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Yuan  Weiwei  Guan  Donghai  Zhu  Qi  Ma  Tinghuai 《Neural computing & applications》2018,29(10):673-683

As a kind of noise, mislabeled training data exist in many applications. Because of their negative effects on learning, many filter techniques have been proposed to identify and eliminate them. Ensemble learning-based filter (EnFilter) is the most widely used filter which employs ensemble classifiers. In EnFilter, first the noisy training dataset is divided into several subsets. Each noisy subset is then checked by the multiple classifiers which are trained based on other noisy subsets. It is noted that since the training data used to train multiple classifiers are noisy, the quality of these classifiers cannot be guaranteed, which might generate poor noise identification result. This problem is more serious when the noise ratio in the training dataset is high. To solve this problem, a straightforward but effective approach is proposed in this work. Instead of using noisy data to train the classifiers, nearly noise-free (NNF) data are used since they are supposed to train more reliable classifiers. To this end, a novel NNF data extraction approach is also proposed. Experimental results on a set of benchmark datasets illustrate the utility of our proposed approach.


一种基于数据垂直划分的分布式密度聚类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚类分析是数据挖掘领域的一项重要研究课题,对大数据集的聚类更以其数据量大、噪声数据多等而成为一个难点.针对数据垂直划分的情况,提出连通点集及局部噪声点集等概念.在分析局部噪声点集与全局噪声点集以及局部连通点集与全局连通点集关系的基础上,对全局噪声点进行有效过滤,进一步设计闭三角链表结构存储各个结点的聚类中间结果,提出了基于密度的分布式聚类算法DDBSCAN.理论分析和实验结果表明,算法可以有效解决垂直划分的大数据集聚类问题,算法是有效可行的.  相似文献   

To some extent the problem of noise reduction in machine learning has been finessed by the development of learning techniques that are noise-tolerant. However, it is difficult to make instance-based learning noise tolerant and noise reduction still plays an important role in k-nearest neighbour classification. There are also other motivations for noise reduction, for instance the elimination of noise may result in simpler models or data cleansing may be an end in itself. In this paper we present a novel approach to noise reduction based on local Support Vector Machines (LSVM) which brings the benefits of maximal margin classifiers to bear on noise reduction. This provides a more robust alternative to the majority rule on which almost all the existing noise reduction techniques are based. Roughly speaking, for each training example an SVM is trained on its neighbourhood and if the SVM classification for the central example disagrees with its actual class there is evidence in favour of removing it from the training set. We provide an empirical evaluation on 15 real datasets showing improved classification accuracy when using training data edited with our method as well as specific experiments regarding the spam filtering application domain. We present a further evaluation on two artificial datasets where we analyse two different types of noise (Gaussian feature noise and mislabelling noise) and the influence of different class densities. The conclusion is that LSVM noise reduction is significantly better than the other analysed algorithms for real datasets and for artificial datasets perturbed by Gaussian noise and in presence of uneven class densities.  相似文献   

针对大数据样例选择问题,提出了一种基于随机森林(RF)和投票机制的大数据样例选择算法。首先,将大数据集划分成两个子集,要求第一个子集是大型的,第二个子集是中小型的。然后,将第一个大型子集划分成q个规模较小的子集,并将这些子集部署到q个云计算节点,并将第二个中小型子集广播到q个云计算节点。接下来,在各个节点用本地数据子集训练随机森林,并用随机森林从第二个中小型子集中选择样例,之后合并在各个节点选择的样例以得到这一次所选样例的子集。重复上述过程p次,得到p个样例子集。最后,用这p个子集进行投票,得到最终选择的样例子集。在Hadoop和Spark两种大数据平台上实现了提出的算法,比较了两种大数据平台的实现机制。此外,在6个大数据集上将所提算法与压缩最近邻(CNN)算法和约简最近邻(RNN)算法进行了比较,实验结果显示数据集的规模越大时,与这两个算法相比,提出的算法测试精度更高且时间消耗更短。证明了提出的算法在大数据处理上具有良好的泛化能力和较高的运行效率,可以有效地解决大数据的样例选择问题。  相似文献   

一种大数据环境中分布式辅助关联分类算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张明卫  朱志良  刘莹  张斌 《软件学报》2015,26(11):2795-2810
在很多现实的分类应用中,新数据的类标需要由领域专家最终确定,而分类器的分类结果仅起辅助作用.另外,随着大数据所隐含价值越发被人们重视,分类器的训练会从面向单一数据集逐渐过渡到面向分布式空间数据集,大数据环境下辅助分类也将成为未来分类应用的重要分支.然而,现有的分类研究缺乏对此类应用的关注.大数据环境中的辅助分类面临以下3个问题:1) 训练集是分布式大数据集;2) 在空间上,训练集所包含的各局部数据源的类别分布不尽相同;3) 在时间上,训练集是动态变化的,会发生类别迁移现象.在考虑以上问题的基础上,提出一种大数据环境中分布式辅助关联分类方法.该方法首先给出一种大数据环境中分布式关联分类器构建算法,在该算法中,通过横向加权考虑分类数据集在空间上的类别分布差异,并给出"前件空间支持度-相关系数"的度量框架,改进关联分类算法面对不平衡数据的性能缺陷;然后,给出一种基于适应因子的辅助关联分类器动态调整方法,能够在分类器应用过程中充分利用领域专家实时反馈的结果对分类器进行动态调整,以提升其面向动态数据集的分类性能,减缓分类器的退化和重新训练的频率.实验结果表明,该方法能够面向分布式数据集较快地训练出有较高分类准确率的关联分类器,并在数据集不断扩充变化时提升分类性能,是一种有效的大数据环境中辅助分类应用方法.  相似文献   

This paper presents a cooperative evolutionary approach for the problem of instance selection for instance based learning. The model presented takes advantage of one of the recent paradigms in the field of evolutionary computation: cooperative coevolution. This paradigm is based on a similar approach to the philosophy of divide and conquer. In our method, the training set is divided into several subsets that are searched independently. A population of global solutions relates the search in different subsets and keeps track of the best combinations obtained. The proposed model has the advantage over standard methods in that it does not rely on any specific distance metric or classifier algorithm. Additionally, the fitness function of the individuals considers both storage requirements and classification accuracy, and the user can balance both objectives depending on his/her specific needs, assigning different weights to each one of these two terms. The method also shows good scalability when applied to large datasets. The proposed model is favorably compared with some of the most successful standard algorithms, IB3, ICF and DROP3, with a genetic algorithm using CHC method, and with four recent methods of instance selection, MSS, entropy-based instance selection, IMOEA and LVQPRU. The comparison shows a clear advantage of the proposed algorithm in terms of storage requirements, and is, at least, as good as any of the other methods in terms of testing error. A large set of 50 problems from the UCI Machine Learning Repository is used for the comparison. Additionally, a study of the effect of instance label noise is carried out, showing the robustness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new approach called ‘instance variant nearest neighbor’ approximates a regression surface of a function using the concept of k nearest neighbor. Instead of fixed k neighbors for the entire dataset, our assumption is that there are optimal k neighbors for each data instance that best approximates the original function by fitting the local regions. This approach can be beneficial to noisy datasets where local regions form data characteristics that are different from the major data clusters. We formulate the problem of finding such k neighbors for each data instance as a combinatorial optimization problem, which is solved by a particle swarm optimization. The particle swarm optimization is extended with a rounding scheme that rounds up or down continuous-valued candidate solutions to integers, a number of k neighbors. We apply our new approach to five real-world regression datasets and compare its prediction performance with other function approximation algorithms, including the standard k nearest neighbor, multi-layer perceptron, and support vector regression. We observed that the instance variant nearest neighbor outperforms these algorithms in several datasets. In addition, our new approach provides consistent outputs with five datasets where other algorithms perform poorly.  相似文献   

Tri-Training是一种半监督学习算法,在少量标记数据下,通过三个不同的分类器,从未标记样本中采样并标记新的训练数据,作为各分类器训练数据的有效补充。但由于错误标记样本的存在,引入了噪音数据,降低了分类的性能。论文在Tri—Training算法中分别采用DE-KNN,DE-BKNN和DE-NED三种数据编辑技术,识别移除误标记的数据。通过对六组UCI数据集的实验,分析结果表明,编辑技术的引入是有效的,三种方法的使用在一定程度上提升了Tri-Training算法的分类性能,尤其是DE-NED方法更为显著。  相似文献   

针对众包标记经过标记集成后仍然存在噪声的问题,提出了一种基于自训练的众包标记噪声纠正算法(Selftraining-based label noise correction, STLNC). STLNC整体分为3个阶段:第1阶段利用过滤器将带集成标记的众包数据集分为噪声集和干净集.第2阶段利用加权密度峰值聚类算法构建数据集中低密度实例指向高密度实例的空间结构关系.第3阶段首先根据发现的空间结构关系设计噪声实例选择策略;然后利用在干净集上训练的集成分类器对选择的噪声实例按照设计的实例纠正策略进行纠正,并将纠正后的实例加入到干净集,再重新训练集成分类器;重复实例选择与纠正过程直到噪声集中所有的实例被纠正;最后用最后一轮训练得到的集成分类器对所有实例进行纠正.在仿真标准数据集和真实众包数据集上的实验结果表明STLNC比其他5种最先进的噪声纠正算法在噪声比和模型质量两个度量指标上表现更优.  相似文献   

Intuitively population based algorithms such as genetic programming provide a natural environment for supporting solutions that learn to decompose the overall task between multiple individuals, or a team. This work presents a framework for evolving teams without recourse to prespecifying the number of cooperating individuals. To do so, each individual evolves a mapping to a distribution of outcomes that, following clustering, establishes the parameterization of a (Gaussian) local membership function. This gives individuals the opportunity to represent subsets of tasks, where the overall task is that of classification under the supervised learning domain. Thus, rather than each team member representing an entire class, individuals are free to identify unique subsets of the overall classification task. The framework is supported by techniques from evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO) and Pareto competitive coevolution. EMO establishes the basis for encouraging individuals to provide accurate yet nonoverlaping behaviors; whereas competitive coevolution provides the mechanism for scaling to potentially large unbalanced datasets. Benchmarking is performed against recent examples of nonlinear SVM classifiers over 12 UCI datasets with between 150 and 200,000 training instances. Solutions from the proposed coevolutionary multiobjective GP framework appear to provide a good balance between classification performance and model complexity, especially as the dataset instance count increases.  相似文献   

不平衡数据在分类时往往会偏向"多数",传统过采样生成的样本不能较好的表达原始数据集分布特征.改进的变分自编码器结合数据预处理方法,通过少数类样本训练,使用变分自编码器的生成器生成样本,用于以均衡训练数据集,从而解决传统采样导致的不平衡数据引起分类过拟合问题.我们在UCI四个常用的数据集上进行了实验,结果表明该算法在保证准确率的同时提高了F_measureG_mean.  相似文献   

Instance selection is becoming increasingly relevant due to the huge amount of data that is constantly being produced in many fields of research. Although current algorithms are useful for fairly large datasets, scaling problems are found when the number of instances is in the hundreds of thousands or millions. When we face huge problems, scalability becomes an issue, and most algorithms are not applicable.Thus, paradoxically, instance selection algorithms are for the most part impracticable for the same problems that would benefit most from their use. This paper presents a way of avoiding this difficulty using several rounds of instance selection on subsets of the original dataset. These rounds are combined using a voting scheme to allow good performance in terms of testing error and storage reduction, while the execution time of the process is significantly reduced. The method is particularly efficient when we use instance selection algorithms that are high in computational cost. The proposed approach shares the philosophy underlying the construction of ensembles of classifiers. In an ensemble, several weak learners are combined to form a strong classifier; in our method several weak (in the sense that they are applied to subsets of the data) instance selection algorithms are combined to produce a strong and fast instance selection method.An extensive comparison of 30 medium and large datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository using 3 different classifiers shows the usefulness of our method. Additionally, the method is applied to 5 huge datasets (from three hundred thousand to more than a million instances) with good results and fast execution time.  相似文献   

目的 针对联邦学习中多中心医学数据的异质性特征导致全局模型性能不佳的问题,提出一种基于特征迁移的自适应个性化联邦学习算法(adaptive personalized federated learning via feature transfer, APFFT)。方法 首先,为降低全局模型中异质性特征信息影响,提出鲁棒特征选择网络(robust feature selection network, RFS-Net)构建个性化本地模型。RFS-Net通过学习两个迁移权重分别确定全局模型向本地模型迁移时的有效特征以及特征迁移的目的地,并构建基于迁移权重的迁移损失函数以加强本地模型对全局模型中有效特征的注意力,从而构建个性化本地模型。然后,为过滤各本地模型中异质性特征信息,利用自适应聚合网络(adaptive aggregation network, AANet)聚合全局模型。AA-Net基于全局模型交叉熵变化更新迁移权重并构建聚合损失,使各本地模型向全局模型迁移鲁棒特征,提高全局模型的特征表达能力。结果 在3种医学图像分类任务上与4种现有方法进行比较实验,在肺结核肺腺癌分类任务中,各中心曲线...  相似文献   

Instance selection is becoming more and more relevant due to the huge amount of data that is being constantly produced. However, although current algorithms are useful for fairly large datasets, scaling problems are found when the number of instances is of hundreds of thousands or millions. In the best case, these algorithms are of efficiency O(n 2), n being the number of instances. When we face huge problems, scalability is an issue, and most algorithms are not applicable. This paper presents a divide-and-conquer recursive approach to the problem of instance selection for instance based learning for very large problems. Our method divides the original training set into small subsets where the instance selection algorithm is applied. Then the selected instances are rejoined in a new training set and the same procedure, partitioning and application of an instance selection algorithm, is repeated. In this way, our approach is based on the philosophy of divide-and-conquer applied in a recursive manner. The proposed method is able to match, and even improve, for the case of storage reduction, the results of well-known standard algorithms with a very significant reduction of execution time. An extensive comparison in 30 datasets form the UCI Machine Learning Repository shows the usefulness of our method. Additionally, the method is applied to 5 huge datasets with from 300,000 to more than a million instances, with very good results and fast execution time.  相似文献   

Data preparation is an important step in mining incomplete data. To deal with this problem, this paper introduces a new imputation approach called SN (Shell Neighbors) imputation, or simply SNI. The SNI fills in an incomplete instance (with missing values) in a given dataset by only using its left and right nearest neighbors with respect to each factor (attribute), referred them to Shell Neighbors. The left and right nearest neighbors are selected from a set of nearest neighbors of the incomplete instance. The size of the sets of the nearest neighbors is determined with the cross-validation method. And then the SNI is generalized to deal with missing data in datasets with mixed attributes, for example, continuous and categorical attributes. Some experiments are conducted for evaluating the proposed approach, and demonstrate that the generalized SNI method outperforms the kNN imputation method at imputation accuracy and classification accuracy.  相似文献   

针对两组数据进行了比较讨论,试图说明在QSAR/QSPR研究中经常碰到的一个基本问题。第一组为一散布度(diver- sity)很大分子结构多样化的大样本数据;第二组则是按照分子结构相似度筛选出来的散布度较小结构相似的小样本数据。对于第一组数据,因数据集分散,全局模型难以完全描述物质结构特征与其性质之间的关系,所得回归结果很差(检验集相关系数Q2=0.68、平均预报偏差(RMSEP)=40.65)。试采用新近提出的局部懒惰回归(Local lazy regression,LLR)对其进行改善,但实际结果是局部模型的效果更差(Q2=0.60、RMSEP=45.05)。继对散布度较小且相对均匀(结构相似)的数据集用LLR方法建立局部模型,此时得到的预报结果(Q2=0.90、RMSEP=24.66)却明显优于全局模型(Q2=O.86、RMSEP=29.37)。  相似文献   

Mining With Noise Knowledge: Error-Aware Data Mining   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Real-world data mining deals with noisy information sources where data collection inaccuracy, device limitations, data transmission and discretization errors, or man-made perturbations frequently result in imprecise or vague data. Two common practices are to adopt either data cleansing approaches to enhance the data consistency or simply take noisy data as quality sources and feed them into the data mining algorithms. Either way may substantially sacrifice the mining performance. In this paper, we consider an error-aware (EA) data mining design, which takes advantage of statistical error information (such as noise level and noise distribution) to improve data mining results. We assume that such noise knowledge is available in advance, and we propose a solution to incorporate it into the mining process. More specifically, we use noise knowledge to restore original data distributions, which are further used to rectify the model built from noise- corrupted data. We materialize this concept by the proposed EA naive Bayes classification algorithm. Experimental comparisons on real-world datasets will demonstrate the effectiveness of this design.  相似文献   

The challenges of the classification for the large-scale and high-dimensional datasets are: (1) It requires huge computational burden in the training phase and in the classification phase; (2) it needs large storage requirement to save many training data; and (3) it is difficult to determine decision rules in the high-dimensional data. Nonlinear support vector machine (SVM) is a popular classifier, and it performs well on a high-dimensional dataset. However, it easily leads overfitting problem especially when the data are not evenly distributed. Recently, profile support vector machine (PSVM) is proposed to solve this problem. Because local learning is superior to global learning, multiple linear SVM models are trained to get similar performance to a nonlinear SVM model. However, it is inefficient in the training phase. In this paper, we proposed a fast classification strategy for PSVM to speed up the training time and the classification time. We first choose border samples near the decision boundary from training samples. Then, the reduced training samples are clustered to several local subsets through MagKmeans algorithm. In the paper, we proposed a fast search method to find the optimal solution for MagKmeans algorithm. Each cluster is used to learn multiple linear SVM models. Both artificial datasets and real datasets are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. In the experimental result, the proposed method prevents overfitting and underfitting problems. Moreover, the proposed strategy is effective and efficient.  相似文献   

Learning from noisy data is a challenging task for data mining research. In this paper, we argue that for noisy data both global bagging strategy and local bagging strategy su er from their own inherent disadvantages and thus cannot form accurate prediction models. Consequently, we present a Global and Local Bagging (called Glocal Bagging:GB) approach to tackle this problem. GB assigns weight values to the base classi ers under the consideration that: (1) for each test instance Ix, GB prefers bags close to Ix, which is the nature of the local learning strategy; (2) for base classi ers, GB assigns larger weight values to the ones with higher accuracy on the out-of-bag, which is the nature of the global learning strategy. Combining (1) and (2), GB assign large weight values to the classi ers which are close to the current test instance Ix and have high out-of-bag accuracy. The diversity/accuracy analysis on synthetic datasets shows that GB improves the classi er ensemble's performance by increasing its base classi er's accuracy. Moreover, the bias/variance analysis also shows that GB's accuracy improvement mainly comes from the reduction of the bias error. Experiment results on 25 UCI benchmark datasets show that when the datasets are noisy, GB is superior to other former proposed bagging methods such as the classical bagging, bragging, nice bagging, trimmed bagging and lazy bagging.  相似文献   

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