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对HKD-1型航空润滑油进行了重载点接触热弹流计算和不同滑滚比下油膜速度分析,并进行了试验验证.结果表明:油膜速度随滑滚比的增加而增大,油膜速度沿滚动方向和厚度方向越来越大,不同模型下得到的油膜速度分布形状不同.Evans-Johnson模型预测的速度分布较准确,牛顿模型预测误差较大.重载下,该润滑油表现为非牛顿特性.  相似文献   

对HKD-1型航空润滑油进行了重载点接触热弹流计算和滚子表面剪应力分析,并进行了试验验证.结果表明:重载情况下,润滑油的非牛顿特性较显著.滚子表面的剪应力随滑滚比的增加而增大,各种模型下得到的剪应力分布形状相似.采用Evans-Johnson模型预测的剪应力较准确,采用Newton模型预测剪应力误差较大,滑滚比较大时,Newton模型对剪应力的预测失真.  相似文献   

基于快速求解点接触弹流问题的直接迭代算法,通过将压力迭代矩阵由满元矩阵变为带状的稀疏矩阵,提出一个更高效的求解点接触弹流问题的新算法.该算法不仅具有更高的计算效率,而且可适用于重载工况.采用新算法求解了若干重载点接触EHL问题,结果与采用逆解法求得的结果非常接近,表明直接迭代法也适用于重载弹流问题研究.  相似文献   

为实现对点接触赫兹接触区温度的测量,根据热辐射理论和红外热像仪的测温原理,利用红外热像仪测量被测物体表面真实温度以及分布情况,得到点接触区的温度分布规律,并与摩擦力进行对比分析.结果表明:在弹流润滑下,接触区温升与压力分布相对应,最大温升一般发生在Hertz接触区中心的附近;最大温升随载荷的增加而增大,与速度也有一定的关系.  相似文献   

利用Reynolds方程,对海水润滑条件下赛龙轴承在考虑热效应时的弹流润滑问题进行数值模拟,讨论载荷、转速和轴承轴径大小对海水润滑膜压力及膜厚的影响。结果表明:热效应对于水膜压力影响很小,而考虑热效应时的膜厚会有所减小;随载荷的增大,压力峰值有所增大,膜厚随载荷的增大有明显的减小;随转速的增大压力峰值减小,而膜厚随转速的增大而有明显的增大;轴径的大小对于水膜压力和膜厚的大小影响不明显。  相似文献   

为研究高速重载下齿轮的性能,采用复合直接迭代法,对航空发动机传动系统中高速、重载圆柱齿轮润滑状态进行仿真分析,研究不同功率、不同转速、不同滑油入口温度对齿轮啮合区压力、油膜厚度、油膜温度的影响.数值计算结果表明:随着齿轮传递功率的增加或是转速的降低,啮合区压力增加,油膜温度有所上升;当齿轮保持较高转速时,功率对油膜厚度...  相似文献   

李浙昆  樊瑜瑾 《机械》1999,26(6):6-7
利用计算机模拟获得磨削加工表面及其研磨后表面,完全数值求解磨削表面及研磨表面点接触弹流润滑,就研磨对润滑的影响进行分析与研究。结果得出,表面形貌的微观弹流效应导致局部油膜压力增大,研磨能有效减缓油膜压力波动,改善表面润滑性能。  相似文献   

乳化液润滑轧辊轴承的弹流润滑分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立乳化液润滑轧辊轴承的数学模型,分别在等温和热条件下对乳化液润滑轧辊轴承的弹流润滑问题进行数值模拟,讨论轧制力和转速对乳化液润滑膜压力和膜厚的影响。结果表明:等温条件下,当轧制力一定时,随着转速的增加第二压力峰增大,而膜厚及最小膜厚都增大;随着轧制力的增大,压力峰值有显著增大,但在入口区压力、膜厚及最小膜厚减小。热条件下,随着轧制力增大,膜厚和最小膜厚逐渐减小,而对压力几乎没有影响;随着转速的增大,膜厚和最小膜厚逐渐增大,压力逐渐减小,第二压力峰也逐渐降低甚至消失。  相似文献   

利用考虑热效应的Reynolds方程,对水润滑条件下的飞龙轴承进行考虑热效应时的弹流润滑理论分析。通过数值模拟讨论载荷、转速和轴径对水润滑膜压力及膜厚的影响。结果表明:热效应对水润滑膜压力的影响几乎可以不计,而膜厚减小;随载荷增大,压力峰值有所增大,膜厚随载荷的增大而减小;随转速的增大压力峰值减小,而膜厚随转速的增大而增大;轴径的大小对压力的影响不明显,但随轴径的增大膜厚减小。  相似文献   

表面横向粗糙峰对点接触热弹流润滑的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过数值解研究丁固体表面的横向粗糙峰对钢球与玻璃盘形成的热弹流润滑接触区压力、膜厚以及温度分布的影响。计算中假设钢球是静止的.即滚滑比为2。结果表明在粗糙峰出现的位置上,压力、温度均有急剧的增加,并且固体表面的凹陷现象也变得更加复杂。  相似文献   

D. Zhu  H. S Cheng 《摩擦学汇刊》2013,56(3):364-370
General Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Code (GEHLC) is a FORTRAN code for calculating the lubrication performance of line and point contacts used in machine elements such as gears, rolling bearings, cam and follower systems, and traction drives, etc. It adopts the most recent results published by Chittenden and Dowson et al. (1), to evaluate isothermal film thickness of point contacts, and uses the thermal reduction factor (2) to account for the inlet heating effects on the film thickness. By using Bair and Winer's analysis (3), a viscoelastic fluid model has been employed in this program to calculate shear stress in the film with bisection technique and In predict the coefficient of friction. Using this program one can also obtain flash temperature distribution on the two solid surfaces from a simplified heat conduction analysis based on work by Bolt (4), Jaeger (5), and Archard (6), et al. Typical results are presented for elliptical contacts used in rolling bearings.  相似文献   

两波动表面间的椭圆接触热弹流润滑数值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究滚滑工况下两波动表面间的椭圆接触微弹流润滑问题,建立两接触表面均有连续波动的粗糙度模型,求得热条件下的完全数值解。假设卷吸速度沿接触椭圆短轴方向,快速运动表面的速度是另一表面的4倍,表面纹理相似的两波动表面间的微弹流润滑大多是周期性时变问题,以准稳态解为初始条件,逐个周期求得时变热解。讨论不同方向的表面微观连续波动对润滑性能的影响,并将牛顿和非牛顿模型的数值结果进行比较。结果表明,波动表面间接触区里的压力、膜厚、温升等呈现特定的特征,两表面波动皆为纵向纹理时,润滑膜厚度最小润滑条件最恶劣;热效应和非牛顿效应在微弹流问题中都很明显。  相似文献   

A transient analysis for a dent passing through the conjunction of a point EHL contact was developed and solved numerically by using the multigrid method. Results show that the presence of sliding produces a noticeable pressure ridge and thus, a surface indentation at either leading side of the dent if the dent moves slower than the opposite surface, or at the trailing side if the dent moves faster than the opposite surface. The pressure ridge and surface indentation extend their lengths forward or backward from the dent in the sliding direction at a rate approximately half the sliding speed. The pressure fluctuation associated with the dent increases with increasing slide-to-roll ratio and dent depth, and decreases with increasing dent width in both x- and y-directions. The agreement between numerical simulation and experimental results obtained by Wedeven and Cusano (I) is remarkably close.  相似文献   


The behaviors of two lithium lubricating greases were investigated under EHL circular contact through measurements of traction coefficients on a self-made rig in which the contact was continuously fed with fresh grease. The average values of Erying shear stress and shear modulus of the two lithium greases were obtained from traction experimental data using this rig. Based on the Evans-Johnson model and thermal analysis, we calculated the values of shear stress and traction coefficients of the two greases. The results show that the calculated traction coefficients agree fairly well with the measured data.  相似文献   

The contacts of adjacent balls in a retainerless bearing are subjected to the zero entrainment velocity (ZEV). The existence of an effective elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) film between contacts running under ZEV conditions has long been proven experimentally. However, the classical EHL theory predicts a zero film thickness under ZEV conditions. Mechanisms, such as the thermal viscosity wedge effect and immobile film theory, have been proposed to tentatively explain the phenomenon. However, detailed numerical results are needed to provide theoretical evidence for such film formations. This paper aims to simulate, based on the viscosity wedge mechanism, the film formation of EHL point contacts under ZEV conditions. Complete numerical solutions have been successfully obtained. The results show that the thermal viscosity wedge induces a concave film profile, instead of a parallel film (Hertzian) as postulated by some previous researchers. By the simulation solver developed, the variation of film thickness with loads, oil supply conditions and ellipticity parameters have been investigated. Some unique lubrication behaviors under ZEV conditions are demonstrated. Furthermore, preliminary quantitative comparisons with the latest optical EHL experiments are finished. Both results are in good correlation.  相似文献   

This paper studies mechanisms of surface dents in enhancing the fatigue life of rolling bearings previously reported in Akamatsu et al. (1). First, transient micro-EHL analyses of heavily loaded contacts between rough surfaces with multiple dents are conducted under near rolling conditions. Contacts with various dent dimensions, dent arrangements under different loading and kinematic conditions are investigated. Results show that surface dents generate no favorable micro-EHL effects to enhance the contact fatigue life. Subsequent analyses, in conjunction with other published studies, suggest that the fatigue life enhancement likely comes from the reduced local traction at asperity contacts through the “oil pots” effects of the dents. The effects of the surface dents on contact fatigue life may depend on the lubrication regime in which the contact is operating being favorable in poor lubrication conditions but adverse in well-lubricated contacts. Since rolling bearings are usually designed to operate in a healthy regime of lubrication, fatigue life enhancement by artificially introducing dents on bearing surfaces may not extend to field applications.  相似文献   

研究了推力球轴承的钢球与滚道间形成的椭圆接触等温弹流润滑问题。据此问题建立的数学模型既有沿接触椭圆短轴方向的卷吸速度分量,又有沿其长轴方向的卷吸速度分量,且速度值处处各异。运用多重网格法求得了几组参数下的完全数值解,并分析了转动速度、中心距、椭圆比等参数对结果的影响。  相似文献   

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