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BACKGROUND: Adenoma (papillary adenoma, florid papillomatosis, subareolar duct papillomatosis, erosive adenomatosis) of the nipple is an uncommon lesion and can be mistaken clinically for Paget's disease and pathologically be misinterpreted as an adenocarcinoma. CASE: A case of adenoma of the nipple was studied by cytology and histopathology. CONCLUSION: Recognition of this benign lesion on cytology will prevent unnecessary radical surgery. Local excision alone suffices.  相似文献   

Models for the surface of cuticle cells in hair fibers consist of a monolayer of fatty acids covalently bound to the underlying protein membrane by thioester linkages. The most prominent of these fatty acids is 18-methyleicosanoic acid (C21a), the synthesis of which requires the oxidative decarboxylation of isoleucine. Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is caused by an inherited deficiency in the enzyme branched chain 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase, which leads to the accumulation of branched chain alpha-keto-acids derived from the amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Transmission electron microscopy studies of developing hair fibers show a structural defect in the fiber shaft in hair from patients with MSUD. This defect is confined to the cuticle of the fiber, where the cuticle membrane directly apposes the intercellular material. Thus, the defect indicates that C21a is located exclusively on the upper surface of fiber cuticle cells. Lipid analysis of MSUD hairs has demonstrated significant changes in the relative abundance of the covalently bound fatty acids and an almost complete absence of C21a, whereas there was little difference in the amino acid composition compared with normal hair. These results provide further evidence for the existence of the surface lipid monolayer and its crucial role in cellular adhesion.  相似文献   

A renotropic factor was partially purified by sequential gel filtration and anion exchanger chromatography from plasma of human kidney transplantation donors and a renal cancer patient after uninephrectomy. This activity increased the rate of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA in rat cortical tubules, but not in rat liver cells, within the range of 100-200 ng/ml protein. The renotropic activity was detected between 7 and 12 days after uninephrectomy, and at least in 1 case decreased thereafter. This activity was undetected in gel-filtrated plasma of patients after a nonurological surgical procedure. The potency of this renotropic activity and its elution by gel filtration are similar to those displayed by a renal growth factor activity isolated from uninephrectomized rat plasma, as recently reported.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare, contrast and analyze the value and limitations of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology and core biopsy (CB) in a rural setting. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of 100 FNA cytology and 100 CB results of mass lesions from 193 patients matched for age, sex and body organs, and referred for FNA or CB in rural New South Wales, Australia, between September 1990 and May 1996. RESULTS: FNA cytology and CB results from 193 patients were analyzed, based on anatomic location and cytologic criteria. Sites included lung, retroperitoneum, liver, breast, kidney, pancreas and ovary. The FNA group contained 6 inadequate, 14 benign, 3 atypical, 6 suspicious and 71 malignant cases, whereas the CB group had 1 inadequate, 24 benign and 75 malignant conditions. The inadequate samples in both groups were due to technical difficulty in obtaining representative material. The indeterminate (atypical and suspicious) group, which was the main pitfall of FNA, contained 4 low grade carcinomas, 3 low grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and 2 fibrocystic breast changes. The benign FNA group comprised 8 cysts, 5 inflammatory/reactive conditions and 1 benign tumor/hamartoma, whereas the benign CB group contained 11 cysts, 9 inflammatory/reactive conditions and 4 benign tumors. CONCLUSION: FNA was comparable to CB at most anatomic sites. CB occasionally offered additional information. This slight advantage was due to the availability of tissue from the first and often the only pass for assessment of architecture and performance of ancillary tests, which obviated the need for further sampling. On-site assessment of the core imprints at the time of the procedure by the highly skilled and experienced interventional cytopathologist was responsible for limiting the number of attempts to one core in most of the instances, therefore minimizing complications. Pathologists are encouraged to become more familiar with the criteria of aspiration cytology, which has proven its validity in the new cost-conscious environment. Despite the recent surge in the popularity of core biopsy, FNA cytology, when practiced in a multidisciplinary setting, with involvement of pathologists, radiologists and clinicians, is an extremely accurate test with very high sensitivity, which approaches that of surgical pathology, and specificity very similar to that of frozen section. FNA has a positive predictive value for a malignant diagnosis of almost 100%. FNA is a well-tolerated, relatively noninvasive test with a very low risk of complications.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review our experience with fine needle aspiration of orbital lesions. STUDY DESIGN: Over an eight-year period, 24 orbital fine needle aspiration (FNA) samples were recorded, 22 of them adequate for interpretation. RESULTS: There were two benign tumors. There were 14 malignant tumors, 5 primary, 8 metastatic and 1 malignant and originating in the nasal cavity, invading the orbit. In two cases the original tissue diagnosis was incorrect and was revised by the fine needle aspirate. There were six nonneoplastic cases. In one case an infectious agent was identified, and another showed atypical lymphoid cells. Of the two nondiagnostic cases, one was compatible clinically with an orbital pseudotumor, and the other had no available follow-up. A specific diagnosis was achieved in 18 of 24 instances, or 75% of the cases. CONCLUSION: FNA is useful in the workup of an orbital lesion, leading to prompt diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

This article covers the fine needle aspiration biopsy cytomorphology of papillary carcinomas of different organs, differential diagnoses, and clinical correlation. Diagnostic problems and helpful cytologic features are emphasized. The purpose is to have a concise source of information that helps the pathologist to evaluate these neoplasms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fine needle aspiration cytology is an established method for cytodiagnosis. Its application is particularly suited to the pediatric age group. A correct cytodiagnosis of especially large tumors can result in timely cytoreductive chemotherapy, thereby facilitating surgery. While the cytomorphology of Wilms' tumor is well documented, there is a paucity of literature concerning other uncommon pediatric renal tumors. CASE: A 2-year-old female underwent surgery for a renal mass following aspiration cytology. The histologic diagnosis was clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (CCSK). The cytologic smears were cellular and pleomorphic. The main feature of cytologic interest was the presence of deep nuclear indentations and grooves in many of the tumor cells. CONCLUSION: The cytologic features of CCSK are distinct and different from those of other renal tumors in children. Its recognition in cytology is important because its behavior is more aggressive than that of Wilms' tumor. A correct diagnosis can result in the institution of appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

The histologic changes in the white pulp of the spleens collected from thirty women died of widespread adenocarcinoma of the breast were assessed by using the standardized reporting system previously introduced. As a control material, the same number of age-matched women died of myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident without signs of any malignancy was used. Special attention was focused on the evaluation of the lymphocyte populations (T- and B-cells) responsible for immunological reactivity. Histological characteristics suggested to reflect the activity of both the cell-mediated and humoral immune reactions were found to be within normal range in the control patients, whereas in the cancer series both these elements seemed to be profoundly deranged. The significance of these observations was discussed with regard to the background of the previously demonstrated immunological reactivity against the cells of human breast carcinoma, and the conclusion was drawn that an impairment of both the humoral and cell-mediated immune responses must exist in women dying of widespread adenocarcinoma of the breast. The applicability of the standardized reporting system used in the assessment of spleen white pulp morphology was emphasized.  相似文献   

Over a period of two years, Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) was performed on 33 patients presenting with a parotid lump. Five patients were excluded as they were treated medically after FNAC report. The FNAC results of 28 cases were compared with histopathological diagnoses of surgically resected specimens. There were 8 true positive, 17 true negative, 1 false positive and 2 false negative cases. Sensitivity was 80%, specificity 94.4% and diagnostic accuracy 89.3%. FNAC is a simple quick, accurate and virtually complications free investigative modality. It is also helpful adjunct to assess preoperatively the suitability and extent of the surgical treatment.  相似文献   

Morphologic features allowing the cytopathologist to distinguish a reactive lymph node from a malignant lymphoproliferative disorder and to distinguish Hodgkin lymphoma from non-Hodgkin lymphoma are presented in concert with pertinent immunophenotypic profiles of various lymphomas. The limitations and diagnostic pitfalls of aspiration cytopathology in the diagnosis of lymphoma and lymphoid aspirates are also discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fine needle aspiration (FNA) diagnosis of pilomatrixoma is rare. The cytologic presentation can be mistaken for squamous cell carcinoma because of high cellularity, high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and presence of anucleate squames. CASE: A 25-year-old male presented to Cook County Hospital with a slowly enlarging neck mass of three months' duration. FNA was interpreted as consisted with pilomatrixoma. Subsequently the patient had the mass removed. Histology confirmed the diagnosis of pilomatrixoma. CONCLUSION: The wide range of cell differentiation in conjunction with pertinent clinical findings, absence of nuclear atypia, tumor diathesis, mitotic figures and awareness of the entity lead to the correct diagnosis of pilomatrixoma.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms of telomere maintenance in human gliomas, telomerase activity, telomerase RNA expression and telomere length of surgically excised glioma samples were analyzed. Sixty-five percent of gliomas exhibited telomerase activity, the occurrence of which was not related to their histological malignancy scale. Not only the telomerase-positive gliomas, but also the telomerase-negative gliomas and normal brain expressed telomerase RNA, suggesting that the presence of telomerase RNA component does not indicate the presence of telomerase activity. Compared with telomerase-positive gliomas, telomerase-negative gliomas had long heterogeneous telomeric terminal restriction fragments. These data suggest that in addition to the telomerase-dependent mechanism, a telomerase-independent mechanism for telomere maintenance may be present in human gliomas.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fine needle aspiration in lieu of needle biopsy is widely used for the diagnosis of pancreatic neoplasms. The cytologic features of ductal carcinomas are well characterized, but the appearances of less common pancreatic neoplasms, such as acinar cell carcinoma (ACC), are not well described. CASES: We present the cytologic, histologic, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural features of two cases of ACC. The tumors occurred in a 36-year-old woman and 43-year-old man. The aspirate from one case contained neoplastic cells with smooth-contoured nuclei containing one or two prominent nucleoli. The aspirated material from the second case was necrotic, with numerous neutrophils and scattered nests of tumor cells similar to those present in the first case. Histologically, both tumors manifested solid and acinar patterns, and each contained some cells with periodic acid-Schiff-positive granules that were resistant to diastase. The neoplasms were immunochemically positive for trypsin and negative for neuroendocrine markers. Ultrastructurally, the aspirate from one case demonstrated apical microvilli, zymogenlike granules and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum. CONCLUSION: Uncommon pancreatic neoplasms may be difficult to diagnose due to their cytologic and histologic subtleties. Supplemental studies including immunocytochemistry, cytochemistry and electron microscopy are important in facilitating their identification.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze six cases of tubular carcinoma involving the breast in which the diagnosis was made by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). STUDY DESIGN: All patients were females between the ages of 28 and 67 years. The aspiration findings were confirmed by subsequent cell blocks of the aspirates and tissue examination of the breast mass. The aspirate was obtained using multiple passes in the breast masses while maintaining negative pressure. RESULTS: The cytohistologic features in all cases were characterized by a bland and orderly appearance of cells, few cell atypias, variable numbers of myoepithelial cells, tubular structures and somewhat angular epithelial clusters. The value of immunocytochemical study in the diagnosis was uncertain. CONCLUSION: The uncommon occurrence of tubular carcinoma of the breast, the bland and orderly appearances of cells in FNAC samples (as in tissue) and the difficulties in the cytodiagnosis can be found in other breast conditions. A cautious attitude toward the diagnosis of tubular carcinoma from FNAC samples is necessary, and cell atypias, when seen, should be reported with a recommendation for removal of the breast lump for detailed tissue examination.  相似文献   

Talc administration into the pleural cavity induces pleurodesis. To obtain further insight into the inflammatory process that causes pleurodesis, the cellular kinetics in the pleural space after the administration of talc was studied, along with its relation to chemokine concentrations in the pleural fluid. Thirteen consecutive patients with idiopathic spontaneous pneumothorax and eight patients with malignant pleural effusions received talc pleurodesis. The first group was treated with talc poudrage, whereas the second group was treated with talc slurry. Pleural fluids were isolated before talc administration as well as 3, 6, 24, 48 and 72 h afterwards. The talc induced a rapid polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) influx followed by an accumulation of macrophages. In addition, increased production of interleukin (IL)-8 and monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 was observed. The talc-induced PMN influx reached its maximum after 3-24 h, and was related to the IL-8 concentration. In contrast, the MCP-1 was not related to the macrophage accumulation. Talc-induced inflammation in patients with idiopathic spontaneous pneumothorax and malignant pleural effusion is characterized by an influx of polymorphonuclear neutrophils related to interleukin-8, followed by an accumulation of monocytes.  相似文献   

In our laboratory, a semi-quantitative pattern classification (PC) for the distribution pattern of glomerular sclerotic lesions in biopsied renal specimens with IgA nephropathy has been utilized, and found to be quite beneficial for predicting the patient's prognosis. In the present study conducted to re-evaluate this classification, 503 patients with IgA nephropathy (male/female, 256/247; mean age: 32.1 +/- 13.5 yrs; follow-up: 9.3 +/- 4.5 yrs) were used. The patients had been divided originally into 5 groups based on a previous PC: minimal, mild, moderate, severe and advanced groups. Their glomerular lesions were classified as mild, moderate, severe and global sclerosis, and were given scores of 1-4 points. The mean glomerular score was then calculated for each patient, as a value of the calculated classification (CC), and all patients were then re-divided into 5 groups based on their scores. The renal survival curves in the CC were similar to those in PC, and no significant differences in the renal survival rates were found between the classifications in each group, thus suggesting that the CC has a similar predictive power for renal survival. Although 7 of 39 cases (18%) with global sclerosis in PC groups 4 and 5 shifted down to CC group 3, of 61 patients with global sclerosis in PC group 1 who had a good prognosis, 26 cases (43%) shifted up to the CC group 2 and 6 cases (8%) changed to the CC group 3. As a result, the predictive power in patients in the lower CC groups was lost for the renal survival rate. In conclusion, statistical comparison between the PC and CC groups revealed that global sclerosis presents in non/minimally affected glomeruli as a nonspecific alteration. Severely advanced cases also possess a high incidence of globally sclerotic glomeruli (87%), and therefore the occurrence of global sclerosis may involve two different pathogenic mechanisms.  相似文献   

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