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A new solid-phase extraction on-line device for micro-HPLC is presented. This device optimizes the injection of very dilute samples into a packed capillary column. It consists of two capillary, reversed-phase, HPLC columns of different length that can be linked together as a single chromatographic column. The first segment, only 2 cm long is connected to the HPLC injector. When disconnected from the longer column, several milliliters of an aqueous sample can be passed through at a high flow rate for fast trapping. On the basis of the retention mechanism, all suitable compounds are focused on the short column head in a sharp band. As soon as the chromatographic column is recomposed, the trapped analytes are eluted and separated at the optimal flow rate and gradient conditions. Due to the high preconcentration factor, trace-level analysis can be performed successfully. Different classes of analytes of various polarities and molecular weights can be determined, depending on the stationary phase and on the detector used. Some pesticides belonging to different classes were chosen to evaluate the performance of the device using an electron ionization mass spectrometer as HPLC detector. A fungicide in an irrigation canal water was determined at a concentration level of 4.5 microg x L(-1).  相似文献   

Ion trap multiple fragmentation mass spectrometry (MS(n)()) combined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been used for the structure elucidation and identification of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone derivatives of carbonyl compounds in ambient air samples. Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization in the negative ion mode was the most suitable detection method. Different measures are described to decrease the MS background originating from the HPLC system. Low-picogram quantities were detectable in extracted mass chromatograms generated from full-scan records. Fragment ions produced by MS/MS allowed identification of substructures of the carbonyls. Detailed fragmentation paths were studied by MS(3) to MS(4) using reference compounds. A fragmentation scheme was established which enabled a structure confirmation and identification with 1-10 ng by HPLC/MS/MS. The identification of a compound coeluting with n-pentanal-DNPH and of a dimerization byproduct are given as examples.  相似文献   

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is a popular over-the-counter antihistaminic medication used for the treatment of allergies. After consumption, excretion, and subsequent discharge from wastewater treatment plants, it is possible that diphenhydramine will be found in environmental sediments due to its hydrophobicity (log P = 3.27). This work describes a methodology for the first unequivocal determination of diphenhydramine bound to environmental sediments. The drug is removed from the sediments by accelerated solvent extraction and then analyzed by liquid chromatography with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer and an ion trap mass spectrometer. This combination of techniques provided unequivocal identification and confirmation of diphenhydramine in two sediment samples. The accurate mass measurements of the protonated molecules were m/z 256.1703 and 256.1696 compared to the calculated mass of m/z 256.1701, resulting in errors of 0.8 and 2.3 ppm. This mass accuracy was sufficient to verify the elemental composition of diphenhydramine in each sample. Furthermore, accurate mass measurements of the primary fragment ion were obtained. This work is the first application of time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the identification of diphenhydramine and shows the accumulation of an over-the-counter medication in aquatic sediments at five different locations.  相似文献   

Chen Y  Kim SC  Zhao Y 《Analytical chemistry》2005,77(24):8179-8184
The high sensitivity and accuracy of mass spectrometry for identifying proteins has led to an explosive expansion of proteomics research, necessitating rapid procedures for HPLC/MS/MS analysis. Current HPLC/MS/MS analysis usually relies on elution of peptides from the HPLC column with a gradient that takes a total of 45-70 min for each cycle, limiting sample throughput and the speed of protein identification. Here we report a simple method for high-throughput protein identification, using isocratic, either methanol- or acetonitrile-based buffer systems, HPLC elution into an LTQ mass spectrometer. This procedure allows each cycle of highly sensitive HPLC/MS/MS analysis to be completed in 5 min, thus boosting the efficiency of HPLC/MS/MS analysis 9-14-fold. Using this method, each operator can acquire HPLC/MS/MS data for 96 in-gel proteolytic digests in one 8-h working day. The method can easily be implemented in any laboratory with an LTQ mass spectrometer. This protocol should find wide application in mass spectrometry laboratories that require high-throughput analysis but are limited by inefficient use of machine time.  相似文献   

Nonenzymatic protein glycation is caused by a Schiff's base reaction between the aldehyde groups of reducing sugars and the primary amines of proteins. A reversed-phase liquid chromatography method followed by a neutral loss scan mass spectrometric method was developed for the screening of glycation in proteins. The neutral loss scan was based on a unique sugar moiety neutral loss (-162 Da) that we observed in the fragmentation spectra of glycated peptides on Q-Tof type mass spectrometers. The collision energy was optimized for this neutral loss using a glycated synthetic peptide, and 20 eV was found to be the optimum collision energy. The neutral loss scan experiment was composed of two segments. In the first segment, the glycated peptides were identified based on the signature neutral loss of 162 Da when the collision energy was elevated to 20 eV. In the second segment, the glycated peptides were selected as the parent ions and fragmented at higher collision energy to break the peptide bonds. The fragmentation spectra of the selected glycated peptides revealed both the amino acid sequences and the sites of glycation. This neutral loss scan method was used to study the glycation in human serum albumin (HSA). The glycation sites in HSA were identified based on the retention time shift of glycated peptides, the mass accuracy from the MS scan, the signature neutral loss, and MS/MS information. Using this method, we were able to identify that 31 lysine residues were partially glycated from the glycated HSA sample, which has a total of 59 lysine residues.  相似文献   

Cardiac glycosides (CG) are of forensic importance because of their toxicity and the fact that very limited methods are available for identification of CG in biological samples. In this study, we have developed an identification and quantification method for digoxin, digitoxin, deslanoside, digoxigenin, and digitoxigenin by high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS). CG formed abundant [M + NH4]+ ions and much less abundant [M + H]+ ions as observed with electrospray ionization (ESI) source and ammonium formate buffer. Under mild conditions for collision-induced dissociation (CID), each [M + NH4]+ ion fragmented to produce a dominant daughter ion, which was essential to the sensitive method of selected reaction monitoring (SRM) quantification of CG achieved in this study. SRM was compared with selected ion monitoring (SIM) regarding the effects of sample matrixes on the methodology. SRM produced lower detection limits with biological samples than SIM, while both methods produced equal detection limits with CG standards. On the basis of the HPLC/MS/MS results for CG, we have proposed some generalized points for conducting sensitive SRM measurements, in view of the property of analytes as well as instrumental conditions such as the type of HPLC/MS interface and CID parameters. Analytes of which the molecular ion can produce one abundant daughter ion with high yield under CID conditions may be sensitively measured by SRM. ESI is the most soft ionization source developed so far and can afford formation of the fragile molecular ions that are necessary for sensitive SRM detection. Mild CID conditions such as low collision energy and low pressure of collision gas favor production of an abundant daughter ion that is essential to sensitive SRM detection. This knowledge may provide some guidelines for conducting sensitive SRM measurements of very low concentrations of drugs or toxicants in biological samples.  相似文献   

The use of deuterium oxide as a mobile phase in the routine analysis of pharmaceutical compounds was investigated. The deuterium exchange of labile hydrogen atoms aids in structural confirmation and elucidation of unknown impurities and degradation products. Although deuterium oxide as a mobile phase does in some cases change the retention times, the changes in retention times do not interfere with the analysis. A study of the high-performance liquid chromatography system shows that equilibration times for the deuterium-containing mobile phases are similar to equilibration times with changes of other mobile phases. The use of this technique in the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds and other small molecules is presented.  相似文献   

建立一种花生食品的前处理方法,通过高效液相色谱法检测黄曲霉毒素B1、B2、G1、G2和赭曲霉毒素A。样品经过甲醇-水提取,提取液经过滤、稀释后,滤液经过含有黄曲霉毒素和赭曲霉毒素特异抗体的免疫亲和层析净化,此抗体对黄曲霉毒素B1、B2、G1、G2、赭曲霉毒素A具有专一性,黄曲霉毒素、赭曲霉毒素交联在层析介质中的抗体上。用水将免疫亲和柱上杂质除去,用甲醇通过免疫亲和层析柱洗脱,洗脱液通过带荧光检测器的高效液相色谱仪,柱后碘溶液衍生测定黄曲霉毒素的含量;洗脱液通过带DAD检测器的高效液相色谱仪测定赭曲霉毒素的含量。本方法检出花生中黄曲霉毒素G1、B1和赭曲霉毒素A的检出限均为0.5μg/kg。,黄曲霉毒素B2、G2的检出限均为0.175μg/kg。结果表明利用免疫亲和层析净化-高效液相色谱法检测花生中的黄曲霉毒素B1、B2、G1、G2和赭曲霉毒素A,方法准确、可靠。  相似文献   

Long-chain acyl-CoA esters (LCACoAs) are activated lipid species that represent key substrates in lipid metabolism. The relationship between lipid metabolism disorders and type 2 diabetes has attracted much attention to this class of metabolites. This paper presents a highly sensitive and robust on-line LC/MS(2) procedure for quantitative determination of LCACoAs from rat liver. A fast SPE method has been developed without the need for time-consuming evaporation steps for sample preparation. LCACoAs were separated with high resolution using a C18 reversed-phase column at high pH (10.5) with an ammonium hydroxide and acetonitrile gradient. Five LCACoAs (C16:0, C16:1, C18:0 C18:1, C18:2) were quantified by selective multireaction monitoring using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in positive electrospray ionization mode. It is possible to perform a neutral loss scan of 507 for lipid profiling of complex LCACoA mixtures in tissue extracts. The method presented was validated according to ICH guidelines for quantitative determination of five LCACoAs for physiological concentrations in 100-200 mg of tissue with accuracies ranging from 94.8 to 110.8%, interrun precisions between 2.6 and 12.2%, and intrarun precisions between 1.2 and 4.4%. Due to the high sensitivity of the developed method, the amount of tissue biopsied for reliable quantification can be reduced. This may be advantageous in the quantification of LCACoAs in humans.  相似文献   

LC/MS/MS analyses of an oleander extract for cancer treatment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An HPLC/MS/MS method has been developed for the characterization and quantification of the cardiac glycosides oleandrin, odoroside, neritaloside and the aglycone oleandrigenin, all contained in a patented-hot-water extract of Nerium oleander L (Anvirzel). Qualitative analysis of such extracts was achieved using a hybrid tandem quadrupole time-of-flight (QqTOF) mass spectrometer. Collision-induced dissociation (CID) mass spectra of oleandrin, oleandrigenin, odoroside, and neritaloside were obtained with greater than 5 ppm mass accuracy and resolution routinely in excess of 8000 (fwhm). The detection limit for oleandrin of 20 pg (injected) was realized when the precursor-to-product ion transition, m/z 577 --> 373, was monitored. We have also applied the analytical method to the determination of oleandrin, oleandrigenin, neritaloside, and odoroside in human plasma following an intramuscular injection of Anvirzel.  相似文献   

Divinyl sulfone reacts at pH 8-9 with the alpha-amino groups of N-terminal residues, proline, the epsilon-amino groups of lysine, and the histidine side chains of peptides. This reaction leads to great enhancement of the abundance of the normally weak or missing "a(1)" fragment ion in MS/MS analysis defining the N-terminal residue of a peptide in a digest. This provides "one-step Edman-like" information that, together with a fairly accurately determined mass, often enables one to correctly identify a protein or family of proteins. The applicability of this procedure in proteomics was demonstrated with several peptides and tryptic digests of protein mixtures by LC-MS/MS experiments using a QTOF and MALDI-PSD analyses. Advantages of this approach are its simple chemistry, retention of charge multiplicity, and possibly, shortening of database search time. Used with other MS/MS data, it provides higher confidence in the scores and identification of a protein found in peptide mass fingerprinting. Moreover, this approach has an advantage in "de novo" sequencing due to its ability to decipher the first amino acid of a peptide whose information is normally unavailable in MS/MS spectra.  相似文献   

An evaluation of over 75 pesticides by high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) clearly shows that different classes of pesticides are more sensitive using either atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) or electrospray ionization (ESI). For example, neutral and basic pesticides (phenylureas, triazines) are more sensitive using APCI (especially positive ion). While cationic and anionic herbicides (bipyridylium ions, sulfonic acids) are more sensitive using ESI (especially negative ion). These data are expressed graphically in a figure called an ionization-continuum diagram, which shows that protonation in the gas phase (proton affinity) and polarity in solution, expressed as proton addition or subtraction (pKa), is useful in selecting APCI or ESI. Furthermore, sodium adduct formation commonly occurs using positive ion ESI but not using positive ion APCI, which reflects the different mechanisms of ionization and strengthens the usefulness of the ionization-continuum diagram. The data also show that the concept of "wrong-way around" ESI (the sensitivity of acidic pesticides in an acidic mobile phase) is a useful modification of simple PKa theory for mobile-phase selection. Finally, this finding is used to enhance the chromatographic separation of oxanilic and sulfonic acid herbicides while maintaining good sensitivity in LC/MS using ESI negative.  相似文献   

Young JB  Li L 《Analytical chemistry》2007,79(15):5927-5934
An automated off-line liquid chromatography-matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (LC-MALDI) interface capable of coupling both capillary and microbore LC separations with MALDI mass spectrometry (MS) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) has been developed. The interface is a combination of two concepts: analyte concentration from heated hanging droplets and impulse-driven droplet deposition of LC fractions onto a MALDI sample plate. At room temperature the interface allows the coupling of capillary LC separations (i.e., flow rate of <5 microL/min) with MALDI MS. With heating, it can be used to combine microbore LC operated at a relatively high flow rate of up to 50 microL/min with MALDI MS. The collected fractions can be analyzed by MALDI MS and MS/MS instruments, such as time-of-flight (TOF) and quadrupole-TOF MS. Performance of the interface was examined using several peptide and protein standards. It was shown that, using MALDI-TOF MS, [GLU1]-fibrinopeptide B could be detected with a total injection amount of 5 fmol to microbore LC. Chromatographic performance was also monitored. A peak width of 12 s at half-height for [GLU1]-fibrinopeptide B showed no evidence of band broadening due to the interface. The ability of the interface to mitigate ion suppression was studied using a mixture of 100 fmol of [GLU1]-fibrinopeptide B and 10 pmol of cytochrome c tryptic digest. Although fully suppressed under direct MALDI conditions, LC-MALDI analysis was able to detect the 100 fmol peptide with 10 s fraction collection. Finally, the ability to inject relatively large sample amounts to improve detectability of low-abundance peptides was illustrated in the analysis of phosphopeptides from alpha-casein tryptic digests. A digest loaded on column to 2.4 microg and analyzed by LC-MALDI MS/MS resulted in 82% sequence coverage and detection of all nine phosphoserine residues. It is concluded that, being able to handle both high- and low-flow LC separations, the impulse-driven heated-droplet interface provides the flexibility to carry out MALDI analysis of peptides and proteins depending on the information sought after, analysis speed, and sample size.  相似文献   

The structures of organic phosphorous (P) compounds in aquatic sediments are to a large extent unknown although these compounds are considered to play an important role in regulating lake trophic status. To enhance identification of these compounds, a liquid chromatography (LC) method for their separation was developed. The stationary phase was porous graphitic carbon (PGC), and the mobile phases used in the gradient elution were compatible with both inductive coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS). With LC-ICP-AES, eight different P containing peaks could be observed in the P chromatogram indicating that at least eight different P compounds were separated. With the setup of an information dependent acquisition (IDA) with ESI-MS/MS, the mass over charge ( m/ z) of compounds containing a phosphate group (H 2PO 3 (-), m/ z 97) could be measured and further fragmentation experiments gave additional information on the structure of almost 40 separated P compounds, several were verified to be nucleotides. ICP-AES was very suitable in the development of the LC method and allowed screening and quantification of P compounds. The presented LC-ESI-MS/MS technique was able to identify several sediment organic P compounds.  相似文献   

本文利用新型荧光试剂1,2-苯并-3,4-二氢咔唑-9-乙酸(BCAA)作为柱前衍生试剂建立了测定游离脂肪醇的方法,实验以1-乙基-3-(3-二甲氨基丙基)环己碳二亚胺(EDAC)作为缩合剂,4-二甲氨基吡啶(DMAP)为催化剂,55℃下衍生反应25min后获得稳定的荧光产物。在Eclipse XDB-C8色谱柱上,通过梯度洗脱对12种游离脂肪醇进行了分离和在线质谱定性。采用大气压化学电离源(APCI)正离子模式,对抗静电剂(十二烷基磷酸酯钾盐)中游离脂肪醇进行定性及相应含量测定。脂肪醇的线性回归系数大于0.9997,检测限在9.40-25.32fmol。  相似文献   

ESI (electrospray ionization) MS and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) were used for the analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and more complex genetic variations. Double-stranded (ds) PCR products were studied. PCR products of the proline [5'-x(G17)-x(C38)x-3'] and arginine variants [(5'-x(Gl7)-x(G38)x-3'] of the p53 gene are distinguished by an SNP (cytosine or guanine) and were discriminated using both quadrupole and quadrupole ion trap MS analysis. A 69 bp arginine mutant PCR product [5'-x(C17)-x(G38)x-3'] with a negating switch has the same mass as the proline variant but was readily distinguishable on ion trap MS/MS analysis; fragments containing the mutation site, but not the polymorphism, were identified. The 69 bp PCR products were restriction-enzyme-digested, to create 43 bp fragments. ESI quadrupole ion trap MS/MS analysis of the 43 bp product-ion spectra readily demonstrated both polymorphism and negating switch sites. MS and MS/MS are powerful and complementary techniques for analysis of DNA. MS can readily distinguish SNPs but MS/MS is required to differentiate isomeric PCR products (same nucleotide composition but different sequence).  相似文献   

We present a proof-of-principle for a fully automated bottom-up approach to protein characterization. Proteins are first separated by capillary electrophoresis. A pepsin microreactor is incorporated into the distal end of this capillary. Peptides formed in the reactor are transferred to a second capillary, where they are separated by capillary electrophoresis and characterized by mass spectrometry. While peptides generated from one digestion are being separated in the second capillary, the next protein fraction undergoes digestion in the microreactor. The migration time in the first dimension capillary is characteristic of the protein while migration time in the second dimension is characteristic of the peptide. Spot capacity for the two-dimensional separation is 590. A MS/MS analysis of a mixture of cytochrome c and myoglobin generated Mascot MOWSE scores of 107 for cytochrome c and 58 for myoglobin. The sequence coverages were 48% and 22%, respectively.  相似文献   

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