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Spectral decomposition via banks of narrowband filters is a classic method of analyzing broadband acoustic signals. FFT algorithms and hardware efficiently perform narrowband analysis but are limited to constant bandwidths at fixed spectral center frequencies. We develop a technique for processing FFT outputs to realize banks of narrowband filters for which spectral band centers and spectral bandwidths may be arbitrarily assigned. In particular we present spectral analyzer configurations with spectral centers uniformily spaced on a logarithmic scale and with bandwidths proportional to center frequencies (constant Q filters) or with bandwidths proportional to the square root of center frequencies (root-proportional filters for linear FM line tracking).  相似文献   

研究了一种基于ARM 11的视频采集无线传输系统,实现了主体家庭网关通过摄像头对各个分散房间的有效监控.系统选用ARM 11内核的S3C6410作为系统处理器,CMOS摄像头OV9650作为采集端,在自主设计的硬件平台上搭建Linux软件系统,利用系统内部的V4L2提供的数据结构、应用函数等完成摄像头的采集;在传输系统方面,采用传输速度较快的WIFI-Ad-Hoc模式(端对端传输),依靠TCP/IP协议的传输方式使采集端与家庭网关之间建立连接,成功实现家庭网关对各个分散采集点视频信息的接收.  相似文献   

基于视频技术的嵌入式交通信息采集系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要分析了交通信息采集技术的发展状况,并结合当前智能交通系统的应用需求,设计并实现了一种基于高性价比DSP硬件平台的嵌入式交通信息采集系统。本系统是一种基于视频图像分析和模式识别技术,对交通信息进行实时采集和分析的嵌入式集成系统,具有很好的稳定性和实时性。  相似文献   

The BIAS (Biological Image Analysis System) was developed to: (i) permit accurate entry and image processing of biological data; (ii) minimize the need for specialized hardware; and (iii) aid in the human genome mapping and other projects. The first mouse/cursor key-driven module was designed to be user interactive and readily accessible to many laboratories. It contains the DRSNDS programs which automate the entering of data in a systematic format. The types of data that can be entered utilizing this module are DNA-RNA gels from either a positive or negative Polaroid image, autoradiograms or biotinylated images from Southern, Northern and dot or slot blot hybridization analyses. The image is acquired using a video camera and then digitized for subsequent analysis. During the analysis graphical representations of the intermediate results are provided to assure user confidence. At any point within the program the user may obtain on-line help with the current task. The output displays the mol. wt of each individual component in the appropriate context. The present version of the program produces results comparable with a human interpreter for some data. Band shifting and optical density calculations are in a prototype form to permit evaluation of various techniques. Future work is directed at expanding the system's capabilities to interpret data from other biological analyses including DNA sequencing gels.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于HDMI接口的全高清(分辨率1 920×1 080)视频采集与显示系统,该系统以Xilinx公司Spartan6系列FPGA作为控制芯片,采用500万像素级别CMOS摄像头OV5640作为前端数据源,能够采集全高清视频信号;为了解决由于高速大容量视频数据缓存容量和速率不足导致的拖影现象,该系统采用了一块Micron公司4 Gbit容量的DDR3 SDRAM作为缓存介质,再结合乒乓操作,能妥善解决高速大容量数据的缓存问题;该系统选用Silion Image公司的SiI9134作为HDMI接口芯片,能有效支持全高清视频信号输出。该系统可应用于军用监控系统、民用多媒体系统以及医学等领域。  相似文献   

主要介绍医学视频流采集系统的系统结构、采集技术及视频流与数据库的关联技术。重点探讨了Video for Windows的视频采集方案。由于各视频卡厂商一般都支持VFW标准,该技术具有不依赖于硬件的特点。该系统为国产化PACS提供了一种解决思路。  相似文献   

图像匹配系统中的一种视频采集与存储方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要阐述了实时图像处理系统中的一种视频采集与存储方案,讨论了设计中的难点与要点。视频图像的采集与存储都是由FPGA来进行控制,采用硬件描述语言(Verilog)和自顶向下的设计方法在可编程器件(XC3S400)上实现了具体电路。实践应用中表明这种方案工作稳定可靠,而且具有一定的灵活性。  相似文献   

基于RTP的嵌入式网络化视频采集压缩系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析视频压缩H.264/AVC标准的基础上,采用DSPTMS320C6416和ARM微控制器,设计并实现了一个灵活、高性能的支持网络化传输的视频压缩平台.详细描述了系统结构原理、各部分硬件设计和编码算法过程.该平台把DSP的强大运算功能与嵌入式微处理器的网络传输和远程控制功能相结合,能满足压缩算法多种多样而且复杂的要求,支持RTP/UDP/IP网络协议互联.在工业以太网环境下应用表明,系统具有优秀的PSNR性能.  相似文献   

针对CCD摄像头输出的模拟CVBS信号数据量大和现场可编程门阵列FPGA并行处理能力强的特点,提出了一种CCD摄像头+FPGA+ SDRAM+视频编解码芯片的采集与VGA显示系统设计方案.按照视频信号的处理过程,在FPGA中设计了I2C控制器,ITU656解码器、视频处理器、SDRAM控制器、色度空间转换模块和VGA显示模块,实现了对视频解码芯片的工作配置,视频数据的解析、处理、存储和显示.硬件验证结果符合设计要求.  相似文献   

深井环境恶劣,要求测井仪器可靠性高、数据处理性能好。介绍了以ADSP-21992芯片为主控芯片的井下视频信号采集系统设计。该系统主控芯片内嵌CAN控制器,与相关元器件组成CAN接口单元,搭载EILog-06测井系统的遥传短节,实现对井下图像数据的采集和传输。给出了系统的硬件设计和软件设计,并用串口摄像头进行了测试验证。  相似文献   

一种基于视频解码芯片与CPLD的实时图像采集系统,采用视频解码芯片SAA7114H进行A/D转换,在CPLD芯片XC95216的逻辑控制下通过乒乓缓存技术进行数据存储。  相似文献   

介绍了基于CPLD+DSP结构和射频收发模块nRF24L01的视频采集无线传输系统,采用CMOS图像传感器进行视频采集,详细阐述了系统的硬件设计,并给出了无线数据传输的流程。本系统设计方便,灵活性强,具有很好的实际意义。  相似文献   

Linux平台高速雷达视频采集与显示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了Linux平台基于PCI总线的雷达视频采集和显示的软硬件方案,包括采集卡的设计,Linux驱动设计和显示技术的介绍。详细讨论了方案实现的难点和细节。  相似文献   

针对现有低照度视频采集辅助光源存在功耗高、体积大、照射距离近、隐蔽性差等问题,提出了一种本质安全型低照度视频采集激光辅助光源设计方案。选用光源波长为940nm的半导体激光二极管,利用多模光纤、匀光片和透镜使半导体激光二极管输出光束形状规则、光照强度均匀;本质安全型驱动电路采用恒流驱动方式,具有过压、防反接和防静电保护;通过散热装置降低半导体激光二极管工作温度,使激光辅助光源能长时间稳定工作。测试结果表明,该激光辅助光源照射距离可达20m,功耗小于3 W,持续工作温度低于50℃。  相似文献   

基于FPGA的高清视频采集与显示系统设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了一种基于FPGA的视频采集与显示系统的设计.系统以FPGA为核心,配合高分辨率CCD图像传感器、ADC模数转换、视频编码器等,实现了高清视频实时采集与显示.详细阐述了色彩插值与色彩空间转换算法和BURST传输的FPGA硬件实现.测试表明,该系统运行良好,能够满足高清视频实时监控要求.  相似文献   

基于视频检测的高速公路交通信息采集系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于视频检测技术设计了一种实时的高速公路交通信息采集系统。系统利用图像处理技术对交通视频进行实时分析,能有效地获取车流量、车速、道路占有率等基本交通信息。现场测试结果表明,该系统具有很好的实时性和可靠性。  相似文献   

设计了基于S3C2440微处理器的视频图像采集系统,详细分析了该系统的启动过程。在一块裸板上搭建起整个视频图像采集系统。结合V4L2技术完成了支持YUV、MJPEG图像格式的USB摄像头和支持RGB图像格式的CMOS摄像头的多格式视频图像采集系统。测试结果表明,该系统可以在LCD显示屏上动态显示多格式摄像头所采集到的视频图像,且视频图像具有清晰度高、流畅性好、稳定性强等特点,具有进一步推广使用的广阔前景。  相似文献   

土木工程监理视频是提高土木工程监理质量的一种有效手段。首先以土木工程监理视频检索为研究对象,建立土木工程监理视频的语义,且对土木工程监理视频数据进行了语义划分,随后结合维基百科相关的部分中文词条和从土木工程监理领域整理的词条进行词向量训练,并使用这些词向量数据对标注数据条目进行训练,为监理视频R树提供含有语义的词向量数据;然后研究基于谱聚类的节点分裂,提出了基于谱聚类的R树节点分裂算法和基于词向量的R树节点检索算法。最后用实际工程的例子说明了所确定的监理视频语义能准确表示监理视频的主要内容,同时实验结果表明本文的算法优化能有效提高土木工程监理视频的索引速度和检索查全率。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel framework on personalized retrieval of sports video, which includes two research tasks: semantic annotation and user preference acquisition. For semantic annotation, web-casting texts which are corresponding to sports videos are firstly captured from the webpages using data region segmentation and labeling. Incorporating the text, we detect events in the sports video and generate video event clips. These video clips are annotated by the semantics extracted from web-casting texts and indexed in a sports video database. Based on the annotation, these video clips can be retrieved from different semantic attributes according to the user preference. For user preference acquisition, we utilize click-through data as a feedback from the user. Relevance feedback is applied on text annotation and visual features to infer the intention and interested points of the user. A user preference model is learned to re-rank the initial results. Experiments are conducted on broadcast soccer and basketball videos and show an encouraging performance of the proposed method.
Hanqing LuEmail:

Yi-Fan Zhang   received the B.E. degree from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2004. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. In 2007, he was an intern student in Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore. Currently he is an intern student in China-Singapore Institute of Digital Media. His research interests include multimedia, video analysis and pattern recognition. Changsheng Xu   (M’97–SM’99) received the Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 1996. Currently he is Professor of Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Executive Director of China-Singapore Institute of Digital Media. He was with Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore from 1998 to 2008. He was with the National Lab of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences from 1996 to 1998. His research interests include multimedia content analysis, indexing and retrieval, digital watermarking, computer vision and pattern recognition. He published over 150 papers in those areas. Dr. Xu is an Associate Editor of ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal. He served as Short Paper Co-Chair of ACM Multimedia 2008, General Co-Chair of 2008 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM2008) and 2007 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP2007), Program Co-Chair of VIP2006, Industry Track Chair and Area Chair of 2007 International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM2007). He also served as Technical Program Committee Member of major international multimedia conferences, including ACM Multimedia Conference, International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, and International Conference on Multimedia Modeling. Xiaoyu Zhang   received the B.S. degree in computer science from Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 2005. He is a Ph.D. candidate of National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is currently a student in China-Singapore Institute of Digital Media. His research interests include image retrieval, video analysis, and machine learning. Hanqing Lu   (M’05–SM’06) received the Ph.D. degree in Huazhong University of Sciences and Technology, Wuhan, China in 1992. Currently he is Professor of Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include image similarity measure, video analysis, object recognition and tracking. He published more than 100 papers in those areas.   相似文献   

针对目前数字图像采集处理技术的实时性、大容量、小型化等特点,设计了一种基于FPGA的实时视频图像采集处理电路系统。采用FPGA作为整个系统的控制和图像数据处理中心。DDR2 SDRAM为高速储存模块核心器件,CMOS 7670为视频图像采集器件。并通过Quratus Ⅱ和Modelsim等软件对系统的边缘检测算法、控制过程、各个模块等进行硬件工程设计和仿真,实现了视频图像从采集、存储到处理、显示的整个过程。实验表明,视频图像采集处理的动态画面流畅、清晰、实时性好。  相似文献   

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