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通过分析经典稀疏视觉跟踪算法在粒子滤波框架下的采样粒子分布与运动目标真实状态的差异,提出了一个基于在线判别分析的改进稀疏视觉跟踪算法。该跟踪算法通过在线逻辑斯蒂判别分析模型及其更新过程,自主获取运动目标的实时状态与变化,增强运动目标与背景信息之间的可判别性。同时,实现对采样粒子的预先筛选,尽量排除与运动目标差异大的粒子,以提高跟踪算法的鲁棒性,同时减少L1优化求解的次数从而提高算法的执行效率。与5个高水平跟踪算法在4段公开视频上的实验结果表明,提出的算法能够长时间鲁棒地对运动目标进行跟踪,同时相对典型稀疏跟踪算法而言,明显地降低了计算复杂度。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - This paper develops a classical visual tracker that is called a discriminative sparse similarity (DSS) tracker. Based on the classical Laplacian multi-task...  相似文献   

There are many visual tracking algorithms that are based on sparse representation appearance model. Most of them are modeled by local patches with fixed patch scale, which make trackers less effective when objects undergone appearance changes such as illumination variation, pose change or partial occlusion. To solve the problem, a novel appearance representation model is proposed via multi-scale patch based sparse coding histogram for robust visual tracking. In this paper, the appearance of an object is modeled by different scale patches, which are represented by sparse coding histogram with different scale dictionaries. Then a similarity measure is applied to the calculation of the distance between the sparse coding histograms of target candidate and target template. Finally, the similarity score of the target candidate is passed to a particle filter to estimate the target state sequentially in the tracking process. Additionally, in order to decrease the visual drift caused by partial occlusion, an occlusion handling strategy is adopted, which takes the spatial information of multi-scale patches and occlusion into account. Based on the experimental results on some benchmarks of video sequences, our tracker outperforms state-of-the-art tracking methods.  相似文献   

针对当前基于稀疏分类的目标跟踪算法跟踪精度较低等问题,结合判别分析思想,提出改进型稀疏跟踪算法。采用基于在线学习的标准对冲算法估算目标的位置以及面积,并详细介绍了标准对冲算法原理。对于在跟踪过程中目标外形改变的问题,提出了基于时序循环的模板更新方法。对目标暂时消失或被完全遮挡时会产生跟踪失败的问题,创造性地提出了基于稀疏分类器网格SCG的合作跟踪框架。进行了两类实验,第一类实验验证了该算法的有效性。第二类实验在大量公共图像序列的基础上对该算法及其他图像跟踪算法进行测试比较。实验结果证明,该算法适用于复杂背景下的跟踪任务,在跟踪失败后能自动恢复跟踪,在目标被部分遮挡、长期遮挡或目标与背景有相似特征模式的情况下都能保持较高的跟踪精度。  相似文献   

Xing  Xiaofen  Qiu  Fuhao  Xu  Xiangmin  Qing  Chunmei  Wu  Yinrong 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2017,76(2):2039-2057
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Object tracking plays a crucial role in many applications of computer vision, but it is still a challenging problem due to the variations of illumination, shape...  相似文献   

(目的)提出一种鲁棒的目标跟踪算法,将区别性稀疏表示模型应用于残差Unscented粒子滤波(RUPF)跟踪框架,从而实现对目标高效准确的跟踪。(方法)利用Unscented卡尔曼(UKF)滤波技术将目标的量测信息引入提议分布,并使用马尔科夫蒙特卡洛(MCMC)移动改进采样结果,提高了滤波的精度,同时有效防止了粒子的退化和贫化。基于稀疏表示建立区别性的目标观测模型,引入的背景成分可以增强算法分辨目标与背景的能力。采用可变方向乘子法(ADMM)解决稀疏表示中的L1优化问题,有效的提升了算法的执行效率。(结果)通过和其它跟踪算法一起对标准测试视频进行的大量定性与定量的实验表明,本文提出的跟踪算法的跟踪精度高于一些常见的跟踪算法,同时其时间复杂度低于传统的几种基于稀疏的跟踪算法。(结论)随着硬件技术的不断发展,UKF滤波技术的速度不断提升,保证了本文算法可以在较高准确率下有更快的执行速度。  相似文献   

Zhao  Zhiqiang  Xiong  Liwen  Mei  Zhuolin  Wu  Bin  Cui  Zongmin  Wang  Tianjiang  Zhao  Zhijian 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(1-2):785-804
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Recently, the technology of visual object tracking has achieved great success. However, it is still extraordinary challenging for some factors, such as scale...  相似文献   

Occlusion is a major problem for object tracking algorithms, especially for subspace-based learning algorithms like PCA. In this paper, we introduce a novel incremental subspace (robust PCA)-based object tracking algorithm to deal with the occlusion problem. The three major contributions of our works are the introduction of robust PCA to object tracking literature, a robust PCA-based occlusion handling scheme and the revised incremental PCA algorithm. In order to handle the occlusion problem in the subspace learning algorithm framework, robust PCA algorithm is employed to select part of image pixels to compute coefficients rather than the whole image pixels as in traditional PCA algorithm, which can successfully avoid the occluded pixels and therefore obtain accurate tracking results. The occlusion handling scheme fully makes use of the merits of robust PCA and can avoid false updates in occlusion, clutter, noisy and other complex situations. Besides, the introduction of incremental PCA facilitates the subspace updating process and possesses several benefits compared with traditional R-SVD-based updating methods. The experiments show that our proposed algorithm is efficient and effective to cope with common object tracking tasks, especially with strong robustness due to the introduction of robust PCA.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the sparse representation-based tracking method named ?1 tracker, there have been further studies into this tracking framework with promised results in challenging video sequences. However, in the situation of large illumination changes and shadow casting, the tracked object cannot be modeled efficiently by sparse representation templates. To overcome this problem, we propose a new illumination invariant tracker based on photometric normalization techniques and the sparse representation framework. With photometric normalization methods, we designed a new illumination invariant template presentation for tracking that eliminates the illumination influences, such as brightness variation and shadow casting. For a higher tracking accuracy, we introduced a strategy that adaptively selects the optimum template presentation at the update step of the tracking process. The experiments show that our approach outperforms the previous ?1 and some state-of-the-art algorithms in tracking sequences with severe illumination effects.  相似文献   

Robust object tracking with background-weighted local kernels   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Object tracking is critical to visual surveillance, activity analysis and event/gesture recognition. The major issues to be addressed in visual tracking are illumination changes, occlusion, appearance and scale variations. In this paper, we propose a weighted fragment based approach that tackles partial occlusion. The weights are derived from the difference between the fragment and background colors. Further, a fast and yet stable model updation method is described. We also demonstrate how edge information can be merged into the mean shift framework without having to use a joint histogram. This is used for tracking objects of varying sizes. Ideas presented here are computationally simple enough to be executed in real-time and can be directly extended to a multiple object tracking system.  相似文献   

为了解决真实场景下视频目标的跟踪问题,提出一种基于特征自适应选择的鲁棒跟踪算法。首先,针对在线AdaBoost算法特征池特征鲁棒性差的问题,提出一种基于颜色与金字塔梯度方向直方图特征相结合的特征池构造方式;然后,针对分类器在更新过程中容易受到错误样本影响的问题,对每帧跟踪结果增加遮挡检测环节以避免漂移现象的发生。大量的对比实验表明,在真实场景下所提出的方法具有更好的效果。  相似文献   

针对稀疏表示用于目标跟踪时存在重构误差表示不够精确、目标模板更新错误等问题,提出一种改进的稀疏编码模型。该模型无需重构误差满足特定的先验概率分布,且加入对编码系数的自适应约束,可以取得更优的编码向量,使得跟踪结果更为准确。在此基础上,将这种改进的编码模型与粒子滤波目标跟踪算法相结合,研究并实现一种新的基于鲁棒稀疏编码模型的目标跟踪方法。该方法对每个粒子的采样区域进行编码,用所得的稀疏编码向量作为当前粒子的观测量,并采用目标模板分级更新策略,使得目标模板更加准确。实验结果表明,方法可以较好地解决目标部分遮挡和光照变化等干扰下的目标跟踪问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a structured sparse representation appearance model for tracking an object in a video system. The mechanism behind our method is to model the appearance of an object as a sparse linear combination of structured union of subspaces in a basis library, which consists of a learned Eigen template set and a partitioned occlusion template set. We address this structured sparse representation framework that preferably matches the practical visual tracking problem by taking the contiguous spatial distribution of occlusion into account. To achieve a sparse solution and reduce the computational cost, Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (BOMP) is adopted to solve the structured sparse representation problem. Furthermore, aiming to update the Eigen templates over time, the incremental Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based learning scheme is applied to adapt the varying appearance of the target online. Then we build a probabilistic observation model based on the approximation error between the recovered image and the observed sample. Finally, this observation model is integrated with a stochastic affine motion model to form a particle filter framework for visual tracking. Experiments on some publicly available benchmark video sequences demonstrate the advantages of the proposed algorithm over other state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

Xue  Xizhe  Li  Ying 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2019,78(15):21187-21204
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Particle filters have been proven very successful for non-linear and non-Gaussian estimation problems and extensively used in object tracking. However, high...  相似文献   

Object tracking is a fundamental ability for a robot; manipulation as well as activity recognition relies on the robot being able to follow objects in the scene. This paper presents a tracker that adapts to changes in object appearance and is able to re-discover an object that was lost. At its core is a keypoint-based method that exploits the rigidity assumption: pairs of keypoints maintain the same relations over similarity transforms. Using a structured approach to learning, it is able to incorporate new appearances in its model for increased robustness. We show through quantitative and qualitative experiments the benefits of the proposed approach compared to the state of the art, even for objects that do not strictly follow the rigidity assumption.  相似文献   

Robust object matching for persistent tracking with heterogeneous features   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the problem of matching vehicles across multiple sightings under variations in illumination and camera poses. Since multiple observations of a vehicle are separated in large temporal and/or spatial gaps, thus prohibiting the use of standard frame-to-frame data association, we employ features extracted over a sequence during one time interval as a vehicle fingerprint that is used to compute the likelihood that two or more sequence observations are from the same or different vehicles. Furthermore, since our domain is aerial video tracking, in order to deal with poor image quality and large resolution and quality variations, our approach employs robust alignment and match measures for different stages of vehicle matching. Most notably, we employ a heterogeneous collection of features such as lines, points, and regions in an integrated matching framework. Heterogeneous features are shown to be important. Line and point features provide accurate localization and are employed for robust alignment across disparate views. The challenges of change in pose, aspect, and appearances across two disparate observations are handled by combining a novel feature-based quasi-rigid alignment with flexible matching between two or more sequences. However, since lines and points are relatively sparse, they are not adequate to delineate the object and provide a comprehensive matching set that covers the complete object. Region features provide a high degree of coverage and are employed for continuous frames to provide a delineation of the vehicle region for subsequent generation of a match measure. Our approach reliably delineates objects by representing regions as robust blob features and matching multiple regions to multiple regions using Earth Mover's Distance (EMD). Extensive experimentation under a variety of real-world scenarios and over hundreds of thousands of Confirmatory Identification (CID) trails has demonstrated about 95 percent accuracy in vehicle reacquisition with both visible and Infrared (IR) imaging cameras.  相似文献   

Visual tracking is an important task in various computer vision applications including visual surveillance, human computer interaction, event detection, video indexing and retrieval. Recent state of the art sparse representation (SR) based trackers show better robustness than many of the other existing trackers. One of the issues with these SR trackers is low execution speed. The particle filter framework is one of the major aspects responsible for slow execution, and is common to most of the existing SR trackers. In this paper,1 we propose a robust interest point based tracker in l1 minimization framework that runs at real-time with performance comparable to the state of the art trackers. In the proposed tracker, the target dictionary is obtained from the patches around target interest points. Next, the interest points from the candidate window of the current frame are obtained. The correspondence between target and candidate points is obtained via solving the proposed l1 minimization problem.In order to prune the noisy matches, a robust matching criterion is proposed, where only the reliable candidate points that mutually match with target and candidate dictionary elements are considered for tracking. The object is localized by measuring the displacement of these interest points. The reliable candidate patches are used for updating the target dictionary. The performance and accuracy of the proposed tracker is benchmarked with several complex video sequences. The tracker is found to be considerably fast as compared to the reported state of the art trackers. The proposed tracker is further evaluated for various local patch sizes, number of interest points and regularization parameters. The performance of the tracker for various challenges including illumination change, occlusion, and background clutter has been quantified with a benchmark dataset containing 50 videos.  相似文献   

目标模型内的背景像素会造成目标跟踪定位偏差,但为了将跟踪目标全部包含在目标模型中,不可避免在目标模型内引入很多背景像素。为了减少背景对跟踪造成偏差,在目标模型中引入带权因子,可达到降低目标模型内背景像素对跟踪定位精度的影响。带权因子是这样确定的:通过利用目标外围矩形环中的背景信息和一个映射函数来生产一个新的特征向量,然后转换为带权因子。实验表明,该方法具有更好的跟踪精度,对遮挡具有更好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

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