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概述了水资源一体化管理的发展历程,在综合国内外机构和学者对水资源统一管理看法的基础上,对流域水资源一体化管理的定义进行了探讨,分析了流域水资源一体化管理与传统水资源管理的区别,提出了流域水资源一体化管理的理论框架。最后,应用理论框架,对国外2个典型流域的水资源一体化管理实践与经验进行了分析与评述。  相似文献   

试析我国水资源管理的对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
贺骥  董藩  刘毅 《中国水利》2005,(5):43-45
随着经济与社会的发展,水资源过量开发、水资源浪费、水体污染、用水冲突等问题逐渐暴露出来.因此,迫切需要加强监管力度,完善水法规,严格执法;要进行水资源行政管理体制改革,实现统一管理;要改革、完善水环境审查、监督、评价机制,加大整治力度;要建立利益补偿机制,保护流域农民及水源保护区的权益,构建水资源的民主管理体制,推进管理的社会化.  相似文献   

Asit K. Biswas 《国际水》2013,38(2):248-256

The concept of integrated water resources management (IWRM) has been around for some 60 years. It was rediscovered by some in the 1990s. While at a first glance, the concept of IWRM looks attractive, a deeper analysis brings out many problems, both in concept and implementation, especially for meso- to macro-scale projects. The definition of IWRM continues to be amorphous, and there is no agreement on fundamental issues like what aspects should be integrated, how, by whom, or even if such integration in a wider sense is possible. The reasons for the current popularity of the concept are analyzed, and it is argued that in the real world, the concept will be exceedingly difficult to be made operational.  相似文献   


In recent years, there has been a growing concern worldwide about climate change and the corresponding apparent increase in the risk and frequency of flooding and about the implications for a wide range of river basin management issues. This paper describes the United Kingdom government's approach to implementing Catchment Flood Management Plans (CFMPs), which will provide a large-scale strategic planning framework for the integrated management of flood risk to people and the development of the natural environment in a sustainable manner. This unified approach is to be adopted across England and Wales, with a view to establishing a unified framework to study flood management in each major catchment. Following on from this introduction to the U.K. approach to high-level flood management, details are given of a study where better water quality management during flood flow conditions has been shown to require a catchment-wide approach to reducing diffuse source pollution from agricultural regions. This study also shows that without this holistic approach to water management, a major cause of non-compliance with an EU Directive would not have been established for this river basin.  相似文献   

21世纪的水利建设应从强化流域管理体制入手   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为迎接新世纪的挑战,水利行业要变换水利与可持续发展水利,建设综合开发水的资源功能,环境功能、生态功能的大水利。而 则无法保证这一目标的实现的,应当根据新世纪水利发展的目标,强化流域管理体制。  相似文献   

王锐  冯麒宇  卢毓伟 《水力发电》2021,(3):69-74,97
为系统解决流域水环境问题,践行“流域统筹、系统治理”的理念,以某市流域综合治理项目为例,阐述流域综合治理一体化管控平台系统解决方案。该平台通过建设水质、污水管网等监测监控感知体系,并整合流域水环境、水务及市政相关管理信息资源,实现流域水质、管网等相关信息的实时处理与呈现,再经大数据分析,为流域提供实时水质预报、预警,并实现以目标为导向的智能化运维管理,为流域水环境长治久清提供信息化决策支持。该平台作为流域综合治理工程的重要非工程措施,其设计成果已通过专家评审,正在推进实施。  相似文献   

对我省河道管理现状及存在的问题作了认真分析,提出了一些可取性建议,即加强管理,实行行政首长负责制,建立流域管理体系,建设服务执法队伍等。  相似文献   

通过对洪泽湖管理处所辖水利工程当前自动控制系统建设运行现状的调研及集中控制需求等方面的分析,提出水利工程综合管控系统的建设方案,从设计思路、网络结构、总体架构等方面进行详细阐述,在此基础上分析综合管控系统与传统集中控制系统的不同,综合管控系统的优势,对水利工程管理单位集中控制系统的方案设计具有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

加快建立水务统一管理的新体制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源是国家重要的战略性稀缺资源,实行水务统一管理就是要对水资源的物质形态、市场要素和治水内涵包括开发、利用、治理、配置、节约、保护实行全方位、全领域、全过程的统一管理,最终实现水资源的优化配置。  相似文献   

松辽流域水资源统一管理的目标和任务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为加强流域水资源的统一管理,优化配置水资源,松辽委积极探索水资源流域管理与行政区域管理相结合的模式,以适应全面建设小康社会和振兴东北地区老工业基地等发展战略.今后一个时期水资源统一管理的目标和任务是:做好流域水资源使用权初始分配工作,努力推进节水型社会建设,继续开展涉水事务一体化管理改革,开展流域与区域相结合的水资源管理机制研究和实践.根据水资源承载能力制定区域发展政策,进一步完善水资源管理法规体系,依靠科技进步和经济杠杆,发挥"松辽管理模式"的作用,进一步加强流域水资源统一管理.  相似文献   

我国水资源管理制度的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对我国水资源管理工作现状和存在的主要问题,在重点分析我国水资源管理体制、机制等制度建立和实施情况的基础上,对我国水资源管理制度建设框架,特别是"十一五"期间我国水资源管理制度建设和流域管理与区域管理相结合的体制建设的重点及实施措施提出了建议.  相似文献   

海河流域属于资源性缺水地区,水资源的开发利用已超出其承载能力,并导致河道断流、天然湿地萎缩、地下水超采等一系列生态环境问题。结合流域特殊的河系特点和洪水时空分布规律,通过对“96·8”典型洪水利用潜力分析,研究流域洪水资源利用的可能性,为流域充分利用洪水资源、缓解流域水资源短缺提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

黄河综合治理思考   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
黄河干支流已建的大量水库、电站、引水工程及大面积水土保持措施等,极大地改变了进入河道的水沙过程,引起了河道淤积萎缩。黄河宁蒙河段的治理主要是缩窄河槽、稳定流路,以提高中枯水河槽的挟沙能力,治河措施可兼顾保水作用。黄河龙潼河段的滩地堆沙和控导河势等综合治理须与古贤水库的规划设计紧密结合。黄河下游河道整治的基本要求是保持河道的纵向输沙平衡和平面上的河势稳定,根据水沙减少的情况修订规划,沿程整治河宽应随比降的减小而减小。干支流水库的调水调沙运用须与河道整治相互配合,才能更有效地发挥冲深河槽、稳定流路、输沙入海的作用。考虑到黄河流域下垫面的变化及水库的调节作用,建议利用过去的降水资料重新推算产生的径流,以修正水沙系列和洪水频率。  相似文献   

黄河流域水资源治理模式应从控制向良治转变   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
“治理”是国际社会最近十年发展起来的一种新的管理国家公共事务的思想。从旧的控制到良治,是现代治理追求的目标,其内涵包括扩大公民对公共事务的参与,从只有政府的一个制度实施者转变为包括政府、非政府组织、公民、私营部门、媒体、国际组织在内的多个制度实施者,从黑箱操作到信息公开和信息透明。我国传统意义上的流域治理,基本是一个流域开发和兴利除害的工程概念,和现代治理的概念有很大判别。长期以来我国江河流域水资源的分配,主要采取指令配置、自上而下的控制模式、在水资源日益稀缺的今天,这种治理模式存在严重的体制失效,流域管理呼唤新的治理模式。目前关于流域管理体制改革的探讨已经从政策层面推进到制度层面,水权与水市场的探索也已全面展开。但遗憾的是,流域 讨论大多局限于泛泛的统一管理的思路上。统一管理是一种强化集权控制的思想,虽然已经在实践中发挥了重要作用,但也有其自身的局限性,仍然不能完全回避体制失效的问题。本文借鉴现代治理理念,提出黄河流域的良治框架,特别指出流域治理模式转变的关键是水公共部门的转型,水管理体制的改革归根结底是水公共机构职能的转变。  相似文献   

基于管理的系统原理内涵:整体性、动态性、开放性、环境适应性和综合性原理,对水资源统一管理多样化方法、目的进行了分析,指出不同水资源统一管理视角下的管理子系统,都要根据管理的系统原理,满足系统集合性、层次性、相关性要求,整合水资源统一管理的5个要素:主体、客体、目的、环境条件、方法,高效满足人类对水资源的要求。  相似文献   

The eutrophication of Chaohu Lake in China is mainly attributed to nitrate inflow from non-point sources in the lake catchment. In this study,biological nitrate reduction from groundwater in the Chaohu Lake Catchment was investigated under laboratory conditions in a continuous upflow reactor. Sodium acetate served as the carbon source and electron donor. Results showed that a carbon-to-nitrogen(C/N) molar ratio of 3:1 and hydraulic retention time(HRT) of 8 d could achieve the most rapid nitrate nitrogen(NO_3~--N) depletion(from 100 mg/L to 1 mg/L within120 h). This rate was confirmed when field groundwater was tested in the reactor, in which a NO_3~--N removal rate of 97.71% was achieved(from60.35 mg/L to 1.38 mg/L within 120 h). Different levels of the initial NO_3~--N concentration(30, 50, 70, and 100 mg/L) showed observable influence on the denitrification rates, with an overall average NO_3~--N removal efficiency of 98.25% at 120 h. Nitrite nitrogen(NO_2~--N)accumulated in the initial 12 h, and then kept decreasing, until it reached 0.0254 mg/L at 120 h. Compared with the initial value, there was a slight accumulation of 0.04 mg/L for the ammonia nitrogen(NH4-N) concentration in the effluent, which is, however, less than the limit value.These results can provide a reference for evaluating performance of denitrification in situ.  相似文献   

水资源和水环境是水资源与水环境综合管理中不可分割、相互作用的两个方面。一方面,水资源的短缺会加重水环境的恶化,水环境的恶化反过来会加重水资源的短缺;另一方面,各种途径的节水在缓解用水紧张状况的同时,也会减少对环境的污染,而水环境污染的治理也会增加可用水量,从而缓解水资源的供需矛盾。面对日益严峻的水资源短缺和水环境恶化的形势,实施水资源与水环境的综合管理是必然的选择。以河北省成安县为例,从分析成安县水资源与水环境及其管理中存在的问题入手,结合目前成安县的经验,探讨实行水资源与水环境综合管理的机制、政策法规以及技术等层面的对策与措施。  相似文献   

The hydrologic model HEC-HMS(Hydrologic Engineering Center,Hydrologic Modeling System),used in combination with the Geospatial Hydrologic Modeling Extension,HEC-GeoHMS,is not a site-specific hydrologic model.Although China has seen the applications of many hydrologic and hydraulic models,HEC-HMS is seldom applied in China,and where it is applied,it is not applied holistically.This paper presents a holistic application of HEC-HMS.Its applicability,capability and suitability for flood forecasting in catchments were examined.The DEMs(digital elevation models)of the study areas were processed using HEC-GeoHMS,an ArcView GIS extension for catchment delineation,terrain pre-processing,and basin processing.The model was calibrated and verified using historical observed data.The determination coefficients and coefficients of agreement for all the flood events were above 0.9,and the relative errors in peak discharges were all within the acceptable range.  相似文献   

Modeling of Surface Runoff in Xitiaoxi Catchment,China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xitiaoxi catchment is one of the most important catchments in the Taihu basin in China. Due to its significant contribution of surface runoff and associated nutrients input to Lake Taihu, understanding of the processes of surface runoff in this catchment is, therefore, of primary importance in quantifying water and nutrient balances for Lake Taihu. The generation of surface runoff in the catchment is mainly controlled by rainfall and land cover, so the variety of surface runoff in Xitiaoxi catchment is seasonal. Moreover, the annual change of surface runoff is distinct. Because of the diversity of land use and variety of hydrological characteristics, numerical simulation of the generation of surface runoff over this catchment is not straightforward. In this paper, attempts were made in applying the Large Scale Catchment Model (LASCAM) to Xitiaoxi catchment. The Xitiaoxi catchment is divided into 47 subcatchments connected via a river network based on topology. The model was first run in an optimization mode to calibrate the parameters against the observed runoff for the period of 1968–1977, and then was run in a prediction mode to try to reproduce the runoff for the next 10 years from 1978 to 1987. The model indicates that saturation excess runoff is probably the dominant process for the catchment. The modeling results indicate that water storage in shallow soils near the stream has a high correlation with daily rainfall, while the water storage changes in deep aquifers demonstrate an annual change trend, showing a rising level for wet seasons and a declining level for dry seasons. The success in modeling surface runoff leads to confidence in modeling nutrients transport as the next step of modeling work.  相似文献   

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