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Experiments with regard to various factors entering into pickling of sheet iron show that: (1) a freshly made sulphuric acid pickling bath pickles faster than a bath in which there is any concentration of ferrous sulphate and that (2) there is no evident advantage in adding a portion of old pickling solution to a new pickling solution “to get it to work right,” although prictical experience indicates otherwise; (3) increased ferrous chloride concentration in a muriatic acid pickling bath increases the rate of pickling; (4) ferric sulphate in a sulphuric acid bath will accelerate the rate of pickling, but will soon change to ferrous sulphate and then retard the rate; (5) decrease in acidity from usual strength decreases rate of pickling; (6) increase of temperature of bath accelerates rate of pickling; (7) iron annealed just previous to pickling loses 250–4000 more in pickling than unannealed iron; (8) use of monel metal basket accelerates the rate of pickling due to electrochemical reactions; and (9) use of muriatic acid or sodium chloride in mixtures with sulphuric acid retards the rate of pickling. 相似文献
从设备、分析仪表以及裂解炉生产运行等方面,分析了影响乙烯装置裂解炉热效率的原因,并提出了解决处理方法,从而提高了裂解炉热效率,降低了装置能耗。 相似文献
改革开放以来,佛山已成为全球最大的陶瓷生产基地、我国最大的建卫瓷出口基地.但是佛山的建卫瓷发展也受到了诸多因素的制约,近年来增幅锐减,出口举步为艰,陷入了前所未有的困境.本文侧重分析了佛山建卫瓷产业的种种制约因素. 相似文献
对影响炭/陶复合材料机械性能的诸因素,如气孔率、粘合剂种类及用量、焙烧温度、石墨用量等进行了实验研究。 相似文献
探讨了影响聚苯乙烯制品力学性能测试的因素,从制样过程及分析测试时操作者的行为等方面进行了研究。结果表明,了解测试过程的误差来源、正确操作方法、减少测量误差是提高测试准确性的必要条件;严格执行试样制备的工艺条件,是保证测试结果重现性的关键因素。 相似文献
随着社会经济的发展,人们的生活水平有了很大的提高,人们更渴望好的产品出现,以适应时代的潮流,而现在市场上的产品差强人意,色彩与造型心理尤其严重。人们在谈及到一款产品设计时,经常会用到"挺漂亮的","挺有创意","挺有意思"等等词汇,其实从审美的角度来讲,这些词汇都是对于设计师、产品和受众之间的情感征兆的描述。选择该论文题目是自己对社会现象得认识了解,是自己对陶瓷产品造型的体会,通过自己的总结,使大众对设计中趣味元素的应用有深刻得认识,并观注设计的发展趋势。 相似文献
本文详细分析了不饱和聚酯树脂的化学组成及分子结构等对固化制品性能的影响,并阐述了它们之间的内在联系。这对不饱和聚酯的配方设计和玻璃钢制品的生产均具有重要作用。 相似文献
Bentonite is a very widely distributed clay material that is the result of the devitrification and chemical alteration of glassy volcanic ash or tuff. Bentonite should be used as the name of a rock derived from volcanic glass and it is commonly composed of the mineral montmorillonite but less often of beidellite. Its characteristic minerals are completely crystalline and have a micaceous habit, high birefringence and facile cleavage. It contains no gel colloids, and few of its crystal particles are so small as to reach “colloidal size.” It shows high adsorptive powers and this property is more dependent upon physical form than upon chemical composition. That is upon the micaceous structure and easy cleavage which give very great surface area and the‘felt-like texture which facilitates permeability. The clay minerals of the type here described resemble the micas in many ways, but do not seem to possess the marked chemical variability of that group. A large number of analyses of the clay minerals from bentonite indicates that the most widespread of these is montmorillonite with the formula (Mg, Ca)O A1203 5SiO2, nH20. A reanalysis of the type montmorillonite from Montmorillon, France, gives the same formula, and the mineral has also been recognized in lithium-bearing pegmatites and in fullers' earth. A few bentonites are composed of beidellite, a mineral first identified from the gouge clay of ore veins. It has the formula A12O3·3SiO2·nH2O where n= about 4, and A1203 may be partly replaced by Fe203. A third micaceous clay mineral has the composition of halloysite Al2O3· 2SiO2· nH2O, but it is completely and visibly crystalline and has a high birefringence. 相似文献
人工神经网络在陶瓷工业中的应用与展望 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文对人工神经网络的发展及其在工业中的应用做了综合介绍,并结合陶瓷工业中的应用实例综述和探讨了人工神经网络在陶瓷工业中的应用及其发展前景。 相似文献
A. E. R. Westman 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1932,15(10):552-563
A number of ceramic clays in the plastic condition were held between water-permeable pistons under mechanical pressure of from 200 to 20,000 pounds per square inch in contact with water at atmospheric pressure until equilibrium was reached; the water in the pistons was removed by compressed air, the pressure released. and the moisture content, density, drying shrinkage, and other properties of the clays determined. In every case, the moisture content and drying shrinkage decreased with increasing pressure and with some clays at high pressures expansion occurred on drying. Rather complete data are given for a number of clays and their theoretical and practical significance is discussed. 相似文献
The characteristics of glazes are too frequently regarded as the only important factor governing the resistance of glazed ware to thermal shock crazing. In this investigation it was found that thermal shock crazing was caused, in some cases, by craze-like cracks which developed in the bodies. The importance of selecting suitable bodies, as a means of controlling crazing, became evident at once when it was found that bodies with a high resistance to thermal shock were not so liable to craze when glazed and subjected to sudden temperature changes as those with a low resistance to thermal shock. In general, glazed ware on which the glazes are under fairly high compression are more resistant to thermal shock crazing than those on which the glaze is under either low compression or tension. Glazed ware which is susceptible to thermal shock crazing may be resistant to moisture crazing and vice versa. 相似文献
A. E. R. Westman 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1933,16(6):256-264
The apparatus and technique used in a study of the permeable-pressing characteristics of ceramic clays, described in a previous paper with the same title, were used in making a detailed study of the effect of molding pressure on the properties of permeablepressed disks of Florida and Delaware kaolins, The effect of initially high preswres on the properties of disks made at low pressures was investigated, and the rate of water removal was studied. The permeable-pressing characteristics of mixtures of clays and nonplastics were investigated at high and low pressures and the firing properties of permeable-pressed clay disks made in the previous investigation were determined. Further work with larger disks is in progress. 相似文献