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An estimation of the crop water requirements for the Pontina Plain, Central Italy, was carried out through the use of remote sensing land classification and application of a simple water balance scheme in a GIS environment. The overall crop water demand for the 700 km2 area was estimated at about 70 Mm3 year − 1, i.e. 100 Mm3 year − 1 irrigation requirements when considering an average irrigation application efficiency of 70%. The simplest and least demanding available methodology, in terms of data and resources, was chosen. The methodology, based on remote sensing and GIS, employed only 4 Landsat ETM+ images and a few meteorological and geographical vectorial layers. The procedure allowed the elaboration of monthly maps of crop evapotranspiration. The application of a spatially distributed simple water balance model, lead to the estimation of temporal and spatial variation of crop water requirements in the study area. This study contributes to fill a gap in the knowledge on agricultural use of water resources in the area, which is essential for the implementation of a sustainable and sound water policy as required in the region for the application of the EU Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

In achieving the final objective of the European Water Framework Directive, the evaluation of the ‘hydrological status’ of a water body in a catchment is of the utmost importance. It represents the divergence of the actual hydrological regime from its ‘natural’ condition and may thus provide crucial information about the ecological status of a river. In this paper, a new approach in evaluating the hydrological status of a temporary river was tested. The flow regime of a river has been classified through the analysis of two metrics: the permanence of flow and the predictability of no‐flow conditions that were evaluated on monthly streamflow data. This method was applied to the Candelaro river basin (Puglia, Italy) where we had to face the problem of limited data availability. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool model was used when streamflow data were not available, and a geographic information system procedure was applied to estimate potential water abstractions from the river. Four types of rivers were identified whose regimes may exert a control on aquatic life. By using the two metrics as coordinates in a plot, a graphic representation of the regime can be visualized in a point. Hydrological perturbations associated with water abstractions, point discharges and the presence of a reservoir were assessed by comparing the position of the two points representing the regime before and after the impacts. The method is intended to be used with biological metrics in order to define the ecological status of a stream, and it could also be used in planning the ‘measures’ aimed at fulfilling the Water Framework Directive goals. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A great challenge of the current European water policy is the implementation of volumetric water pricing in the agricultural sector, especially of Mediterranean countries, where irrigation is a necessary precondition of agricultural production and farmers’ income, but also the major consumer of water. The overall aim of the present work is to develop a methodology that will be suitable for the estimation of the potential environmental, economic and social impacts of irrigation water pricing. For this purpose, Multi-Attribute Utility Theory is implemented in order to simulate agricultural decision making at various water pricing scenarios. Water demand functions are then elicited, by means of the best crop and water allocation (farmers’ decisions) in each scenario. The European Water Framework Directive recommends that any issue concerning water resources management (including water pricing policies) should be developed at the river basin level. In this framework, a cluster analysis is performed to partition the river basin area (namely, Loudias River Basin, located in Northern Greece) into a small number of homogeneous sub-regions. The differential impact of water pricing in each region is then analyzed, and finally, an average water demand function is formulated for the whole river basin.  相似文献   

It is widely recognised that the current abstraction licensing system in England needs to be reformed to meet the challenges of future environmental flow requirements, likely increases in water demands and climate change. The UK Government has committed to the reform of the abstraction regime in England and work is underway, including the Welsh Government, to assess the impacts of different reform options, working closely with stakeholders. International experience reveals that the complexity of water management at a national level lends itself to common principles but ultimately that local solutions are required at a catchment-level to manage such challenges. Historically the number of abstraction licences traded in England is negligible. In the future the trading of abstraction licences and derivative water rights, for example water quotas, could play a key role in improving water use efficiency. This paper describes research that was carried out to add to this evidence base in the Upper Ouse and Bedford Ouse catchment in East Anglia with a number of stakeholders to document their response to two innovative water trading systems which have been termed “improved pair-wise” trading and the “common pool” approach. Improved pair-wise trading would allow for a hierarchy of types of short-term abstraction licence trades. Some trades between specific points in a catchment might be pre-approved if the risks to the environment were deemed acceptable. The common pool approach is based on the trading of water quotas, using “smart market” methods, which enable economic optimisation of market outcomes based on abstractors’ bids subject to realistic hydrological constraints. This method would allow all abstractors to bid into a common pool on a weekly basis to obtain their water. Both methods were demonstrated via two workshops to investigate the barriers and facilitators to water trading in practice. Participants were cautiously interested in the benefits offered by both methods, especially the ability to trade water at short notice. However, for these trading methods to play a key role in the reform of abstraction licensing the abstractors must have sufficient confidence that the underlying methods are sufficiently equitable, reliable and accurate.  相似文献   

Inadequate water resources management and a general decline in rainfall have aggravated water scarcity problems in the Upper Ewaso Ng’iro North Basin in Kenya. Furthermore, water use conflicts in the basin have escalated in recent decades due to increased competition for available water resources. Excessive abstraction of the declining river water mainly for irrigation in the Mount Kenya and Nyandarua foot zones often leads to reduced water flow during the dry seasons, greatly affecting downstream water users. Increased water use in the basin coupled with deterioration of the vegetative cover has resulted in reduced water flows in the Ewaso Ng’iro river and its major tributaries. In addition, lack of sufficient knowledge about available water resources and current lack of coordination in water resources management in the basin often result in water deficits which have hampered development in the downstream catchment. The goal of this study was to match the water requirements of various competing sectors in the basin with the available water resources in order to attain both economic and ecological sustainability. To achieve this, GIS techniques were used to quantify the spatial and temporal stream flow. The Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model was applied to evaluate water resources development based on an equilibrium scenario of the current water demand. Water use was simulated for five different sectors (domestic, livestock, wildlife, irrigation and reserve). The analyses revealed that high water demand for irrigation was the main cause of excessive water abstraction particularly in the upstream catchments, giving rise to water shortages and consequently, water use conflicts downstream. The study, therefore, recommends that rainwater harvesting be promoted in the basin in order to improve water availability for productive use.  相似文献   

Legislation to control abstraction of water in Scotland is limited and for purposes such as irrigation there are no restrictions in place over most of the country. This situation is set to change with implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. As a first step towards the development of appropriate policy for irrigation control there is a need to assess the current scale of irrigation practices in Scotland. This paper presents a modelling approach that has been used to quantify spatially the volume of water abstractions across the country for irrigation of potato crops under typical climatic conditions. A water balance model was developed to calculate soil moisture deficits and identify the potential need for irrigation. The results were then combined with spatial data on potato cropping and integrated to the sub-catchment scale to identify the river systems most at risk from over-abstraction. The results highlight that the areas that have greatest need for irrigation of potatoes are all concentrated in the central east-coast area of Scotland. The difference between irrigation demand in wet and dry years is very significant, although spatial patterns of the distribution are similar.  相似文献   

Agriculture in the Mediterranean region is constrained by limited water resources and in many countries irrigation demand exceeds the renewable water supply. This paper presents a comprehensive approach to (a) quantify the consumptive green (soil moisture provided by precipitation) and blue (irrigation) water use for crop production, (b) distinguish the contribution of groundwater to irrigation supply and (c) estimate groundwater over-abstraction. A spatiotemporally explicit soil water balance model, based on the FAO-56 dual crop coefficient approach, which includes the computation of evaporation losses of the different irrigation systems, was applied to the 5,760-km2 area of the Republic of Cyprus for the agro-meteorological years 1995–2009. The model uses national agricultural statistics, community-level data from the agricultural census and daily data from 34 meteorological stations and 70 precipitation gauges. Groundwater over-abstraction is quantified per groundwater body, based on the sustainable abstraction rates specified in the Cyprus River Basin Management Plan, as prepared for the EU Water Framework Directive. It was found that, on average, total agricultural water use was 506 Mm3/year, of which 62 % is attributed to green water use and 38 % to blue water use. Groundwater contributed, on average, 81 % (151 Mm3/year) to blue water use and exceeded the recommended abstraction rates by 45 % (47 Mm3/year). Even though the irrigated area decreased by 18 % during the 2008 drought year, relative to the wettest year (2003), total blue water use decreased by only 1 %. The limited surface water supply during the driest year resulted in a 37 % increase in groundwater use, relative to the wettest year, and exceeded the sustainable abstraction rate by 53 % (55 Mm3/year). Overall, the model provides objective and quantitative outcomes that can potentially contribute to the improvement of water resource management in Mediterranean environments, in the light of climate change and expected policy reforms.  相似文献   

Climatic variation and intersectoral water competition increasingly challenge the effective provision of irrigation services. This article explores their combined effects on irrigation allocation from the Angat Reservoir (Philippines), where domestic water use in Metro Manila has overtaken regional irrigation as the dominant right-holder. Rules protecting Metro Manila’s large right to water ‘interact’ with dry spells to affect irrigation security in wet and dry seasons. Historically, irrigators were uncompensated because re-allocation’s cause was contested as (1) an unforeseeable climatic event (releasing domestic utilities of liability), or (2) produced by urban demand (requiring compensation). Trade-off rules must be prepared to navigate combinatory effects.  相似文献   

Adaptation to increasing irrigation cost due to declination of groundwater level is a major challenge in groundwater dependent irrigated region. The objective of this study is to estimate the optimum abstraction of groundwater for irrigation for sustainable management of groundwater resources in Northwest Bangladesh. A data-driven model using a support vector machine (SVM) has been developed to estimate the optimum abstraction of groundwater for irrigation and a multiple-linear regression (MLR)-based model has been developed to estimate the reduction of the irrigation cost due to the elevation of the groundwater level. The application of the SVM model revealed that the groundwater level in the area can be kept within the suction lift of a shallow tube-well by reducing pre-monsoon groundwater-dependent irrigated agriculture by 40%. Adaptive measures, such as reducing the overuse of water for irrigation and rescheduling harvesting, can keep the minimum level of groundwater within the reach of shallow tube-wells by reducing only 10% of groundwater-based irrigated agriculture. The elevation of the groundwater level through those adaptive measures can reduce the irrigation cost by 2.07 × 103 Bangladesh Taka (BDT) per hectare in Northwest Bangladesh, where the crop production cost is increasing due to the decline of the groundwater level. It is expected that the study would help in policy planning for the sustainable management of groundwater resources in the region.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the main features of irrigation in Japan, and the issues it raises, rather than an exhaustive survey of the subject. The authors’ remarks concentrate on irrigation for rice cultivation, since irrigation for non‐paddy crops is not widely developed and claims a very minor share of the country's water resources. The main components of the water requirements of rice irrigation are identified, and then the composition and functions of farmers’ irrigation associations, or more correctly ‘land improvement districts’, are described.  相似文献   

The upper Ewaso Ng’iro basin, which starts from the central highlands of Kenya and stretches northwards transcending different climatic zones, has experienced decreasing river flows for the last two decades. The Naro Moru sub-basin is used to demonstrate the looming water crisis in this water scarce river basin. The objective of the study was to show the extent of dry seasons’ irrigation water abstractions on river flows, and to assess the hydrological impact of flood storage on temporal water distribution and irrigation water management. Decreasing river flows are attributed to over-abstraction mainly for irrigating horticultural crops. The number of abstractors has increased four times over a period of 10 years. The amount of water abstracted has also increased by 64% over the last 5 years. Moreover, the proportion of unauthorized abstractions has been increasing over the years, currently at about 80% and 95% during high and low flows respectively. This has resulted in alarming conflicts among various water users. The situation is aggravated by low irrigation efficiency (25–40%) and inadequate flood storage facilities. The paper analyzes over 40 years’ observed river flow data and 5-year interval water abstraction monitoring records for 15 years. It assesses whether flood storage and management, can reduce dry seasons’ irrigation water abstractions without significantly reducing river flows to affect the sustenance of natural ecosystems downstream. The results demonstrate that flood storage and management can reduce water abstraction and increase river flows during the dry seasons, without significantly reducing high flows to affect the downstream water users. However, socio-economic, hydrological and environmental implications should be considered if a sustainable river basin water resources management strategy is to be developed and implemented. The case study of Naro Moru sub-basin is representative of the situation in the other sub-basins, and hence can be taken as a pilot basin for developing an integrated water resources management strategy that will foster socio-economic development with minimal negative hydrological impacts in the water scarce upper Ewaso Ng’iro river basin.  相似文献   

文中研究了马房沟引水过程与洪安涧河南支及曲亭、涝河和巨河三个水库之间的关系,使五水源(沁河、洪安洞河南支、曲亭河、涝河和巨河)有机结合,并与三个沿河灌区(南支、跃进渠、曲亭与涝河之问新增灌区)、三个水库灌区及城市用水之间建立了供需调度模型,变无调蓄引水为有调节引水,在充分利用当地水源的前提下,按需调引客水,实现水资源的优化配置。  相似文献   

A sustainable drinking-water supply requires durable securing of the resource. With an increase in spatial pressure, the need is increasing to prioritize measures based on the vulnerability of the resources and the impact of surrounding land use functions. This is especially challenging in the Province of Overijssel with groundwater abstraction sites in vulnerable Pleistocene sandy soils and increasing spatial pressure from both agricultural and urban areas. The governance of the groundwater abstractions in the Province of Overijssel is based on a combination of precaution and a risk-based approach. The Province has adopted REFLECT to assess the risks of spatial developments. REFLECT is a negotiation support system that gives an overview of the vulnerability of the groundwater abstractions and risks of several land use functions on the groundwater quality. REFLECT has been used to obtain the current risk scores of all drinking water abstractions in the Province and following the EU Water Framework Directive. Spatial insight of risks was used to identify and target measures reducing these risks. Moreover, REFLECT has been applied to decide on a local spatial development near an abstraction. Knowledge of the impact of land use changes on groundwater quality helped the municipality harmonizing the spatial plan with the interest of the drinking water abstraction and creating a step-forward in the protection level of the abstraction site. These applications illustrate that REFLECT is an instrument that fits well within risk-based groundwater governance which aims at safeguarding of the public water supply by harmonizing land use functions.  相似文献   

Discourse on common pool resources that are governed by common property regimes is commonly characterized by ‘tragedy’ and ‘threats’ to ‘community’ cooperation. This article questions the relevance of these notions in relation to changing rural reality in the hills of Nepal. Farmers individualize water tenure to overcome the shortcomings of common property regime irrigation for diversified crops. While cooperation in irrigation may decrease, new types of cooperation emerge that reflect a wider range of institutions suited to diversified and complex livelihood portfolios.  相似文献   

Among the difficulties and uncertainties that arise when determining water balance is the calculation of groundwater abstraction. This factor is particularly important in aquifers whose extension and heavy agricultural use make direct quantification methods unfeasible (i.e. flow meters and power consumption data). This study presents a method of quantifying groundwater abstractions for irrigation based on the analysis of multitemporal and multispectral satellite images. The process begins with a highly detailed classification of irrigated crops; these data are entered in a Geographic Information System, overlain with a correct estimate of the irrigation requirements of the crop, and corrected in accordance with the agricultural practices of the area. The results reveal the spatial and temporal distribution of the groundwater volume abstracted and used for agriculture. This methodology has been applied in the Mancha Oriental Hydrogeological System (Spain, 7,260 km2), where abstractions for agriculture comprise more than 90% of the hydrological resources consumed. In this context, accuracies of over 95% have been obtained with a cost sixty times lower than that of traditional methods.  相似文献   


This article examines rice farmers’ perceptions of irrigation and constraints on rice production in the municipality of Malanville, Benin. Farmers’ positive perceptions of irrigation include the use of irrigation for insurance against drought, crop yield improvement, higher income, food security and poverty reduction. Analysis of constraints reveals that farmers face major constraints such as lack of agricultural credit, poor access to production inputs, inadequate knowledge of water resources management, poor access to agricultural information and markets, and flooding of fields. Specific constraints in the irrigation scheme of Malanville include the high cost of irrigation and unavailability of water.  相似文献   

In 2015, a “Post-2015 Development Agenda” is defined for future global developments in water management. The proposed goal is referred to as SDG’s or Sustainable Development Goals, which will balance the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development with a strong linkage between environment and socio-economic goals. One of the major concepts of SDG’s is water security, which is the basic element of the Global Goal on Water, now defined as: “Securing Sustainable Water for All”. The proposal for a Global Goal for Water is associated with targets and indicators to help countries reach the goal by 2030. Among the five main targets specified, two major ones emphasize “water allocation” as an important support of water security, particularly in conditions of water security. This paper focuses on this latter issue in the case of water scarce Gediz Basin along the Aegean coast of Turkey, where irrigation is the major water consuming activity. In addition to allocation of water among other water use sectors and irrigation, it is important in the basin how irrigation water is allocated to various crops, as previous droughts struck crop yields the most. Thus, 16 alternative allocation scenarios are developed to assess the crop yield produced by each scenario. These alternatives are represented by social, economic and environmental indicators as criteria for selection the most favorable alternative. The selection is realized by Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) methodology, using the Reference Point Approach (RPA). In terms of methodology, presented paper shows that RPA is a powerful tool to guide engineers and decision makers to rationally select among several possible alternatives in water allocation.  相似文献   


Irrigation (‘blue’) water has high value as municipalities seek water security under growing populations and projected climates, but spatial variability makes estimating return flows to groundwater challenging. We demonstrate a framework for simulating spatially variable infiltration and derived distributions of return flows using an agricultural and vadose zone model to simulate recharge and nitrate leaching under irrigated corn in semi-arid northeastern Colorado, USA. Derived distributions indicated increased historical recharge (2–42%) as the spatial variability of applied irrigation increased. Projected climate in 2050 increased recharge above historical rates by up to 58%, but climatic effects decreased with increasing irrigation variability.  相似文献   


Many Indian states have begun to transfer water meant for irrigation to non-agricultural purposes, but the economic and environmental consequences are not adequately understood. Transfer of water out of water bodies from rural areas not only reduces the economic welfare of the traditional water users but also reduces their incentives to manage these water bodies on a sustainable basis. The study explores the possibility of introducing the mechanism of ‘payment for ecosystem services’ at the grass-roots level in the Indian context as a return for reallocation of water from irrigation to urban uses so that it can produce a non-zero-sum outcome for villagers, farmers, urban consumers and governments.  相似文献   

Significant changes in the Júcar River Basin District’s hydrology in the Mediterranean side of Spain, have been observed during last decades. A statistical change-point in the year 1980 was detected in the basins’ hydrological series in the main upper river, Júcar and Túria basins. In the study scope are, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is linked with the winter precipitations in the Upper Basins, which are here responsible for the major part of streamflow. So changes in the rainfall has an important effect in the natural river flows. The statistical analysis detected a change at NAO’s seasonal pattern, what means a considerable reduction of winter rainfalls in the Upper River basins located in the inland zone which is simultaneously the water collection and reservoirs area (a???40% of water resources availability since 1980). Hydro-meteorological data and a Water Balance Model, Patrical, have been used to assess these water resources’ reduction. Results points out to the change in the Basin’s precipitation pattern in the inland areas (upper basins), associated to Atlantic weather patterns, as the main cause, while it has not been detected in the coastal areas. All these changes implies water stress for water resources planning, management and allocation, where more than 5.2 million people and irrigation of 390,000 ha are served, joint to the time variability, an important territorial imbalance exists between resources and demands. Thus, in the main upper basins, with the biggest streamflow’s reductions, locate the largest reservoirs in terms of water resources collection and reserves.  相似文献   

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