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Six experiments apply the masked priming paradigm to investigate how letter position information is computed during printed word perception. Primes formed by a subset of the target's letters facilitated target recognition as long as the relative position of letters was respected across prime and target (e.g., "arict" vs. "acirt" as primes for the target "apricot"). Priming effects were not influenced by whether or not absolute, length-dependent position was respected (e.g., "a-ric-t" vs. "arict"/"ar-i-ct"). Position of overlap of relative-position primes (e.g., apric-apricot; ricot-apricot; arict-apricot) was found to have little influence on the size of priming effects, particularly in conditions (i.e., 33 ms prime durations) where there was no evidence for phonological priming. The results constrain possible schemes for letter position coding. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the present study we investigate the effect of context—that is, a prime—on migration errors. Migration errors, or migrations, are caused by perceptual interactions between two words in a visual display, such as line–lace. After postcuing, subjects sometimes report lane or lice, instead of the requested word line. This phenomenon has been demonstrated by previous studies. In the experiments reported here, we replicate this phenomenon. We also find that more migrations of the lane type occur (compared with lice type), when the display line–lace is preceded by a prime related to lane (but not to lice). This shows that higher order word knowledge, in the form of semantic relations between words, influences the migration phenomenon. Further, we show that the number of migration errors are not a result of only a summation of activation from the letters in the display. The method we developed to isolate context-dependent migrations also gives valuable information about the effect of contextual information on word perception. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Magnitude judgments of the speed of self-motion were examined. The principal independent variables were edge rate, global optical flow rate, and the type of texture (grid or dot). Results indicated that edge rate and global optical flow rate had additive effects on magnitude judgments, with edge rate accounting for a larger portion of the variance. Effects were independent of texture type. Secondary variables examined were viewing condition and task load. Attempts were made to control the availability of flatness cues. Evidence indicates that the effectiveness of global optical flow rate varied with the control of flatness cues. A secondary running auditory Sternberg task (S. Sternberg, 1969) was used to prevent edge counting; the presence of this task did not reduce the effect of edge rate. These results replicate and extend previous work by D. H. Owen and colleagues (1984 and 1987). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the hypothesis that the accuracy with which a briefly shown word is perceived depends on both the affective tone of the word and the activation of the corresponding memory code. To increase activation, expectation and word frequency were manipulated. Ss were exposed to a 25-ms flash of a target word. They then chose, from a word pair, the target word. In half the trials, this word pair was given before the flash to create an expectation. Consistent with the hypothesis, when the words were infrequent, accuracy in perception was lower for affective than for neutral words regardless of expectation. When the words were frequent, there was no effect of affective tone in the absence of expectation; in the presence of expectation, accuracy was higher for affective than for neutral words. The valence of the affective words had no effect. Results are interpreted in terms of attentional mechanisms implicated in conscious perception. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Five experiments examined repetition effects on tachistoscopic word identification with masked and unmasked primes varying in lag (to the targets) and word frequency. Qualitative differences in lag effects were found between masked and unmasked primes, with only unmasked primes producing long-lasting repetition effects. Masked primes facilitated performance under conditions in which subjects did not discriminate the presence of prime letter strings; unmasked primes only facilitated target identification when there were visual cues segmenting primes from targets. These qualitative differences between masked and unmasked primes were attributed to effects occurring within a perceptual event (with masked primes) relative to those occurring across events (with unmasked primes). The relevance of the data for understanding both the word repetition effect and event perception in reading is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Asked 81 1st graders and 45 2nd graders to identify digraphs and trigraphs of high-frequency occurrence embedded in strings of 5 or 7 letters. Ss responded more frequently and more accurately to target items located at the beginning and end of the letter strings. Although success was unrelated to the frequency of occurrence of digraphs or trigraphs, the performance of 2nd graders was superior to that of 1st graders. Results suggest that since experience or instruction in reading does have an effect, frequency of occurrence in text may be an inadequate measure of the frequency with which students are exposed to the graphemic units studied. Skill in identifying word chunks was significantly related to measures of other elementary reading subskills and teacher ratings of oral reading proficiency. (French summary) (18 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Composite facial expressions were prepared by aligning the top half of one expression (e.g., anger) with the bottom half of another (e.g., happiness). Experiment 1 shows that participants are slower to identify the expression in either half of these composite images relative to a "noncomposite" control condition in which the 2 halves are misaligned. This parallels the composite effect for facial identity (A. W. Young, D. Hellawell, & D. C. Hay, 1987), and like its identity counterpart, the effect is disrupted by inverting the stimuli (Experiment 2). Experiment 3 shows that no composite effect is found when the top and bottom sections contain different models' faces posing the same expression; this serves to exclude many nonconfigural interpretations of the composite effect (e.g., that composites are more "attention-grabbing" than noncomposites). Finally, Experiment 4 demonstrates that the composite effects for identity and expression operate independently of one another. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated whether previously reported relationships between nonfluency and information value in 8 undergraduate stutterers' spontaneous speech were mediated by other more basic relationships. Information value was found to be strongly related to word length, but not to sentence position, initial sound, or occurrence of nonfluency. Also, word length was related to nonfluency, suggesting that previous relationships between stuttering and information might have been an artifact of the relationship of both variables to word length. Reexamination of previous data suggests somewhat similar conclusions for stutterers when reading, but not for nonstutterers either reading or speaking. Thus, the properties of nonfluency in stutterers may be somewhat different from those in normals, suggesting that stuttering is not simply a pathological exaggeration of normal nonfluency. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 13(3) of Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (see record 2008-10755-001). In the aforementioned article, Figures 1 and 2 were inadvertently transposed. The figure on p. 294 is actually Figure 2, and the figure on p. 296 is actually Figure 1. The captions are correct as they stand.] Two experiments are reported that demonstrate contextual effects on identification of speech voicing continua. Experiment 1 demonstrated the infuence of lexical knowledge on identification of ambiguous tokens from word–nonword and nonword–word continua. Reaction times for word and nonword responses showed a word advantage only for ambiguous stimulus tokens (at the category boundary); no word advantage was found for clear stimuli (at the continua endpoints). Experiment 2 demonstrated an effect of a postperceptual variable, monetary payoff, on nonword–nonword continua. Identification responses were influenced by monetary payoff, but reaction times for bias-consistent and bias-inconsistent responses did not differ at the category boundary. An advantage for bias-consistent responses was evident at the continua endpoints. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Five experiments were conducted to investigate how subsyllabic, syllabic, and prosodic information is processed in Cantonese monosyllabic word production. A picture-word interference task was used in which a target picture and a distractor word were presented simultaneously or sequentially. In the first 3 experiments with visually presented distractors, null effects on naming latencies were found when the distractor and the picture name shared the onset, the rhyme, the tone, or both the onset and tone. However, significant facilitation effects were obtained when the target and the distractor shared the rhyme + tone (Experiment 2), the segmental syllable (Experiment 3), or the syllable + tone (Experiment 3). Similar results were found in Experiments 4 and 5 with spoken rather than visual distractors. Moreover, a significant facilitation effect was observed in the rhyme-related condition in Experiment 5, and this effect was not affected by the degree of phonological overlap between the target and the distractor. These results are interpreted in an interactive model, which allows feedback sending from the subsyllabic to the lexical level during the phonological encoding stage in Cantonese word production. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Infants' representations of the sound patterns of words were explored by examining the effects of talker variability on the recognition of words in fluent speech. Infants were familiarized with isolated words (e.g., cup and dog) from 1 talker and then heard 4 passages produced by another talker, 2 of which included the familiarized words. At 7.5 months of age, infants attended longer to passages with the familiar words for materials produced by 2 female talkers or 2 male talkers but not for materials by a male and a female talker. These findings suggest a strong role for talker-voice similarity in infants' ability to generalize word tokens. By 10.5 months, infants could generalize different instances of the same word across talkers of the opposite sex. One implication of the present results is that infants' initial representations of the sound structure of words not only include phonetic information but also indexical properties relating to the vocal characteristics of particular talkers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A dual read-out model of context effects in letter perception is described that predicts forced-choice accuracy in the Reicher paradigm and its relation to word reportability. It is hypothesized that a correct choice to a letter in a word context is made when either the correct letter representation or a word representation containing the correct letter in the correct position reaches a response threshold (a criterion level of activation). This hypothesis was implemented using the basic architecture of the interactive activation model (J. L. McClelland & D. E. Rumelhart, 1981) in its semistochastic variant (A. M. Jacobs & J. Grainger, 1992). The model successfully captures the data of J. C. Johnston (1978), otherwise thought to be critically damaging for this type of model, and accurately predicts performance in a series of new experiments using the Reicher paradigm. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 5 picture-word interference experiments the activation of word class information was investigated. The first experiment, in which subjects used bare nouns to describe the pictures, failed to reveal any interference effect of noun distractor words as opposed to closed-class distractor words. In the next 4 experiments the pictures were named by using a definite determiner and the noun completing a sentence fragment. The data demonstrate that noun distractors interfere more strongly with picture naming than do non-noun distractors. This held for both visual and auditory presentation of the distractor words. The interference effect showed up in a time window where semantic interference can usually be observed, supporting the assumption that at an early stage of lexical access semantic and syntactic activation processes overlap. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cross-modal semantic priming and phoneme monitoring experiments investigated processing of word-final nonreleased stop consonants (e.g., kit may be pronounced /kIt/ or /kI/), which are common phonological variants in American English. Both voiced /d/ and voiceless /t/ segments were presented in release and no-release versions. A cross-modal semantic priming task (Experiment 1) showed comparable priming for /d/ and /t/ versions. A second set of stimuli ending in /s/ were presented as intact, missing /s/, or with a mismatching final segment and showed significant but reduced priming for the latter two conditions. Experiment 2 showed that phoneme monitoring reaction time for release and no-release words and onset mismatching stimuli (derived pseudowords) increased as acoustic-phonetic similarity to the intended word decreased. The results suggest that spoken word recognition does not require special mechanisms for processing no-release variants. Rather, the results can be accounted for by means of existing assumptions concerning probabilistic activation that is based on partial activation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Individuals must often coordinate information in working memory with information from perception. The demands of coordination have been analyzed in terms of the cost to switch attention. Coordination is considered in terms of the organization of control processes. Ss in 4 experiments performed list-processing tasks that sometimes required alternation between sets of items that were held in working memory or were currently displayed. Exp 1 demonstrated that performance was slower and more error-prone when alternating between sets than when reporting a single set. On alternation tasks, latency varied with serial position, indicating that Ss paused between pairs of responses. In Exp 2, this serial position function was observed for tasks requiring alternation between sets of information in the same modality (memory or perception). Exps 3 and 4 demonstrate that this effect depends on the requirement to generate a new sequence of responses. A model of control processes for coordination is developed and tested. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the 1st experiment, 219 boys and 217 girls in 10th grade classified algebraic word problems in terms of whether the problems contained missing, sufficient, or irrelevant information for solution. Among students with similar levels of general mathematical ability, girls were less likely than boys to identify missing or irrelevant information within problems. More girls than boys perceived irrelevant information within the text of a problem as being necessary for solution. In the 2nd experiment, 11th-grade girls (n?=?234), who were as able as boys (n?=?287) to solve algebraic word problems containing sufficient information, had lower solution rates than did boys on problems containing irrelevant information. On the latter problems, the girls more often incorporated the irrelevant information into their attempted solution than did the boys. The results point to differences between boys and girls in knowledge of problem structure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

M. A. Pitt (see record 1995-42750-001) studied the joint influence of phonological information and lexical context in W. F. Ganong's (1980) task. Pitt improved on earlier studies by collecting enough observations to make possible the quantitative analyses of an individual's data. The present article shows that the results of such analyses demonstrate that the integration of phonological information and lexical context is very well accounted for by the fuzzy logical model of perception (FLMP). Although Pitt concluded that the results of his research argued against the FLMP in favor of an interactive feedback system, his conclusion was based on an analysis of transformed results. It is argued that this use of a response transformation led to incorrect conclusions and that ultimately, models must be tested directly against observed behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present experiment used 2 different eye-contingent display change techniques to determine whether information is extracted from English text even when it is to the left of the currently fixated word. Preview display changes were during the 1st saccade entering the target word region, whereas postview display changes were during the 1st saccade leaving that region. Previews and postviews were either identical, related, or unrelated to the target word. "Wrong" information in the target-word region affected reading even when that information was seen only after readers were fixating to the right of that region: When readers skipped the target word, such information caused readers to regress to the target word more; when readers initially fixated the target word, such information increased "2nd-pass" processing time on the target region. The data suggest that readers often still attend to a word after it is skipped and that when readers fixate a word, they occasionally attend to the word after they have begun to fixate the next word. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted 2 experiments to determine the extent to which attention plays a role in the phonemic restoration illusion and to infer from this the nature of attention in auditory word perception. Exp I examined the effect of training on the magnitude of the phonemic restoration illusion. 24 Ss received training with the potentially restorable stimuli (972 trials with feedback); in addition, the presence or absence of an attentional cue, contained in a visual prime preceeding each trial, was varied between groups of Ss. Findings reveal that cuing the identity and location of the critical phoneme of each test word allowed Ss to attend to the critical phoneme, thereby inhibiting the illusion, but only when the prime also identified the test word itself. Exp II was a 2-part replication of Exp I, using 92 Ss and some modifications of the conditions. Results show that when the prime provided only the identity or location of the critical phoneme, or only the identity of the word, Ss performed identically to those Ss for whom the prime contained no information at all about the test word. Training did not produce any generalized learning about the types of stimuli used. Results indicate that attention is necessary to perceive phonemic units selectively and is focused through the level that has primacy in the perception of spoken words, the mental lexicon. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Stroop effect is cut in half by adding a neutral word to the display. D. Kahneman and D. Chajczyk's (see record 1984-05774-001) "attention capture" account of "Stroop dilution" holds word recognition to be involuntary but strictly serial. The authors compared attention capture to 3 alternatives involving parallel rather than serial processing: In the lexicon, activation is divided among multiple words; postlexically, multiple words race for access to response processes; or prelexically, feature processing is degraded by multiple patterns whether or not they are words. Results support the latter. Multiple patterns are processed in parallel. If any are color words, Stroop effects occur but are reduced because any color word's input to lexical memory is lower in quality than if a single color word were the only pattern. Thus, lexical encoding is involuntary but can operate on several input representations in parallel, with effectiveness determined by input quality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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