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Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in conjunction with auxiliary techniques such as solid phase microextraction and determination of double bond positions by means of dimethyl disulfide derivatization, 45 constituents of the uropygial secretion of the green woodhoopoe, Phoeniculus purpureus, have been identified. The majority of these constituents are long-chain branched and unbranched alkanes, and (Z)-alkenes such as (Z)-9-tricosene, and a number of unidentified wax esters. The more volatile fraction of the secretion contained short-chain fatty acids, aldehydes, aliphatic and heterocyclic aromatic amines, ketones, and dimethyl sulfides. This group of volatile compounds is responsible for the obnoxious odor of the secretion and also for its defensive action against predators.  相似文献   

Bioassays in a Y-tube olfactometer showed that workers of Solenopsis geminata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were attracted to venom gland extracts of queens. Gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry analysis of individual glands of queens of S. geminata showed that the secretion is composed mainly of a large amount of 2-alkyl-6-methylpiperidine alkaloids and a tiny amount of a -lactone and a -pyrone, which have been earlier identified as components of the queen attractant pheromone of Solenopsis invicta Buren. However, additional small amounts of a mixture of sesquiterpenes and pentadecene were found. The possible function of the sesquiterpenoid compounds is discussed.  相似文献   

Ants of the myrmicine tribe Attini live in symbiosis with a fungus that provides them with food. In return the ants maintain optimal growth conditions for the fungus, weed out competing microorganisms, and inhibit the growth conditions of these competitors by chemical means. We present a comprehensive analysis of metapleural gland secretions of Acromyrmex octospinosus, using a recently developed method for the analysis of polar compounds by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. We show that the chemical identity and quantitative recovery of different compounds in the metapleural gland secretion depends upon the method used and the type of colony from which the samples are taken. In addition to the two compounds previously recorded in the metapleural gland secretion of Acromyrmex ants (indolacetic acid and myrmicacin), 20 new compounds were detected in the secretion of a random sample of workers from two laboratory colonies and two field colonies. These compounds span the whole range of carboxylic acids from acetic acid to the long-chain fatty acids but comprise also some alcohols, lactones, and keto acids. The possible function of this highly complex secretion mixture is discussed.  相似文献   

Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from two predatory insect species, the twelve-spotted lady beetle, Coleomegilla maculata and the green lacewing, Chrysoperla carnea in response to semiochemicals emitted from one of their prey species, the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum and their host plant. EAG responses were also recorded from C. maculata in response to extracts from individuals of the opposite sex and to extracts from an herbaceous plant, catnip Nepeta cataria. Extracts of catnip and two sex pheromone components of aphids, (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactone and (1R,4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactol, elicited significant EAG responses from the antennae of both predatory species. Of 10 corn volatile compounds tested, C. carnea adults responded most strongly to 2-phenylethanol and (E)--farnesene. A significant difference in EAG response to extracts of corn leaf collections was observed between male and female C. carnea. In C. maculata, significant EAG responses were elicited by most of the tested corn volatile compounds, except -pinene and (E)-2-hexenal. The highest EAG responses were observed in response to (E)--farnesene, -terpineol, 2-phenylethanol, and -caryophyllene. Sexual differences in EAG responses of C. maculata were only found in response to 1-octen-3-ol. Male antennae of C. maculata produced significant EAG responses to extracts from conspecific females, but not to males, which indicates that some chemicals from females could be involved in sexual communication. A significant EAG response also was recorded in response to the extracts of fluids produced during reflex bleeding. Male and female antennae of both species exhibited similar dose–response curves to most of the selected compounds, although female C. maculata antennae exhibited higher thresholds in response to several compounds including -terpineol, (Z)-3-hexenol, and (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactone. Field tests showed that 2-phenylethanol was highly attractive to both sexes of the two investigated species. Only C. maculata was attracted to traps baited with -terpineol.  相似文献   

The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) uses the secretion of the chin gland in the maintenance of social status. Previous work has concentrated on secretion collected directly from the animal. In this study, the analysis was conducted by collecting scent marks made by free-ranging animals. Scent marks were found to be concentrated at the center of the area controlled by a social group, and at the boundaries between two adjacent social groups. Only the mark from dominant animals could be identified. Marks were also collected from the skin of rabbits, where they had been placed by the dominant individual. The mark found on the head of a subordinate animal may, in the future, be used to identify the dominant animal of the social group, who placed the mark.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography, coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (electron impact mode and chemical ionization with methane as reactant gas), gas chromatography-infrared spectroscopy, and derivatization techniques were used to identity 53 compounds in the interdigital secretion of the red hartebeest, Alcelaphus buselaphus caama. These compounds included alkanes, isoalkanes, alcohols, ketones, carboxylic acids, oxiranes, furanoid linalool oxides, and a large number of branched and unbranched saturated and unsaturated aldehydes. The secretion probably plays a role in demarcation of territories by dominant bulls.  相似文献   

Olfactory reception of 23 odorants, including plant volatiles and male-produced aggregation pheromone, by third and fifth instars of the spined soldier bug (SSB) Podisus maculiventris was investigated by using electroantennograms (EAGs). Both nymphal stages were sensitive to male-produced aggregation pheromone components (E)-2-hexenal, benzyl alcohol, and -terpineol. The plant volatile, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol (a chemical known to be released by plants in response to prey feeding over the short-term), elicited the largest EAGs of all volatiles tested. While third instars were sensitive to nonanal, only fifth instars responded to both nonanal and (±)-linalool, both compounds released systemically by plants in response to feeding by potential prey. Antennal extirpation experiments showed that sensilla responsive to hexan-1-ol, (E)-2-hexenal, and -terpineol are situated mainly on the terminal antennal segment. The results support the hypothesis that P. maculiventris nymphs use both plant volatiles and pheromone components in locating potential prey and other behaviors.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the volatile oils collected by steam distillation from leaves of seven corn hybrids and their effect on the oviposition behavior of Sesamia nonagrioides females was studied. Samples of the volatile oils from each of the hybrids were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and several major compounds were identified. The major compound found in all seven hybrids was 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol (phytol), ranging from 38.3 to 64.9% of the total quantity. Compounds detected in significant proportions include (Z)-3-hexenol (3.1 to 8%), nonanal (4.9 to 14.5%), pentadecanal (1.8 to 5.8%), neophytadiene (5.5 to 12.9%), (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate (2.5 to 8.9%), and an analogue of 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-(2H)-1,4-benzoxazin-3-(4H)-one (DIMBOA) (2.4 to 9.3%). The analysis showed no qualitative differences among the chemicals identified while quantitative differences were detected. Among the volatile oils, the significant difference was in the quantity of aldehydes present. In two-choice bioassays, filter paper sticks treated with volatile oils containing higher quantity of aldehydes received fewer eggs than those with lower aldehyde quantity. Bioassays with synthetic aldehydes of a chain length C9-C14 confirmed the above results.  相似文献   

Insect damage changes plant physiology and chemistry, and such changes may influence the performance of herbivores. We introduced larvae of the autumnal moth (Epirrita autumnataBorkh.) on individual branches of its main host plant, mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii (Orlova) Hämet-Ahti) to examine rapid-induced plant responses, which may affect subsequent larval development. We measured systemic responses to herbivory by analyzing chemistry, photosynthesis, and leaf growth, as well as effects on larval growth and feeding, in undamaged branches of damaged and control trees. Larvae reared on leaves from intact branches of the herbivore-damaged trees grew faster than those reared on leaves of control trees, indicating systemic-induced susceptibility. Herbivore damage did not lead to systemic changes in levels of primary nutrients or phenolic compounds. The analyses of photosynthetic activity and individual hydrolyzable tannins revealed a reversal of leaf physiology-herbivore defense patterns. On control trees, consumption by E. autumnata larvae was positively correlated with photosynthetic activity; on damaged trees, this correlation was reversed, with consumption being negatively correlated with photosynthetic activity. A similar pattern was found in the relationship between monogalloylglucose, the most abundant hydrolyzable tannin of mountain birch, and leaf consumption. Among the control trees, consumption was positively correlated with concentrations of monogalloylglucose, whereas among herbivore-damaged trees, this correlation was reversed and became negative. Our results suggest that herbivore performance is related to both concentrations of phenolic compounds and photosynthetic activity in leaves. This linkage between herbivore performance, leaf chemistry, and physiology was sensitive to induced plant responses caused by slight herbivore damage.  相似文献   

Olfactory coding in the perception of semiochemicals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Information processing in the olfactory pathway underlying the perception of semiochemicals by insects is discussed. Both the chemical message for mates and the message for food consist of blends of chemicals. Olfactory receptors in an insect species are tuned to the detection of those compounds which comprise such chemical messages for that species. The classification of receptors as specialists or generalists coincides with two concepts of information processing, i.e., labeled lines and across-fiber patterns, respectively. The olfactory code coming from antennal receptors inPieris brassicae larvae is a combination of labeled lines and across-fiber patterning. When antennae of adult Colorado potato beetles,Leptinotarsa decemlineata, are stimulated by binary mixtures of leaf odor components, the pattern of neural activities in the olfactory receptors shows some separation into two channels, quantitative versus qualitative detection. The separation is complete in the antennal lobe of this beetle.Presented at the Symposium on Insect Chemical Communications: Unifying Concepts. ACS 194th National Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 31, 1987.  相似文献   

The emission of inducible volatile organic compounds (VOCs), i.e., inducible terpenes, and green leaf volatiles (GLVs), is a common response of plants to herbivore attack. These VOCs are involved in the orientation of natural enemies, i.e., predators and parasitoids, toward their herbivore prey or hosts (indirect defense of plants). Terpenes and some GLVs are readily oxidized by ozone (O3), an important oxidant of the low atmosphere and predicted to increase as a result of anthropogenic activity. It has been recently reported that O3 degradation of terpenes and GLVs does not affect signaling in two selected tritrophic systems. Natural enemies may have learned to use oxidation products that are more stable in nature to locate their prey. To understand the role of these compounds on the tritrophic system Brassica oleracea–Plutella xylostella–Cotesia plutellae, we assessed the preference of wasps to different combinations of cabbage VOCs (intact vs. herbivore-induced and herbivore-induced vs. herbivore-induced VOCs) in the presence or absence of O3. We found that C. plutellae preferred P. xylostella-damaged plants at 0 and 120 nl l−1 O3 to intact plants at 0 nl l−1 O3. However, wasps preferred P. xylostella-damaged plants at 0 nl l−1 to P. xylostella-damaged plants at 120 nl l−1 O3. The results suggest that compounds other than terpenes and GLVs are crucial for the orientation of the wasps, but terpenes and GLVs contribute to the behaviorally active VOC blend of herbivore-damaged cabbages by increasing their attraction to them. The products resulting from oxidation of terpenes and GLVs do not seem to play a role in the host location process as speculated previously.  相似文献   

The sulfur-rich anal sac secretion of the mink,Mustela vison, consisted of immiscible lipid (1.7% sulfur) and aqueous (0.7% sulfur) phases. Light and electron microscopy revealed secretory tissue of two types, sebaceous (holocrine) and apocrine. A major input of sulfur into the sac appeared to be associated with glycoprotein granules present in the apical portions of the apocrine cells as X-ray energy probe microanalysis showed these to contain relatively high levels of sulfur. The lipid of the secretion, presumed to be largely of sebaceous origin, consisted mainly of wax monoesters, while the aqueous phase contained volatile fatty acids, ammonia, and amines, including putrescine (1,4-diaminobutane). The identity of the major headspace volatiles was confirmed by NMR, MS, and Raney nickel desulfuration as being 2,2-dimethylthiacyclobutane and 3,3-dimethyl-1, 2-dithiacyclopentane. These compounds were not detected by GC-MS in the headspace volatiles of the anal sac secretions of eight other mustelid species examined. Other sulfur compounds detected included isomeric dimethylthiacyclobutanes, a number of disulfides and 3-methyl-but-3-enyl methyl sulfide (isopentenyl methyl sulfide). The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Volatile components of the larval osmeterial secretion ofParnassius glacialis (Parnassiinae, Parnassiini) consisted of isobutyric acid, 2-methylbutyric acid, and their methyl esters. In contrast, the osmeterial exudate ofSericinus montela (Parnassiinae, Zerynthiini) was characterized as monoterpene hydrocarbons comprising-myrcene (Major),-pinene, sabinene, limonene, and-phellandrene, whereas that ofPachliopta aristolochiae (Papilioninae, Troidini) was composed of numerous sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, including-himachalene,-amorphene, and germacrene-A, and a few oxygenated sesquiterpenoids. In these three species, the chemical nature of the secretions of the last and the penultimate instars was essentially of similar quality, suggesting that the three genera,Parnassius, Sericinus, andPachliopta, are assigned to homogeneous types.  相似文献   

Contents of inguinal pouches of the wild rabbit,Oryctolagus cuniculus, have been examined for the presence of microorganisms and volatile fatty acids. A total of 245 isolates were made from 167 samples taken from 75 rabbits, and microorganisms were obtained from 93% of individuals. The most common microorganism encountered wasStaphylococcus aureus, followed by the yeastCandida kruzei. Other organisms isolated wereBacillus subtilis,Escherichia coli, andStreptococcus faecalis. Quantitative analysis of volatile fatty acids in scrapings from pouches showed considerable variation between individuals. Of the acids identified, acetic acid and isovaleric acid were the most abundant. In a liquid medium containing one of these acids, the growth of microorganisms was only slightly affected. However, growth became inhibited when these fatty acids were used in combination.  相似文献   

The defense secretions of advanced nasutoid rhinotermitine soldiers from the New World contain enolic -ketoaldehydes as the major components. The secretions of minor soldiers ofRhinotermes hispidus (Emerson) andR. marginalis (Emerson) consist primarily of 3-keto-13-tetradecenal and 3-ketotetradecanal, but possess in addition C13, C14, C15, and C17 saturated and unsaturated ketones. Major soldiers lacked these compounds and in fact had virtually no frontal gland secretion. The defense secretion of the monomorphic soldiers ofAcorhinotermes subfusciceps (Emerson) contains mostly 3-keto-(Z)-9-hexadecenal and (Z)-8-pentadecen-2-one. Biosynthetic origins and interrelationships are postulated for these compounds, and the concomitant evolution of chemical weaponry and the modified labral brush is discussed.Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (1981–1983).  相似文献   

Two components were identified from aeration extracts of the virgin female Madeira mealybug, Phenacoccus madeirensis as trans-(1R,3R)-chrysanthemyl (R)-2-methylbutanoate and (R)-lavandulyl (R)-2-methylbutanoate (with a ratio of 3:1) by a combination of gas chromatography retention time matches, mass spectrometry, and microchemical tests. The structures and chirality of the compounds were confirmed by comparing with synthetic compounds. The synthetic trans-(1R,3R)-chrysanthemyl (R)-2-methylbutanoate was highly attractive to males in laboratory bioassays; the synthetic (R)-lavandulyl (R)-2-methylbutanoate was weakly attractive. No synergistic effect was observed when the mixture of the two compounds was tested.  相似文献   

The males of Nezara viridula (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) produce a blend of four terpenoid compounds. The proportion of these four compounds varies among different populations. The terpenoid content of the volatile emission from individual males of a French population was monitored for several days with headspace solid-phase microextraction. The total amount of terpenoid compounds collected on an SPME fiber from one virgin male bug emitting over the course of 1 hr was very variable between samples. More than 50% of males released pheromone, at least during one part of the observation period. The relative percentages of bisabolene, nerolidol, trans-bisabolene epoxide, and cis-bisabolene epoxide were calculated and compared. The proportion of nerolidol in the blend showed a large dispersion between samples and a high coefficient of variation. The percentage values for bisabolene and its trans and cis epoxides were less dispersed, and the coefficients of variation for both epoxides were low. The proportion of trans epoxide relative to the two epoxides, which has been considered characteristic of pheromone strains of N. viridula, showed the smallest coefficient of variation. The repeatability index (RI) varied between 0.57 and 0.85 for the four compounds. Repeatability was particularly high for the two epoxide isomers. Stability in epoxide production was confirmed by statistical analysis (ANOVA), which revealed significant differences in the percentages of cis and trans epoxides between individuals. Correspondingly, the RI of the ratio of trans to cis + trans epoxides was over 0.8. Our study confirms the existence of an interindividual variation of the trans to cis epoxide ratio within populations of Nezara viridula but indicates that each individual reproducibly emits both isomers in the same proportion day after day.  相似文献   

In this study, TiO2, ZnO, TiO2/ZnO (Ti/Zn), and TiO2/ZnO/Sep (Ti/Zn/Sep) catalysts have been synthesized using sol–gel and chemical precipitation method. Their photocatalytic performances have been compared using Flumequine (FLQ) antibiotic. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), N2-adsorption, and the determination of a zero point charge has been used to characterize the synthesized catalysts. The degradation studies showed that the catalytic efficiency of Ti/Zn/Sep is higher than that for other catalysts. The operational parameters such as pH, initial FLQ concentration, and catalyst dosage were evaluated. UV–vis and high-resolution mass spectroscopy (HRMS) analyses were used to determine the degradation efficiency and products. ZnO played a major role in the FLQ degradation process, and sepiolite contributed to adsorption of FLQ on the catalyst surface enormously. The catalysts exhibited 11%, 23%, 63%, and 85% degradation efficiency for ZnO, TiO2, Ti/Zn, and Ti/Zn/Sep in the decomposition of FLQ, respectively.  相似文献   

The leaf volatiles emitted from four nonhost tree species of Ips typographus, i.e. Betula pendula, B. pubescens, Populus tremula, and Sambucus nigra, were collected outdoors by headspace sampling in situ and analyzed by GC-MS. Three major classes of compounds, aliphatics [mainly green-leaf volatiles (GLVs)], monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes, existed in all the deciduous tree species investigated. In June, when the bark beetles are searching in flight for host trees, GLVs mainly consisting of (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol were the dominant constituents in B. pendula and S. nigra. In B. pubescens and P. tremula, sesquiterpenes (and their derivatives) and monoterpenes made up the major part of whole volatile blends, respectively. Surprisingly, sesquiterpene alcohols and other oxides released from B. pubescens in considerable amounts were not found in the closely related species, B. pendula. By August, both the total volatiles and individual compounds significantly decreased, mainly due to the maturation of leaves, since the light intensity and temperatures during sampling were the same as in June. There were almost no volatiles detected from P. tremula and S. nigra leaves in August. The total emissions from these deciduous species were significantly different among the species, with B. pubescens releasing 5–10 times more than other species. Under the conditions of constant light intensity and humidity, emissions of both total volatiles and most individual components of severed B. pendula and S. nigra branches (with fresh leaves) increased according to a saturation curve from 16°C to 40°C. Ips typographus antennae responded strongly to green leaf alcohols: (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, 1-hexanol, and (E)-2-hexen-1-ol, but not to aldehydes or acetates in GC-EAD analyses of B. pendula and B. pubescens leaf volatiles. No antennal responses to monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, or sesquiterpene oxides were found. These three antennally active GLVs emitted from nonhost tree leaves might be indicators of a wrong habitat in the host selection of conifer bark beetles.  相似文献   

The European tarnished plant bug, Lygus rugulipennis, is an important pest of agricultural and horticultural crops throughout Europe. Adult male L. rugulipennis were previously shown to be attracted to traps baited with live virgin females, which suggests the females produce a sex pheromone. Volatiles produced by virgin female L. rugulipennis were shown to contain three components, hexyl butyrate, (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate, and (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal which elicited electroantennographic (EAG) responses from males in analyses by linked gas chromatography-electroantennography (GC-EAG). They were produced in 1.5:1:0.08 ratio, respectively, by single females. Collections from 1, 2, or 4 virgin females showed the proportions of hexyl butyrate and (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal to increase relative to that of (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate with increasing number of females. Although these compounds were found in body extracts of both male and female L. rugulipennis, they were not detected in volatiles released by virgin males. EAG dose-response studies showed that both males and females responded to these chemicals with minimal differences in sensitivity between the sexes or to the three components, except that males were more responsive than females to (E)-4-oxo-2-hexenal at the two highest doses tested. Release rates of the compounds from rubber septa, polyethylene vials, and polyethylene sachets were measured under laboratory conditions. Four field tests were carried out using sticky traps baited with all possible binary and tertiary combinations of the three chemicals using different combinations of dispensing systems. Catches of male L. rugulipennis in baited traps were similar to those in unbaited traps. Significantly fewer females were caught on traps baited with blends containing hexyl butyrate than on traps without hexyl butyrate or unbaited traps in one test and overall. The roles of the three compounds and possible reasons for their failure to attract males are discussed.  相似文献   

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