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The molecules B7.1 and B7.2 deliver costimulatory signals of critical importance to naive T cells, and may thus be involved in abrogation of oral tolerance in IBD. Functional disparity apparently exists among antigen-presenting cells in vivo. We wanted to examine if differential B7 expression occurs on mucosal macrophage subsets. Cryosections of bowel specimens from patients with IBD and normal controls were subjected to immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase staining. In normal mucosa, selective subepithelial accumulation of B7.2+ cells was found. In inflamed IBD mucosa, however, subsets appeared consisting of both B7.2(hi) and B7.1(hi) cells as well as CD14(hi) macrophages. Notably, outside lymphoid aggregates the prominent fraction of recently recruited CD14(hi) macrophages comprised most (approximately 80%) of the B7.1(hi) cells, whereas most (approximately 70%) B7.2(hi) cells were identified as resident mucosal macrophages (CD14(lo) or CD14-). Differential expression of B7.1 and B7.2 on two functionally different subsets of intestinal macrophages implies separate immunoregulatory roles for the two molecules. This finding is in keeping with recent experimental data demonstrating that monocyte-derived cells are crucial for immune responses at mucosal surfaces. Preferential B7.1 up-regulation might be critical in breaking the immunological tolerance to luminal antigens in IBD, but it cannot be excluded that it is a secondary pathogenic event.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND and PURPOSE: A number of studies have indicated that acupuncture might improve the functional recovery of stroke patients. These studies vary in inclusion criteria, sample size, and evaluation methods. The present study was designed to investigate whether electroacupuncture treatment favorably affects stroke patients' ability to perform daily life activities, their health-related quality of life, and their use of health care and social services. METHODS: One hundred four consecutive patients >40 years of age admitted to hospital because of an acute stroke were randomized to 3 groups: deep, superficial, and no acupuncture treatment. The acupuncture treatment given by 4 physiotherapists started 4 to 10 days after randomization and was given twice a week for 10 weeks. All patients underwent conventional stroke rehabilitation as well. Two occupational therapists, blinded regarding the patients' allocation, evaluated the treatment effects. The assessments were performed 4 times during the first year after randomization by means of interviews and observations. RESULTS: There were no differences between the groups with reference to changes in the neurological score and the Barthel and Sunnaas activities of daily living index scores after 3 and 12 months. Regarding the Nottingham Health Profile, the no acupuncture group had somewhat fewer mobility problems. No differences in health care and social services were found between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: The present study does not give support to the previous studies, which indicates that acupuncture treatment may have a beneficial effect on acute stroke patients' ability to perform daily life activities, their health-related quality of life, and their use of health care and social services.  相似文献   

A number of authors have indicated in recent years that the course of depression is not as favourable as previously expected. Research conducted in order to identify predictors of recovery has shown widely different results. In this paper a sample of 90 consecutive patients with non-chronic major depressive disorders (index episode < 6 months) attending four mental health centres in Madrid were followed up prospectively for 6 months, and clinical social and cognitive variables were studied. The patients were treated pharmacologically and controlled. The rate of recovery was measured according to the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D). Other tools used were: Life Events and Chronic Difficulties, Global Assessment Functioning in the 6 months prior to the onset of episode, Brown Rating Scale for Self-Esteem and Mannheim Interview of Social Support. The results showed that 41 cases recovered (HAM-D score < 8), 29 cases achieved a partial remission, and major depressive disorder persisted in 17 cases (HAM-D score > or = 18). The presence of personality disorders, having suffered a previous episode, GAF score and some aspects of social support were the variables most associated with non full remission in the logistic regression analysis. Personality disorders and the initial HAM-D score were related to non-improvement. Some clinical and cognitive variables maintain a weak relation to outcome and are rejected in logistic regression. This study emphasizes the relationship of personality, and social variables such as social support and previous global functioning, with incomplete recovery in major depression.  相似文献   

A group of 24 eating-disordered female subjects (10 anorexia nervosa--AN--and 14 bulimia nervosa--BN--patients) were interviewed, using a semistructured interview for DSM-III-R Axis-II Personality Disorders (SCID-II). A group of 54 subjects without eating disorder acted as a control group. A high rate of personality disorder (PD) diagnoses occurred in eating disordered subjects (AN and BN patients), with a high prevalence of borderline, dependent, and self-defeating PD. Avoidant and obsessive-compulsive PD were more common in AN patients, whereas BN was associated with histrionic PD. Findings have implications for the assessment and diagnosis of eating-disordered patients and for treatment planning.  相似文献   

The serum lipid profile (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides) has been studied in 98 men and 158 women before and 6 months after introducing an employee fitness programme. Over this period, the sample sorted itself into 4 sub-groups (non-participants, drop-outs, high adherents, and low adherents). The high-adherents attended 2--3 30-min physical activity classes per week over the 6-month study, progressing to 15--17 min of aerobic activity per session, with significant gains of predicted maximum oxygen intake, and reductions of body fat. Nevertheless, there were few "favourable" changes of lipids that could be related to the physical activity sessions. A decrease of total cholesterol (mainly in the women) was unrelated to the changes of maximum oxygen intake, and occurred equally in non-participants and high adherents. High adherent women showed a decrease of LDL cholesterol, but this also was almost matched by changes in non-participants, while the main response of HDL cholesterol was a decrease in non-participants and drop-outs rather than an increase in high-adherents. It is concluded that if data are collected while subjects are in energy balance and persisting with their activity, a programme of the intensity practical in an employee fitness class has little impact upon blood lipids.  相似文献   

Human T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases are often genetically linked to particular alleles of HLA class II genes. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada's (VKH) disease, which is regarded as an autoimmune disorder in multiple organs containing melanocytes, has been found to be associated with HLA-DR4 (DRB1(*)0405) and HLA-DR53 (DRB4(*)0101). Tyrosinase is a melanoma antigen (Ag) expressed by normal melanocytes as well as melanoma cells against which responses by autologous T cells have been detected. We established a T-cell line from the peripheral blood of a patient with VKH disease which responded to synthetic peptides corresponding to tyrosinase. The T-cell line was generated which recognized the tyrosinase p188 - 208 peptide when presented by the HLA-DR4 (DRB1(*)0405) molecule on the surface of HLA class II-expressing L-cell transfectants. The minimal antigenic peptide which induced T-cell responses was an 11-amino-acid sequence and located at tyrosinase p193 - 203 (E-I-W-R-D-I-D-F-A-H-E). This peptide contained the DRB1(*)0405-binding peptide motif (hydrophobic residues (Y, F, W) at position 1 as an anchor residue, and negatively charged residues (D, E) at position 9), which corresponded to the W at p195 and the D at p203. These observations demonstrate that tyrosinase peptides are immunogenic, and may be a candidate for an autoantigen in VKH disease, suggesting that probing the T-cell responses against synthetic peptides is a productive approach for identifying the autoantigenic peptides associated with autoimmune diseases including VKH disease.  相似文献   

OBJECT: It is possible to diagnose hydrocephalus prenatally based on the morphological appearance of the fetus on neurodiagnostic images; however, the prognosis of this disease shows wide variation. The authors previously proposed a classification system for the prediction of postnatal outcome based on progression of hydrocephalus and affected brain development, known as the "Perspective Classification of Congenital Hydrocephalus (PCCH)." In this study the authors have used their classification system to analyze long-term follow-up results obtained in each clinicoembryological stage of fetal hydrocephalus. METHODS: Sixty-one fetuses with hydrocephalus were examined to predict postnatal outcome by using this newly developed classification. The authors' recently developed method of using heavily T2-weighted imaging with a superconducting magnet clearly delineated the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space and the malformed brain and spinal cord. Imaging was achieved in less than 1 second per slice and required no sedation of the fetus. The technique appears to be simple and good at delineating intrauterine anatomy. Hydrocephalus was diagnosed in two fetuses at PCCH embryological Stage I (8-21 gestational weeks), in 28 fetuses at Stage II (22-31 weeks), and in 31 fetuses at Stage III (32-40 weeks). Among these 61 fetuses, clinicopathological typing showed that 19 had primary hydrocephalus (nine in Stage II and 10 in Stage III), 34 had dysgenetic hydrocephalus (two in Stage I, 16 in Stage II, and 16 in Stage III), and eight had secondary hydrocephalus (three in Stage II and five in Stage III). When the hydrocephalic state developed during PCCH Stage I or II, the prognosis was very poor, and only one of 18 fetuses with dysgenetic hydrocephalus and none of three fetuses with secondary hydrocephalus had an acceptable postnatal outcome. Even within the same category or subtype of fetal hydrocephalus, such as primary hydrocephalus in its simple form, or hydrocephalus with spina bifida aperta (myeloschisis), the postnatal outcomes differed depending on the time of onset of hydrocephalus. When the diagnosis of hydrocephalus was made during PCCH Stage II, the fetuses had a poorer postnatal outcome compared with those at Stage III (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: It is emphasized that postnatal prognosis is not simply a function of the form of the diagnosis but is also dependent on the progression of hydrocephalus and the degree to which that process affects neuronal development. Early decompressive procedures, conventionally performed after but, hopefully, performed before birth, are indicated to obtain the optimal postnatal prognosis of fetuses with hydrocephalus diagnosed at PCCH Stage II.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) of distal veins of the legs is important for its frequency and its potential proximal extension. The incidence of embolization in distal DVT is limited and treatment still undefined. METHODS: After diagnosing with duplex scanning a distal DVT patients were included in a 24-week follow-up. All subjects used elastic compression (stockings TED = thromboembolic deterrent) for 24 weeks after DVT. In the 4 groups the following prophylaxis for 8 weeks were used: A: oral anticoagulant (INR 2.5). B: subcutaneous calcium heparin 0.2 ml bid (8.00 and 20.00). C: subcutaneous calcium heparin (0.5 ml at 20.00). D was the control group (only elastic TED stockings). heparin 0.2 ml bid (5000 IU) and 0.5 ml once daily (12.500 IU) were used for individuals with weight range between 65 and 90 kg. No patient was admitted into hospitals. Initially 106 patients were included. There were 17 (9.6%) drop outs and after 8 weeks 177 patients completed the study. No pulmonary embolisation or side effects were observed. In one patient (control group) an important extension of the thrombus to the femoral and iliac veins was observed. RESULTS: The percentage of thrombus reduction was higher in the treatment groups than in controls (p < 0.05). No significant differences were found among the 3 treatment groups. At 8 weeks 88.6% of patients treated with oral anticoagulant showed improvement (stability/reduction in size of the thrombus; the percentage was 88.4% in subjects treated with subcutaneous heparin bid and 93.2% in those treated with a single dosage). In the control group thrombus increase was observed in 78.3% of patients (this difference was significant in comparison with the treatment groups; p < 0.05). At the 24-week control in 97.6% of patients in group A thrombosis was reduced/stable. This percentage was 97.7% in the ca-heparin double-dose group (B) and 100% in the single dose group (C), significantly lower than in group D (75%; p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Results indicate that untreated subjects with distal DVT are at risk of thrombus extension. In this study treatments were clinically equivalent. However one single dose of subcutaneous heparin is as effective as the double dose, is better tolerated, does not require haematological monitoring and has a lower cost.  相似文献   

Although psychosocial aspects of skin diseases are well known, disease-specific questionnaires validated for use in clinical trials are not available to assess the impact of facial acne on health-related quality of life or to evaluate therapeutic change. Development of such an instrument was undertaken and included item generation, reduction and pilot-testing phases. By interviewing acne subjects and dermatologists and literature review, 168 possible items were identified. Next, 165 acne subjects identified which items affected them and rated importance on a 5-point scale. Reduction to a brief questionnaire was performed by evaluating patient-perceived importance and factor analysis; four domains were identified (self-perception, role-emotional, role-social, acne symptoms). After pilot-testing for comprehension in acne subjects, further revisions were made to improve clarity and applicability. The resulting instrument takes 10 minutes to complete, and consists of 24 questions assessing how acne affected certain aspects of patients' lives during the past week on a 7-point scale. Thus, an instrument with excellent content validity was developed to assess health-related quality of life in patients with facial acne, and is comprised of statistically meaningful items of importance to patients. Other measurement characteristics are being assessed in a recently initiated study to evaluate test-retest reliability and responsiveness to therapy.  相似文献   

Fourty-five patients with progressive FIGO IIIc (36/45 pts.) and IV (9/45 pts.) ovarian cancer, who were in progression under prior cisplatin-based chemotherapy, were submitted to aortic infusion and stop flow infusion with the same drugs. 36/45 patients (80%) had four-quadrant and 9/45 patients (20%) had two-quadrant peritoneal carcinosis, 33/45 with severe ascites. Overall clinical response was 93%: 5/45 CR (11%), 21/45 PR (47%), 16/45 MR (35%). Complete resolution of ascites occurred in 9/33 patients (27%), a substantial reduction of ascites of more than 50% in 14/33 patients (43%). Median survival time was 12.5 months, median time to progression 8.6 months. Toxicity was minimal and in most patients performance and quality of life improved shortly after therapy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate the short-term and long-term clinical efficacy of levamisole used with low-dose prednisolone in patients with refractory oral lichen planus. Twenty-three patients with OLP who had been treated unsuccessfully with other modalities were given 150 mg/day levamisole and 15 mg/day prednisolone for 3 consecutive days each week. Twelve patients showed dramatic remission of signs and symptoms within 2 weeks, whereas 11 had partial remission. All 23 reported significant pain relief and showed no evidence of erosive oral lichen planus after 4 to 6 weeks of treatment. All 23 also remained free from symptoms for 6 to 9 months after the treatment ended. There were few side effects from this treatment besides minor skin rash, headache, and insomnia from the levamisole in three cases. We conclude that the addition of levamisole to prednisolone may produce improved results in the management of erosive oral lichen planus.  相似文献   

During the past decade, dental hygiene has been challenged to develop conceptual models to define the discipline. Such models can provide a common language and infrastructure for the discipline to define the process of care. Health-Related Quality of Life conceptual models have been adopted by many health professions to assist in planning health-related interventions and assessing outcomes to care. Based on the Natural History of Disease Schema, the Wilson & Cleary model, and Neuman's Systems Model, a new conceptual model for dental hygiene is proposed. The Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Model, composed of six primary domains: Health/Preclinical Disease, Biological/Clinical Disease, Symptom Status, Functional Status, Health Perceptions, and General Quality of Life. This model proposes a dynamic relationship among these domains and characteristics unique to individual clients or populations, and may have utility for interdisciplinary communication. As an integrated model, it may serve as a foundation for assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating outcomes to dental hygiene care. This paper reviews possible application of the model for clinical practice, research, and education.  相似文献   

Access to families affected by HIV in their own home puts health visitors in a prime position to encourage health promotion strategies for people with HIV infection, and to recognise and make early referral for rehabilitation needs, writes Cherry Lang. Here she describes how physiotherapy and stress management techniques can help tackle symptoms of HIV infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the benefit of recombinant human growth hormone administration on muscle strength and duration of weaning in critically ill patients undergoing prolonged mechanical ventilation. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, controlled, single-blind study. SETTING: Intensive care unit. Patients: Twenty patients requiring > or = 7 days of mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory failure. INTERVENTION: Random assignment to receive either 0.43 IU (approximately 0.14 mg) recombinant growth hormone/kg body weight/day (treated group), or saline (nontreated group) for 12 days. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Nutritional support was guided by indirect calorimetry. Cumulative nitrogen balance was positive throughout the study period in the treated group 17.3 (44.9 +/- 17.3[SEM] g/12 days) vs. the nontreated group (-65.8 +/- 11.8 g/12 days) (p<.0001). Despite similar initial plasma concentrations, recombinant growth hormone supplementation resulted in marked increases in growth hormone, insulin like growth factor-1, and insulin concentrations (p<.05, .02, and .0001, respectively, vs. nontreated group). Body impedance determined net fat-free mass increased in the treated group (0.8 +/- 0.6 kg) vs. the nontreated group (-1.1 +/- O.5 kg) (p<.03). Initial peripheral muscle function, assessed by computer-controlled electrical stimulation of the adductor pollicis, was similarly lower in treated and nontreated groups than sex and age-matched normal controls, and decreased further during the study period. Arterial blood gases, cumulative total mechanical ventilation time, and number of hrs/day of mechanical ventilation during weaning were similar in both patient groups. Only three of the ten patients in each group were weaned from mechanical ventilation by day 12. CONCLUSIONS: Daily administration of recombinant growth hormone in mechanically ventilated patients with acute respiratory failure promotes a marked nitrogen retention. However, this reaction is accompanied neither by an improvement in muscle strength nor by a shorter duration of ventilatory supports.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether a p-glycoprotein (P-gp) drug efflux pump exists in cultured rabbit conjunctival epithelial cells (RCEs) to restrict the absorption of cyclosporin A (CSA) and other lipophilic drugs such as verapamil and dexamethasone. METHODS: The anti-P-gp monoclonal antibody (mAb) C219 was used in western blot analysis to reveal the presence of P-gp in freshly isolated and cultured RCEs. Bidirectional transport of tritiated CSA, verapamil, and dexamethasone (0.5 or 5.0 microM) across cultured RCEs was evaluated in the absence and presence of P-gp inhibitors and an external mAb to P-gp (4E3). RESULTS: Western blot analysis of lysates of freshly isolated and cultured RCEs with C219 mAb revealed a 170-kDa membrane protein band. At 0.5 microM CSA, the basal-to-apical (ba) apparent permeability coefficient (P(app) that is, efflux) was 9.3 times higher than that in the apical-to-basal direction (that is, influx). At 5 microM, this ratio was halved. Net CSA secretion was blocked completely at 4 degrees C. Verapamil (100 microM), progesterone (100 microM) and 4E3 mAb (5 microg/ml) increased CSA influx three times, while reducing efflux by 50% to 70%. Verapamil and progesterone inhibited CSA efflux in a concentration-dependent manner. In all cases, net secretory CSA flux was markedly reduced. The P(app) for verapamil (0.5 microM) and dexamethasone (0.5 microM) in the ba direction was 3.4 and 1.6 times, respectively, which was higher than that in the opposite direction. The 4E3 mAb reduced net verapamil secretion by 65%. CONCLUSIONS: There may exist a P-gp-mediated drug efflux pump on the apical aspect of the rabbit conjunctiva to restrict the absorption of cyclosporin A and other lipophilic drugs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is usually fatal without liver transplantation. Auxiliary heterotopic partial liver transplantation (AHPLT) may offer advantages over orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) or any other heterotopic procedure for the treatment of patients with fulminant liver failure. We studied AHPLT in a severe acute hepatic failure model in pigs. METHODOLOGY: Group A (control: n = 5) underwent portal vein and hepatic artery ligation and side-to-side portocaval shunting. Group B (AHPLT: n = 15) underwent host portal vein and hepatic artery ligation and AHPLT. RESULTS: All of the pigs in group A died within 48 hours from massive liver necrosis. Ten of the 15 pigs (67%) in group B had well-functioning grafts. Five of these ten died between 8 and 17 days postoperatively due to various complications. The remaining five survived for sixty days postoperatively in healthy condition. At the time of sacrifice, four of these five had well-functioning grafts weighing 739 +/- 52 g (mean +/- SEM) and regenerated, but still atrophied, host livers weighing 262 +/- 23 g (p < 0.0002). On the other hand, the one remaining pig had an atrophied graft weighing 310 g and a well-regenerated host liver weighing 470 g, probably due to a late, poorly functioning graft associated with severe rejection. CONCLUSION: AHPLT may result in survival despite host hepatic failure, and the host liver may recover within two months, despite total interruption of blood inflow.  相似文献   

To explore the role of psychosocial factors in the development and persistence of idiopathic musculoskeletal pain (IMP) in children, 23 children with IMP and 52 children with juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) were compared at first admission to hospital and at 9 y follow-up. Semistructured interviews were performed at both assessments. At first admission, the prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses was high both in patients with IMP and patients with JCA, but patients with IMP more often had pain models, reported more school stress and more often lived with one biological parent. At follow-up, overall psychosocial functioning and level of chronic family difficulties were improved in both groups, but patients with IMP had a higher prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses and more chronic family difficulties and life events than patients with JCA. The persistence of IMP at follow-up was related to pain models, school stress, less parental education and more chronic family difficulties at first admission. Findings support the association between psychosocial factors and childhood IMP.  相似文献   

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