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杨占荣 《中国水利》2005,(11):27-28
随着农业种植结构的调整和水利工程管理体制的改革,甘肃省疏勒河流域灌区围绕改善农业生产基本条件、调整农业结构、减轻农民负担、增加农民收入的目标,进行了灌区管理机制的改革,积极推广农民用水户参与式灌溉管理.通过3年的实践,健全了协会的管理职能,明确了协会和用水户的责任、权利、义务,避免了搭车收费现象,促进了节约用水.  相似文献   

位山灌区是全国第五大灌区。近年来,灌区以现有的乡级灌区管委会为依托,在工程配套率和完好率比较高、群众基础扎实的支渠开展了用水户参与灌溉管理的试点。灌区通过广泛宣传、循序渐进、加强田间工程配套、找准突破口和建立用水户协会的保障体系,扎实推进灌溉工程管理制度改革,明确了今后的改革发展思路。  相似文献   

中国灌区协会组织专家对湖北省东风渠、漳河、杨树河水库、引汉等4个灌区的7个农民用水者协会进行调研.认为农民用水者协会的建立深受农民的欢迎,避免了搭车收费,减轻了农民的负担,提高了灌溉保证率,增强了用水户的责任感。但农民用水者协会在运行过程中还存在一些问题,需要政府相关政策的支持,同时组建用水者协会时.要规范运作,以保证用水者协会的良性运行。  相似文献   

Countries' social and economic policies as well as their priorities and preferences determine irrigation water pricing; it is a very complex, multi-dimensional and unknown problem in all countries. There is no guiding principle; therefore many different factors affect water pricing in agriculture. The water fee is the main revenue of Water User Associations (WUAs) in Turkey. Irrigation water fees have been determined by WUAs, taking into consideration crop area for gravity irrigation and volume for pump irrigation. Legal changes should be made in order to achieve sustainable WUAs immediately. Irrigation water pricing should be required to balance multiple objectives, such as economic efficiency, equity, water saving, management effectiveness and financial sustainability.  相似文献   

马晓阳  周涛 《中国水利》2012,(23):60-61,59
2004年以来,宁夏引黄灌区全面推行了以成立农民用水户协会管理支斗渠为主要内容的农村水费改革.在调查研究的基础上,总结了宁夏引黄灌区农民用水户协会建设采取的主要做法、取得的工作成效,分析了协会发展存在的主要问题,提出了下一步工作建议.结合宁夏水利工作实际,认为要在加强协会管理、建立考核机制、转变服务方式等方面,采取措施,加大力度,不断提升灌区建设与管理水平.  相似文献   

黄利 《中国水利》2014,(19):40-42
分析了宁夏河东灌区农民用水户协会的建设、发展历程情况,"协会之家"的建立拉近了供用水双方的距离,较好地发挥了桥梁纽带作用,同时增进了水管单位、协会、农户之间的关系,有力地推动了农村水费改革,使困扰水管单位生存的"三难"矛盾有了新的突破。"协会之家"的建立全面呈现出农民用水户协会在灌区农业生产中的显著作用,同时剖析了协会在运行过程中存在着工程老化失修、经费短缺以及个别协会组建不规范等实际问题,并就协会今后的发展方向提出建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the recent emerging informal Water Users Groups (WUGs) on the Ferghana Valley for managing of the water at the former collective farm level and potential for strengthening of the weak Water Users Associations (WUAs) through replication of WUGs formation. Due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Central Asian states have introduced reforms in different sectors including the water resources sectors. As a part of the water resources management reforms, Water Users Associations (WUAs) formation has implemented to manage water resources infrastructure and water distribution. WUGs have been emerging because WUAs have not been very efficient and effective due to their top-down implementation approach. In future, WUGs are very effective institutional mechanism of water resources management, and a useful support instrument to WUAs.  相似文献   

In India, community participation is receiving much importance in water planning and management. However, in the absence of effective institutional arrangements to govern the allocation and maintenance activities, it is more likely that such participation will fail to achieve the desired results. Therefore, the present study is an attempt to assess the self-created rules adopted by two Water Users' Associations (WUAs) in Maharashtra State, India, to govern the use and distribution of water resources. The paper describes the perception of the members with regard to some of these self-created rules. It was observed that both the WUAs studied had effectively enforced these rules, leading to improved water management and efficient conflict management process. Although preliminary, the findings indicate scope for designing strategies to achieve the objective of forming a federation — better planning and distribution of water among WUAs.  相似文献   

An assessment of three institutional models for irrigation management in Vietnam is presented. The first model is a joint management by a state agency and farmer organization; the second is a shared management by a quasi-state and farmer organization; and the third is management solely by a farmer organization. The first model is a conventional management system, whereas the latter two models have recently been introduced in a limited number of projects as a result of the government policy on reform in the irrigation sector. Three study sites are identified to represent three management models. Apart from the institutional framework and selected management functions, water distribution and agricultural productivity are evaluated and compared. Results indicate the better performance of management models with increased involvement of farmers in the decision-making process. It is recommended that the hydraulic boundaries should be taken into consideration in reforming management systems for irrigation projects.  相似文献   

This article analyses the performance of two irrigation systems in Sri Lanka, using performance measures adapted from Theil's mean‐square forecast error concept. The performance is measured in terms of defined objectives that are decomposed into three components measuring adequacy, equity or dependability of water deliveries, and management capability. The relationship between the level of performance, as estimated by the above measures, and crop productivity is determined using regression analysis. The study demonstrates that input and institutional variables such as fertilizer, labour and power concentration have a positive impact on yields while poor irrigation management performance has a negative effect.  相似文献   

E. Lopez-Gunn 《国际水》2013,38(3):367-378

The paper analyzes the problem of collective water management in Spain. The paper has two main objectives: first it provides a brief introduction on long established traditions for collective water management under Water User Associations (WUAs), some dating back to the twelfth century. It discusses the legislative and institutional frameworks that have favored collective water management. The second objective is an analysis at a more specific level, by focusing on the particular case of groundwater as a traditional common pool resource and the problem of mutually beneficial collective action (MBCA). It does so by applying the Institutional Development Framework and an in depth analysis of key factors leading to MBCA. A comparative case study approach is applied to three main aquifers in the central Mancha region. It points to the importance that WUAS can play in facilitating factors that encourage collective action. It also highlights the relevance of social capital as trust between WUAs and the administration, like Water Authorities. It concludes that while solutions like subsidies and payments can help mitigate aquifer overuse, these are not a long-term or sustainable option (economically or sustainably). Only sound institutional design of Water User organizations can favor self-governance and management by farmers.  相似文献   

M. Vannucci 《国际水》2013,38(2):90-93

Tank irrigation systems contribute nearly one third of the total irrigated area in south India and hence their management is an important practical need. This article examines some major considerations related to tank irrigation systems in south India. A comprehensive view of the problems affecting the sustainability of these systems is presented. The major deficiencies that influence the sustainability are inadequate maintenance. reduction in storage capacity, heavy seepage losses in the delivery system, and poor water management techniques. There is a pressing need to evolve and implement appropriate strategies that must be sound on technical, social, economical, institutional, and economical dimensions for sustainable development and management of tank systems. Important practical solutions are discussed for urgent action in the context of sustainable development and management of these irrigation systems.  相似文献   

公共灌溉管理体制现代化--将来可持续灌溉的重点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
萨拉  穆建新 《中国水利》2005,(20):33-38
对于大型灌区来说,其最终目标是以最少的国家财政支出,通过改善服务水平来不断提高农业耕作的收益率.但是,大型灌区内部的官僚体制和配水系统的不灵活性使其很难按照市场的变化和利润优势进行快速反应.因此,必须通过综合系统的现代化,即通过将现有的体制结构和灌溉配水系统进行变革,使其按照需水要求提供可持续的、高效的配水服务来进一步提高收益率.这种按照需水要求提供配水服务的体制变革主要包括削弱政府在管理和财政上的作用、进行权利分散、提高部门责任感以及经济自立.通过提高用水效率来减少支出,扩大收入.用水户协会的成立已经证明其在现代化改造和用水户参与方面是行之有效的,因此,应将其包括在决策制定过程中的各个环节.同时鼓励扩大水委员会或用水户联合会.在时机成熟时转让灌溉管理权,且灌溉管理权的转让应提前做好规划,按照中长期进程加以实施.同时还可以鼓励和开展公私合作伙伴(PPP).建立PPP的主要目的就是成立"第三专业机构"来改善管理,加强合作.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the importance of an institutional mechanism to allocate and distribute irrigation water properly, to reduce conflicts and to mobilize financial support for sustainable rice production. The study reveals that the contributing factors affecting the performance of farmer-managed irrigation systems for rice production are plot size and the application of seed, fertilizer and pesticides, and the influencing factors are water adequacy during the dry season and a fixed schedule of intermittent flow of water distribution. Water inadequacy and dissatisfaction on the timeliness of water distribution are the potential sources of conflicts, whereas the ability of farmers to pay irrigation fees and the acceptance of a fee system are the major concerns about the financial support for irrigation operation and maintenance. The accountability of a water user's association is the main factor influencing the success of an institutional role in the sustainability of rice production.  相似文献   


The way water resources in the former Soviet Union (FSU) were managed in the second half of the past century had both positive and negative effects and contributed to the existing situation. On the one hand, extensive development of water resources led to the transformation of millions of hectares of virgin lands into agricultural production, providing millions of people with food and livelihoods. On the other hand, the over-exploitation of water resources led to drastic changes of the environment: many water bodies, such as lakes, small rivers, and delta wetlands dried up. The Aral Sea basin is one of the dramatic examples of the negative impacts of large-scale irrigation interventions. The state-controlled era of development in the Soviet period has a legacy of standardized procedures and rules formulated at the top. The shortcomings of such a water management included fragmentation, duplication, and a highly administrative approach without considering the needs of the environment and input of water users into planning, allocating, and managing of water resources. This paper presents an analytical view of the role and importance of water users organizations/associations (WUOs/WUAs) in the irrigated agriculture and under irrigation management transfer (IMT) in Central Asia region. International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Scientific Information Center of Interstate Coordination Water Commission (SIC ICWC) conducted the “Best Practices.” Projects including activities covered Syr Darya and Amu Darya basins of Central Asia. During the first stage of the project (01.04.1002-31.03.2002), the monitoring objects were: 30 district water management organizations (DWMO), eight WUAs, 58 collective farms (CCF), and 61 private farms (PPF) from eight provinces Central Asia) project for conserving water resources by involving water users into water savings. The primary strategy was to propagate application of inexpensive technical and managerial methods and measures to save water by users themselves. The project is a joint project of IWMI and SIC ICWC aimed to monitor and disseminate the best practices of water conservation initiated by water users. The first year of the “Best Practices” project accomplished a broader involvement of water users into the water conserving methods, therefore continuing the beneficial good water management practices. It also continued to involve the water supplying organizations and various groups of water users (collective farms, farmers, and water users' associations). The major interest was to analyze the impacts of the different water conservation and management practices on productivity of water use.  相似文献   

我国的水资源管理与水权制度建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高而坤 《中国水利》2006,(21):1-2,14
通过对我国水权制度建设现状的分析,在流域区域水权配置、个体取水权配置、灌区农民用水权配置三个层次指明了水权制度建设的内涵,明确了当前及今后我国水权制度建设的主要任务:一是全面推进初始水权明晰工作,二是全面推进以水权管理为核心的水资源管理体系建设,三是加强水权制度的技术支撑系统建设,四是开展水权转让试点工作。  相似文献   

Global water infrastructure: state of the art review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water infrastructure is multifaceted and essential to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Major categories include dams and hydropower, water supply and sanitation, and irrigation, while stormwater, river and coastal works, and natural systems also provide valuable services. Security concerns have risen on the scale of importance globally. Integrated management approaches can balance natural and built systems, but they face institutional barriers. Research and scholarship can contribute to solutions when directed towards important issues.  相似文献   

组建农民用水户协会应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年国家对农田水利建设的重视和有关政策的支持,使农民参加用水户协会建设的积极性日益高涨,农民用水户协会发展迅速.并积累了不少的经验。同时,由于目前关于农民用水户协会的理论研究和政策制定还不够完善和具体,对用水户协会的前期调查研究工作基础较弱,对基层干部和群众的宣传培训也还不够,有些用水户协会运行质量不够理想,影响其长期运行和发展。通过对近年用水户协会组建与运行的实践分析,提出用水户协会组建过程中应注意登记注册,并应该拥有独立的财务,健全的机构;用户水协会的规模也应适度。  相似文献   

基于集对分析的农民用水协会绩效综合评价模型及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集对分析是一种处理不确定性问题的系统分析方法,利用多元联系数集对分析评价方法对农民用水协会绩效进行综合评价,考虑了协会组建情况、运行状况、渠系工程状况和协会带来的效益等因素,并利用层次分析法确定各因素的权重,结果表明,基于多元联系数的集对分析评价法能很好地解决农民用水协会的评价问题。  相似文献   

How flood risks are affected by infrastructure and institutional arrangements differs among developed and developing countries. This paper compares flood management systems in Indonesia and Japan as they are affected by institutional, organizational and individual capacities. It uses a conceptual model and applies performance indicators to organize the measures of flood management effectiveness. The case studies show that institutional arrangements are essential for effective flood management, but their effectiveness depends on implementation capacity. While infrastructure may mitigate flood damage, its limitations must be recognized. Informed awareness of flood threats and management by the local community is critical.  相似文献   

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