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In four experiments, the effects of augmenting or blocking dopamine receptor activity on response suppression learning of Colburn?×?Colburn chicks were determined. In each experiment, 4-day-old chicks were trained to key peck for heat reward and then tested for response suppression learning by using either a response-contingent punishment or an extinction-punishment task. Before response suppression testing, different groups of chicks were injected ip with apomorphine (1.0, 2.0, or 4.0 mg/kg) either alone or after pretreatment with haloperidol (0.5 or 1.0 mg/kg). Regardless of the response suppression task used, chicks injected with apomorphine had difficulty inhibiting their responding; whereas, chicks injected with haloperidol, either alone or before apomorphine treatment, responded on fewer trials than saline-treated chicks. During extinction testing, 4-day-old chicks given only apomorphine showed the typical suppressive effect of punishment on responding rather than the paradoxical punishment-induced increase in responding found in normal 1-day-old chicks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We tested the circling response to l-DOPA and apomorphine administration in rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions of the substantia nigra. Rats demonstrated a progressively diminished circling response when l-DOPA-carbidopa was repeatedly administered at 120 min intervals. This decreasing response was not present when apomorphine was administered under the same conditions. We also perfused l-DOPA directly into the striatum in vivo of rats with an ipsilateral 6-OHDA nigrotomy at 60 min intervals and monitored striatal dopamine levels with the technique of brain microdialysis. Dopamine formation increased from the first to the fifth trial. This may be secondary to the decrease in uptake sites which accompanies the loss of striatal dopamine nerve terminals. We postulate that the continued presence of dopamine at striatal receptor sites conditions a short-term loss of dopamine receptor sensitivity and a consequent decreased circling response. The observation that desensitization (as measured by decreasing circling) was not present following repeated apomorphine administration may be attributable to its shorter duration of action. We also perfused l-DOPA into the striatum of normal rats and noted a progressive decrease in striatal dopamine levels from the first to the fifth trial. Since this occurred following direct administration of l-DOPA into the striatum, the decrease could not be accounted for by peripheral pharmacodynamics or bioavailability of l-DOPA in the striatum. Since this decrease in dopamine formation was seen only in the normal striatum, its relevance to the diminished behavioral response is unclear.  相似文献   

Conducted a project with 27 undergraduate Ss dealing with review preparation for the general aptitude portions of the Graduate Record Examination. A linear teaching machine programed with quantitative and verbal problems was employed. The Ss were randomly assigned to 4 conditions: (a) continuous self-monitoring, (b) intermittent self-monitoring, (c) performance feedback, and (d) control. Self-monitoring Ss were instructed to record their progress by pressing a counter on either a continuous or intermittent schedule following correct answers. Performance-feedback Ss received information on the accuracy of their responding but were not given the opportunity to self-monitor. Control Ss received neither self-monitoring instructions nor performance feedback. Results show that self-monitoring Ss remained for significantly longer review sessions and that this effect was more pronounced under the continuous rather than the intermittent schedule. Self-monitoring Ss also displayed significantly better accuracy on quantitative problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Apomorphine was found to disrupt memory consolidation in a dose–dependent manner on chicks trained on a 1-trial passive avoidance task with a strong aversant experience. Chicks injected with 4.0 mg/kg apomorphine displayed memory deficits at 180 min after learning and showed marked behavioral disturbances, including increased locomotion and increased pecking at the feet of conspecifics. Pretreatment with the dopamine antagonist haloperidol eliminated the memory disturbance induced by apomorphine and facilitated consolidation of memory in chicks given a weak (20% vol/vol methyl anthralinate) training experience. Time-of-retention data suggested that the memory disruption occurred from 120 min after learning, leading to the suggestion that dopamine–related modulation of the training experience may be involved in late-memory formation processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To study the role of dopamine (DA) in vocalization and other behavior in domestic chicks, 5-day-old male Barred Rock–Rhode Island Red birds were injected with 1 mg/kg doses of apomorphine hydrochloride, and their behavior was recorded by direct observation. The effects of the drug on Ss with bilateral lesions of the intercollicular nucleus (a vocal area) and on Ss pretreated with the DA antagonists pimozide and haloperidol were also examined. In intact Ss, apomorphine induced trills, facilitated twitters, and inhibited warbles. Pecking at conspicuous objects in the cage and locomotion increased, whereas the duration of eye closure was reduced. In Ss with lesions there was no facilitation of trills, twitters, or pecking, whereas the other drug-induced behavioral effects were as in intact Ss. DA antagonists blocked the trills and twitters facilitated by apomorphine but did not protect against the inhibition of warbles. It is concluded that trills, twitters, and pecking are produced by activation of dopaminergic mechanisms. It is hypothesized that some of the behavior induced by apomorphine, especially vocalization and pecking, are a consequence of altered states of attention induced by the drug. (28 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pregnant rats (N?=?17) were treated either throughout gestation (Gestational Day 1–20) with 30 mg/kg per day (chronic cocaine) or with 1 15-mg/kg dose immediately following parturition (acute cocaine). Chronic and acute cocaine treatment delayed or diminished the postpartum onset of some components of maternal behavior, and chronically treated dams were significantly more aggressive toward a male intruder than acute cocaine-treated or saline-treated dams. Cocaine increased the latency to crouch over pups and decreased crouch duration during a 30-min observation period that immediately followed parturition. Latencies to nest build were also longer in more chronic cocaine-treated dams than in saline controls. On Day 6 postpartum, 83% of chronic cocaine-treated dams pinned and attacked an intruder male 8 or more times during a 10-min observation period, whereas only 4% of acute cocaine-treated and none of the saline-treated dams exhibited this much aggression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Elicited agonistic behavior by stimulating the ventromedial hypothalamus of 22 domestic cats. 12 different behavioral components were rated separately. Behavioral alerting, mydriasis, retraction of ears, piloerection, hissing, and protrusion of claws were the most characteristic components. The parameters of the stimulus were shown to be important determinants of the nature of the behavior. Results suggest that either discrete central neural circuits for the different components of agonistic behavior are diffusively organized within the ventromedial hypothalamus, or the components result from a general activation of neurons subserving discrete fixed-action patterns, the resultant behavior being determined by different factors, such as the intensity of the activation. (28 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rat fetuses were exposed to cocaine, lidocaine, or saline on Gestational Day 20 or 21 to provide information about cocaine effects on behavior during prenatal development. Cocaine was administered into the cisterna magna of individual fetal subjects to restrict effects to the CNS. Behavioral effects of cocaine were compared with lidocaine to help distinguish the effects of cocaine on monoamine systems in the brain from its properties as a local anesthetic. Cocaine promoted 3–5 fold increases in fetal motor activity in the absence of explicit sensory stimulation, in contrast to the slight suppressive effects of lidocaine. Cocaine and lidocaine also reduced coordinated behavioral responses to an artificial nipple. The behavioral effects of cocaine administered into the CNS of fetal subjects suggest specific mechanisms of action on developing neural and behavioral systems in the late prenatal period. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of chronic caffeine administration on ventilation and schedule-controlled behavior were studied in 12 adult rhesus monkeys. In seated subjects prepared with a head plethysmograph, ventilation was measured during exposure to air (normocapnia) and to elevated levels of CO2 (3%, 4% and 5%) mixed in air (hypercapnia). Acute administration of caffeine (10.0-30.0 mg/kg i.m.) produced marked, dose-dependent increases in ventilation during conditions of normocapnia and hypercapnia. However, daily administration of caffeine (10.0 mg/kg i.m.) for 8 consecutive days resulted in tolerance to its respiratory-stimulant effects that was surmountable with higher doses. Caffeine-tolerant subjects also were cross-tolerant to theophylline, an active metabolite of caffeine, and to rolipram and Ro 20-1724, selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors. When chronic administration was terminated and the acute effects of caffeine were redetermined, sensitivity returned to levels obtained before chronic administration within 9 days. Drug effects on behavior were studied in monkeys trained to respond under a fixed-interval schedule of stimulus termination. Acute administration of caffeine (1.0-30.0 mg/kg i.m.) produced significant rate-increasing effects on fixed-interval responding, but chronic administration resulted in tolerance that was insurmountable, such that no dose increased responding above control rates. Although the time course for development and loss of tolerance to the behavioral effects of caffeine corresponded closely with respiration, cross-tolerance did not extend to the behavioral effects of rolipram. Chronic caffeine administration had little effect on caffeine metabolism or clearance, which indicated that caffeine tolerance was pharmacodynamic. The results suggest that different neurochemical mechanisms mediate the effects of caffeine on respiration and behavior, and that inhibition of type IV phosphodiesterase plays a prominent role in caffeine-induced respiratory stimulation.  相似文献   

The effect of graded doses of D-amphetamine and haloperidol were tested on retention of a one trial learning passive avoidance response, on extinction of pole-jumping active avoidance behavior and on open-field activity. Low doses of amphetamine (10 microgram/animal) increased passive avoidance latency when given s.c. 1 h prior to the retention test. Higher doses (20 and 1000 microgram/animal) caused a bimodal distribution of avoidance latencies. Haloperidol (0.03 or 1.0 microgram/animal) significantly attenuated passive avoidance behavior. Amphetamine caused a delay of extinction of pole-jumping avoidance behavior in a dose-dependent manner (10, 30 or 90 microgram per rat). Conversely, haloperidol induced a dose-dependent facilitation of extinction (0.03 or 0.1 microgram per rat). Open-field activity was not significantly affected by 30 microgram amphetamine or 0.03 microgram haloperidol; 90 microgram amphetamine significantly increased rearing activity and 0.1 microgram haloperidol decreased ambulation. The data show that passive and active avoidance behavior are sensitive measures to test the activity of psychomotor stimulant and neuroleptic drugs. Exploratory behavior allows more specific behavioral effects to be dissociated from locomotor influences.  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats were exposed to a two-component multiple schedule: a random-interval 30 s schedule of pellet presentation and a conjoint random-interval 30 s schedule of pellet presentation, random-interval 2 s schedule of timeout 10 s presentation. Once responding had stabilized subjects were injected intraperitoneally with vehicle, chlordiazepoxide (1-30 mg/kg), buspirone (0.1-4.2 mg/kg) or cocaine (1-30 mg/kg), 15 min before the start of the experimental session. Before drug administration, punished response rates were less than 30% of unpunished response rates for four of the six subjects, and 60% and 75% for the other two. Low doses of chlordiazepoxide (1 and 3 mg/kg) increased punished responding (range 25-300%), and slightly increased unpunished response rates (by 25% in all but one subject, whose rates increased by 75%). The higher doses of chlordiazepoxide (10-30 mg/kg) dose-dependently decreased response rates in both components. The lower doses of buspirone (0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg) either did not affect, or decreased response rates in both components of the schedule; the higher doses produced dose-dependent decreases. Low doses of cocaine (1, 3 and 5.6 mg/kg) did not affect response rates in either component of the multiple schedule, whereas higher doses produced a dose-dependent decrease in response rates, except for one subject whose punished response rates increased substantially. The behavioral effects of chlordiazepoxide and buspirone observed in the present experiment were similar to those observed in experiments in which response rates were suppressed by shock presentation.  相似文献   

Tc-99m-DTPA captopril scintigraphy was performed in a patient with suspected renovascular hypertension. Markedly impaired right renal function (Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) values for the right kidney = 14 ml/min, left kidney = 79 ml/min) was detected in the initial captopril study. Only lower pole activity of the right kidney was observed during the whole study. Since prior ultrasonographic examinations have shown bilateral normal kidney parenchyma, branch stenosis of the right upper pole was suspected. Besides significant function improvement in the following baseline study (GFR values for the right kidney = 59 ml/min, left kidney = 79 ml/min), the right kidney, this time normally shaped, was visibly higher positioned. Because of the possibility of mobile kidney and/or branch stenosis, the patient underwent selective renal angiography. A long pediculed right kidney without renal artery stenosis was found. The final diagnosis was essential hypertension. Kidney position anomalies could influence the reliability of the captopril scintigraphy, particularly when a theoretical kidney depth formula is employed for the attenuation correction.  相似文献   

Ethanol alters the hepatic biotransformation of cocaine, resulting in transesterification to a novel active metabolite, cocaethylene. Because of first pass metabolism, oral drug administration might be expected to produce relatively larger concentrations of cocaethylene than would intravenous or smoked administration. We, therefore, compared the effects of route of cocaine administration on the formation and elimination of cocaethylene. Six experienced cocaine users were tested in 6 sessions, approximately 1 week apart. Deuterium-labeled cocaine (d?) was administered in all conditions. Oral cocaine-d? 2.0 mg/kg, intravenous cocaine-d? 1.0 mg/kg, and smoked cocaine-d? (200 mg) were administered after oral ethanol 1.0g/kg or placebo. A small, intravenous dose of deuterated cocaethylene (d?) also was administered with all conditions for determination of cocaethylene formation. Physiologic and subjective effects were recorded and plasma cocaine-d?, cocaethylene-d?, cocaethylene-d?, and benzoylecgonine-d? were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. About 24% (± 11) of intravenous cocaine was converted to cocaethylene. The oral route (34% ± 20) was significantly greater than from the smoked route (18% ± 11) and showed a trend toward significance for greater formation of cocaethylene compared to the intravenous route. Within each route, the cocaine-ethanol combination produced greater increases in heart rate and rate-pressure product than cocaine alone. Global intoxication effects across time after smoking or intravenous administration were significantly greater when cocaine and ethanol were both given. Administration of cocaine by different routes alters the amount of cocaethylene formed through hepatic first-pass effects. Increased cardiovascular and subjective effects might explain the toxicity and popularity of the combined drugs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of chronic haloperidol and sulpiride treatment on nigral GABA content were investigated in rats. Chronic sulpiride treatment is capable of inducing an increase in nigral GABA content whilst no significant effect is observed following chronic haloperidol treatment at the doses used. The different effects of haloperidol and sulpiride on nigral GABA content were related to the different neuropharmacological spectrum of the two drugs.  相似文献   

Single or repeated treatments with cocaine (15 mg/kg, i.p.) in rats modify rates of local cerebral protein synthesis (ICPSleu) measured with the [1-14C]leucine method. A single dose of cocaine to naive rats reduced ICPSleu by about 10% throughout the brain; the most statistically significant reduction was in the nucleus accumbens, shell portion (P = .0003). A comparable dose of cocaine administered acutely after 1 wk of daily cocaine injections had no effects on ICPSleu. Delayed effects of prior chronic cocaine treatment were studied in experiments in which one rat of each pair received injections with saline for 8 days and the other cocaine, and on the 15th day ICPSleu was measured. In these experiments delayed effects of the chronic cocaine treatment were observed; in the cocaine-treated rats ICPSleu was significantly increased in selective brain regions, i.e., prefrontal and primary olfactory cortex (P < .006). These results suggest that acute effects of a single dose of cocaine and residual effects of chronic cocaine treatment on ICPSleu are distinctly different and occur in different regions of the brain.  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by J. M. Johns et al (Behavioral Neuroscience, 1994[Feb], Vol 108[1], 107–212). On page 108, in the Results, Maternal Behavior, the phrase in parentheses, "(8 min to crouch for 8 min or more of 30 min)' should read: "(6 min to crouch for 8 min or more of 30 min).' On page 109, the label on the upper right panel of Figure 1, "Percent That Crouch in 8 Minutes,' should read: "Percent That Crouch in 6 Minutes.' (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 1994-24731-001.) Pregnant rats (N?=?17) were treated either throughout gestation (Gestational Day 1–20) with 30 mg/kg per day (chronic cocaine) or with 1 15-mg/kg dose immediately following parturition (acute cocaine). Chronic and acute cocaine treatment delayed or diminished the postpartum onset of some components of maternal behavior, and chronically treated dams were significantly more aggressive toward a male intruder than acute cocaine-treated or saline-treated dams. Cocaine increased the latency to crouch over pups and decreased crouch duration during a 30-min observation period that immediately followed parturition. Latencies to nest build were also longer in more chronic cocaine-treated dams than in saline controls.… (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present experiments examined alterations in 5-HT3 receptors during withdrawal from continuous or intermittent cocaine. Rats were pretreated with 40 mg/kg/day cocaine for 14 days by either SC injections or osmotic minipumps. The rats were then withdrawn from the pretreatment regimen for 7 days. In Experiment 1, rats received 0-16 mg/kg IP injections of ondansetron, a selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonist. In Experiment 2, the rats received 0-16 mg/kg IP ondansetron in combination with a 15 mg/kg IP injection of cocaine. In Experiment 3, the subjects received 0-16 mg/kg IP injections of ondansetron in combination with a 7.5 mg/kg IP injection of cocaine. Following these injections, the subjects' behavior was rated using the Ellinwood and Balster (18) rating scale. The results of Experiment 1 indicated that ondansetron had no effect on the behavior of the subjects, nor was there a differential effect of pretreatment regimen the effects of ondansetron. The results of Experiment 2 indicated that ondansetron had no effect on cocaine-induced locomotion in the saline control rats, but did have a slight, statistically significant, suppressive effect in the injection rats. In contrast, ondansetron had a robust facilitative effect on cocaine-induced locomotion in the continuous infusion rats. The results of Experiment 3 indicated that ondansetron had no effect on cocaine-induced locomotion in the saline control rats or the cocaine injection pretreatment subjects. In the continuous infusion subjects, ondansetron did have a slight, statistically significant, facilitative effect on cocaine-induced locomotion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the drug discrimination paradigm as a model for assessing the ability of potential agonist medications to block the effects of intravenous cocaine. Previous research has demonstrated that oral cocaine attenuated the subjective and physiological effects of intravenous cocaine injections, and in the absence of a known efficacious medication for cocaine use disorders, a proof-of-concept approach was used in which cocaine was acutely administered orally to block intravenous cocaine's discriminative-stimulus effects. During training, 11 cocaine-dependent participants were able to discriminate between intravenous saline and 20 mg/70 kg iv cocaine, and 8 of these participants completed the study. After training, participants ingested capsules containing either placebo or 300 mg/70 kg cocaine 60 min prior to the intravenous injection of different doses of cocaine during test sessions with no contingencies in place. Each cocaine dose was administered twice, once under each oral pretreatment condition. Training sessions were interspersed among the test sessions. Physiological and subjective effects were measured throughout each session. Oral cocaine moderately increased some of the subjective and physiological effects of the lower doses of intravenous cocaine, whereas effects at the higher doses were unaltered. Similar changes were seen for the discrimination results. Thus, although oral cocaine given acutely likely is not a viable treatment medication for cocaine dependence, the usefulness of the drug discrimination model in the evaluation of agonist treatment medications remains unclear. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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