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The oxidation of tungsten boride in oxygen at pressures from 1 to 740 Torr over the temperature range of 500 to 1200°C was studied by means of thermogravimetric, petrographic, and x-ray analyses. Kinetic parameters of the oxidation were interpreted on the basis of the Frantzevitch oxidation equation, characterizing the volatility of the phases formed, the emf of a high-temperature galvanic cell, having a gas cathode and a metal anode, and the values of the electrical resistance of the film.  相似文献   

The development of internal oxides and intergranular oxides in dilute NiCr alloys, containing 1–5% Cr, in NiNiO packs and in 1 atm oxygen at 800–1100°C has been investigated. The internal oxide particles were relatively coarse and widely spaced and were Cr2O3, except for a narrow band adjacent to the surface where NiCr2O4 particles were also present. Several types of intergranular oxide were developed in the Ni/NiO packs, with preferential penetration being more extensive in the higher chromium-containing alloys at the lower temperatures. Discrete intergranular oxide particles were formed deep in the alloy beneath bands of Cr2O3 which developed over intersections of the alloy grain boundaries with the surface, or beneath continuous or discontinuous grain-boundary oxides near the surface, possibly due to the development of a relatively flat oxygen profile and a steep chromium gradient in the subjacent alloy. In the presence of a thickening NiO external scale, preferential intergranular oxidation was much less extensive than in the Ni/NiO packs as the rapid growth of the scale prevented development of Cr2O3-rich surface bands.  相似文献   

Thermogravimetry and gas-adsorption chromatography were used to study the kinetics of formation of solid and gaseous products during the hightemperature oxidation of compact boron carbide in oxygen at 740 Torr. Oxidation resistance was observed at temperatures up to 1200°C. The main oxidation products were B2O3 and CO2. Oxidation was paralinear; the carbon consumption exceeded the consumption of boron as compared to the ratio of these elements in the compound B4C. This difference resulted in carbon depletion of the carbide layer in the substrate near the scale>.  相似文献   

The influence of an initial preinternal oxidation treatment in Co/CoO on the subsequent oxidation behavior of a series of dilute Co-Cr alloys (containing 0–1.5 wt. % Cr) in 105 and 103 Pa oxygen at 1473–1623 Khas been investigated. Particular emphasis has been placed on determining the solubility and mobility of Cr3+ ions in CoO. Use has been made of subsequent annealing in argon .  相似文献   

The oxidation behavior of chemically vapor-deposited silicon carbide (CVD SiC) was studied at 1670-2010 K in O2-Ar and CO2-Ar. The oxidation kinetics in O2-Ar was parabolic or linear parabolic, and was parabolic in CO2-Ar. The activation energy for the parabolic rate constants (kp) was 210-220 kJ/mol in O2-Ar, and was 290-300 kJ/mol in CO2-Ar. The oxygen partial pressure (PO2) dependence of kp was expressed as kp∝ (PO2)n, where n=0.08-0.13 and 0.37-0.53 in O2-Ar and CO2-Ar, respectively. Bubbles were formed at more than 1985 K and PO2>5 kPa. The bubble formation temperature decreased with decreasing PO2 at PO2<5 kPa.  相似文献   

The oxidation kinetics of hafnium of different purities were studied in the temperature range of 800–1200°C. This paper concerns the structure studies of the oxidized samples. TGA, XRD, SEM methods, and microhardness measurements were used. Hafnium oxidation follows the parabolic rate law, changing with time to the linear one. Oxidation-reaction products are HfO2(moncl) and -solid solution of oxygen in hafnium. Anomalous oxidation behavior of hafnium having a high impurity content was found in the range 800–950°C. Activation energies for the parabolic and linear oxidation stages were calculated.  相似文献   

It is shown that the oxidation of heat-resistant alloys is accompanied by a sublimation of the oxides MoO3, WO3, Al2O3, and CrO3. The determinant in the sublimate is the molybdenum content, exceeding that in scale by a factor of 50–100. Protective coatings diminish the sublimation, rather than fully eliminate it. To diminish the molybdenum oxide sublimation decisively, it is expedient to alloy the coating with magnesium or magnesium oxide. Original Russian Text ? E.G. Ivanov, 2008, published in Fizikokhimiya Poverkhnosti i Zashchita Materialov, 2008, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 415–418.  相似文献   

The oxidation kinetics of zirconium of different purities were studied over the temperature range of 600–1300°C (- and -phases). The structure of the oxidized specimens was examined. TGA, XRD, EPMA, SEM, metallographic analysis, and microhardness measurements were carried out. Impurity elements were found to increase the oxidation rate of technical zirconium. The mechanism of the effect of impurity elements on zirconium oxidation was shown to differ for the - and -phases. Activation energies were calculated for the parabolic and linear stages of oxidation.  相似文献   

The oxidation of several largely austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni alloys in 1 atm oxygen at 800–1200°C has been studied thermogravimetrically, metallographically, and in detail by electron probe micro analysis. Fe-Cr-Ni alloys of this type are protected by Cr2O3-healed scale, which thickens slower than on the corresponding binary Fe-Cr and Ni-Cr alloys, presumably because nickel and iron ions dope the Cr2O3 more effectively together than singly and/or because the alloy composition and ability to absorb cation vacancies are such as to produce a smaller vacancy activity gradient or level in the scale, or voids within it. The scale adhesion, as on Ni-Cr alloys, is generally good after long times, at least partly due to the convoluted alloy-oxide interface, in some cases to large intergranular Cr2O3-rich stringers, and possibly to the general specimen mechanical properties. Nonprotective stratified scale development is relatively unusual and often produces nickel-rich, alloy-particle-containing nodules, as on Fe-Ni alloys. Careful selection of ternary and more complex alloys with appropriate alloy interdiffusion coefficients and oxygen solubilities and diffusivities should permit development of materials with the best compromise between ease of Cr2O3 establishment, avoidance of breakaway, and readiness of scale healing.  相似文献   

The influence of an oxidizing atmosphere on the high-temperature plasticity of zirconia/nickel cermets has been studied by conducting creep tests in air. The resulting microstructure has been characterized by scanning, conventional and high-resolution electron microscopy. Despite the large microstructural changes, the composites do not exhibit mechanical degradation.  相似文献   

研究了在600MW超临界机组屏式过热器TP347H管运行5000h后的高温蒸气氧化层。通过分析蒸气氧化层成分、相结构以及Cr的分布,并结合高温水蒸气存在的情况下氧化膜生长速度,提出了高温蒸气氧化层的形成机理。由Cr的扩散探讨了晶粒尺寸对TP347H管抗高温蒸气氧化性能的影响。结果表明:CrO2(OH)2的挥发导致了外层Fe的氧化物的形成,FeCr2O4内层的形成能够有效减缓蒸气氧化进程,进入稳态氧化阶段后氧化层厚度将保持不变;同时,随晶粒尺寸的减小TP347H的抗蒸气氧化性能提高。  相似文献   

Twenty-four ternary element additions were made to a binary TiAl alloy (Ti–34.5 wt.% Al), and the oxidation behavior was studied. As a result of the oxidation tests in air at 1173 K for 360 ks, ternary elements were classified into three groups according to their effects, namely, (a) detrimental; V, Cr, Mn, Pd, Pt, Cu; (b) neutral; Y, Zr, Hf, Ta, Fe, Co, Ni, Ag, Au, Sn, O; (c) beneficial; Nb, Mo, W, Si, Al, C, B. This classification was valid for Cr, Mn, Mo, and W under several other temperature and time conditions. The influence of the additions was very significant, the difference in the weight gain between the best and the worst alloys being approximately two orders of magnitude. As a result of detailed examinations, it was confirmed that Cr and Mn additions caused linear-oxidation behavior from the outset at 1173 K, virtually no Al2O3 barrier being formed. This is probably due to the doping of those elements in TiO2. The beneficial elements, such as Mo, Nb, W, resulted in protectiveoxidation behavior. The characteristic features of the scale on those alloys were the presence of a continuous Al2O3 layer as the second layer from the outer surface and the relatively massive precipitation of Al2O3 in the vicinity of the scale-metal interface. Also, these alloys did not show any evidence of internal oxidation. The scale types and the proposed mechanism for the innerscale formation are described.  相似文献   

高温空气氧化对高硅铝合金材料组织及物理性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用高温空气氧化对Al-12Si与Al-30Si合金粉末进行预处理,结合包套热挤压,制备出Al2O3与SiO2增强的弥散强化型铝硅复合材料,通过金相及热物性测试,对材料显微组织、密度、气密性、热膨胀系数、导热系数进行了分析.结果表明合金粉末经高温空气氧化预处理后,Al-12Si晶粒长大不明显,而Al-30Si晶粒发生了明显长大;材料致密度随氧化时间延长略有下降,但均在97%以上,材料气密性均在1×10-9 Pa·m3/s左右;在相同工艺条件下,Al-30Si材料热膨胀系数明显低于Al-12Si材料,氧化时间对材料热膨胀系数影响不明显;导热系数随材料中硅含量增加而下降,随粉末氧化时间延长而增加,氧化24 h后,材料导热系数超过120 W/(m·K).  相似文献   

The technological parameters of grinding of anticorrosive pigments are presented. The effect of nanosized particles of anticorrosive pigments on the protective properties of coatings based on epoxy varnish is studied. The structures of varnish-and-paint coatings are investigated by means of electron-scanning microscopy and atomic force microscopy.  相似文献   

On the high-temperature oxidation of nickel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper summarizes on some of the extensive experimental data and corresponding models suggested to account for the oxidation mechanism of Ni in the temperature range 500-1400 °C. In addition it reports on in-house experimental data from investigations related to the oxidation of high-purity Ni from 500 to 1300 °C in the oxygen pressure range 1×10−4-1 atm based on TG, measurements of surface kinetics, two-stage oxidation, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, secondary ion mass spectroscopy etc. The main part of this paper focuses on the more complex models suggested to account for experimental observations of the oxidation kinetics and the oxide morphology below 1000 °C.  相似文献   

The development of a duplex NiO scale microstructure on a Ni-0.1 wt.% Al alloy at 900°C has been examined, principally using secondary-ion mass spectrometry and analytical transmission electron microscopy. The18O-tracer distribution following sequential oxidation in18O2/18O2 showed that the inner NiO layer formed as a result of gaseous-oxygen penetration of the scale. The provision of pathways for oxygen transport as well as the role of Al, Si, and Ce segregation at oxide grain boundaries in influencing the growth rate and spallation behavior of the scale are discussed.  相似文献   

The mechanism of oxidation at 1000°C of Fe-Cr alloys has been investigated. The samples were oxidized in two stages: first in an atmosphere of 16 O and subsequently in 16 O. Prior to each stage the samples had been marked with platinum wire markers. The concentration of 18 O in the scale was determined by means of two nuclear reactions: 18 O(,n) 21 Ne, and 18 O(p,n) 18 F independently. The results show that the dissociative mechanism of scale growth on Fe-Cr alloys is similar to that found earlier for Cu-Zn type alloys for which measurements were made using the radioactive sulfur isotope,35 S.  相似文献   

M Paljevi?  M Tudja 《Corrosion Science》2004,46(8):2055-2065
The high-temperature oxidation of the Zr-3 mass% Cu alloy and Zr2Cu in oxygen is characterized by selective oxidation of zirconium while the excess of copper is accumulated at the alloy-oxide interface forming the Zr8Cu5 phase. The oxidation of Zr2Cu at elevated temperatures shows an anomalous decrease of the oxygen consumption rate in the temperature range 890-975 °C. The oxide layer consists of monoclinic ZrO2 mainly, with preferentially oriented crystallites in depth region at 900 °C and tetragonal ZrO2 on the surface below 600 °C, and small amounts of CuO and Cu2O. The reaction kinetics obeys a parabolic rate law. The activation energy of 117.5 and 54.4 kJ/mol has been estimated for the oxidation of the Zr-3 mass% Cu alloy and Zr2Cu, respectively.  相似文献   

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