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The perioperative nursing role has evolved from that of task-oriented specialists to patient-centered professionals. The concept of caring is significant to perioperative nurses and is manifested by the many caring behaviors perioperative nurses demonstrate toward surgical patients. This article describes how the element of caring is an essential function of perioperative nursing and relates the perioperative nursing role to the work of three nursing theorists (le, Florence Nightingale; Virginia Henderson, RN, AM; Carol L. Montgomery, RN, PhD).  相似文献   

Politics encompasses personal behaviors that dominate much of day-to-day decision-making in organizations. Conflict arises when various groups with different goals, interests, values and perceptions attempt to influence policy or decision making to meet their own interests, needs, goals or values. In this paper, Baldridge's political model is used to analyze the conflict experienced in development of a hospital-based discharge planning program.  相似文献   

The spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in women of childbearing age has precipitated discussion of the procreative rights of this population. Ethical principles are cited to support both sides of the argument. Implications for nursing care include the need to (1) examine one's own opinion on the issue, (b) assess the context in which the patient is making her decision, (c) share detailed information, and (d) create a supportive environment.  相似文献   

Discusses gender related issues relevant to therapy with depressed women and suggests how a feminist orientation can address issues usually overlooked by cognitive-behavioral therapy and its techniques. A 2:1 ratio of depression has been reported in women as compared to men. The devaluation of the female sex-role and of female abilities; socioeconomic, education, and job powerlessness; the emphasis women place on relationships; the loss of self; and women's inhibition of anger are discussed as factors which may lead to depression. The authors assert that cognitive-behavioral techniques can be used to help modify the client's negative beliefs about the self and automatic thoughts by challenging the societal views of women and questioning their application to the depressed client. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In recent years Enright and Fitzgibbon's (2000) process model of forgiveness therapy has received substantial theoretical and empirical attention. However, both the process model of forgiveness therapy and the social-cognitive developmental model on which it is based have received criticism from feminist theorists. The current paper considers feminist criticisms of forgiveness therapy and uses a feminist lens to identify potential areas for growth. Specifically, Worell and Remer's (2003) model of synthesizing feminist ideals into existing theory was consulted, areas of bias within the forgiveness model of psychotherapy were identified, and strategies for restructuring areas of potential bias were introduced. Further, the authors consider unique aspects of forgiveness therapy that can potentially strengthen existing models of feminist therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In vertebrate skeletal muscle, contraction is initiated by the elevation of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. The binding of Ca2+ to TnC induces a series of conformational changes which ultimately release the inhibition of the actomyosin ATPase activity by Tnl. In this study we have characterized the dynamic behavior of TnC and Tnl in solution, as well as in reconstituted fibers, using EPR and ST-EPR spectroscopy. Cys98 of TnC and Cys133 of Tnl were specifically labeled with malemide spin label (MSL) and indane dione nitroxide spin label (InVSL). In solution, the labeled TnC and Tnl exhibited fast nanosecond motion. MSL-TnC is sensitive to cation binding to the high affinity sites (tau r increases from 1.5 to 3.7 ns), InVSL-TnC s sensitive to the replacement of Mg2+ by Ca2+ at these sites (tau r increase from 1.7 to 6 ns). Upon reconstitution into fibers, the nanosecond mobility is reduced by interactions with other proteins. TnC and Tnl both exhibited microsecond anisotropic motion in fibers similar to that of the actin monomers within the filament. The microsecond motion of TnC was found to be modulated by the binding of Ca2+ and by cross-bridge attachment, but this was not the case for the global mobility of Tnl.  相似文献   

This project was completed in response to articles that have appeared in nursing journals calling for feminist pedagogy. The object of inquiry is the current discourse of feminist pedagogy. In critiquing the discourse, Foucault's notion of "regime of truth" was used as a tool for analysis. It is the author's contention that feminist pedagogy, as currently constructed in nursing education, has likened Freire's notion of liberatory education with feminist scholarship. Feminist scholarship has taken a subordinate role to stories of classroom processes. Many so-called feminist strategies are, in reality, progressive educational strategies adorned with seductive language. Adopting a questioning stance, rather than merely proclaiming that "all is bliss" in the feminist classroom, would benefit all who are involved in the construction of feminist pedagogy. If nursing education is to seriously engage with feminist scholarship, as the author believes it must do, then it must not play a secondary role in feminist pedagogy.  相似文献   

Afeminist approach to the psychology of women is defined. In terms of this definition four areas central to the psychology of women are examined. These areas are theory building, sex differences research, research describing women's lives, and feminist therapy. For each area past accomplishments are outlined and future directions are suggested. In conclusion, two important methodological paradoxes are presented, and their relevance to a developing feminist psychology of women is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the effectiveness of feminist group therapy within the context of group assertiveness training for women. Two types of group were organized: One emphasized female role modeling, identity formation, and awareness of sex roles; and one had a traditional approach. Two female group leaders were trained and conducted one of each type group with all-female group members. The 40 adult Ss were interviewed, and 5 outcome measures were taken pre- and posttherapy and at follow-up 6 wks later. Both groups made significant gains on all measures, but the feminist groups did not make greater gains than the traditional groups. Ss who described themselves as feminists at the outset generally showed elevated scores throughout, more commitment to remain in treatment, and greater initial gains in self-reported assertiveness than did Ss who endorsed a more conservative position. It is concluded that the success of feminist therapy groups may not be attributable to their consciousness-raising style but perhaps to the single-sex composition of such groups and to the feminist orientation of clients who seek this form of psychotherapy. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The elements of the Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS) were collected manually from 188 medical records in eight acute care facilities. These eight facilities represent 54 per cent of the beds in South Dakota. The purpose of the study was to describe discharge destination, nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions, and nursing resource utilization for patients with fractured femur with pinning. The sample was primarily female (69.1 per cent), with a mean age of 78.5 years. Most (84.0 per cent) patients were transferred to another facility, with 46.2 per cent going to extended care facilities. The most frequent nursing diagnoses were comfort (89.9 per cent) and physical mobility (59.6 per cent). Interventions were classified using the 16-category classification scheme developed by Werley and Lang. The most frequently recorded types of interventions were in the category of monitoring and/or surveillance (16.7 per cent of 7,555 interventions), whereas emotional support and/or counseling was much less frequent (3.0 per cent of 7,555). Discharge planning was the most frequent nursing intervention in the category of coordination and collaboration of care (54.8 per cent of 188 patients). Documentation systems have been structured to accommodate technical tasks on flow sheets, for example. Nursing resource utilization was the most difficult, and also presently the least meaningful, NMDS element to collect because each facility has different staffing, different patient classification systems, and no prescribed method for collecting these data. Manual data collection is time-consuming and expensive and therefore not recommended.  相似文献   

Investigated whether (1) feminist identity development for women therapists was related to their use of feminist therapy behaviors (FTBs) and (2) feminist identity development and use of FTBs for women therapists were related to self-identification as a feminist therapist. 153 women psychologists (aged 30–77 yrs) were administered a women's issues in therapy questionnaire, which included a short version of the Feminist Identity Scale (FIS; K. M. Rickard, 1989, 1990). Ss were categorized into stages of feminine identity development according to their scores on 4 subscales of the FIS: Passive-Acceptance (PA), Revelation (REV), Embeddedness (EMB), and Synthesis (SYN). Ss scoring high on SYN and REV, and low on PA, reported greater use of FTBs; scores on the EMB were not related to the use of FTBs. All 4 subscales were predictive of women therapists who self-identified as feminist therapists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A sample of 201 women in feminist therapy and 207 women in traditional therapy was drawn from a national survey of women in consciousness-raising groups. Comparisons were made on political views at the time of entering therapy and on demographic characteristics and evaluations of therapy. There were no differences between clients of feminist and traditional therapy on demographic characteristics, symptom levels (Hopkins Sympton Checklist), and overall levels of life stress (Life-Events Stress Index). Clients of feminist therapists were more likely to describe their political views as radical and to identify themselves as members of the women's movement than were clients of traditional therapists. Clients of feminist therapists rated therapy as more helpful than clients of traditional therapy did. Clients who identified themselves as members of the women's movement evaluated feminist therapy as more helpful than traditional therapy; nonmembers evaluated feminist and traditional therapies as equally helpful. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Obsessive-compulsive disorder places formidable burdens on family members who are drawn into bizarre enabling behaviors to pacify their ill relatives. Some families exhibit a high tolerance for inappropriate behavior and evidence characteristics similar to those seen in families of alcoholics. This article applies the codependency group model to families of obsessive-compulsive people based on a definition of codependency that views these families as normal, feeling people who are trying to cope with unremitting stress. Clinical vignettes illustrate how these families are similar to families of alcoholics in their management of emotions and in their dysfunctional behaviors. Recommendations are offered for practitioners who work with families of mentally ill people.  相似文献   

This article explores the process of pattern recognition, contained within Newman's theory of health as expanding consciousness, as a nursing intervention with adults with ovarian cancer. The process of the nurse-client interactive pattern revealed four nonlinear phases: the client-nurse mutual concern, pattern recognition, vision and action potential, and transformation. Most participants found meaning in their lives and experienced personal growth in expanding consciousness.  相似文献   

A component analysis of a behavioral HIV risk reduction intervention was conducted among 87 women recruited from an inner-city community. Women were randomly assigned to an intervention consisting of (a) sexual communication skills training, (b) self-management skills training, (c) a combination of sexual communication and self-management skills, or (d) HIV education and risk sensitization. Results showed that all 4 intervention conditions increased AIDS knowledge and intentions to reduce risk behaviors. Communication skills training resulted in higher rates of risk reduction conversations and risk refusals. However, the combined skills training condition showed the lowest rates of unprotected sexual intercourse at the 3-month follow-up. This study is the first to experimentally control HIV risk reduction elements in an analysis of a skills-based HIV prevention intervention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has become a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among women and children in the United States. As advances are made in the area of diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection, strategies must be developed to support the psychosocial needs of women with HIV disease. The diagnosis of HIV infection in women and their children presents a unique array of complicated social, emotional and medical consequences. Care must be provided in a holistic manner with special emphasis on the needs of women within a systemic context.  相似文献   

Sex determination is the commitment of an embryo to either the female or the male developmental pathway. The ratio of X chromosomes to sets of autosomes is the primary genetic signal that determines sex in Drosophila, by triggering the functional state of the gene Sex-lethal: in females (2X;2A) Sxl will be ON, whereas in males (X;2A) Sxl will be OFF. Genetic and molecular studies have defined a set of genes involved in the formation of the X:A signal, as well as other genes, with either maternal or zygotic effects, which are also involved in regulating the initial step of Sex-lethal activation. We review these data and present new data on two more regions of the X chromosome that define other genes needed for Sxl activation. In addition, we report on the interaction between some of the genes regulating Sxl activation.  相似文献   

Intuitive eating (i.e., eating based on physiological hunger and satiety cues rather than situational and emotional cues) recently has gained recognition as an adaptive eating style. The present study explored a model of intuitive eating based on a foundation of acceptance with 2 samples of college women. Path analysis with the 1st sample (N = 181) revealed that the acceptance model provided an excellent fit to the data, and latent variable structural equation modeling with the 2nd sample (N = 416) cross-validated this model. Specifically, general unconditional acceptance predicted body acceptance by others, body acceptance by others predicted an emphasis on body function over appearance, body acceptance by others and an emphasis on body function predicted body appreciation, and an emphasis on body function and body appreciation predicted intuitive eating. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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