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详细介绍了美国水资源的管理、开发、利用和保护情况。现代化的管理与健全的法规及合理的水价政策 ,使美国水资源得到了合理的开发利用 ,既刺激了水消费 ,又避免了水浪费 ,对我国的水资源开发利用有一定的参考价值和借鉴作用  相似文献   

美军野战供水系统介绍   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马颖  方振东 《给水排水》2003,29(8):14-16
饮用水供应是世界各国军队后勤保障的重要任务.美军的野战供水系统具备非常成熟的软件系统和硬件设施,简要介绍了美军的野战供水标准、供水方案和净水装置.  相似文献   

Water can be a scarce resource, particularly in certain places at certain times. Understanding both water use and conservation efforts can help ensure that limited supplies can meet the demands of a growing population and economy. This paper examines water use and recirculation in the U.S. manufacturing sector, using newly recovered microdata from the Survey of Water Use in Manufacturing, merged with establishment-level data from the Annual Survey of Manufactures and the Census of Manufactures. Results suggest that water use per unit of output is largest for larger establishments, in part because larger establishments use water for more purposes. Larger establishments are also found to recirculate water more — satisfying demand (water use) without necessarily increasing water intake. Various costs also appear to play a role in water recirculation. In particular, the water circulation rate is found to be higher when water is purchased from a utility. Relatively low (internal) prices for self-supplied water could suppress the incentive to invest in recirculation. Meanwhile, establishments with higher per-gallon intake treatment costs also recirculate more, as might be expected. The cost associated with water discharge – due to regulation or otherwise – also increases circulation rates. The aridity of a locale is found to have little effect on circulation rates.  相似文献   

我国还处于跨流域调水管理的初期阶段,跨流域调水的法律法规不健全,管理制度与机制不完善,迫切需要制定相关的管理办法.美国是世界上跨流域调水管理措施和经验较为全面和丰富的国家,参考了美国学术委员会的跨流域调水推荐法案报告和美国东部5个州跨流域调水法令的相关管理措施,结合我国水资源管理现状特点,提出了我国在跨流域调水管理中需...  相似文献   

文中扼要介绍了美国科罗拉多-大汤姆逊河调水工程及萨克拉门托河-圣华金河调水工程的工程情况及主要技术特点,供我国南水北调中线工程参考借鉴。  相似文献   

美国防洪的若干措施   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
季昌化 《人民长江》1999,30(1):50-51
我国1998年发生大洪水后,正在加紧研究防洪问题。本文介绍美国防洪的若干措施,着重于非工程措施方面,意在他山之石可以攻玉,供研究我国防洪问题借鉴。美国也是一个洪灾频繁的国家。据统计,美国60年代洪灾损失平均每年达7.2亿美元(折算成1997年美元价值...  相似文献   

一民 《中国水利》2005,(7):67-67
一、可用水 1.基础研究 (1)物理的、化学的和微生物的污染物之危害及传输机制.  相似文献   

Indur M. Goklany 《国际水》2013,38(3):321-329

Globally and in the United States, agriculture is the major user not only of water but also of land. This paper compares trends in aggregate and per capita water and land use by the agricultural sector in the United States and the world during the 20th century. It finds that although cropland use per capita has been declining in both areas since the early 1900s, agricultural water use per capita only began declining in the latter half of that century. That the increases in efficiencies of agricultural water use lagged behind the increases in the efficiency of cropland use is consistent with the fact that farmers (and farming communities) have traditionally had stronger property rights to their land than to their water. As a result, through much of the 20th century, farmers had a greater incentive to improve the efficiency of land use than that of water use and to substitute water for land (or irrigated land for dryland) in producing crops.  相似文献   

Water utilities typically set residential water prices using one of three rate structures: increasing block rate (IBR), uniform rate (UR), or decreasing block rate (DBR). Historically, DBR has been the most widely used residential rate structure, but water utilities are increasingly switching to a UR or IBR structure. The literature suggests several possible motivations for rate structure decisions, but provides little empirical evidence to support these suggestions and largely ignores the role of water managers?? attitudes and perceptions in the rate structure decision. The objective of this study is to statistically assess factors that drive rate structure changes, specifically toward UR or IBR, in the southern US. We designed and implemented a survey of water utility managers in Arkansas, Florida, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, including rural to urban water utilities. Survey questions were selected based on water utility manager input and literature review and included rate structure changes, system characteristics, and attitudes and perceptions about factors likely to influence rate structure changes. The rate structure adoption decision is modeled using both multinomial logit and Heckman probit specifications. Our results suggest that different factors drive the adoption of UR and IBR, including fair prices for end-users, qualifying for government grants/loans, revenue concerns, treatment cost increases, and infrastructure investment needs.  相似文献   

Considering this rapid growth in the purchasing of bottled water and home filtration devices, utilities are increasingly concerned about consumer dissatisfaction with tap water quality. This project aimed to characterize public perceptions of chlorinous flavors in drinking water, and how these impact customers' choices with respect to consumption of tap water alternatives. On-site taste tests at seven water utilities with 30 to 40 panelists at each site, were conducted using a forced-choice triangle test method (ASTM method E679-91) to measure public sensitivity to chlorine and chloramine in drinking water. The chlor(am)ine concentration increased from set to set. The best-estimate sensitivity limit for each panelist was the geometric mean of that concentration at which the last miss occurred and the next (adjacent) higher concentration. The measured sensitivity limit of average American populations to free chlorine (159 persons tested) and chloramine (93 persons tested) in tap water were 0.8 and 3.7 mg/L Cl2, respectively. These thresholds are much higher than those previously reported in the literature using trained FPA panels. No significant differences were observed between tap water users and users of tap water alternatives or between the various markets tested with respect to average sensitivity, though individual sensitivity varied widely.  相似文献   

Major changes in hydrologic regime and morphology of channels of the Platte River and its major tributaries, the South Platte River and North Platte River in Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska have occurred since about 1860, when the water resources of the basin began to be developed for agriculture, municipal, and industrial uses. The extent of this water development, which continues to increase with growth in population and land use, has affected the timing of streamflow and transport of fluvial sediment in the Platte River through diversions, reservoir storage, and increased use of groundwater. Changes in flow regime, such as increase in low-flow magnitudes and abatement of peak-flow magnitudes, have made the riverine environment conducive to vegetative growth while reducing channel scour. These factors, in turn, contribute to morphologic changes of decreased channel width and channel area and increased island formation. This paper will focus on these trends over the last several decades in the study area on the Platte River in Nebraska.  相似文献   

演进的美国现代化水坝安全管理模式   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
溃坝对一般民众而言,或许还是一种天方夜谭,一种迷思,但从事水坝安全的工作者,包括业主、顾问工程师与政府法规执行者,必须要有忧患意识,不能因民众此种危机意识低迷,就疏忽甚至也误认为溃坝风险不存在。依据美国加州史丹福的国家水坝行为资料中心所提供的数字显示,自1972年西维吉尼亚州水牛溪坝溃决造成l25人丧命后,美国已知的溃坝就有742座,过去5年中即有380座(1998年资料)。如照这种情形发展下去,美国每年平均将溃决50座坝,将付出2500万美元的代价。美国从多次溃坝的灾难中吸取惨痛的教训,不断地改善水坝安全的管理方式,如《州水坝安全部门模式》一书所列的大纲(FEMA,1998),值得我们学习他人宝贵经验。本文仅简介美国州政府施行现代化水坝安全管理的一些情况,提供相关单位、人员作为参考。“他山之石,可以攻玉”,借鉴美国的长处,以弥补自己不足之处,也可收“亡羊补牢,犹未为晚”之功。因此,水坝安全管理是一种公共安全工作,一种避免溃坝、防患于未然的工作,属于一种预防性、未雨绸缪主动发现问题并及时采取补救措施的专业工作。愿以此基本认知与大家共勉之,确保民生社稷之福。  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Short-term streamflow forecasting is a widely used and important aspect of modern water management. In contrast, routine operational forecasting of stream water quality...  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) water quality survey (WQS) constitutes the longest-running, most extensive monitoring of water quality and the lower trophic level biota of the Laurentian Great Lakes, and has been instrumental in tracking shifts in nutrients and the lower food web over the past several decades. The initial impetus for regular monitoring of the Great Lakes was provided by the 1972 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) which asked the parties to develop monitoring and surveillance programs to ensure compliance with the goals of the agreement. The resulting monitoring plan, eventually known as the Great Lakes International Surveillance Plan (GLISP), envisioned a nine-year rotation of intensive surveys of the five lakes. A broadening of the scope of the GLWQA in 1978 and the completion of the first nine-year cycle of sampling, prompted reappraisals of the GLISP. During this pause, and using knowledge gained from GLISP, GLNPO initiated an annual WQS with the narrower focus of tracking water quality changes and plankton communities in the offshore waters of the lakes. Beginning in 1983 with lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan, the WQS added Lake Ontario in 1986 and Lake Superior in 1992, evolving into its current form in which all five lakes are sampled twice a year. The WQS is unique in that all five lakes are sampled by one agency, using one vessel and one principal laboratory for each parameter group, and represents an invaluable resource for managing and understanding the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

在美国申请新的水力发电许可证审查过程中,根据1970年代以后颁布的联邦环保法,联邦能源监管委员会(FERC)对所有重新申请许可证的非联邦所有水电站进行新的环境影响评估,以决定是否发放发电许可证。许可证的环评是在FERC的主导下,由联邦和州环境资源管理部门、印地安部落和非政府咨询公司合作完成。为了获得新的发电许可证,这些水电站加大了生态环境的投入。经过数十年的努力,美国一些河流的生态环境有所改善。  相似文献   

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