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By adding a small amount of a rare earth to a definite portion of batch, the velocity, direction, and amount of surface flow can be determined. The flow measurements are calculated from the resultant slight fluorescence of samples taken at intervals or by the change in transmission for certain wave lengths of ultraviolet light. Sample results are shown and discussed.  相似文献   

在工业过程控制技术上,从分布式控制系统(DCS)走向现场总线控制系统(FCS)是已经在进行并必将由后者取代前者的过程。本着从推进技术进步的角度出发,通过对当今池窑过程控制的一些先进设计加以总结,从而看出总线技术所带来的好处,达到与同行交流,促使我国玻纤工业的自动控制紧跟国际领先的控制技术,从生产、管理、决策、节能、经济上获取最大效益。  相似文献   

Construction advantages and limitations of the sprung-type tank crown are discussed, and some modern heating chamber applications are shown in which the roof or crown has been changed in contour to secure better and more efficient heating. Developments have been made which indicate that a roof or crown may be used for more than just a top inclosure over a heating chamber. An explanation is given of how the present roof construction has been changed to secure these improved contour lines across and lengthwise of the heating chamber. Any of these features may be more generally applied to improved glass tank construction.  相似文献   

Design and operation of glass house producer-gas furnaces.—After discussing the proper design of checker chambers, two inefficient designs are criticised. The gases being cooled should move downward and the gases being heated should move upward, and the dimensions should be based on actual working data. The location of the ports is important and heat insulation should be carefully considered. The reversing valve should be efficient and operated regularly; and the performance of the furnace should be constantly watched with the help of instruments such as draft recorders and thermocouples, and the waste gases should be analyzed frequently. With care in design and operation it should be possible to approach the performance of a certain furnace which gave 3 lbs. of glass for each pound of coal burned.  相似文献   

黄从军 《玻璃纤维》2008,(1):21-23,26
介绍了作为高能耗行业的玻璃纤维池窑的能耗量、利用的能源。在多年玻璃纤维池窑生产过程中,研究针对窑炉蓄热室、熔化部池底、熔化部大煊、熔化部投料口等部位的节能方法,采用通路电加热、通路保温、总通路池底、蓄热窜保温技术及池底鼓泡、熔化部池底辅助电加热技术与合理的热工制度等并采取改进砖材性能、砌筑工艺和方法等不同节能技术的研究及应用成果。  相似文献   

介绍了随着国际油价节节攀高,我国玻纤工业的飞速发展,各种火焰窑特别是烧油的火焰窑其成本将越来越高,而水电、核电、风电发展越来越多的社会现状,并提出为降低成本,提高经济效益,各种熔窑由原先以烧油烧气为主用电为辅的情况将会逐渐改为以用电为主烧油烧气为辅。今后电熔窑、电通路辅以烧油烧气或全电熔窑、电通路的生产线将是主要的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A procedure is outlined for routine qualitative analysis of certain common constituents of glass by means of spot tests using organic reagents according to the technique of Feigl. Sampling of the glass has been accomplished previously by using the powdered glass or by attacking the glass surface. A technique is discussed for the nondestructive testing of fabricated samples. Using this technique, a sample may be obtained by scratching the glass against a quartz plate. The method shows promise as a practical laboratory and plant tool.  相似文献   

An apparatus is described for extracting the gas from glass at glass-furnace temperature and determining its composition. Results are given for glasses of various compositions and various melting histories. All ordinary glasses were found to contain appreciable quantities of dissolved (or chemically combined) gas, the amount varying from a few hundredths to a few tenths per cent. Water is frequently the most abundant gas, the content being highest in borosilicate glasses. Carbon dioxide is also usually present, the amount depending on the basicity of the glass. Nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen were never found present in appreciable quantities. All oxidized glasses contain some oxygen. Glasses containing arsenic give off a comparatively large volume of oxygen. The effect of this oxygen on fining is discussed. It has been found that remelting a glas has little effect on the gas content. The gas content is greatly influenced by the size of the melt, being the lowest in small experimental melts.  相似文献   

杨永跃 《玻璃纤维》2006,(5):9-12,18
马蹄焰球窑的泡界线不同于横焰窑,其特点是随换火发生变化,而且是弧型,并存在亚澄清区。控制好泡界线即可保证玻璃球内在质量。阐述了利用控制生产上的“五大稳”来控制马蹄焰球窑泡界线从而提高玻璃球质量的方法。玻璃球质量的提高可带来良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

Some of the problems encountered in firing decorated whiteware are discussed. Both commercial and laboratory tests were conducted to show the cause of difficulties and their prevention. The subjects discussed are (1) “spit-out” or blistered glaze, (3) prevention of crazed or dunted glaze, (3) firing of selenium red overglaze, and (4) prevention of specks in decorating or overglazing one-fired whiteware.  相似文献   

The paper gives a short review of the soda-recovery methods used in the Kraft process. The tests made to determine the relative merits of different refractories were (1) P.C.E. determinations of soda-refractory mixtures, (2) simulative-service slag tests, and (3) petrographic analyses. Tests indicate that resistance is produced by (1) an impervious crystalline structure, such as soapstone for the low temperatures and electro-cast mullite for the high temperatures, or (2) chemical inertness in contact with soda, such as is found with purer forms of magnesia.  相似文献   

万维晶 《玻璃纤维》2006,(2):16-19,22
为加深对消防规范的理解,提高设计水平,分析了玻纤企业储油罐区消防的特点及消防系统的型式分类,认为储油罐区火灾补救更应着眼于固定式灭火系统。通过设计实例,详细介绍了储油灌区消防泡沫灭火系统的选择、工艺流程、消防冷却水以及在设计中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

The unusually rapid failure of thermocouple protection tubes when used in glass furnace atmospheres has been found to be due to reaction of the volatilized alkalis in the atmosphere with the aluminum silicates of the tube. Failure of the tubes is due either to differential thermal contraction between the outer reaction layer and the inner unaltered layer of the tube on cooling or to actual corrosion and dripping away of the tube. It is suggested that the use of a much higher percentage of alumina and lower percentage of silica in the tubes may prevent failures from this cause.  相似文献   

Microscopic examination of used glass house refractories gives evidence about the transformations that have taken place during use, and the relative solubilities of constituents of the refractories in the glass. On this evidence it is concluded that high alumina refractories would resist the solvent action of the glass and the fluxing action of the soda in the furnace atmosphere better than fire clay refractories. Investigations are needed to find a new refractory mortar for use between silica and clay refractories in glass tanks.  相似文献   

以恒力石化(大连)化工有限公司1500 kt/a乙烯装置裂解炉为例,详细描述裂解炉的工艺流程,分析常规控制方案存在的问题,进而重新设计控制系统,该系统包括平均COT控制、支路温度平衡控制、支路温度“高控”“低控”和总进料流量提/降量控制。并且还介绍控制系统的工程实施,其中包括先进控制系统硬软件平台、先进控制与常规控制的切换逻辑、先进控制系统操作界面等。本系统的投用提高了裂解炉控制的平稳度,延长了裂解炉的运行周期,带来了显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

The quality of glass obtainable from a continuous glassmelting furnace is dependent on raw materials, fuels, furnace design and operation, and skill in the art of gathering and manipulating molten glass. Of these requirements, the content of the present paper is limited to information on furnace design and construction and its effect on the ultimate quality of the glass that can be produced when proper fuels, raw materials, and labor are employed.  相似文献   

Direct optical measurements of length changes of five commercial fire-clay refractories were made during a 72-hour firing on a uniform heating schedule of 35°F. (20°C.) per hour. Data obtained from room temperature to 2700°F. (1480°C.) revealed three periods of high shrinkage rate. The shrinkage within these periods, emphasized by plotting the rate of change in length against temperature, showed maximum values at 950° to 1000°F., 1630° to 1680°F., and 1940° to 2040°F. (510°to 540°C.,890° to 915°C., and 1060° to 1115°C.). The magnitude of these peak values increased in the sameorder. The highest linear-shrinkage rate observed was 2.4% per 100°F. (55°C.) temperature rise in the interval between 2018° and 2060°F. (1105° and 1125°C.).  相似文献   

Assuming from a consideration of silicate minerals that aluminum should replace silicon in silicates, the authors investigated the system Na2O-CaO-SiO2-Al2O3. Densities and refractive indices have been determined and molecular refractions have been calculated. Partial molecular refractivities of Al2O3 indicate a coordination number of 4 for aluminum and deviate appreciably from values for compounds in which aluminum has a coordination number of 6. Interionic distances have been calculated for Si—O and Al—O. As a result of these studies, it is concluded that the aluminum atom isomorphously replaces the silicon atom in the random fetrahedral network. With this replacement, Ca++ can increasingly replace Na+ in the interstices of the open structure.  相似文献   

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