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The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 matrix protein (p17MA) plays a central role at both the early and late stages of the virus life cycle. During viral assembly, the p17MA domain of Pr55gag promotes membrane association, which is essential for the formation of viral particles. When viral infection occurs, the mature p17MA dissociates from the plasma membrane and participates in the nuclear targeting process. Thus, p17MA contains a reversible membrane binding signal to govern its differential subcellular localization and biological functions. We previously identified a membrane binding signal within the amino-terminal 31 amino acids of the matrix domain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Gag, consisting of myristate and a highly basic region (W. Zhou, L. J. Parent, J. W. Wills, and M. D. Resh, J. Virol. 68:2556-2569, 1994). Here we show that exposure of this membrane binding signal is regulated in different Gag protein contexts. Within full-length Pr55gag, the membrane targeting signal is exposed and can direct Pr55gag as well as heterologous proteins to the plasma membrane. However, in the context of p17MA alone, this signal is hidden and unable to confer plasma membrane binding. To investigate the molecular mechanism for regulation of membrane binding, a series of deletions within p17MA was generated by sequentially removing alpha-helical regions defined by the nuclear magnetic resonance structure. Removal of the last alpha helix (amino acids 97 to 109) of p17MA was associated with enhancement of binding to biological membranes in vitro and in vivo. Liposome binding experiments indicated that the C-terminal region of p17MA exerts a negative effect on the N-terminal MA membrane targeting domain by sequestering the myristate signal. We propose that mature p17MA adopts a conformation different from that of the p17MA domain within Pr55gag and present evidence to support this hypothesis. It is likely that such a conformational change results in an N-terminal myristyl switch which governs differential membrane binding.  相似文献   

To determine if membrane association is an intrinsic property of the influenza virus matrix protein (M1) it was expressed from cDNA in living cells in the absence of other influenza virus proteins. By using a membrane fractionation scheme the M1 protein was found to associate with membranes in a time-dependent manner (0 time = 45% total; after a 3-hr chase period = 68% total M1 protein). Coexpression of the integral membrane proteins HA+NA+M2 did not significantly increase the association of the M1 protein with cellular membranes, indicating that putative interactions of the M1 protein and the cytoplasmic tails of the integral membranes cannot be detected by this assay. Biochemical treatments of the M1 protein associated with membranes with alkali, high salt conditions, or Triton X-114 yielded data that challenge the normal criteria for integral membrane proteins or peripheral membrane proteins. Examination of the solubility of the M1 protein in influenza virus-infected cells to Triton X-100 extraction indicated it became increasingly insoluble with time, but the M1 protein could be solubilized in Triton X-100 containing 1 M NaCl, suggesting an association of the M1 protein with the cytoskeleton. However, when the M1 protein was expressed from cDNA, it did not become insoluble to Triton X-100 extraction, suggesting an interaction of the M1 protein unique to the influenza virus-infected cell.  相似文献   

The 10A1 murine leukemia virus (MuLV) is a recombinant type C retrovirus isolated from a mouse infected with amphotropic MuLV (A-MuLV). 10A1 and A-MuLV have 91% amino acid identity in their envelope proteins yet display different host ranges. For example, CHO-K1 cells are resistant to A-MuLV but susceptible to infection by 10A1. We have now determined that retroviral vectors bearing altered A-MuLV envelope proteins containing 10A1-derived residues at positions 71 (A71G), 74 (Q74K), and 139 (V139M) transduce CHO-K1 cells at efficiencies similar to those achieved with 10A1 enveloped vectors. A-MuLV enveloped retroviral vectors with these three 10A1 residues were also able to transduce A-MuLV-infected NIH 3T3 cells. This observation is consistent with the ability of vectors bearing this altered A-MuLV envelope protein to recognize the 10A1-specific receptor present on NIH 3T3 cells and supports the possibility that residues at positions 71, 74, and 139 of the 10A1 envelope SU protein account for the expanded host range of 10A1.  相似文献   

We describe retrovirus particles carrying the fowl plague virus (FPV) hemagglutinin (HA). When expressed in cells providing Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMLV) Gag and Pol proteins and a lacZ retroviral vector, FPV HA was found to be efficiently expressed, correctly processed, and stably incorporated into retroviral particles. HA-bearing retroviruses were infectious with a wide host range and were only 10-fold less infectious than retroviruses carrying wild-type MLV retroviral envelopes. We also coexpressed HA proteins in retroviral particles with chimeric MoMLV-derived envelope glycoproteins that efficiently retarget virus attachment but are only weakly fusogenic. Our results suggest that HA can in some cases enhance the fusion ability of these retroviral particles, depending on the cell surface molecule that is used as a receptor.  相似文献   

CD1 molecules are MHC-unlinked class Ib molecules consisting of classical (human CD 1a-c) and non-classical subsets (human CD1d and murine CD1). The characterization of non-classical subsets of CD1 is limited due to the lack of reagents. In this study, we have generated two new anti-mouse CD1 monoclonal antibodies, 3H3 and 5C6, by immunization of hamsters with purified CD1 protein. These antibodies recognize CD1-transfected cells and have no reactivity to cells isolated from CD1-/- mice. Both antibodies precipitate the 52 kDa heavy chain and 12 kDa beta2m from thymocytes and splenocytes by radio-immunoprecipitation. Deglycosylation of CD1 reduces molecular mass of the heavy chain by 7.5 kDa, which can be detected by 3H3 but not 5C6. 3H3 and 5C6 detect surface CD1 expression on cells from the thymus, spleen, lymph node and bone marrow, but not on intestinal epithelial cells. Developmentally, CD1 is expressed on thymocytes prior to TCR rearrangement and remains constant throughout thymic development. CD1 is expressed early in the fetal liver (day 14) and remains expressed in hepatocytes postnatally. These data support evidence of a role for CD1 in the selection and/or expansion of NK1- T cells of both thymic origin and extrathymic origin. Unlike classical class I molecules, murine CD1 levels are not affected by IFN-gamma, but like human CD1b can be up-regulated by IL-4 and GM-CSF although only moderately. Similar to human CD1b, murine CD1 is found by immunofluorescence microscopy on the cell surface, and in various intracellular vesicles, including early and late endosomes. Localization in endocytic compartments indicates that murine CD1 may be capable of binding endocytosed antigens.  相似文献   

Transport of macromolecules into and out of nuclei, essential steps in gene expression, are potential points of control. The matrix protein (M protein) of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) was shown to block transport of RNAs and proteins between the nucleus and cytoplasm of Xenopus laevis oocytes. The pattern of inhibition indicated that M protein interfered with transport that is dependent on the ras-like nuclear guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) Ran-TC4 and its associated factors. This inhibition of nuclear transport by M protein explains several observations about the effects of VSV infection on host cell gene expression and suggests that RNA export is closely coupled to protein import.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) causes lymphoproliferative diseases in immunocompromised patients and is associated with endemic Burkitt lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma and some cases of Hodgkin disease. The latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) of EBV is a transmembrane protein that is essential for the transformation of B lymphocytes. LMP1-mediated up-regulation of Bcl-2 is thought to be an important element in this process. As an approach to explore novel treatments for EBV-associated lymphomas, we constructed a single-chain antibody (sFv) directed against LMP1 to achieve functional inhibition of this oncoprotein in EBV-transformed B lymphocytes. We demonstrated that intracellular expression of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-targeted form of this sFv markedly reduced LMP1 protein levels. We also observed a decrease in intracellular level of this protein which correlated with a marked reduction of Bcl-2 expression in EBV-transformed B lymphocytes. We further demonstrated that anti-LMP1 sFv-mediated reduction of Bcl-2 correlated with increased sensitivity of these cells to drug-induced cell death. Therefore, these data suggest that an anti-LMP1 sFv used in combination with conventional chemotherapy may be useful for gene therapy of EBV-associated lymphomas in immunocompromised patients.  相似文献   

To investigate the cellular dynamics of ZAP-70, we have studied the distribution and regulation of its intracellular location using a ZAP-70 green fluorescent protein chimera. Initial experiments in epithelial cells indicated that ZAP-70 is diffusely located throughout the quiescent cell, and accumulates at the plasma membrane upon cellular activation, a phenotype enhanced by the coexpression of Lck and the initiation of ZAP-70 kinase activity. Subsequent studies in T cells confirmed this phenotype. Intriguingly, a large amount of ZAP-70, both chimeric and endogenous, resides in the nucleus of quiescent and activated cells. Nuclear ZAP-70 becomes tyrosine phosphorylated upon stimulation via the T cell receptor, indicating that it may have an important biologic function.  相似文献   

Bunyamwera (BUN) virus is the prototype of the family Bunyaviridae and contains a trisegmented, single-stranded RNA genome of negative polarity. The medium (M) RNA segment encodes the two virion glycoproteins, G1 and G2, and a nonstructural protein, NSm, in the form of a polyprotein precursor which is cotranslationally cleaved. The gene order of the M segment is 5' G2-NSm-G1 3'. We have raised a monospecific antiserum in rabbits to a branched chain synthetic peptide to a region of the NSm protein which specifically immunoprecipitates NSm from BUN-infected cells. Indirect immunofluorescence experiments on BUN-infected cells using this antiserum gave a perinuclear staining pattern, suggesting that like the viral structural proteins, NSm localizes to the Golgi complex. An essentially full-length M segment cDNA was cloned into a recombinant vaccinia virus under control of bacteriophage T7 promoter and terminator sequences and expressed in cells co-infected with a second recombinant vaccinia virus which synthesizes T7 RNA polymerase. G1, G2, and NSm were detected in cells dually infected with the recombinant vaccina viruses, indicating that processing of the M segment-encoded precursor does not require other BUN proteins. Immunofluorescence experiments showed that the BUN glycoproteins expressed from this recombinant vaccinia virus system localized to the Golgi complex like authentic BUN proteins.  相似文献   

Poly (A) containing RNA extracted from Moloney murine leukemia virus infected mouse cells was hybridized with long single-stranded complementary DNA, prepared in detergent disrupted virions. Visualization of the hybrids in the electron microscope revealed among the structures, circles and circles with tails. Measurements performed on the circular molecules revealed two major species with circumferences corresponding to 3 and 8.2 kilobases. The latter structures had identical size to circles obtained after annealing of cDNA with the viral genome, 35S RNA. Circularization of a small viral RNA (3 kb) from infected cells in the RNA-cDNA hybrids is a direct evidence that like the 35S RNA it shares similar nucleotide sequences at both the 5' and 3' ends. The presence of 5' end sequences common to the two RNA species indicates the existence of a spliced viral RNA. Furthermore, based on the circularization of viral RNA in the hybrids, we suggest a new way to quantitate and determine the lengths of spliced RNA in retrovirus infected cells.  相似文献   

Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) and murine leukemia virus (MLV) are examples of distantly related retroviruses that normally do not encounter one another in nature. Their Gag proteins direct particle assembly at the plasma membrane but possess very little sequence similarity. As expected, coexpression of these two Gag proteins did not result in particles that contain both. However, when the N-terminal membrane-binding domain of each molecule was replaced with that of the Src oncoprotein, which is also targeted to the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane, efficient copackaging was observed in genetic complementation and coimmunoprecipitation assays. We hypothesize that the RSV and MLV Gag proteins normally use distinct locations on the plasma membrane for particle assembly but otherwise have assembly domains that are sufficiently similar in function (but not sequence) to allow heterologous interactions when these proteins are redirected to a common membrane location.  相似文献   

Calculations of stopping power ratios, water to air, for the determination of absorbed dose to water in clinical proton beams using ionization chamber measurements have been undertaken using the Monte Carlo method. A computer code to simulate the transport of protons in water (PETRA) has been used to calculate sw.air-data under different degrees of complexity, ranging from values based on primary protons only to data including secondary electrons and high-energy secondary protons produced in nonelastic nuclear collisions. All numerical data are based on ICRU 49 proton stopping powers. Calculations using primary protons have been compared to the simple continuous slowing-down approximation (c.s.d.a.) analytical technique used in proton dosimetry protocols, not finding significant differences that justify elaborate Monte Carlo simulations except beyond the mean range of the protons (the far side of the Bragg peak). The influence of nuclear nonelastic processes, through the detailed generation and transport of secondary protons, on the calculated stopping-power ratios has been found to be negligible. The effect of alpha particles has also been analysed, finding differences smaller than 0.1% from the results excluding them. Discrepancies of up to 0.6% in the plateau region have been found, however, when the production and transport of secondary electrons are taken into account. The large influence of nonelastic nuclear interactions on proton depth-dose distributions shows that the removal of primary protons from the incident beam decreases the peak-to-plateau ratio by a large factor, up to 40% at 250 MeV. It is therefore emphasized that nonelastic nuclear reactions should be included in Monte Carlo simulations of proton beam depth-dose distributions.  相似文献   

Many thylakoid proteins are cytosolically synthesized and have to cross the two chloroplast envelope membranes as well as the thylakoid membrane en route to their functional locations. In order to investigate the localization pathways of these proteins, we over-expressed precursor proteins in Escherichia coli and used them in competition studies. Competition was conducted for import into the chloroplast and for transport into or across isolated thylakoids. We also developed a novel in organello method whereby competition for thylakoid transport occurred within intact chloroplasts. Import of all precursors into chloroplasts was similarly inhibited by saturating concentrations of the precursor to the OE23 protein. In contrast, competition for thylakoid transport revealed three distinct precursor specificity groups. Lumen-resident proteins OE23 and OE17 constitute one group, lumenal proteins plastocyanin and OE33 a second, and the membrane protein LHCP a third. The specificity determined by competition correlates with previously determined protein-specific energy requirements for thylakoid transport. Taken together, these results suggest that thylakoid precursor proteins are imported into chloroplasts on a common import apparatus, whereupon they enter one of several precursor-specific thylakoid transport pathways.  相似文献   

Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) IN-IN protein interactions important for catalysis of strand transfer and unimolecular and bimolecular disintegration reactions were investigated by using a panel of chemically modified M-MuLV IN proteins. Functional complementation of an HHCC-deleted protein (Ndelta105) by an independent HHCC domain (Cdelta232) was severely compromised by NEM modification of either subunit. Productive Ndelta105 IN-DNA interactions with a disintegration substrate lacking a long terminal repeat 5'-single-stranded tail also required complementation by a functional HHCC domain. Virus encoding the C209A M-MuLV IN mutation exhibited delayed virion production and replication kinetics.  相似文献   

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