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This paper will introduce the function systems approach to study the mathematicalproperties of Backus functional programming language FP.Here,a function system isdefined as a set of functions o FP.In the paper,we define the notions of complete,orthogonaland orthonormal systems,and prove their principal properties.These properties are used in thediscussion of the completeness of FP program algebra and properties of the expansion ofprogram in orthogonal systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, I describe a simple functional programming language, GRL, in which most of the characteristic features of the popular behavior-based robot architectures can be concisely written as reusable software abstractions. This makes it easier to write clear, modular code, to mix and match arbitration mechanisms, and to experiment with variations on existing mechanisms. I describe the compilation process for the language, our experiences with it, and issues of efficiency, expressiveness, and code size relative to other languages.  相似文献   

An approach for facilitating mixed language programming in distributed systems is presented. It is based on adding a generic remote procedure call facility to each language, and the use of a type system to describe procedural interfaces, as well as data to be transferred between procedures. This type scheme also specifies a machine-independent representation for all data. By defining standard mappings for each programming language, the data conversions required for cross-langauge calls may be performed, automatically in most cases, by active agents that provide the interface between program components written in different languages. When necessary, explicit control of the conversation is possible. A prototype implementation of a system based on this approach has been constructed on a collection of machines running Berkeley UNIX®.  相似文献   

AntCC是一种面向无线网络传感器的编译器,重点阐述了AntCC设计过程中所遇到的跨平台支持问题,提出了采用流水线技术芯片可能遇到的相关性的解决办法;重点研究了AntCC的优化问题,并实现了适合于无线网络传感器的图着色寄存器分配和窥孔优化这两种重要的优化策略。最终将研究结果应用于智能家居等领域。  相似文献   

Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs) are a graphically oriented modelling language for concurrent systems based on Petri Nets and the functional programming language Standard ML. Petri Nets provide the primitives for modelling concurrency and synchronisation. Standard ML provides the primitives for modelling data manipulation and for creating compact and parameterisable CPN models.Functional programming and Standard ML have played a major role in the development of CPNs and the CPN computer tools supporting modelling, simulation, verification, and performance analysis of concurrent systems. At the modelling language level, Standard ML has extended Petri Nets with the practical expressiveness required for modelling systems of the size and complexity found in typical industrial projects. At the implementation level, Standard ML has been used to implement the formal semantics of CPNs that provide the theoretical foundation of the CPN computer tools.This paper provides an overview of how functional programming and Standard ML are applied in the CPN modelling language and the supporting computer tools. We give a detailed presentation of the key algorithms and techniques used for implementing the formal semantics of CPNs, and we survey a number of case studies where CPNs have been used for the design and analysis of systems. We also demonstrate how the use of a Standard ML programming environment has allowed Petri Nets to be used for the implementation of systems.  相似文献   

Böhm  W.  Hammes  J.  Draper  B.  Chawathe  M.  Ross  C.  Rinker  R.  Najjar  W. 《The Journal of supercomputing》2002,21(2):117-130
This paper presents the high level, machine independent, algorithmic, single-assignment programming language SA-C and its optimizing compiler targeting reconfigurable systems. SA-C is intended for Image Processing applications. Language features are introduced and discussed. The intermediate forms DDCF, DFG and AHA, used in the optimization and code-generation phases, are described. Conventional and reconfigurable system specific optimizations are introduced. The code generation process is described. The performance for these systems is analyzed, using a range of applications from simple Image Processing Library functions to more comprehensive applications, such as the ARAGTAP target acquisition prescreener.  相似文献   

R作为统计领域广泛使用的一种统计软件,具有开源、免费、灵活的诸多优点,编程语言强大,但用到面向对象的缔程方法却不多。本文通过对R中面向对象编程的研究,使读者进一步的了解R软件。  相似文献   

如果说语言是人与人沟通的工具,那么编程语言就是人与计算机沟通的工具。我们使用这个工具,向计算机描述我们跳动的思维。回首2008,编程语言的世界里发生了许多令人兴奋的变化:函数式语言异军突起、Python 3k发布等。本期月度关注,我们将带您走进编程语言的世界:回顾2008,展望2009,你会发现编程语言的世界如此多娇!  相似文献   

本文首先讨论了引入集合的意义,然后建立了一种基于集合基贩归约演算,并且对集合项的存储和含集合符号的逻辑数据语言的计算进行了一些探讨。本文所介绍的方法通过规则编译时对存储衣序集的改写,使得对集合匹配通过一般函数的匹配算法就可以完成,提高了计算的效率。  相似文献   

C语言编程技巧在C语言学习中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
C语言是功能强大、应用广泛的编程语言,也是目前高校理工类的公共必修课程之一,可见其重要性,C语言集高级编程语言和汇编语言的特点于一身,目前市面上的许多软件也是在C语言的平台上产生的,所以高校在C语言的教学中也可谓是"不遗余力"的。但是从近年来的教学效果来看,学生的普遍反映却让人大跌眼镜,大部分人认为C语言晦涩难学,学起来是非常吃力,经常是非常努力学习却达不到想要的效果,课程过后没有任何收获,甚至连一个小程序都写不出来,针对上述情况做了初步分析,并从C语言的编程技巧上提出了相关改善对策。  相似文献   

Push is a programming language designed for the expression of evolving programs within an evolutionary computation system. This article describes Push and illustrates some of the opportunities that it presents for evolutionary computation. Two evolutionary computation systems, PushGP and Pushpop, are described in detail. PushGP is a genetic programming system that evolves Push programs to solve computational problems. Pushpop, an autoconstructive evolution system, also evolves Push programs but does so while simultaneously evolving its own evolutionary mechanisms.  相似文献   

程序设计语言的演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对程序设计语言的发展演进特征进行了分析,着重分析了比较了目前流行的面向对象程序设计语言。  相似文献   

C语言凭借其丰富的数据结构、优良的机构性灵活性为电脑编程工作的人推崇学习。C语言作为一门基础课程,在高等院校计算机专业和很多的非计算机专业中开设,具有十分重要的作用和意义,它不仅能锻炼学生的思维逻辑能力,还为很多课程,如数据结构、单片机和其他程序设计语言打下良好的基础,具有引导性的作用。根据教学过程中学生常出现的问题,总结出了在C语言教学过程中的几点教学方法。  相似文献   

本文根据递归算法的定义,对其在C语言程序设计中的应用进行了阐述,通过对递归的内部实现过程的描述,对递归的使用进行评价,说明递归在程序设计中具有一定的使用空间.  相似文献   

本文根据递归算法的定义,对其在C语言程序设计中的应用进行了阐述,通过对递归的内部实现过程的描述,对递归的使用进行评价,说明递归在程序设计中具有一定的使用空间.  相似文献   

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