊人的。  相似文献   

几种类型发电公司环境成本核算的分析研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
孙可 《能源工程》2004,(3):23-26
在自由的电力市场条件下,发电厂的环境成本将会被纳入发电成本,成为影响市场竞争力的重要因素。为了比较不同电源的环境成本对电价的影响程度,应用环境经济学理论分别对燃煤发电、天然气发电以及核能发电的环境成本进行了核算和比较。  相似文献   

根据2004~2012年黑龙江省农作物产量,计算农业废弃物类生物质能资源蕴藏量和能源可用量,对近年主要农作物生物质能源储量进行测度。采用GM(1,1)灰预测模型,对2013~2016年黑龙江省农业废弃物类生物质能源可用量进行预测,结果显示,以50%利用率计算,到2016年其可用量相当于30.728×106t标准煤。分析了农业废弃物类生物质能的发展潜力,将生物质能发电与燃煤发电环境成本进行对比,结果显示,到2016年黑龙江省利用生物质能发电节约的环境成本为123.728亿元,对环境保护起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

The paper measures the variation of the electricity price in Italy within the next 10 years due to the recent investment flow in combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plants. It starts by investigating the possibility of decoupling gas and oil prices on the basis of hypotheses about the amount of existing resources and plausible technical substitutability assumptions of the latter with the former. In particular, it is supposed that, in the Italian market, natural gas will play a crucial role which oil has had in power generation. The price of electricity stemming from natural gas is then calculated taking into account the role of the power mix restructuring that derives from the CCGT power plants investments. Under reasonable assumptions, it is shown that a net reduction of at least 17% on the electric price is likely to be expected.  相似文献   

A power grid with a lower global warming impact has the potential to extend its benefits to energy systems that conventionally do not utilize electricity as their primary energy source. This study presents the case of Ontario where the role of complementing policies in transitioning electricity systems is assessed. The policy cost to incentivize surplus low emission electricity via an established mechanism for the transportation sector has been estimated (Electric and Hydrogen Vehicle Incentive Program). It is estimated that the 9056 (4760 battery and 4296 plug-in hybrid) electric vehicles that qualified for incentives from the provincial government at the end of 2016 vehicles cost $732.5-$883.9 to reduce a tonne of CO2,e emissions over an eight year lifetime. This is then compared with the potential cost incurred by two power to gas energy hubs that utilize clean surplus electricity from the province to offset emissions within the natural gas sector. The use of hydrogen-enriched natural gas and synthetic natural gas (SNG) offsets emissions at $87.8 and $228.7 per tonne of CO2,e in the natural gas sector. This analysis highlights the potential future costs for incentivizing new clean technologies such as electric vehicles and power to gas energy hubs in jurisdictions with a transitioning electricity system.  相似文献   

Stepwise development strategy is considered a suitable method for securing a cost-effective way for the development of geothermal power plants. This strategy has been in use in Iceland for the last decade. Geothermal high-temperature fields are developed in steps of 20–30 MW. About 6 years are required for each step in the development. Parallel development of several fields in a country might be preferable, especially when a rapid increase of the generation capacity is required in that country. The capacity factor of geothermal power plants depends on the mix of power plants serving the electricity grid. Where geothermal power plants can be operated as base load, the capacity factor is usually in excess of 0.9. The investment cost of geothermal power plants is divided into the cost of surface equipment and activities and the cost of subsurface investment. The surface costs include the cost of surface exploration, and the plant and steam-gathering system, while the cost of subsurface investment is that of drilling. Surface equipment costs can be estimated with the same accuracy as other construction works at the surface (buildings, roads, bridges), whereas higher uncertainty might be associated with the cost of drilling. Analyses of the surface costs of five power plants in Iceland show that the investment cost of the surface equipment is linear with size, in the range 20–60 MW. Surface costs were found to be about 1000 USD/kW with a relative error of 10%. Stefánsson (Stefánsson, V., 1992. Success in geothermal development. Geothermics 21, 823–834) published a statistical study of the drilling results in 31 high-temperature fields in the world. Using these results, it is possible to estimate the expectation value and its limits of error for the subsurface investment in an arbtitrary geothermal field. The results obtained for the range 20–60 MW are summarized as follows:

Author Keywords: Investment cost; Geothermal power plants; Expectation value; Economy of size  相似文献   

以上海崇明前卫风电场为例,简述陆上风电场施工期和运行期对生态环境影响。施工期生态环境的影响主要表现在施工场区植物量的损失。运行期生态环境的影响主要表现对鸟类活动的影响。通过落实生态保护减缓措施后,陆上风电场对生态环境的影响可以降低到最低程度。  相似文献   

为明确不同类型地热发电系统“获取、转化”环节的钻井、建设、运行、退役等不同过程对地热发电系统的环境影响贡献,本文建立了基于热力学优化模型的闪蒸/双工质地热发电系统全生命周期环境影响评价模型。进而,选取西藏羊八井、广东丰顺、华北油田及青海共和四种典型地热热储,整理和收集了我国地热发电系统的环境影响全生命周期环境影响清单,分析了地热发电站六个不同过程对三个主要环境影响潜值评价指标:酸化潜值、富营养化潜值和全球变暖潜值的影响规律。发现钻井完井过程分别平均占到地热电站酸化潜值、全球变暖潜值和富营养化潜值的46.28%、45.90%和27.52%,地下系统和地上系统的环境影响贡献相当;地热梯度与地热电站的全生命周期环境影响潜值有着负相关关系,梯度越大,环境影响潜值越低。。  相似文献   

As the worldwide use of wind turbine generators continues to increase in utility-scale applications, it will become increasingly important to assess the economic and reliability impact of these intermittent resources. Although the utility industry in the United States appears to be moving towards a restructured environment, basic economic and reliability issues will continue to be relevant to companies involved with electricity generation. This article is the first of two which address modelling approaches and results obtained in several case studies and research projects at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). This first article addresses the basic economic issues associated with electricity production from several generators that include large-scale wind power plants. An important part of this discussion is the role of unit commitment and economic dispatch in production cost models. This paper includes overviews and comparisons of the prevalent production cost modelling methods, including several case studies applied to a variety of electric utilities. The second article discusses various methods of assessing capacity credit and results from several reliability-based studies performed at NREL. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

风力发电的环境价值   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
风能资源是无污染的清洁能源.文章对风电的环境影响进行了评价;相对于煤电评估了风电的减排污染物的环境价值;通过风电环境价值评价,认为风力发电具有减排污染物0.28元/kWh的环境价值.发展风电有显著的环境效益和经济效益.  相似文献   

屠进  许平 《能源工程》2003,(2):37-40
介绍了浙江半山天然气发电工程采用三套350MW级燃气—蒸汽联合循环发电机组,每套机组有四大主机:燃气轮机(GT)、余热锅炉(HRSG)、汽轮机(ST)及发电机(G)。由于气价较高,确定采用F级燃机及相应的余热锅铲与汽轮机;对主机配置进行比选,确定每套机组由一台F级燃机、一台余热锅铲、一台汽轮机组成单轴系统(燃机、汽轮机与发电机同轴)。  相似文献   

The quest for renewable energy sources has been strong in Spain for a couple of decades, and has produced outstanding results, notably in windpower. Solar technologies also had a prompt response to the promoting legislation of 2007. This evolution has generated side effects in the electricity generation system as a whole, and all this phenomenology is analysed in this paper under the consideration of the three objectives theoretically guiding electricity policy nowadays: security of supply (at macro and micro level), environmental quality, and economic competitiveness. The analysis points out some unbalance among the objectives, which can evolve to a scenario where back-up power is going to be a critical point for the stability of the system. Such a back-up service will surely be provided by gas-fired combined cycles (GFCC). The estimated projections of the generation system show that the required back-up power will grow about 8–9 GW by year 2020, for complying with the objective of attaining a share of 40% renewable electricity. However, collateral effects as the decline in the load factor of GFCC, as well as a reduction in spot price of electricity, can cast many doubts about the feasibility to reach that back-up power level.  相似文献   

This paper combines an existing projection of the development of electricity production with a technology-specific environmental assessment. The combination of these two approaches, which so far have only been performed separately, allows a discussion about environmental effects of carbon capture and storage (CCS) implementation strategies on a national level. The results identify the future role of lignite and hard coal in German power production. The implementation of CCS technology leads to a considerable loss of efficiency. Due to CCS, about 50 million t of lignite will be additionally required in 2030 in comparison to the reference case without CCS in 2010. Increasing demand, the replacement of old plants and the compensation of efficiency losses lead to highly ambitious expansion rates. In the case of CCS implementation, the global warming potential (GWP) can be reduced by up to 70%. However, other environmental impacts increase in part considerably. Compliance with national ceilings for NOx emissions can only be reached by compensation measures in other sectors. The results of the environmental assessment demonstrate the significant role of the coal composition, coal origin and the required transport. CO2 pipeline transport and CO2 storage make a fairly minor contribution to the overall environmental impact.  相似文献   

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