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In this work, a model based on the finite element method and assumption of second order phase transformation has been developed to predict temperature history and austenite decomposition kinetics during continuous cooling of a low carbon steel. In order to accurately assess the temperature field and transformation rate the effects of various factors such as work hardening role on the kinetics of transformation, interconnection between austenite phase change and thermo-physical properties of the steel, and initial austenite grain size have been considered in the model. To verify the results of the modelling, time-temperature histories during cooling of a low carbon steel has been determined and microstructural studies have been performed. The comparison between the predictions and the experimental results indicates reliability of the proposed model. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(3):296-301
AbstractThe evolution of the final microstructure for a low carbon Nb–Ti microalloyed plate steel was studied during a simulation of thermomechanical processing for hot rolling following by accelerated cooling. The effects of austenite deformation below the non-recrystallisation temperature T NR, cooling rate, and interrupt temperature on the formation of conventional (intergranular) bainite (CB), acicular ferrite (intragranular) (AF), and martensite–austenite (MA) constituents were determined. With increases in austenite deformation and cooling rate, and decrease in the interrupt temperature, the final microstructure changed from a mixture of CB+MA through CB+AF+MA to a dual phase AF+MA. 相似文献
An examination has been made of the kinetics of niobium carbide precipitation in a 18-10-1 austenitic stainless steel in the temperature range 650 to 750° C. Electrical resistance-time plots, thin film electron microscopy and hardness measurements have been employed to follow the ageing sequence. In these alloys the carbides precipitate on undissociated dislocations and in association with stacking faults; these processes are diffusion controlled and have an activation energy of ~318 kJ mol?1. Prior to the reaction beginning a clear incubation period existed, e.g. ~30 h at 650° C and 20 min at 750° C. During the first 10% transformation the carbide nucleation rate increases and the associated faults nucleate and grow rapidly. The carbide nucleation rate appears to peak around this level and then falls away gradually to zero around 70% transformation. At this latter stage fault growth ceases, and transformation continues by a carbide growth process. The age-hardening peak occurs much beyond the end of the reaction by which time precipitate coarsening is in evidence. The precise effect mechanical deformation has upon stacking fault formation depends to a major extent on the niobium supersaturation in the quenched alloy. 相似文献
Eduardo Franco de Monlevade Helio Goldenstein Ivan Gilberto Sandoval Falleiros 《Journal of Materials Science》2010,45(18):5089-5093
A Fe–22.5%Cr–4.53%Ni–3.0%Mo duplex stainless steel was solution treated at 1,325 °C for 1 h, quenched in water and isothermally
treated at 900 °C for 5,000 s. The crystallography of austenite was studied using EBSD technique. Intragranular austenite
particles formed from delta ferrite are shown to nucleate on inclusions, and to be subdivided in twin-related sub-particles.
Intragranular austenite appears to have planar-only orientation relationships with the ferrite matrix, close to Kurdjumov–Sachs
and Nishyiama–Wassermann, but not related to a conjugate direction. Samples treated at 900 °C underwent sparse formation of
sigma phase and pronounced growth of elongated austenite particles, very similar to acicular ferrite. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(6):686-692
AbstractThree different morphologies of pearlite have been formed isothermally at three different temperatures in a eutectoid steel. Moreover, the interlamellar spacing of the pearlite was calculated using the Zener and Hillert theoretical method. Experimental results suggest that the growth of pearlite is mainly controlled by volume diffusion of carbon in austenite, in the temperature range studied in this steel. In addition, a model that describes pearlite to austenite transformation during continuous heating in a eutectoid steel has been developed. The influence of structural parameters, such as interlamellar spacing and edge length of pearlite colonies, on the transformation kinetics has been experimentally studied and considered in the modeling. It has been found that the kinetics of pearlite to austenite transformation are slower the coarser the initial pearlite microstructure. Experimental validation of this model has been carried out and a good agreement (an accuracy level of higher than 90% in square correlation factor) between the experimental and calculated values has been found. 相似文献
Effect of austenite grain size on isothermal bainite transformation in low carbon microalloyed steel
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(11):1657-1663
AbstractThe effect of austenite grain size on isothermal bainite transformation in a low carbon microalloyed steel was studied by means of optical microscopy, SEM and TEM. Two widely varying austenite grain sizes, a fine average grain size (~20 μm) and a coarse average grain size (~260 μm), were obtained by different maximum heating temperatures. The results showed that the morphology of isothermal microstructure changes from bainite without carbide precipitation to bainitic ferrite with a decrease in holding temperature. Coarse austenite grain can retard the kinetics of bainite transformation and increase the incubation time of bainite transformation by reducing the number of nucleation site, but it does not influence the nose temperature of the C curve of bainite start transformation, which is ~534°C. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(3):287-294
AbstractThe present paper introduces the Gaussian process model for the empirical modelling of the formation of austenite during the continuous heating of steels. A previous paper has examined the application of neural networks to this problem, but the Gaussian process model is a more general probabilistic model which avoids some of the arbitrariness of neural networks, and is somewhat more amenable to interpretation. It is demonstrated that the model leads to an improvement in the significance of the trends of the Ac1 and Ac3 temperatures as a function of the chemical composition and heating rate. In some cases, these predicted trends are more plausible than those obtained with the neural network analysis. Additionally, it is shown that many of the trace alloying elements present in steels are irrelevant in determining the austenite formation temperatures. 相似文献
Effect of austenite microstructure and cooling rate on transformation characteristics in a low carbon Nb-V microalloyed steel 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M. OlasoloP. Uranga J.M. Rodriguez-Ibabe B. López 《Materials Science and Engineering: A》2011,528(6):2559-2569
Deformation dilatometry has been used to simulate controlled hot rolling followed by cooling of a Nb-V low carbon steel, looking for conditions corresponding to wide austenite grain size distributions prior to transformation. Recrystallization and non-recrystallization deformation schedules were applied, followed by controlled cooling at rates from 0.1 °C/s to about 200 °C/s, and the corresponding continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams were constructed. The resultant microstructures ranged from polygonal ferrite (PF) and pearlite (P) at slow cooling rates to bainitic ferrite (BF) accompanied by martensite (M) for fast cooling rates. Plastic deformation of the parent austenite accelerated both ferrite and bainite transformations, displacing the CCT curve to higher temperatures and shorter times. However, it was found that the accelerating effect of strain on bainite transformation weakened as the cooling rate diminished and the polygonal ferrite formation was enhanced. Moreover, it was found that plastic deformation had different effects on the refinement of the microstructure, depending on the cooling rate. An analysis of the microstructural heterogeneities that can impair toughness behavior has been done. 相似文献
Rangasayee Kannan Yiyu Wang Rebekah Bannister Muhammad Rashid 《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(18):2271-2286
The homogenisation (Stage III) of austenite during non-equilibrium heating of hypereutectoid steels has been characterised for the first time through dilatometric strain measurements and electron microscopic techniques. It has been found that the homogenisation temperature (Ach) is significantly higher than the cementite dissolution temperature (Acm). Though there is a complete conversion of low-temperature constituents to austenite above the Acm, a significant segregation of carbon in the austenite is observed below the Ach. Performing heat treatment with an incomplete austenitisation between the Acm and the Ach temperature can affect the subsequent on-cooling phase transformations. It is proposed that the Ach temperature should be used as the full austenitisation temperature in hypereutectoid steels. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(3):266-272
AbstractAustenite formation during a continuous heating in a low carbon niobium microalloyed steel with a pearlite and ferrite initial microstructure has been studied. Characteristic transformation temperatures, Ac 1, Ac θ and Ac 3 and the evolution of austenite formation have been determined by combining dilatometry and metallography in a range of heating rates from 0˙05 to 10 K s–1. It has been observed that nucleation and growth of austenite depends highly on the applied heating rate. At low heating rates (0˙05 K s–1) nucleation of austenite takes place both at pearlite nodules and at ferrite grain boundaries, while for higher heating rates (≥0˙5 K s–1), nucleation at grain boundaries is barely present compared to the nucleation at pearlite nodules. The heating rate also affects the austenite growth path and morphology and, thus, the distribution of martensite in the dual phase microstructure obtained at room temperature. 相似文献
C. Garcia-Mateo F. G. Caballero M. K. Miller J. A. Jimenez 《Journal of Materials Science》2012,47(2):1004-1010
In this study, the carbon content of retained austenite in a nanostructured bainitic steel was measured by atom probe tomography and compared with data derived from the austenite lattice parameter determined by X-ray diffraction. The results provide new evidence about the heterogeneous distribution of carbon in austenite, a fundamental issue controlling ductility in this type of microstructure. 相似文献
The effect of varying normalising and hardening temperatures on the prior austenite grain size in a low alloy Cr–Mo–Ni–V steel
has been examined. An initial relative insensitivity of grain size to increasing austenitising temperature was observed followed
by a sudden growth of grains at approximately 1000 °C. A detailed study of the precipitates in the steel showed the presence
of a bimodal size distribution of vanadium carbides. The grain size increase is attributed to a decrease in volume fraction
and an increase in size of V4C3 particles with increasing temperature. 相似文献
AbstractDirect current (DC) glow discharge plasma nitriding was carried out on three selected surface-roughened AISI 304 stainless steel samples at 833 K under 4 mbar pressures for 24 h in the presence of N2:H2 gas mixtures of 50 : 50 ratios. After plasma nitriding, the phase formation, case depth, surface roughness, and microhardness of a plasma-nitrided layer were evaluated by glancing angle x-ray diffractogram, optical microscope, stylus profilometer, and Vickers microhardness tester techniques. The case depth, surface hardness, and phase formation variations were observed with a variation in initial surface roughness. The diffraction patterns of the plasma-nitrided samples showed the modified intensities of the α and γ phases along with those of the CrN, Fe4N, and Fe3N phases. Hardness and case depth variations were observed with a variation in surface roughness. A maximum hardness of 1058 Hv and a case depth of 95 μm were achieved in least surface-roughened samples. 相似文献