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P. A. Arbisi and Y. S. Ben-Porath (1995) originally proposed that the Infrequency Psychopathology scale, F(p), be used as the final step in an algorithm to determine the validity of a Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) protocol. The current study used taxometric procedures to determine the latent structure of F(p) among examinees with profiles that would necessitate the interpretation of F(p) when using Arbisi and Ben-Porath's proposed algorithm. Participants included a subsample of 289 consecutively referred pretrial forensic examinees adjudicated incompetent to stand trial with high Infrequency (F) scale scores, thereby providing a sample that would be expected to have a high base rate of persons with bona fide psychopathology and persons with incentive to overreport psychopathology. Using MAMBAC and MAXEIG, F(p) produced a taxonic latent structure within the subgroup of examinees who obtained raw scores on F of greater than 17. These results support Arbisi and Ben-Porath's original proposal to use F(p) to identify a distinct subgroup of overreported MMPI-2 protocols within forensic psychiatric examinees with high elevations on F. Implications and suggestions for future research are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recently, a new infrequent response indicator, Frequency psychopathology, F(p), was developed for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory—2 (P. Arbisi & Y. Ben-Porath, 1995). F(p) has potential to provide users with a better understanding of elevations on Frequency (F) and F-back (FB) in settings where such elevations are commonly observed because it is less influenced by the confounding effects of distress and psychopathology. The study reports F, FB, and F(p) scale characteristics from 308 male psychiatric inpatients by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., rev.) diagnosis. The mean F(p) scale score uniformly fell considerably below scores on F and FB and was independent of diagnosis. These findings provide further support for the use of F(p) as a sensitive index of profile invalidity in psychiatric populations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The development of three new content-homogeneous subscales for the revised Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2; J. N. Butcher et al, 1989) Social Introversion (Si) scale designed to replace the K. Serkownek (1975) subscales, which were not included in the revised MMPI, is described. The subscales, termed Shyness/Self-Consciousness, Social Avoidance, and Self/Other Alienation, were developed with data provided by college students (515 men and 797 women). Data analyses with this and the MMPI-2 normative sample demonstrated that the new subscales independently contribute to the assessment of nearly 90% of the variance in the full Si scale, that they display both convergent and divergent validity, and that these attributes generalize beyond the sample with which they were developed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The typology of overreporting, which is a deliberate attempt to amplify symptoms, simulate psychopathology, or understate coping capacities, was examined using taxometric procedures with Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) Infrequency scales [F and F(p)] in psychiatric inpatient and Veterans Affairs (VA) medical center treatment settings. Overreporting was identified as a taxon using several taxometric procedures, and the multiple estimates of the taxon base rate were consistent within each sample. Mean base-rate estimates were .27 and .19 for the psychiatric inpatient and VA medical center settings, respectively. Overall classification rates ranged from .80 to .97 across the 2 settings, which supports the use of F and F(p) in the identification of overreporting on the MMPI-2 in psychiatric inpatient and VA medical center settings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Forensic questions and answers on the MMPI/MMPI-2 by Alex B. Caldwell (see record 1997-36431-000). Whether voluntarily or not, psychologists are being drawn professionally into the legal world more and more, and this text by Caldwell is a powerful light for those headed into the tunnel. Other works on the forensic use of the MMPI and MMPI-2 have consistently started from the view of the court: what does the court need to know from personality assessment and what parts of that need can tests such as the MMPI answer? Starting from the MMPI rather than from the perspective of the court, Caldwell has provided a brief and concise set of answers as to what the MMPI can demonstrate—what questions can be asked of the MMPI, and what answers does it potentially provide. This book is entirely in a question-and-answer format. Each chapter poses a series of questions with answers that range from one paragraph to two or three pages. Caldwell asserts that he wrote the book for attorneys as well as psychologists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When given a choice between two mashes of equal caloric density but differing flavors, rats (Rattus norvegicus) show a robust preference for the flavor previously associated with a higher calorie food. This finding suggests that rats may identify food quality by sensory cues such as taste. Our initial attempt to show this effect in the golden Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) failed, apparently because of this species's tendency to store both high- and low-calorie mashes in their cheek pouches during conditioning trials. Initially we attempted to circumvent this seeming morphological constraint on learning by presenting low- and high-calorie mashes on alternate days. This procedure too failed to produce evidence of flavor–caloric learning, although this procedure produced robust learning in another rodent, the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). Another method of preventing cheek pouching—concurrently presenting low- and high-calorie liquid diets—was more successful; then, hamsters showed clear evidence of flavor–caloric learning. Thus, although flavor–caloric learning is demonstrable in species of rodent besides the rat, the circumstances under which it occurs vary. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The most common error in debating psychoanalysis is confusion between method and theory. From the perspective of operationalism, the touchstone of science, any science should be defined by its method first and theories second. This is the thrust of the author's response to R. F. Bornstein's (2001) condemnation of psychoanalysis as nonscientific. Empirically, psychoanalysis is a method and a technique of observation--of the analysand and analyst's interactions, both verbal and nonverbal, in the psychoanalytic situation; of reciprocal free association; of the dynamics of dream psychology and unconscious intrapsychic and interpersonal processes; of transference--and this results in the special nature of psychoanalytic interpretation. A further source of confusion is the politics of the psychoanalytic movement and its component organizations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Consistency in Social Behavior: The Ontario Symposium (Vol. 2), edited by Mark P. Zanna, E. Tory Higgins, and C. Peter Herman (1982). The volume has two major foci: the consistency of the individual's behaviour in different situations, and the consistency between people's attitudes and their behaviour. These issues have been classic concerns, respectively, of personality and social psychologists. Once upon a time, we as psychologists naively assumed the existence of both forms of consistency. But in the last two decades our faith has been shaken. For the most part, the participants in the Second Ontario Symposium help to restore our faith. But, in doing so, they provide a more sophisticated, qualified view of consistency. In conclusion, this set of papers is a record of, and a testimonial to, the success of the Second Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology. It is the present reviewer's hope that this biannual event will be continued in the years ahead. Clearly, the Second Symposium was worth the effort involved! (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Cognitive-behavioral therapies for trauma (2nd edition) by Victoria M. Follette and Josef I. Ruzek (see record 2006-02767-000). This humbly titled text actually provides exhaustive coverage of several important trauma-related areas. As suggested by the book cover, this second edition seems to go beyond updated references and leading-edge changes. The book does indeed appear to be a radical revision without departing from the core intent, which was to provide a one-stop shop for practitioners working with trauma survivors. Functioning more as a compendium than a standard text, this book acts as a single resource for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In appropriate fashion, a historical review serves to contextualize the subsequent sections and associated chapters. The majority of the book is then divided into three sections: Assessment, Interventions, and Specialized Populations and Delivery Considerations. The final chapter serves as direction for the future of applied cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in several diverse settings. Overall, the text is a comprehensive desk reference for many practitioners treating PTSD. As noted in this review, some chapters are presented in a manner that is accessible to a broad readership, whereas others are geared more towards the experienced practitioner. Notwithstanding, the sound empirical foundations provided for the assessments, interventions, and tangential issues related to PTSD make this volume a valuable compendium resource for clinicians. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Family Therapy: An Introduction to Theory and Technique (2nd ed.) edited by Gerald D. Erickson and Terrence P. Hogan ( 1981). The second edition of Family Therapy is a significant and worthwhile improvement on the 1972 edition and it adequately reflects the rate of growth in the field of family therapy over the past decade. Erickson and Hogan have included articles which are classics in the field as well as papers critical to an appreciation of the rapid growth of techniques and research in family therapy. Almost 75% of the articles are new to this 1981 edition of Family Therapy. While almost all of the book is comprised of well selected articles which have previously been published, many are recent publications which retain their timeliness, and one is an original paper by Diane Pancoast on therapeutic interventions with community helping networks. The stated goal of the book is the selection of those major papers which represent several broad areas in family therapy. The book is successful in that regard. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Social Psychology (2nd edition) by William W. Lambert and Wallace E. Lambert, edited by Richard Lazarus (1973). This second edition is a major updating and enlargement of the original (1964) edition, containing about 50% more pages and a good deal of new material. In essence, then, it is a new book and it deserves to be read as such. As with all volumes in this Foundations of Modern Psychology Series, the Lambert & Lambert text is intended for the introductory student. In six short chapters, the authors cover the major basic areas of enquiry--socialisation, social perception, attitudes, interaction, the individual in the group, and socio-cultural perspectives. At the risk of appearing unduly concerned with a Canadian point of view, it is of interest to note that this text is the first to pay attention to ideas and findings about social behaviour in this country. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Sex, evolution and behavior (2nd edition) by Martin Daly and Margo Wilson (1983). As Daly's and Wilson's text makes clear, the general framework of sociobiology has ordered an immense amount of disparate data on the nature of sexuality and offered important insights into the human condition. The book is written in an engaging and ebullient manner, aimed primarily as a textbook for undergraduate students in psychology and the social sciences. It is much more than this, however. It stands as a highly accessible guide and reference manual to current research and theory for psychologists interested in interfacing with evolutionary biology, as well as being "a good read" for any reasonably intelligent, literate person. It is very unusual for a book to so usefully serve such a wide audience. The authors have a quite remarkable capacity to "bottom line" knotty theories and complicated data sets. There are very few criticisms that can be made and most of these will be idiosyncratic to the particular reviewer. However, I suspect that three may occur to those psychologists considering offering courses on human sociobiology. First, the book is highly focused on sex and reproduction and, therefore, does not cover other important topics in the degree of detail that course instructors may have wished: altruism and aggression, to mention two. Second, an even greater emphasis on the human species would have been preferred by most behavioural scientists (particularly students). Finally, and allied to the last two criticisms, more information could have been incorporated from social-personality-developmental psychology. Instead, a mildly deprecating tone is occasionally adopted. Despite such minor carpings (and it is always easy to criticize a book for what it didn't include), the book is highly recommended for anyone interested in the current status of research in sociobiology. It would make an excellent textbook for anyone teaching a half year introductory course on sociobiology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Educational psychology: Reflection for action (Canadian edition) (2008). Targeted toward aspiring teachers, this book provides an overview of the content knowledge germane to school-age education in Canada and attempts to foster the types of procedural skills and dispositions necessary to gather and evaluate evidence about one’s own classroom practises and about the diverse array of Canadian students in those classrooms. The book is well written, in language that is clear and accessible to preservice teachers at the undergraduate level. For a more advanced audience, the book also provides an excellent model of how to integrate goals of content, procedural, and disposition acquisition. To these ends, each chapter includes pedagogical features that help readers activate and connect their prior knowledge, skills, and attitudes with those of more expert teachers operating in real classrooms (e.g., samples of classroom life to ground understanding in experience, models of expert analyses following knowledge acquisition, well-timed invitations to engage in reflection during learning). Particular attention is paid to the ecologically valid activity of reasoning about what students know on the basis of what they say and do. In addition to lists of key concepts, end-of-chapter exercises, and a glossary, a number of supplements and additional resources for instructors and students also are mentioned. A parallel e-version of the text, complete with interactive features, is available online at no extra cost. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Data from several clinical samples and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 standardization group are presented to familiarize the reader with response patterns of different groups on a new validity scale designed to assist in the identification of exaggeration or fabrication of psychological disturbance. Sensitivity-specificity analyses are included along with suggestions for use of the F(p) Scale with other validity scales. Cautions about setting single cutoff scores are also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replies to the comments of G. L. Baril and J. T. Cannon, K. O. McGraw, S. Parker, and R. W. Frick (see PA, Vol 83:13436; 13468; 13472; and 13448, respectively) on J. Cohen's (see record 1995-12080-001) article discussing the problems and misinterpretations in null hypothesis significance testing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

R. M. Gordon (2005; see record 2005-08806-011) insists in his commentary on J. S. Wallerstein and J. M. Lewis's (2004; see record 2004-17367-002) work that the impact of divorce on children is fleeting, and he proposes, without supporting evidence, that the long-lasting psychological problems displayed by children of divorce in adolescence and adulthood reflect more the preexisting psychopathology of the parents and their traumatic parenting than any consequence of the disrupted marriage and the unhappy sequelae that so regularly constitute the postdivorce family. The authors' data, based on intensive periodic clinical study of these youngsters and their parents over several decades, indicate the contrary. No research has established that divorcing parents exhibit as a class more mental illness than parents in intact families. The authors' findings speak to the unmet needs of children of divorce for psychological help with their intimate relationships when they enter adulthood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sexual conditioning investigations have primarily used rats and domestic quail as subjects. Although much has been learned from such experiments, the relative simplicity of rat and quail reproductive behavior prohibits investigation of certain experimental questions about sexual conditioning. In contrast, the reproductive behavior of male and female ring doves (Streptopelia risoria) is complex, involving courtship, bonding, and parental care. In the present experiment, male ring doves that were presented with a visual conditioned stimulus paired with access to their pair-bonded mate (the unconditioned stimulus) showed sexual conditioned responding in the presence of the conditioned stimulus. These results represent the first evidence of sexual conditioning in ring doves and illustrate the potential of ring doves as a useful model for future sexual conditioning investigations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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