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The concept of limited predictability is reviewed followed by simple examples illustrating the sensitivity to small changes in the initial state and/or the forcing of a nonlinear system. Limited predictability applies to almost all nonlinear systems, and the concept is therefore important to geophysical systems governed by nonlinear model equations. The limited predictability determines the upper limit to operational weather forecasts, but it will also be demonstrated that it has an impact on the determination of the effect of changes in the forcing of the system. The general strategy applied by researchers to estimate the atmospheric greenhouse effect is reviewed. It will be demonstrated that the adopted strategy, due to prescribed changes in the forcing of the climate system, is also influenced by limited predictability in the sense that predicted changes are much larger than observed changes in the temperatures at the surface of the Earth. It is therefore very unlikely that the predictions are reliable. The inclusion of the sulphuraerosol effect is also discussed with the conclusion that although these cooling agents reduce greenhouse warming, they do not behave as expected in the sulphurrich and sulphurpoor regions. 相似文献
大朝山水电站拦河坝溢洪表孔采用宽尾墩| 戽式消力池联合消能工,设计单位经多年潜心研究。在百米级碾压混凝土坝、大单宽流量条件下采用台阶式溢流坝面,经第一次原型观测试验,验证了模型试验结论,并发现了水舌下缘与台阶接触带底流速沿程不变、水舌底部掺气浓度沿程增加的现象,这对今后同类工程设计提供了极具参考价值的工程应用实例。文章简略介绍了表孔溢流面结构变更的提出、模型、原型试验结果,以及采用台阶溢流坝面所带来的效益等。 相似文献
水利部人事劳动教育司 《中国水利》2002,(1):28-30
《全国水利人才与教育培训第十个五年计划和2010年规划》(以下称《规划》)是根据《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展的第十个五年规划的建议》提出的“十五”期间我国水利、教育发展的总体战略目标和任务,以及水利部编制《全国水利发展第十个五年计划和2010年规划》的总体要求而编制的,《规划》提出了近期水利人 相似文献
发展水电是减少温室气体的重要措施 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
从温室气体的危害及其目前的现状出发.提出在目前的经济技术条件下.发展水力发电是减少温室气体捧放的重要举措,同时认为水电将是人类获得能源.促进人与自然的协调.保障社会经济发展、改善生态环境使二者达到和谐美满的最佳方法。 相似文献
水利技术装备是水利事业的重要组成部分,也是现代水利事业发展的重要支撑条件。随着科学的发展和技术的进步,用现代化的科学技术和装备武装水利行业势在必行。现代化水资源管理、防汛抗洪抢险、河湖整治、水土保持、环境和生态保护、节水灌溉和大型水利工程建设等均需要大量技术先进、性能优越的技术装备。 相似文献
黑河上游黄藏寺水库采用4月、7月和9月调水的运用方式,在基本满足黑河中游干流灌区用水的情况下,按照国务院批复的莺落峡—正义峡分水线要求,适时高效地输水到下游正义峡,正义峡以下采用渠道加河道的输水方式,在保证鼎新灌区和东风场区用水要求前提下,通过高效率输水,可确保进入额济纳旗绿洲的生态水量,并且可以基本满足原河道生态用水的要求。 相似文献
针对龙滩水电站水库初期蓄水期间可能出现的不利情况,为兼顾珠江三角洲安全用水、应对干旱咸潮威胁,建议龙滩水电站下闸蓄水时间提前在2006年8~9月,抢蓄汛期末尾洪水. 相似文献
通过分析黄河通信网的现状和存在问题,结合数字黄河工程的建设,确立了黄河通信网在数字黄河工程建设中的地位和作用。黄河通信网优化改造方案是:加快黄河微波干线和全河交换网的更新改造;建立县局以下宽带数据接入系统;完善水文和水资源数据采集以及水量调度与水质监测通信网等。 相似文献
一、全国雨水集蓄利用成效及基本经验 1.雨水集蓄利用取得的成效 雨水集蓄利用技术已在我国许多地区得到了广泛应用。尤其在“九五”期间,随着水资源的日益紧缺,越来越引起各级政府的高度重视,广大群众对雨水集蓄利用的认识也逐步加深。通过在中西部等地区建设的试点来看,雨水集蓄利用已从单项集雨技术 相似文献
汾河兰村至柴村桥段河道由于采砂破坏严重,河道逐年下切,已严重威胁两岸大堤及一坝枢纽安全。为了控制河道继续下切,在比较了2种控制方式后,选择了布置3处侵蚀控制面的方案。文中着重介绍了该段河道整治设计方案。 相似文献
M. Paul Mosley 《国际水》2013,38(4):191-197
ABSTRACT A strategic framework and action plan for comprehensive water resources management in Sri Lanka were developed, using a “participatory process approach.” This approach incorporated a number of elements, including seminars of the steering committee of senior oficials, a series of technical workshops facilitated by international experts, numerous interviews of officials and stakeholders, field inspections, consultation and synthesis of documentation, and a final two-day workshop/retreat. The emphasis of the process was to draw on the widest possible range of skills and to obtain a consensus among all stakeholders. The intended project outputs, the strategic framework and action plan, were successfully achieved. In addition, less tangible but possibly more important outcomes that were achieved included agreement to the framework and plan by senior officials from virtually all water-sector organizations, a heightened level of interaction and understanding of others' perspectives among officials and stakeholders, and an enhanced level of knowledge of alternate approaches to water resources management. A number of conclusions can be drawn from the exercise. Perhaps most significant is the crucial importance of negotiation and communication skills, in addition to the more familiar technical skills and knowledge required in water sector planning and management. 相似文献
"十三五"期间广西将大力推进清洁能源发展。为构建清洁低碳能源体系、推动能源产业转型升级、促进能源消费模式变革提供良好发展环境,实现至2020年,非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到21%的目标,笔者参加的研究团队首先总结广西新能源发展现状和发展潜力,提出新能源规划思路和原则,并提出广西"十三五"新能源建设规模、建设形式、节能减排效益和保障措施建议。 相似文献
水电工程施工过程中可能会出现各种险情,建立应急预案是必须的.以官地水电站右岸高边坡塌方应急演练方案为例,介绍了在施工过程中如何编制应急预案演练方案. 相似文献