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化工装置利用热泵回收废热蒸汽供热的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在某大型石油化工企业两套引进装置间建立蒸汽喷射式热泵供热系统.利用泵将2PE装置在生产过程中排放的副生蒸汽回收,将其能量品位提高后供至PP装置,满足其用汽压力和温度的要求。取得了显著的效益。  相似文献   

洛阳石化公司芳烃联合装置由芳烃抽提和对二甲苯装置组成,2012年装置综合能耗为310.39kg标油/t,其中蒸汽能耗为124.44kg标油/t,占总能耗的40.09%。蒸汽能耗高主要与减温减压器的用损、闪蒸汽的不合理利用和浪费,以及装置蒸汽网络能级不匹配等因素有关。采用能量平衡和用分析的方法,对芳烃联合装置蒸汽用能现状进行分析,提出以蒸汽喷射式热泵替代减温减压器和蒸汽网络优化方案。蒸汽喷射式热泵能有效回收闪蒸蒸汽,并能提供介于高、低压蒸汽压力间各种压力等级的蒸汽,实现不同压力等级的蒸汽综合利用。以蒸汽喷射式热泵替代减温减压器,是优化蒸汽网络、提高能源综合利用效率的有效途径。装置经蒸汽网络优化后,蒸汽管网用效率可从84.53%提高至90.77%,蒸汽能级匹配更为合理,年节约标煤3657t,年创经济效益366×104元,投资回报期不超过一年。  相似文献   

蒸汽作为工业中常见的生产介质和载热体,通常来源于锅炉等热源。为了降低能耗、提高能源利用效率,提出了一种基于热泵技术的蒸汽发生装置,将锅炉产和热泵相结合的方案,利用喷射器作为过热蒸汽发生器来提供蒸汽。  相似文献   

2 热泵蒸发过程分析及评价(1)蒸汽再压缩式热泵装置的节能分析目前,在蒸发作业中广泛使用的仍是多效蒸发装置。与单效比较,这种操作虽有一定的节能效果,但要用大量的从锅炉产生的生蒸汽作为加热源。蒸汽再压缩式热泵装置,在正常运转时,除了原料预热使用少量的生蒸汽外,不再需要外来蒸汽的供应,当然,压缩机还需要一定的电能来驱动,但总的说来,蒸汽再压缩热泵装置比传统的蒸发操作具有显著的节能效果。以动力 W(电能或机械能),转化为用于蒸  相似文献   

蒸汽加热在工业中广泛应用,为充分利用蒸汽的热能,一般会在加热管道出口安装疏水阀,保证蒸汽冷凝后再排出加热装置。但因疏水阀本身性能要求和高温冷凝水闪蒸蒸汽的产生,蒸汽被排出加热装置是不可避免的。本文以某造纸企业纸机乏汽回收工程实践为基础,介绍了一种基于蒸汽射流热泵技术的蒸汽加热装置节能的方法,利用加热装置入口管道和装置内部之间的压差,在射流热泵吸入口形成低压区,卷吸疏水阀泄漏和冷凝水闪蒸的蒸汽,重新进入加热装置加以利用。  相似文献   

蒸汽再压缩热泵系统用于固体干燥节能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机械式蒸汽再压缩( MVR)热泵系统是一种新型高效节能装置,完全回收利用了蒸发过程产生水蒸气的潜热.本文分别计算了蒸发温度为100C和80C时蒸汽再压缩热泵系统在各种传热温差下的COP值,结果显示MVR系统具有良好的节能优势.此外,本文还将蒸汽再压缩热泵系统应用于固体干燥,并对各种固体干燥实验系统做出设计分析.  相似文献   

本文以大型石油化工企业引进的聚酯纤维纺丝装置为实例,研究用热泵供热代替蒸汽节流减压,回收蒸汽在减压过程中的火用损失,用专门研制的热力单元进行模块优化组合,建立由热泵、高效闪蒸、调压、疏水等组成的热泵供热系统替代常规的传统的热力系统,建立优化的用热网络,将低品位的蒸汽增压后再供给工艺生产使用。  相似文献   

1热泵在废热回收中的优势热泵在运行过程中消耗的高位能较少,而所供给的热量是消耗的高位能与吸取的低位热量的总和,因此,采用热泵装置可以充分利用低品位废热能量而节约电、煤等高品位能源。而且热泵在利用低温废热制取高温热源的同时,在蒸发端进一步降低低温热源端的温度,对低温热源具有制冷的作用,所以对同时需要供冷和供热的场合,采用热泵装置将非常有效减少高品位能源的消耗。由热泵制热的能效比(COP值)计算公式:输入能量输入能量吸收能量输入能量输出能量+COP==  相似文献   

石化企业工艺装置内存在大量低温余热(80~150℃),这些低温余热经过空气冷却器(简称空冷器)、循环水冷却器尚未得到利用,就散失于大气中。采用第二类吸收式热泵机组低温余热回收技术,回收两套烷基苯装置的低温余热可发生0.35 MPa的低压饱和蒸汽,再通过在导热油加热炉对流段设置蒸汽过热盘管将饱和蒸汽加热成过热蒸汽,输入低压蒸汽管网,可连续供各低压蒸汽用户使用。石化低温余热热泵机组低压蒸汽系统供汽技术充分利用石化装置低温余热资源,具有蒸汽成本低、运行平稳、机组启动快、负荷调节灵活的特点,对于节能减排任务艰巨的石化行业,值得推广。  相似文献   

热泵技术是将低品位热能提升为高品位热能的节能技术,而蒸汽喷射式热泵在企业余热回收中,主要是利用高速流动蒸汽的喷射,提高余热蒸汽的运行参数和质量,达到余热蒸汽回收和再次利用目的。我厂是年耗蒸汽60~80万吨的联合化工、化纤企业,工艺加热后产生的余热蒸汽有相当数量,以往我厂在余热回收中采用热泵技术、溴化锂制冷节能技术来回收余热,取得了一定的节能效果,但还有一部份化纤生产装置的余热蒸汽没有利用,1993年我厂与国家环保局南京环科所合作,用蒸汽喷射式热泵见图1,回收涤纶短丝后处理生产中排放出来的余热蒸汽,取得了…  相似文献   

Implementation of absorption heat pumps (AHPs) in a Kraft pulping process was studied using a new methodology for the optimal integration of those devices in a process. Two generic opportunities were identified for an energy and water optimized mill: (i) integration of a double lift chiller in the bleaching chemical making plant to produce chilled and hot water simultaneously, using MP steam as the driving energy and, (ii) installation of a single stage heat pump to concentrate the black liquor and produce useful hot water by upgrading heat from the bleaching effluent and using MP steam as driving energy. The principles of AHPs operation and their efficient integration into a process are described. The simple payback time (SPB) and net present value (NPV) were used to evaluate the interest of such implementations. Considering 63 $/MWh for the steam price, SPB of 2.7 and 1.7 years have been estimated for the two cases.  相似文献   

办公室和厂房供暖常采用蒸汽供暖或热水供暖。结合实际情况分析比较了两种供暖方式的优缺点。蒸汽供暖一次性投入较小,但使用维护费用较大;热水供暖和蒸汽供暖相比需增设一套热水循环装置、回水池和回水管路,但运行费用相对较少,且可最大程度地减少跑、冒、滴、漏现象的发生,从而可大大提高设备和材料的利用率,降低成本,最终起到节能降耗的作用,应广泛推广和应用。  相似文献   

重催联合装置低温热水循环系统能量优化研究与实施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李秀琴  张晖  魏家瑞 《中外能源》2011,16(11):103-106
介绍某石化公司重油催化裂化联合装置低温热水循环系统能量优化方案。利用Petro-SIM软件,建立了重催联合装置全流程模型,并以最佳综合经济效益为目标,对重催联合装置换热器数据进行夹点技术分析,在充分研究夹点分析结果的前提下,利用模型,对装置低温热水循环系统当前实际生产运行数据进行评估计算,发现由于富气压缩机入口温度的瓶颈,低温热水循环既使用了循环水冷却,又使用了蒸汽加热,这才是导致低温热水循环引入了过多热量的原因。因此,依据分析结果,制定出优化方案,此方案不增加任何投资,仅需优化操作,在不影响气分装置产品质量的前提下,通过提高气分装置换热水低温位余热的使用效率,降低蒸汽消耗和循环水使用量。夹点技术分析及实际运行结果表明,该项目每年节省低压蒸汽59760t,每年节能4541.76t标油,每年增加收入539.51万元。  相似文献   

工业锅炉是采暖供热系统的核心设备,它的主要任务是安全可靠、经济有效地把燃料的化学能转化为热能,进而将热能传递给水,生产出满足需要的蒸汽或热水。  相似文献   

黄天旭  王培超 《中外能源》2009,14(12):104-107
中国石化洛阳分公司2号催化装置自2008年5月进行FDFCC(生产清洁汽油燃料和增产丙烯的技术)改造后,由于FDFCC工艺技术的特点,除催化烧焦、除氧水外,电、蒸汽、热进(出)料和循环水消耗均有所增加。2008年6~9月,装置综合能耗平均为84.73kg标油/t,远高于设计值67kg标油/t。通过实施投用外取热器,做好烟机发电工作,提高3.5MPa压力、降低汽压机消耗,保证变频电机正常投用,用好热联合,减少1.0MPa蒸汽消耗等节能措施,在2008年10月装置综合能耗降至62.07kg标油/t。同时,提出了实施继续降低生焦率、争取实现烟机发电、优化溶剂再生操作、蒸汽伴热改热水、及时修复保温层等进一步的节能措施的建议。  相似文献   

Microturbines are promising power sources for small scale combined heat and power (CHP) systems. However, the power output and efficiency of microturbines decreases much as the ambient temperature increases. As a remedy to minimize the performance penalty at hot ambient conditions, the injection of water or steam into a microturbine CHP system was analyzed in this work. An analysis program to simulate the operation of a microturbine CHP system was set up and validated by using measured test data. The injection of hot water, which is generated at the heat recovery unit, at two different locations inside the microturbine was predicted. The generation of steam through the same heat recovery unit and its injection at the two locations was predicted as well. All the four cases provide sufficiently enhanced power output. Injection at the recuperator inlet exhibits a higher efficiency than injection at the combustor in both water and steam injections. Steam injection provides a higher power generation efficiency than water injection on the average. The injection of steam at the recuperator inlet is most promising in terms of power generation efficiency. However, water injection at the recuperator also enhances power generation efficiency while still providing thermal energy to some extent.  相似文献   

M701F燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组在两班制调峰运行方式下,机组每日启动时需启动锅炉提供辅汽.结合机组辅汽的用户以及余热锅炉的特点,在热态模式下利用余热锅炉的蒸汽来提供辅汽,取得了很好的经济效益和安全可靠性,对同类型机组具有较好的参考价值.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel solar aided power generation (SAPG) hybrid system based on the structural characteristics of coal‐fired power generation is established. In this system, the extraction steam of No.8 low pressure heater is replaced by the hot water coming from a concentration‐photovoltaic/thermal (C‐PV/T) module. The extraction steam returns into the steam turbine to do work, which increases the output power. And the electricity from the parallel C‐PV/T module goes directly into the power grid, which increases the generated power. The C‐PV/T module coupled with coal‐fired power generation improves the solar energy efficiency and provides hot water. As a case study, the economic calculation is performed with actual operation data extracted from a 600‐MW coal‐fired unit. The results show that the total efficiency increased by 1.3%, the coal fuel consumption is lowered by 11 g/kW·h, and the investment recovery period is approximately 7 years. This study offers a theoretical support to the engineering demonstration.  相似文献   

Adsorptive heat transformer is a promising technology for waster heat recovery and global energy conservation. A novel cyclic adsorption heating system based on direct contact heat exchange method has been established for the purpose of high-temperature steam generation from hot water. Pre-adsorption is originally proposed before generation phase to enhance the system performance with composite zeolite 13X and MgSO4 in the open-loop adsorption heating system. Composite zeolite is prepared by impregnation method. Experimental results show steam with temperature higher than 200°C is generated from inlet water at 72.0°C. During regeneration phase, dry air at 130°C and relative humidity of 7.37% is employed. Gross temperature lift is 95.0°C to 103°C for different pre-adsorption conditions. The effective steam generation time with pre-adsorption temperature at 90.0°C is prolonged by 27.4%. Meanwhile, the mass of steam is elevated by 16.2% compared with the cycle without pre-adsorption. Exergy coefficient of performance is upgraded by 14.7% and specific heating power for steam generation is increased by 16.0%. The pre-adsorption operation achieved the goal of recovery of low-grade waste steam on adsorbents to enhance the subsequent high-temperature steam generation. After pre-adsorption operation, the packed bed reaches adsorption and thermal equilibrium more quickly during generation phase. Thus, dynamic steam generation is significantly intensified and then system performance is improved correspondingly.  相似文献   

吕长江  赵永成 《节能技术》2007,25(3):263-265,274
本论文主要介绍了SHL20-13型蒸汽锅炉向热水锅炉的技术改造,通过热力及水动力计算完成了水循环改造的方案设计,并对对流管束水循环系统进行了过冷沸腾校核,通过对锅炉改造前后同等负荷情况下运行参数的比较,说明了热水锅炉具体节能所在.改造后锅炉运行安全可靠,出力足,达到了节能目的.  相似文献   

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