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目的 像素置换作为一种可逆信息隐藏方式具有良好的抗灰度直方图隐写分析能力,但嵌入容量偏小一直是其缺陷。针对这一问题,提出了一种基于像素置换的自适应可逆信息隐藏算法。方法 首先,与传统2×2像素块结构相比构造了尺寸更小的像素对结构,使得载体图像可以被更稠密地分割,为嵌入容量的提升提供了基数条件。其次,提出适用于该新像素结构的可嵌像素对(EPP)筛选条件,避免嵌入过程引起图像质量大幅下降。之后,根据EPP的灰度趋势差异对其进行自适应预编码,提高Huffman编码压缩比,进一步提升算法嵌入容量。最终,通过像素置换嵌入信息。结果 与2×2像素块结构的非自适应图像隐写算法相比,在同样保证灰度直方图稳定性的情况下该算法的PSNR提高了32%左右,嵌入容量提高了95%以上。其中自适应性对嵌入容量提升的贡献极大。结论 本文算法同时具有抗灰度直方图隐写分析能力与高嵌入容量性的可逆信息隐藏。算法构造了更高效的可嵌单位,并且针对不同载体图像的特点对其可嵌区域进行差异化编码。实验结果表明,本文算法在具有更好的不可见性的同时,嵌入容量得到大幅提升。  相似文献   

基于预测误差差值扩展和最低有效位替换的可逆数据隐藏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将差值扩展技术应用于彩色图像,提出一种基于预测误差差值扩展和最低有效位(LSB)替换的彩色图像可逆数据隐藏算法。针对传统差值扩展技术存在过分修改像素灰度值、定位图偏大等缺点,首先利用色彩分量间的相关性减小差值,并将差值扩展量分散到两个色彩分量中;其次,改变差值扩展公式以减少不可扩展差值的数量,提高定位图的压缩率,从而增加嵌入容量;最后,运用LSB替换法嵌入数据,将差值扩展与数据嵌入过程分离,嵌入端和提取端均只需进行一次差值扩展,嵌入和提取效率得以提高。提取端在提取信息时可根据需要无损地恢复原始图像。实验结果表明,该算法在提高嵌入容量和图像质量的同时降低了算法复杂度。  相似文献   

Wang  Weiqing  Wang  Weihua 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(25-26):18143-18165

Recently, reversible-data-hiding (RDH) scheme has been developed rapidly. In this paper, based on the local distribution of pixels in a block, (30) a histogram shifting (HS) based RDH scheme using median prediction error is proposed to increase the embedding capacity (EC) and decrease the distortion of stego image. First, we scan an original image to form the non-overlapping blocks. Then each block is sorted for locating its median. So, the median is used as the center to embed data into the pixels distributing on both sides of the median pixel in the block. Finally, the receiver can seek the same median of the block for data extraction and the recovery of the original image. Besides, we use the decomposed location message to modify the original pixels with overflow/underflow. (12) As the median is close to the mean value of block, the generated prediction error histogram is sharper than other schemes, which can provide a high capacity and lower distortion. Thus, the EC of the proposed algorithm outperforms that of the other algorithms. Experiments show the proposed scheme can provide a higher embedding rate and lower distortion as it takes advantage of the local correlation in a block.


针对图像经过信息隐藏与经过噪声干扰具有不同的特性,从图像隐藏信息和加噪的数学原理入手,引入图像直方图和差分直方图的模型,在图像小波分解高频系数差分直方图的数学模型基础上,利用高频系数差分数值的方差对图像是否隐藏信息或被噪声干扰进行分辨,给出了具体的计算判断方法。最后,在标准图像集上进行实验。结果表明,即使在图像直观统计参数基本相同的情况下,该方法也能明显分辨出两种不同的干扰现象,取得良好结果。  相似文献   

一种基于LSB和PVD的图像信息隐藏方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了提高图像中秘密信息的嵌入量,提出并实现了一种基于最低有效位和像素值差异的图像信息隐藏方法。通过计算两个连续像素值的差异来判断图像的一致区域和边界区域,在一致区域使用最低有效位方法,而在边界区域使用像素值差异方法。实验结果表明,结合这两种方法后信息的嵌入量是单纯使用像素值差异方法的1.59~1.97倍,并且隐写图像具有大于38 dB的峰值信噪比,保证了隐写图像的视觉质量。  相似文献   

无定位图的预测误差差值扩展可逆数据隐藏*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
将Tian差值扩展技术应用于彩色图像中,提出一种利用预测误差差值进行扩展嵌入的彩色图像可逆数据隐藏算法。针对传统差值扩展技术存在过分修改像素灰度值、须嵌入定位图等缺点,首先利用色彩分量间的相关性减小差值,并将差值扩展量分散到两个色彩分量中;其次,对直方图平移技术进行改进,使得同等嵌入率下图像质量达到最佳;最后由两个色彩分量中像素的预测值之和决定可用于扩展嵌入的像素,无须保存溢出定位图,提取端在提取信息时可无损地恢复原始图像。实验结果表明,与其他算法相比,该算法在同等嵌入率下可取得更好的图像质量,算法复杂度  相似文献   

Ponuma  R.  Amutha  R.  Aparna  S.  Gopal  Gayatri 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2019,78(18):25707-25729

A visually secure multiple image encryption using chaotic map and compressive sensing is proposed. The existing image encryption algorithms transform a secret image into a random noise like cipher image which can lead to cryptanalysis by an intruder. In the proposed method, compressive sampling is done using a chaos based, key controlled measurement matrix. An image dependent key generation scheme is used to generate the parameters of the chaotic map. The secret images are transformed into wavelet coefficients, and scrambled along a zigzag path, so that the high correlation among them can be reduced and thereby provide increased security level. The sparse coefficients are measured using the chaotic map-based measurement matrix, whose initial parameters are obtained from the keys generated. Then the reduced measurements are embedded into the sub-bands of the wavelet transformed cover image. Therefore, the proposed algorithm is highly sensitive to the secret images and can effectively withstand known-plaintext and chosen-plaintext attacks. Additionally, the cipher image and the secret images are of same size and do not require additional transmission bandwidth and storage space.


Transmission of block-coded images through error prone radio mobile channel often results in lost blocks. To this aim, this paper proposes a protection mechanism for discrete cosine transform based compressed image(s) through error concealment without affecting the compatibility of standard JPEG coding. The goal is achieved by embedding a low-resolution version (image-digest) of an image into itself during encoding using M-ary quantization index modulation. Halftoning technique is used to obtain the image digest from the host image. At the decoder, this embedded watermark is extracted first and is then used as a reference one to conceal the transmission losses in the received image. Mathematical analysis as well as simulation results show that the use of M-ary modulation offers significant performance improvement than traditional quantization index modulation based methods in large number of lost block (packet) scenario. Relative compensation for visual quality improvement is also tested in Rayleigh fading wireless channel and is compared with the few other existing methods.  相似文献   

Data hiding is to conceal the existence of secret data. A reversible data hiding method can extract the cover image without any distortion from the stego-image after the hidden data have been extracted. This paper proposes a new interpolation and a data hiding method. The proposed scaling-up neighbor mean interpolation method has a low-time complexity and high-calculation speed. The proposed data hiding method is based on interpolation. Comparison on data hiding methods is divided into reversible or not. Our experimental results show the proposed method can embed a large amount of secret data while keeping a very high visual quality, the PSNR is guaranteed to be higher than 35 dB compared with other reversible data hiding methods. And also capacity is larger than any other reversible data hiding methods and comparable to other data hiding methods.  相似文献   

基于纠错码的健壮性图像信息隐藏算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任方  郑东 《计算机应用》2015,35(7):1903-1907
针对空域图像信息隐藏(IH)算法健壮性较差的缺陷,研究了基于纠错码的图像信息隐藏算法。利用纠错码能够纠正随机错误的特性提高空域信息隐藏算法抵抗攻击者修改载体的能力。给出了两类不同的算法:基于纠错码的最低有效位(LSB)信息隐藏算法与基于纠错码的灰度位信息隐藏算法。前者将秘密信息进行编码并以LSB的形式进行嵌入,能够在低密度噪声的情况下实现较高的健壮性;后者利用图像像素灰度值的结构特点,以Hamming码的形式对每一个已嵌入秘密信息的像素灰度值进行编码,可以达到独立纠正一个错误的目的。理论分析和实验结果表明,在相同的噪声密度和噪声幅度下,这两类算法恢复的秘密信息百分比均高于基本的LSB算法,是两种具有较高健壮性的信息隐藏算法。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, we propose a new reversible data-hiding method in encrypted images. The method is a vacating room after encryption (VRAE) method that attempts to...  相似文献   

Data hiding used to embed data, such as copyright information, into various forms of media such as image, audio, or text with a minimum amount of perceivable degradation to the “host” signal. Therefore, in many cases, the cover media contain distortions even after the hidden data have been extracted. Thus, to extend the application of data hiding to some sensitive domains such as military, medical, and fine arts, which require the embedded cover images to be properly covered, reversible data hiding has become another new branch of this field. Our proposed scheme is inspired by Chang et al.’s idea. In this paper, we propose adaptive real-time reversible data hiding for JPEG images using successive zero coefficients in zigzag sequences of discrete cosine transformation blocks. The contribution of our proposed scheme successfully enhances the hiding capacity while the image quality of stego image and reversibility are maintained. The result of experiments conducted indicates that the proposed scheme enhances data hiding capacity, image quality, and improves performance.  相似文献   

基于直方图调整的二值图像无损数据隐藏   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
提出一种基于游程编码的直方图调整的二值图像无损数据隐藏新方法。选择长度不小于阈值T1的游程对序列,先进行去除长度为1的白游程操作,然后在长度为T的黑游程处嵌入数据。该方法可以适应文字、图表以及文字和图表的混合图像,也可以适应半色调和非半色调图像。实验表明,该方法在嵌入容量和视觉效果都优于已有的方法。  相似文献   

We propose a method of reversible data hiding in encrypted image. Proposed method achieves reserving room before encryption, and separates data extraction from image decryption. Our method is an improvement of Ma’s method [IEEE Trans Inf Forensic Secur 8(3):554–558, 2013]. Our improvements mainly focus on two aspects. (1) We improved the interpolation error estimate method via using Bicubic interpolation instead of pixel estimation that calculates the weighted sum of four surrounding pixels. Thus more sharp interpolation error histogram is obtained to increase the hidden information capacity. (2) We use partitioned local histogram shift instead of traditional histogram shift to reduce the amount of shifted pixels. This directly results in a higher quality of stego image in the same embedding capacity. The experimental results indicate that the improved method offers better performance. It is superior to Ma’s work in both embedding rate and the PSNR values of stego images.  相似文献   

图像可逆信息隐藏作为信息隐藏的重要分支,发展至今已近三十年,因其独有的图像无损恢复能力,一直备受医学、司法、军事等重点领域的青睐。然而现有可逆信息隐藏研究成果繁多,迁移知识广泛,本文简要梳理可逆信息隐藏的发展脉络,在回顾经典算法的基础上,加以简化、注释,总结成功经验,展望潜在应用,以期为研究者提供一个按图索骥的探索路径。本文主要包括3个部分,分别为位图(Bitmap,BMP)图像的可逆信息隐藏(适用于空域嵌入操作)、JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)图像的可逆信息隐藏(适用于频域和编码域嵌入操作)和鲁棒可逆水印(适用于扩展性研究)。通过近百篇高影响力文献的梳理可知,可逆研究的受众广泛、基础深厚,其严谨的数学定义和简明的机理论证是深受研究者推崇和坚持的重要原因。“干净、简明”的特点也是其能够与现实应用有效结合的强力抓手。增加可逆算法对于载体多样性的普适性研究,引入新的评价指标来导引算法与现实应用的融合,将是未来可开拓的方向。可逆信息隐藏技术能够恢复图像初始状态,其独特之处在于图像本身就是一个复杂语义的信息表达。这既要求可逆嵌入操作所施加的影响不能改变图像所表达的主要语义,又要求该操作是可消除的,保留溯源能力,将内容的信息表达权始终交由图像本身。这一特点不仅为敏感领域信息处理所亟需,也是其他常见领域并不排斥的。严格来说,一定程度上的复原本就是事物发展到一定阶段后的必然追求。据此,本文认为推广可逆研究与多学科融合解决更难、更广泛的问题,实现长远发展,是完全必要且可行的。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an image interpolation based reversible data hiding scheme using pixel value adjusting feature. This scheme consists of two phases, namely: image interpolation and data hiding. In order to interpolate the original image, we propose a new image interpolation method which is based on the existing neighbor mean interpolation method. Our interpolation method takes into account all the neighboring pixels like the NMI method. However, it uses different weight-age as per their proximity. Thus, it provides the better quality interpolated image. In case of data hiding phase, secret data is embedded in the interpolated pixels in two passes. In the first pass, it embeds the secret data into the odd valued pixels and then in the second pass, the even valued pixels are used to embed the secret data. To ensure the reversibility of the proposed scheme, the location map is constructed for every pass. Basically, the proposed scheme only increases/decreases the pixel values during data hiding phase, which improves the performance of the proposed scheme in terms of computation complexity. Experimentally, our scheme is superior to the existing scheme in terms of data hiding capacity, image quality and computation complexity.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, we propose a new dual-image based reversible data hiding scheme through (7,4) Hamming code (RDHHC) using shared secret key. A block of seven...  相似文献   

针对已有算法嵌入率低、算法过程复杂等问题,提出一种新的可逆数据隐藏算法。算法为了提高信息隐藏率,首先选取直方图中值点两侧的峰值进行数据嵌入。在多次嵌入之后,算法选择中值点位置嵌入所有峰值信息,由于中值点在嵌入后可以直接定位,因此可以实现可逆嵌入与恢复,从而不需要已有算法最低有效位的替换过程,减少了算法过程的复杂性。算法在两个图像集上进行性能测试,先与已有算法进行数据嵌入量比较,接着与MATLAB中3个对比度增强函数进行比较,用于评估算法的嵌入容量以及对比度增强后的图像质量。实验结果表明,所提算法在实现可逆数据隐藏和对比度增强的同时,嵌入容量有较大的提高。  相似文献   

We investigate the use of parabolic interpolation in data hiding and propose a novel data hiding algorithm with high capacity based on interpolated image. Specifically, the proposed algorithm creates an interpolated image from input image by parabolic interpolation, and embeds secret bits into interpolated pixels in terms of the relation between the interpolated value and the mean value. Ten standard benchmark images are taken as test images for validating efficiency of our algorithm. The results illustrate that our algorithm has better performances than some popular data hiding methods in embedding capacity and visual quality with respect to PSNR and SSIM.  相似文献   

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