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The invitation to be the Edward Orton, Jr., Fellow Lecturer of the American Ceramic Society for 1945 is a very great honor and a privilege which one interested in the mineralogy of clays must heartily appreciate. Dr. Orton was a geologist as well as a founder of this Society, and no doubt in issuing this invitation you had in mind the maintenance of this historic relationship. Those of us who follow him cannot add to that relationship, but I hope that I can help to foster it. Perhaps not all geologists know of this common ground between ceramics and geology as you do, and no doubt you would have me remind my geologic colleagues of this and of the mutual contributions which its maintenance entails. Another common bond of interest is that ceramists have made use of mineralogic and petrographic techniques to an extent not matched in any other applied science. In particular, they have utilized the petrographic microscope, and ceramists and mineralogists alike have found in X rays a wonderful new method of research. Clays, the subject of this lecture, should provide a common meeting ground and one which no doubt would win the hearty approval of Dr. Orton.  相似文献   

Pyrometric cones produced by the Standard Pyrometric Cone Company (now known as The Edward Orton, Jr., Ceramic Foundation) were calibrated at the National Bureau of Standards in 1926. Cones available from the 1926 calibration were recalibrated, and new working standards were obtained by calibrating specimens of present production from the Orton Foundation. Heating rates of 150° and 60°C. per hour were used in determining the end points of a series of large cones, whereas a rate of 300°C. per hour was employed for the small cones through cone 12. The pyrometric cone equivalent (P.C.E.) series was calibrated and extended down to cone 12
.  相似文献   

A.M. 《化工进展》2005,24(6):697-702
Like most U.S. chemical companies, you probably know where your security-sensitive inventories are located within your sites and have assured yourself that you have taken reasonable precautions to reduce the risk of their being used in a terrorist attack. What about when you ship them? How secure are the various parts of your value chain-offsite storage and transportation of your products, raw materials, intermediates,and wastes, and processing of ordering and invoicing transactions? Value chain security focuses on tampering and misuse of materials handled outside the plant boundaries.  相似文献   

General Introduction After spending many years working on colour and appearance in industry, I became aware of a gross ignorance of the origin of the colour and beauty existing around me in nature. The results of the succeeding awakening formed the theme of my retiring address as Chairman of The Colour Group (Great Britain) on 13th May, 1981, at the Royal Institution, London. Life, it seems, was destined to become coloured from the start and it has become a more and more colourful place as evolution has continued. Colour and design are vital, in different ways, to the life and perpetuation of different biological systems. I have attempted to amalgamate the views of the biologist, biochemist, anthropologist, and physicist (among others), to give a personal overall view of the driving forces and principles of appearance and colouration in the world of nature. The three articles to follow consider, first, the mechanisms which result in the colour of primary producers using the photosynthetic process; second, the mechanisms which produce colouration and total appearance in flowering plants and animals; and third, human colouration and man's use of colour, stopping short of modern technology. I hope that these findings will add to the everyday joy which you can experience in your natural environment.  相似文献   

Mark Faust 《SILICON》2014,6(1):1-4
If all the stars were to align, and if innovations yet to be thought of were implemented, how much more do you think that you and your team as a whole could realistically create in annual sales revenue and profits? I believe and have experienced that the vast majority of companies have the potential to dramatically accelerate growth. With aggressive innovation and effective strategy, three-year objectives can often become this year’s reality. However, companies achieve this not from efforts focused just on marketing or individual selling skills or productivity innovations for growth, but by focusing holistically throughout a company. If a concerted effort is made to accelerate growth from every angle possible, often significant growth is right around the corner. The methods below are widely applicable to the silicon-based industry and the end users of silicon-based products.  相似文献   

During the 33 years I have spent in industrial fats and oils research and development I have been fortunate to have both R&D managers who let me stay in the laboratory and do my own research, and capable assistants who worked with me in the laboratory. Of course, much of my work could never have been done without them, so this award is theirs, too. My laboratory assistant in Taiwan, Dorothy Chu, wrote me, “You are my boss, so it is my honor, too.” This is not just my award; you are also honoring those who worked with me during the past. (Robert R. Allen former AOCS president and winner of the 1983 Bailey Award, was the recipient of the 1986 Supelco AOCS Research Award presented in May at the 1986 AOCS annual meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. Allen received the award for his pioneering work in hydrogena-tion and for other research. The following is the address given by Allen after receiving the award.)  相似文献   

The ferromagnetic glass ceramics in the system SiO2-B2O3-Fe2O3-SrO were prepared via four different fabrication methods, i.e., fiber-drawing, melt-quenching, natural-cooling, and annealing, without performing any nucleation and crystallization heat treatments. The influences of chemical composition and fabrication method on the spontaneous crystallization of magnetite were investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The X-ray diffraction patterns show the presence of nanometric magnetite crystals in the glass matrix, and the increasing boron oxide can promote the spontaneous crystallization of magnetite. The estimated size of crystallized magnetite varies between 12 and 50 nm. The magnetic properties of the glass ceramics derived from the four fabrication methods were analyzed using a Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), Agilent HP8722ES vector network analyzer and Mössbauer spectra. We find that both the saturation magnetization (MS) and coercivity (Hjc) depend on the chemical composition and fabrication method. The calorimetric measurements were carried out using Orton Standard Dilatometers.  相似文献   

The advancement of ceramics from an art to a science, a transition which has been in progress for the last forty odd years, parallels the development of the science of colloids. Whereas the application of the fundamentals of the physical and the chemical sciences has indicated to the ceramic engineer the methods to be used in solving his problems, it has been in the interpretation of these researches that the colloid science has contributed more than was ever anticipated. For a more practical knowledge of the basic principles involved in the fabrication of ceramic goods, the ceramist finds that a thorough understanding of the colloid-physical concept of clays and other raw materials supplies him with the answers to many of his industrial problems. The subject matter of ceramics or, more specifically, the fabrication of ceramic ware is discussed from the colloid-physical standpoint in an effort to illustrate what colloid chemistry means to the ceramic industry.  相似文献   

颗粒堆积现象的计算机模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
颗粒堆积现象的计算机模拟是为能经济地、有铲地分析和优化不同材料如陶瓷、水泥、医药、粉末冶金、聚合物等的性能,并为设计先进材料朝代一种行之有效的手段,近15年来该领域研究的评述表明颗粒堆积现象模拟,尤其在动态过程方面已取得了一些进展。有些计算机模拟软件已应用于模拟如陶瓷和混凝土的颗粒堆积过程,离散元方法也成功地被应用于模拟过程中。另外,为了简化现有的计算机模拟过程,有关专家用一维Monte Carlo方法来取代复杂的三维方法,同时讨论了现有的颗粒堆积过程模拟方法所存在的问题和局限性。  相似文献   

廖正品 《国外塑料》2007,25(10):20-25
随着中国经济整体稳定持续健康发展,中国塑料工业经过"十五"实现了跨越式的发展,塑料制品业取得了令世人瞩目的成就,实现了主要经济指标两位数大幅度增长,总产值位居轻工行业第三位,出口居第五位,已成为中国国民经济健康发展中的支柱产业。  相似文献   

Here, I would like to make a report to you on the developments of China Plastics Industry in 2006, and to prospect the trends in 2007. 1 Basic Conditions of China Plastics Processing Industry China plastics industry focuses on plastics processing, including plastic synthetic resin, auxiliaries and additives, as well as plastics processing machinery and mold. During the 10th five-year plan, Chinese plastics industry had implemented the scientific concept of development, promoted the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, and had adhered to the way of new industrialization. The whole industry was thriving with its open up to the world. It played an increasingly important role in the nation's economy. And now it is undergoing the change from a big plastics industry county into a powerful one  相似文献   

Next month     
In next month’s issue we’ll be previewing the JEC Composites Show 2003, which takes place in Paris on 1-3 April. As always we’ll be highlighting some of the new products and developments to look out for. (A review of the show will be included in the June issue.) As well as JEC, we’ll be taking a look at adhesives for use in bonding composites, and the latest developments in the use of composites in the rail and mass transit industries. Also, look out for the launch of our 2004 Industry Awards competition and your opportunity to nominate a product that you think deserves recognition.Visit www.reinforcedplastics.com for the latest plastics industry news  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2017,43(5):4295-4301
We prepared ferromagnetic glass-ceramics in the system SiO2-Al2O3-SrO-B2O3-Fe2O3 via four different methods, i.e., fiber-drawing, melt-quenching, natural-cooling, and annealing, without performing any nucleation and crystallization heat treatment. The influences of chemical compositions and fabrication methods on the spontaneous crystallization of magnetite in the as-prepared glass ceramics were investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The X-ray diffraction patterns show that the nanometric magnetite crystals exist in a glass matrix. The spontaneous crystallization of magnetite can be enhanced with increasing alumina content. The size of crystallized magnetite is dependent on the chemical composition. The magnetic hysteresis circles of the glass-ceramic samples were analyzed using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) in a 450 KA/m magnetic field. We find that both the saturation magnetization (MS) and coercivity (Hjc) are changed with the variation of chemical compositions and fabrication methods. Calorimetric measurements were carried out using Orton Standard Dilatometers and we found that the softening point (TS) and the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the annealed samples show non-monotonic dependence on the chemical composition.  相似文献   

无铅压电陶瓷的开发和应用已经成为各个国家的研究热点.本文结合国际开发研究现状,从压电结构的钙钛矿型结构入手,主要论述了无铅压电陶瓷的发展现状,以及目前主要的无铅压电陶瓷的研究体系.探讨了生产的新工艺和新的压电陶瓷体系开发的研究方法;并对无铅压电陶瓷的研究开发前景做了展望.  相似文献   

杨松银 《广东化工》2011,38(3):172-173,171
作为工程的现场管理者,项目施工前应该首先了解工程中要做什么事,由谁去完成它,什么时间去完成它及如何组织去完成它?概括起来为"做什么,怎么做",即"DO WHAT,AND HOW?",然后根据自身条件去选择最优的方法,合适的人力,购买合格的材料,使用实用的机器,制造安全良好的施工环境,然后树立施工人员的责任心,掌握各道工序及控制点,施工时协调各方问题即可安全、保质、保量,如期完成工程。  相似文献   

Every piece of information is available on the internet – at least that is what today's TV commercials want to make us believe, though everyday use of the internet shows that working with databases is far more complicated than this. Different surfaces, complex query languages and the feeling that you either don't get enough or far too many relevant replies to your question often keep you from being satisfied. Can a need for information be foreseen to a certain degree? In the following we will have a subjective look at widespread query mechanisms and introduce an alternative concept using Analytical Chemistry as an example. The central idea behind this is to make a search more intuitive for the user by offering multiple keyword trees instead of a single keyword directory.  相似文献   

由于特种陶瓷在热学、力学、化学、电磁学等方面,以及在化学组成、内部结构、性能和使用效能各方面均不同于传统陶瓷,具有各种优异独特的性能,决定了它的广泛适用性。特种陶瓷应用于汽车上,可以有效降低车辆的重量,降低油耗,提高发动机的热效率,减少排气污染,提高易损件寿命、完善汽车智能性功能都具有积极意义。首先综述了节能环保的车用...  相似文献   

每个人都会想拥有一把浓密亮泽的头发。秀发和适合的发型就如同一件亮丽合身的衣服,可以为你增添光彩和自信,同时也是健康的象征。正所谓一分耕耘,一分收获。想要拥有一头乌黑健康的头发当然离不开你对它的日常护理。而洗发护发产品就是我们日常爱护头发的不二之选。  相似文献   

由于有了电子商务、订单完成与产品质量日益变得同样重要,你的仓库是否也能胜任呢?挑选灵活性高、适应性强的设施、你就会永远能够及时地为你的客护提供所需的服务,他们也将会继续成为你忠实的客户。  相似文献   

多孔陶瓷的制备及应用研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多孔陶瓷在化学稳定性、抗高温氧化及耐热冲击等方面具有优异的性能,在生物材料、催化剂载体、过滤器、热交换器等众多领域的应用越来越广泛。近年来,新型多孔陶瓷的开发和应用已成为无机非金属材料研究的一个热点课题。本文综述了多孔陶瓷的类型、性质、制备工艺以及最新研究进展和应用。  相似文献   

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