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研究双闭室复合材料薄壁梁的结构阻尼特性。基于单层混杂材料的细观力学阻尼计算方法和多胞模型,分别获得单层复合材料的等效阻尼特性和等效弹性特性;基于变分渐进法(VAM)和Hamilton原理,建立双闭室复合材料薄壁梁振动方程;采用Galerkin法对薄壁梁进行自由振动分析;在获得薄壁梁振动模态矢量的基础上,根据最大应变能理论,对薄壁梁的模态阻尼性能进行预测,并且将阻尼预测的结果与现有的有限元计算结果进行对比,验证了本文阻尼分析模型的有效性。进一步针对四种种构型双闭室复合材料薄壁箱形梁,进行阻尼计算,揭示了纤维铺层角和纤维含量的影响。  相似文献   

The structural integrity of a flap-track beam (FTB) made from non-crimp fabric composites and assembled using mechanical fasteners and adhesively bonded joints is investigated using full-scale experiments and numerical modeling. The FTB, being an aircraft structural component, has been selected as the verification structure and demonstrator of a novel material-driven design concept aiming to progressively replace mechanical fasteners by adhesively bonded joints and introduce fabric composites of enhanced through-thickness properties in aero-structures. For the sake of investigation, the FTB has been subjected to a combination of static and fatigue loading conditions taken from realistic load-scenarios. Due to size and complexity of the structure and testing demands, a special test-rig was developed for the occasion. During loading, the response of the structure has being fully monitored using a network of sensors along with an optical measurement system. After loading, the health of the structure was monitored using non-destructive inspection. Complementary to mechanical testing, a 3D detailed FE model was developed for virtual experimenting. On the basis of the model, progressive damage modeling has been implemented to simulate initiation and progression of composite failure as well as debonding. Both experiments and model have shown that the composite FTB is capable to effectively carry the load which the original fastened metallic FTB has been designed to carry. Localized damage that has no significant effect on the integrity of the structure has been detected at fastener areas and bonded joints containing initial defects. Between experiments and model a satisfactory agreement has been achieved considering the uncertainties in experimental procedure and numerical errors of the model.  相似文献   

Failure analysis in postbuckled composite T-sections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Blade-stiffened skin designs made of composite materials have the potential to produce highly efficient structures, when the large strength reserves in the postbuckling range are utilised. This paper investigates the failure under postbuckling deformations of T-section specimens cut from a blade-stiffened panel, by comparing experimental results to finite element models. In the experimental work, T-section specimens with a particular lay-up and geometry were tested to failure in antisymmetric and symmetric loading rigs. These loading rigs simulate deformations on skin-stiffener interfaces during panel postbuckling. For the numerical analysis, two-dimensional models of the interface cross-section were used with a strength-based criterion that monitored failure within each ply. The use of a zero-thickness layer of cohesive elements has also been investigated in order to simulate the delamination behaviour. The numerical predictions are compared to the experimental results in terms of the failure load, specimen stiffness and specimen behaviour. The analysis approach is shown to be capable of predicting the critical damage locations and initiation loads for both antisymmetric and symmetric loadings. The successful prediction of failure in skin-stiffener interfaces can be linked to a global-local approach for efficient analysis of large, fuselage-representative composite structures.  相似文献   

Hybrid joints are a combination of adhesive bonding and mechanical fastening and are known to combine the advantages of both joint types. In this paper, we evaluate and compare the strengths of mechanical joints, adhesive joints and hybrid composite joints. We manufactured and tested 10 hybrid joint specimens with different width-to-diameter (w/d) ratios, edge-to-diameter (e/d) ratios and adherend thicknesses. Additionally, the strengths of the hybrid joints were predicted using the Failure Area Index (FAI) method and the damage zone method, and we compared our theoretical predictions with our experimental results. From these data, we were able to predict hybrid joint strengths to within 23.0%.  相似文献   

The use of the conventional semi-analytical stiffness method in finite element analysis, in which interpolation polynomials are used to develop the stiffness relationships, leads to problems of curvature locking when beam-type elements are developed for composite members with partial interaction between the materials of which it is comprised. The curvature locking phenomenon that occurs for composite steel–concrete members is quite well reported, and the general approach to minimizing the undesirable ramifications of curvature locking has been to use higher-order polynomials with increasing numbers of internal nodes. This paper presents an alternate formulation based on a direct stiffness approach rather than starting from pre-defined interpolation polynomials, and which does not possess the undesirable locking characteristics. The formulation is based on a more general approach for a bi-material composite flexural member, whose constituent materials are joined by elastic shear connection so as to provide partial interaction. The stiffness relationships are derived, and these are applied to a simply supported and a continuous steel–concrete composite beam to demonstrate the efficacy of the method, and in particular its ability to model accurately both very flexible and very stiff shear connection that causes difficulties when implemented in competitive semi-analytical algorithms. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The ply delamination which is known as a principle mode of failure of layered composites due to separation along the interfaces of the layers is one of the main concerns in designing of composite material structures. In this regard, the effect of hybrid laminate lay-up with different delamination positions in composite beam was investigated. The Charpy impact test was chosen to study the energy absorbing capability of delaminated composite beam. Hybrid composite beams were fabricated from combination of glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy composites. It was shown that composite beams with closer position of delamination to impacted surface are able to absorb more energy in comparison with other delamination positions in hybrid and non-hybrid ones. The Charpy impact test of delaminated composite beams was also simulated by finite element software LS-DYNA and the results were verified with the relevant experimental results.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to develop kenaf-glass (KG) fibres reinforced unsaturated polyester hybrid composite on a source of green composite using sheet moulding compound process. Unsaturated polyester resin (UPE) and KG fibres in mat form were used at a ratio of 70:30 (by volume) with treated and untreated kenaf fibre. The kenaf fibre was treated with 6% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) diluted solution for 3 h using mercerization method. The hybrid composites were tested for flexural, tensile and Izod impact strength using ASTM D790-03, ASTM D618 and ASTM D256-04 standards respectively. The highest flexural, tensile and impact strength were obtained from treated kenaf with 15/15 v/v KG fibres reinforced UPE hybrid composite in this investigation.Scanning electron microscopy fractography showed fibre cracking, debonding and fibre pulled-out as the main fracture mode of composites and kenaf treated 15/15 v/v KG reinforced hybrid composite exhibited better interfacial bonding between the matrix and reinforcement compared to other combinations.  相似文献   

The structural analysis of thin composite structures requires robust and effective shell elements. In this paper the variational formulation is based on a Hu–Washizu functional with independent displacements, stress resultants and shell strains. For the independent shell strains an additional interpolation part is introduced. This yields an improved convergence behaviour especially for laminated shells with coupled membrane and bending stiffness. The developed mixed hybrid shell element possesses the correct rank and fulfills the in–plane and bending patch test. The formulation is tested by several nonlinear examples including bifurcation and post–buckling response. The essential feature of the new element is the robustness in nonlinear computations with large rigid body motions. It allows very large load steps in comparison to standard displacement models.  相似文献   

In this paper, a model and an algorithm for creation of the characteristic matrices of a composite beam with a single transverse fatigue crack are presented. The element developed has been applied in analysing the influence of the crack parameters (position and relative depth) and the material parameters (relative volume and fibre angle) on changes in the first four transverse natural frequencies of the composite beam made from unidirectional composite material.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the application of a procedure, developed by Reddy & Reddy [ Composites Science and Technology 1992, 44, 227–255], for the evaluation of the first ply-failure load in multilayered composite plates. The procedure, which is based on the use of the finite element method (FEM) and which is suitable for the analysis of generally loaded plates, uses the non-linear von Karman formulation and, therefore, allows comparison of the failure loads in both the linear and the geometrically non-linear behaviour. Nevertheless, the use of the Newton-Raphson technique in searching the non-linear equilibrium points restricts its application to the case of plates without limit-point behaviour. The displacement model adopted in the FEM formulation is the traditional firstorder Reissner-Mindlin plate model that takes the shear deformation effect into consideration. Concerning the failure criteria, the analysis is based on a tensor polynomial criterion to which all other polynomial and independent criteria are brought back as particular cases. The study refers to the failure analysis of thin and thick plates under a uniformly distributed transverse load. Furthermore, a comparison of the failure criteria when the shear stresses are evaluated by means of the constitutive equations and by means of the local equilibrium equations is carried out. Finally, adopting a very simple degradation model of the mechanical properties to account for the stiffness decrease consequent to the failure, the qualitative behaviour of plates after the first non-catastrophic failure is also presented.  相似文献   

结合均匀化模型和加筋单元模型构造了一种混合模型用来分析复合材料格栅加筋板/壳结构(AGS)。所构造的加筋单元模型是一种高性能协调转角独立加筋板壳单元,保持了肋骨和蒙皮位移场的协调性,同时还满足肋骨和蒙皮具有独立转动条件,该单元中肋骨的方向和位置任意。混合法具有精度高、速度快等特点。通过典型算例讨论了肋骨间距和高度对均匀化模型计算结果精度的影响,通过对带孔复合材料AGS板孔边特殊点应力值的分析证明了混合法的有效性。   相似文献   

针对轴力作用下部分作用组合梁的振动,给出了基于状态空间列式的求解方法,并导出了自由振动频率方程.进一步利用辛内积的概念,针对工程中常见的边界条件证明了振动模态的正交性,进而采用模态叠加法进行了瞬态响应分析,得到了移动集中荷载作用下该组合梁的动力响应.最后,给出了数值算例,计算了屈曲荷载,讨论了轴力对固有振动频率的影响以及对移动集中荷载作用下的部分作用组合梁的瞬态响应的影响.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop a finite element model for optimal design of composite laminated thin-walled beam structures, with geometrically nonlinear behavior, including post-critical behavior. A continuation paper will be presented with design optimization applications of this model. The structural deformation is described by an updated Lagrangean formulation. The structural response is determined by a displacement controlled continuation method. A two-node Hermitean beam element is used. The beams are made from an assembly of flat-layered laminated composite panels. Beam cross-section mass and stiffness property matrices are presented.

Design sensitivities are imbedded into the finite element modeling and assembled in order to perform the structural design sensitivity analysis. The adjoint structure method is used. The lamina orientation and the laminate thickness are selected as the design variables. Displacement, failure index, critical load and natural frequency are considered as performance measures. The critical load constraint calculated as the limit point of the nonlinear response is also considered, but a new method is proposed, replacing it by a displacement constraint.  相似文献   

The present paper is concerned with a phenomenological model to perform the failure analysis of composite adhesive single lap joints with arbitrary glued area. The theory is conceived for joints composed by highly resistant elastic adherends bonded with brittle–elastic adhesives. It is shown that, under certain conditions, the rupture forces (in the case of monotonic loading) and lifetimes (in the case of cyclic loading) of two joints with different glued areas can be correlated using a shape factor. Results from experimental static and fatigue testing of joints with carbon/epoxy laminates bonded with epoxy adhesive and different bonding areas are compared with model prediction showing a good agreement.  相似文献   

In this paper, the thermal buckling and postbuckling behaviours of a composite beam with embedded shape memory alloy (SMA) wires are investigated analytically. For the purpose of enhancing the critical buckling temperature and reducing the lateral deflection for the thermal buckling, the characteristics of thermal buckling are investigated through the use of the shape recovery force associated with SMA wire actuators. The results of both thermal buckling and postbuckling behaviours present quantitatively how the shape recovery force affects the thermal buckling behaviour. The analytical results show that the shape recovery force reduces the thermal expansion of the composite laminated beam, which results in both an increment of the critical buckling temperature and also a reduction of the lateral deflection of postbuckling behaviours. A new formula is also proposed to describe the critical buckling temperature of the laminated composite beam with embedded SMA wire actuators.  相似文献   

It is estimated that the annual world car production rate will reach 76 million vehicles per year by 2020. New regulations such as the EU End of Life Vehicles (ELV) regulations are forcing car manufacturers to consider the environmental impact of their production and possibly shift from the use of synthetic materials to the use of agro-based materials. Poor mechanical properties and certain manufacturing limitations currently limit the use of agro-based materials to non-structural and semi-structural automotive components. The hybridization of natural fiber with glass fiber provides a method to improve the mechanical properties over natural fibers alone. This research is focused on a hybrid of kenaf/glass fiber to enhance the desired mechanical properties for car bumper beams as automotive structural components with modified sheet molding compound (SMC). A specimen without any modifier is tested and compared with a typical bumper beam material called glass mat thermoplastic (GMT). The results indicate that some mechanical properties such as tensile strength, Young’s modulus, flexural strength and flexural modulus are similar to GMT, but impact strength is still low, and shows the potential for utilization of hybrid natural fiber in some car structural components such as bumper beams.  相似文献   

The authors extend the closed-form bonded joint linear elastic analysis method of Delale et al. [Delale F, Erdogan F, Aydinoglu MN. Stresses in adhesively bonded joints: a closed-form solution. J Compos Mater 1981;15:249–71] and Bigwood and Crocrombie [Bigwood DA, Crocombe AD. Elastic analysis and engineering design formulae for bonded joints. Int J Adhes Adhes 1989;9(4):229–42] to include the composite deformation mechanisms and the thermal residual strains that arise in hybrid metal-composite joints such as those presented by bonded composite repairs applied to metallic aircraft structures. The analytical predictions for the adhesive stresses and the compliance are compared to the results of a linear elastic finite element model that has itself been validated by comparison with experimental results. The results are applied to the problem of coupled linear extension and bending of a bonded composite repair applied to a cracked aluminum substrate. The resulting stress intensity factor and crack-opening displacement in the repaired plate are compared to the results of a three-dimensional finite element analysis, and also exhibit excellent results. Throughout the text, observations are made regarding the practical application of the results to failure prediction in hybrid joints, whereby the authors demonstrate the need for consistency in the analytical methods used to determine the fatigue and failure of composites from the coupon level to the analysis of the final structural details.  相似文献   

In this paper, linear and non-linear 3-D solutions are presented for hybrid composite laminates subjected to uniform transverse loadings. The perturbation method and a variational principle are used to obtain solutions which satisfy the linear and non-linear 3-D differential equations of equilibrium, the strain/displacement relations, the stress/strain relations, the boundary conditions and the continuity conditions at layer interfaces. The distributions of displacements and stresses in the plates are shown. The effect of different non-linearities on laminated plates is considered, and the importance of transverse shear stresses and transverse normal stress is analysed.  相似文献   

The random critical-core probability model is adapted to model a unidirectionally arrayed hybrid sheet with alternating low elongation fibers and high elongation fibers. Utilizing this model in conjunction with the results of the stress analysis by Fukuda and Chou, both the first failure and ultimate failure of the hybrid are analysed. The concept of the hybrid effect for strains has been clarified and quantitative evaluation of the part of the hybrid effect which is not of thermal origin has been done. Numerical results are compared with available experimental data. A reasonable agreement is found between the analytical predictions and the experimental results.  相似文献   

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