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针对现有高压直流输电线路保护可靠性偏低的问题,提出了一种基于状态坐标分析的高压直流输电线路保护方案。在直流线路电流和电压的坐标系中,定义以直流线路2端的电压值和电流值为坐标的点为状态坐标,通过对直流线路故障后状态坐标变化的分析发现,直流线路区内和区外故障后2端状态坐标的变化具有明显的差异,据此构建直流输电线路的保护判据。通过PSCAD仿真验证,结果表明,所提的保护方案具有可靠性高、易于整定和耐受过渡电阻能力强等诸多优点。 相似文献
This paper examines performance of HVDC converters with respect to real and reactive power at the inverter or rectifier following a command for power injected into or taken from the AC system to enhance power system stability. It also considers the effect balanced and unbalanced operation of inverters in asynchronous links has on torsional stressing of large turbine-generator shafts. First a 6-pulse bridge is modeledto determine characteristics for reactive power at both the inverter and rectifier as a function of AC power at the inverter or rectifier. Responses for real and reactive power following transient commands for AC real power are determined for a range of commands for real power to enhance transient performance of the power system. The characteristics relate to a link with typical parameters rated at 200 MW ~ 1000 MW. Performance of a 12-pulse bridge configuration that was modeled is then summarized. Noncharacteristic harmonic currents injected by the inverter into the AC system due to balanced and unbalanced operation of the rectifier in an asynchronous link is then reviewed. Excitation of turbine-generator shaft torsional vibrations by noncharacteristic currents injected into the AC system on account of balanced and unbalanced operation of the rectifier is then discussed. 相似文献
对某600MW汽轮发电机组调试阶段出现的多种振动现象进行了分析.介绍了该机组轴系动平衡方案,分析了动平衡中出现的异常现象,研究了发电机后轴承塑料油档摩擦以及传感器支架刚度不足引起的不稳定振动现象和原因,并对发电机前轴承出现的二倍频振动也进行了研究.采取相应的措施后获得有效处理. 相似文献
火电厂基建调试过程中经常遇到汽轮发电机组振动问题,尤其是机组首次启动时更为常见。针对宁北铝电2号汽轮发电机组5号轴承启动过程中出现轴向振动原因进行分析,并提出了改进措施,确保了机组稳定运行。 相似文献
This paper describes a novel control strategy of voltage source converters (VSC) in large-scale wind farm applications, in order to achieve a constant DC voltage for connecting to the long transmission system based on multi-terminal high voltage direct current (HVDC) technology. The control strategy is based on a multi-loop current and voltage control for tracking the predetermined value of the DC link voltage in the rectifier side station to achieve proper performance in the irregular circumstances of wind farm operation. In addition, the control strategy is able to transmit the maximum input power to the consumption side in different situations in grid side converter. Grid connection of the HVDC system is analysed under two conditions: balanced AC grid, and connection of unbalanced nonlinear load into the AC grid. The control strategy guarantees injection of minimum harmonic current components from the grid to the loads. MATLAB simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy for different types of variations in AC voltage amplitude and frequency of wind turbines output voltage. 相似文献
基于电压和电流突变量方向的高压直流输电线路保护原理 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
对高压直流输电线路故障暂态特征的分析发现,直流线路两侧保护测量处电压突变量与电流突变量的方向特征在发生线路区内和区外故障时不同,由此构成高压直流输电线路保护原理。文中给出了电压、电流突变量方向判别判据和门槛值整定原则,并构造了相应的保护判据。对实际高压直流输电系统仿真的结果表明:提出的保护原理在双极直流输电系统的多种可能运行方式下、各种故障情况下都能正确识别区内、区外故障;在区内故障性雷击、高阻抗接地和极—极故障时能够准确动作。另外,该保护原理对通信通道、采样频率和数据计算速度要求不高。 相似文献
为解决目前直流线路主保护不能反映高阻接地故障的问题,提出了一种检测电流首峰值时间(the first peak time of fault current,FPTFC)的直流线路保护新原理。首先,对两极直流母线上的FPTFC变化特性进行解析与仿真研究,得到其在区内、区外故障情况下的一般变化规律。根据所得规律,安装于一极上的新型保护,以本端换流站另外一极直流母线上的FPTFC作为保护特征量,从而消除了过渡电阻对保护性能的影响。保护功能分两段实现,I段用于区内故障识别,约可以保护本极线路全长的70%;II段用于本极线路末端故障与区外故障的辨识,与I段共同保护线路全长。PSCAD/EMTDC环境下的相关仿真结果验证了新型保护的可行性与实用性。 相似文献
介绍针对700MW等新式大型水轮发电机组进行定子线棒及汇流铜环温升分布测量所采用的新试验方法,并给出在三峡700MW水轮发电机进行试验时的过程及数据,通过分析试验数据证实该试验方法适合700MW等大型发电机组使用,其测量数据准确、可靠,对今后大型发电机组的运行和设计等工作提供参考。 相似文献
研究了电网频率变化对水轮发电机组气隙磁场过饱和、发电机中性点接地装置、阻尼绕组温升及铁心损耗的影响。提出限制发电机运行方式、接地方式等应对策略,保证水轮发电机组能在频率不稳定的电网中可靠运行,为海外工程水轮发电机组选型及运行提供参考。 相似文献
针对某电厂1号机组给水泵汽轮机振动异常增大及汽缸内部存在异常响声的现象,对给水泵汽轮机振动和频率进行测试,采用锤击法对测试点的自由衰减振动信号进行傅立叶变换,并对测试结果进行分析,认为支撑系统的刚性不足是其振动产生的最主要原因;通过制定相应的整治措施,消除了给水泵汽轮机振动大及异响故障,解决了机组不能带满负荷运行的问题... 相似文献
研究了交流系统三相对称故障造成的直流电流变化及故障时刻对HVDC换相失败的影响,由关断角减小到换相失败临界值,推出换相电压值的计算方法。该方法在经典计算方法的基础上,考虑了故障后直流电流的变化,推导了换相电压值与关断角的关系式;在此基础上进一步研究了故障时刻对临界换相电压值的影响,推导了故障时刻与临界换相电压值的关系式。对双极直流系统算例进行了相应的计算分析,并通过时域仿真验证了该分析结果的正确性。研究得出,计算临界换相电压值在计及故障造成的直流电流的变化和故障时刻的影响是不同的,该方法可有效提高理论分析临界换相电压值的计算精度,进一步说明故障后是否发生换相失败,与是否有足够的关断角或相应的反向换相电压时间面积相关。 相似文献
本文提出新型大型发变组主保护方案,其特点是基于故障分量原理,无需发电机中性点量,能够适应于各种绕组结构的发电机。文中围绕新方案的判据和算法,装置的硬软件构成进行讨论,并对动态模拟实验及其结果作了介绍。 相似文献
从确定电机的主要尺寸 ,定子绕组匝数和钢次级的电磁性能相联系的角度出发 ,选取最少的经验数据 ,以获得电机的主要尺寸和有关参数。避免了多次反复计算 ,大大减少了计算工作量 相似文献
Tadasu Takuma Soichi Watanbe Kawamoto Kenichi Yamazaki 《IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering》2006,1(2):131-139
How high an electric field or current is induced inside a human body when exposed to an electromagnetic field has recently attracted much attention. The background for this is twofold; concern about the possible health effects of electromagnetic fields (usually called ‘EMF issues’), and their positive application to medical treatment or new research subjects. This paper reviews various aspects related to this topic in terms of the following items: basic formulas for field calculation, effect of electromagnetic fields, calculation methods, an Investigation Committee in the IEEJ, and future research subjects. © 2006 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献