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Liquid ethanol is widely used in practical fuels as a means to extend petroleum-derived resources or as a fuel additive to reduce emissions of carbon monoxide from spark ignition engines. Recent research has also suggested that ethanol and other oxygenates could be added to diesel fuel to reduce particulate emissions. In this cursory study, the combustion of small ethanol droplets in microgravity environments was observed to investigate diffusion flame characteristics at higher ambient pressures and at various oxygen indices, all with nitrogen as the diluent species. At the NASA Glenn Research Center 2.2-second drop tower, free ethanol droplets were ignited in the Droplet Combustion Experiment (DCE) apparatus, and backlit and flame view data were collected to evaluate flame position and burning rate. Profuse sooting was noted above 3 atm ambient pressure. In experiments performed at the Japan Microgravity Center 10-second (JAMIC) drop shaft with Sooting Effects in Droplet Combustion (SEDC) apparatus, the first data that displayed a spherical sootshell for ethanol droplet combustion was obtained. Because of the strong sensitivity of soot formation to small changes in an easily accessible range of pressures, ethanol appears to be a simple liquid fuel suitable for fundamental studies of soot formation effects on spherical diffusion flames. The results impact discussions regarding the mechanism of particulate reduction by ethanol addition to fuels in high-pressure practical combustors.  相似文献   

We present results of carbon coatings on metal substrates in cylindrical hollow cathode (CHC) direct current magnetron sputtering. This is a new technique for making amorphous carbon films by CHC magnetron sputtering from a regenerative sooting discharge. The carbon films are deposited on Cu and Al substrates in a Ne atmosphere and compared with the films of carbon soot on the same materials produced from a conventional 80A arc discharge between graphite electrodes in a He background gas. Raman spectroscopy reveals the existence of graphite and diamond-like structures from the arc discharge while in CHC magnetron sputtering, graphite-like structures are dominant. X-ray diffraction data of samples from the arc discharge show nano-size precipitates of Al4C3 of rhombohedral and hexagonal form for the aluminium sample and probable formation of diamond and hexagonal carbon in copper whilst in magnetron sputtering we obtain amorphous carbon films. Scanning electron microscope images of the surface show a collection of loose agglomerates of carbon particles in the arc discharge whereas, for magnetron sputtering, structures are regular with smooth edges and fine grains.  相似文献   

We present results of carbon coatings on metal substrates in cylindrical hollow cathode (CHC) direct current magnetron sputtering. This is a new technique for making amorphous carbon films by CHC magnetron sputtering from a regenerative sooting discharge. The carbon films are deposited on Cu and Al substrates in a Ne atmosphere and compared with the films of carbon soot on the same materials produced from a conventional 80A arc discharge between graphite electrodes in a He background gas. Raman spectroscopy reveals the existence of graphite and diamond-like structures from the arc discharge while in CHC magnetron sputtering, graphite-like structures are dominant. X-ray diffraction data of samples from the arc discharge show nano-size precipitates of Al4C3 of rhombohedral and hexagonal form for the aluminium sample and probable formation of diamond and hexagonal carbon in copper whilst in magnetron sputtering we obtain amorphous carbon films. Scanning electron microscope images of the surface show a collection of loose agglomerates of carbon particles in the arc discharge whereas, for magnetron sputtering, structures are regular with smooth edges and fine grains.  相似文献   

A silicon substrate patterned by an oxide is immersed in an alcohol solution of low-doped 1-nm Si nanoparticles. Reverse biasing draws particles to the substrate, mostly along the conducting current paths. Scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy show a tree-like network on the substrate. Avoidance of closed loops and preference for an angle of branching of 90 degrees-120 degrees are observed. The building block of the tree network is not individual particles but spherical particle aggregates approximately 150 nm in diameter.  相似文献   

Experimental study of the evaporation of single droplets and droplets in a flow of dispersed liquid in their motion through high-temperature combustion products of a typical fuel is performed. The evaporation rates of droplets of different sizes are compared; the characteristics of vaporization in a flow of dispersed liquid are analyzed. The conditions under which the drops moving first in the flow significantly slow the evaporation of the following drops are found.  相似文献   

We have established the nanofabrication technique for constructing nanopillars with high aspect ratio (100-500 nm diameter and 500-5000 nm tall) inside a microchannel on a quartz chip. The size of pillars and the spacing between pillars are designed as a DNA sieving matrix for optimal analysis of large DNA fragments over a few kilobase pairs (kbp). A chip with nanopillar channel and simple cross injector was developed based on the optimal design and applied to the separation of DNA fragments (1-38 kbp) and large DNA fragments (lambda DNA, 48.5 kbp; T4 DNA, 165.6 kbp) that are difficult to separate on conventional gel electrophoresis and capillary electrophoresis without a pulsed-field technique. DNA fragments ranging from 1 to 38 kbp were separated as clear bands, and furthermore, the mixture of lambda DNA and T4 DNA was successfully separated by a 380-microm-long nanopillar channel within only 10 s even under a direct current (dc) electric field. Theoretical plate number N of the channel (380-1450 microm long) was 1000-3000 (0.7 x 10(6)-2.1 x 10(6) plates/m). A single DNA molecule observation during electrophoresis in a nanopillar channel revealed that the optimal nanopillars induced T4 DNA to form a narrow U-shaped conformation during electrophoresis whereas lambda DNA kept a rather spherical conformation. We demonstrated that, even under a dc electric field, the optimal nanopillar dimensions depend on a gyration radius of DNA molecule that made it possible to separate large DNA fragments in a short time.  相似文献   

The potential of polarization spectroscopy for the detection of trace constituents in sooting combustion was investigated. It was demonstrated that the directionality of the polarization spectroscopy signal can be exploited to efficiently suppress incoherent interferences, e.g., Rayleigh scattering at soot particles. We also show how polarization spectroscopy compares with laser-induced fluorescence in this type of environment by applying both techniques to atmospheric-pressure, premixed propane/oxygen flames. The acquired signals were spatially resolved along the centerline of the flame, and measurements were conducted at several heights above the burner head and for medium to very high fuel-to-oxidizer ratios. Through our work we found that polarization spectroscopy can be applied even in the presence of large soot fractions. For most conditions, where laser-induced fluorescence suffered from interferences like elastic scattering, spatially filtered polarization spectroscopy signals were virtually background-free, and only for high soot loads did a noticeable background on the latter signal appear. This background likely stems from Mie scattering at very large soot particles.  相似文献   

S. Lin  H. G. Beom  D. Tao 《Acta Mechanica》2010,210(1-2):47-55
Tubular channel growth in a piezoelectric material with a conductive channel is investigated. Breakdown tests are performed on PZT807 samples with cylindrical bar shapes under purely electrical loading. It is experimentally observed that dielectric breakdown occurs via the formation of tubular channels, and the new tubular channel propagates in a straight direction through the specimen. The three-dimensional J integral for a tubular channel is used as a criterion for dielectric breakdown failure. The J integral at the onset of breakdown is calculated numerically through finite element analysis. The critical J integrals at the onset of breakdown are obtained.  相似文献   

Experiments of fine-particle plasma have been performed using a drop experiment facility in order to analyze the ordering and behavior of fine particles under microgravity and during the change of gravitational conditions. Aligned fine particles in the radial directions were observed under microgravity, although they were aligned in the vertical direction under gravity. It has been suggested that the vertical alignment of fine particles under gravity is caused by the mutual influence between positive ion flow and negative fine particles following the deformation of plasma.  相似文献   

In present study, the behavior of electrospun ZnO nanofibers under the application of low frequency alternating (AC) electric fields within the range of 1 Hz–20 kHz was investigated using planar parallel electrodes. In the first stage, ZnO nanofibers with diameters up to 100 nm were prepared by electrospinning. At 1 Hz, the strong electric field-induced fluid flow due to charge redistribution around the electrode swept the fibers on the electrode surface farther from the edges. As the frequency was increased to 1 kHz, most depositing fibers accumulated on the electrode edges and in the meantime, a small fraction of them was pushed into the surface as a result of AC electroosmosis effect. Above 1 kHz, the fibers were assembled within the electrode gap bridging the interelectrode space. The dielectrophoresis force was considered responsible for the assembly and relative alignment of ZnO nanofibers above 1 kHz.  相似文献   

Electrooptics and dynamics of twisted nematic-cholesteric liquid crystal (LC) droplets occurring in an isotropic environment in a dc electric field have been studied. The twist of the LC director field significantly influences the character of rotation of the cholesteric droplets. The most probable mechanism accounting for the rotation of cholesteric droplets is related to the Carr-Helfrich electrohydrodynamic instability.  相似文献   

外加直流电场制备导热硅橡胶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用氢氧化铝和氧化铝颗粒偶极距对电场响应的性质,分别以氢氧化铝和氧化铝填料制备了复合导热硅橡胶。通过建立单元体导热模型并运用有限元分析法研究了填料含量对复合导热材料有效导热率的影响规律。实验结果表明:外加直流电场下制备的氢氧化铝和氧化铝为填料的复合导热硅橡胶的有效导热率分别平均提高了约30%和11%,填料体积分数增至40%~50%时电场效应逐渐消失。这说明各形状、密度等不同的各向同性填料在电场作用下沿电场方向形成链状结构,复合材料沿电场方向的有效导热率可以得到一定程度提高。  相似文献   

A global thermal model of the ARTEX facility, developed with the modeling tool CrysVUn, is presented. The model is validated with experimental data obtained under microgravity conditions during the TEXUS39 mission. Numerical studies are then reported, in which the effects of a rotating magnetic field are investigated during directional solidification of binary AlSi7 alloys. It appears that beyond a certain magnetic field strength a macrosegregation effect is resulting, leading to the development of a liquid channel inside the mushy zone.  相似文献   

This paper investigates theoretically and experimentally the cryogenic fracture behavior of cracked piezoelectric ceramics under electric fields. Fracture tests were performed in three-point bending with the single-edge precracked-beam specimens at room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K), and the fracture loads under electric fields were obtained. Plane strain finite element analysis was also carried out using temperature-dependent material properties of the piezoelectric ceramics, and the dependence of the energy release rate on the electric field and temperature was discussed. In addition, possible mechanisms for cryogenic fracture were examined by scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The behavior of spherical copper powder particles of uniform size (average diameter: 550 μm) in a powder compact was observed under an optical microscope during a single-pulse electric discharge of 500 ms duration. The morphologies of necks formed between powder particles were observed under a scanning electron microscope, and their diameters were measured. The results obtained are summarized as follows: pressure and pulsed current density determine whether or not a spark occurs. Spark is more likely to occur at interparticle contacts under low pressure and high current density. Where a spark occurs, particles are joined together by melting. Regardless of whether or not a spark is observed, necks are formed at points of contact between particles and neck diameter increases with pulsed current density. These results suggest that microscopic sparking, melting, and vaporization occur by means of extremely high temperature attained by local heat generation at the interparticle contacts in the initial stage of compaction.  相似文献   

For bridging between knowledge on droplet combustion and spray combustion, an experimental study was performed on autoignition and combustion of multiple droplet clusters. The monodispersed suspended-droplet cluster (MSDC) model with which arrangement, spacing and initial diameter of the droplet are well controlled has been developed. The effects of spacing and arrangement of droplet on combustion characteristics of the MSDC model in a high-temperature air were examined using microgravity environment in a drop shaft. The ignition delay and the burning time increased with decreasing the droplet spacing, regardless of the droplet number and the model dimensions. Larger droplet number with three-dimensional (3D) hexagonal closest packing (HCP) structure model resulted in longer ignition delay and longer burning time. 3D cubic closest packing (CCP) structure model showed rather longer ignition delay and much shorter burning time than 2D model. For 3D HCP model, an individual flame which enveloped each droplet was formed whole in the combustion duration with larger droplet spacing, while the group flame was formed whole in the combustion duration with smaller droplet spacing. When the droplet spacing was in the intermediate range, each droplet was ignited to form the individual flame, and each flame merged into the group flame. The diameter of the burning sphere decreased at the beginning of combustion, and turned to increase afterward. The transition from the individual flame to the group flame occurred around the time when the burning sphere diameter reached its minimum. The burning sphere diameter relative to the model diameter increased with decreasing the droplet spacing in the middle stage of combustion.  相似文献   

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