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Raw milk from 13 cows fed TMR supplemented with native pasture and from 13 cows fed only TMR on one farm was collected separately 4 times with an interval of 15 d between collections. Two blocks (14 kg each) of cheese were made from each milk. The objective was to determine the influence of consumption of native plants in Sicilian pastures on the aroma compounds present in Ragusano cheese. Milk from cows that consumed native pasture plants produced cheeses with more odor-active compounds. In 4-mo-old cheese made from milk of pasture-fed cows, 27 odor-active compounds were identified, whereas only 13 were detected in cheese made from milk of total mixed ration-fed cows. The pasture cheeses were much more rich in odor-active aldehyde, ester, and terpenoid compounds than cheeses from cows fed only total mixed ration. A total of 8 unique aroma-active compounds (i.e., not reported in other cheeses evaluated by gas chromatography olfactory) were detected in Ragusano cheese made from milk from cows consuming native Sicilian pasture plants. These compounds were 2 aldehydes ([E,E]-2,4-octadienal and dodecanal), 2 esters (geranyl acetate and [E]-methyl jasmonate), 1 sulfur compound (methionol), and 3 terpenoid compounds (1-carvone, L(-) carvone, and citronellol). Geranyl acetate and (E)-methyl jasmonate were particularly interesting because these compounds are released from fresh plants as they are being damaged and are part of a possible plant defense mechanism against damage from insects. Most of the odor-active compounds that were unique in Ragusano cheese from pasture-fed cows appeared to be compounds created by oxidation processes in the plants that may have occurred during foraging and ingestion by the cow. Some odor-active compounds were consistently present in pasture cheeses that were not detected in the total mixed ration cheeses or in the 14 species of pasture plants analyzed. Either these compounds were present in other plants not analyzed, created in the rumen or in cheese after the pasture-plant material had been consumed, or the compounds were lost in the method of sample extraction used for the plant analysis (i.e., steam distillation) versus the solid-phase microextraction method used for the cheeses. This research has demonstrated clearly that some unique odor-active compounds found in pasture plants can be transferred to the cheese.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the volatile compounds, physicochemical characteristics, and sensory properties of Montasio, a semicooked pressed cheese, produced from the milk of the dual-purpose Italian Simmental cows grazing on alpine pastures. A total of 72 cows grazing on 2 pastures, which differed in botanical composition (nutrient-rich pasture vs. nutrient-poor pasture), received 2 different levels of supplementation (3.0 vs 1.5 kg/head per day). The experimental cheeses were produced from whole, raw milk and ripened for 60 d. Sixty-one volatile compounds, including alcohols (11), aldehydes (6), ketones (10), lactones (2), esters (6), hydrocarbons (3), carboxylic acids (6), phenolic compounds (4), monoterpenes (7), sesquiterpenes (1), sulfur compounds (4), and amines (1), were detected. The main families in terms of relative weight appeared to be carboxylic acids, esters, and alcohols. A panel of trained assessors described the experimental cheeses as having an intense color; small and evenly distributed eyes; an intense odor and flavor of milk-sour, milk, and cow; and a tender and creamy texture. The pasture type affected the volatile fraction, particularly ketones, phenolic compounds, and terpenes, which are overall higher in nutrient-poor pastures. A slight effect on the sensory analyses, in particular the effect of the cow attribute on odor and flavor, was perceived by the panelists. The cheeses produced on nutrient-rich pasture had higher b* (yellowness) index. These results were consistent with the color evaluation of the sensory panel. In addition, the pasture affected some textural attributes (adhesivity, creaminess, and granules) as perceived by the panelists. Concentrate supplementation, which is required to meet the feeding requirements of grazing cows, had no clear effect on either the volatile compounds or the sensory properties of the cheeses. Thus, at least within levels of integration adopted, it is expected not to alter the organoleptic characteristics of this product.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of pasture-based versus indoor total mixed ration (TMR) feeding systems on the chemical composition, quality characteristics, and sensory properties of full-fat Cheddar cheeses. Fifty-four multiparous and primiparous Friesian cows were divided into 3 groups (n = 18) for an entire lactation. Group 1 was housed indoors and fed a TMR diet of grass silage, maize silage, and concentrates; group 2 was maintained outdoors on perennial ryegrass only pasture (GRS); and group 3 was maintained outdoors on perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture (CLV). Full-fat Cheddar cheeses were manufactured in triplicate at pilot scale from each feeding system in September 2015 and were examined over a 270-d ripening period at 8°C. Pasture-derived feeding systems were shown to produce Cheddar cheeses yellower in color than that of TMR, which was positively correlated with increased cheese β-carotene content. Feeding system had a significant effect on the fatty acid composition of the cheeses. The nutritional composition of Cheddar cheese was improved through pasture-based feeding systems, with significantly lower thrombogenicity index scores and a greater than 2-fold increase in the concentration of vaccenic acid and the bioactive conjugated linoleic acid C18:2 cis-9,trans-11, whereas TMR-derived cheeses had significantly higher palmitic acid content. Fatty acid profiling of cheeses coupled with multivariate analysis showed clear separation of Cheddar cheeses derived from pasture-based diets (GRS or CLV) from that of a TMR system. Such alterations in the fatty acid profile resulted in pasture-derived cheeses having reduced hardness scores at room temperature. Feeding system and ripening time had a significant effect on the volatile profile of the Cheddar cheeses. Pasture-derived Cheddar cheeses had significantly higher concentrations of the hydrocarbon toluene, whereas TMR-derived cheese had significantly higher concentration of 2,3-butanediol. Ripening period resulted in significant alterations to cheese volatile profiles, with increases in acid-, alcohol-, aldehyde-, ester-, and terpene-based volatile compounds. This study has demonstrated the benefits of pasture-derived feeding systems for production of Cheddar cheeses with enhanced nutritional and rheological quality compared with a TMR feeding system.  相似文献   

The appearance of undesirable bitter taste in Ragusano cheese was investigated by comparing the composition of 9 bitter cheeses with that of 9 reference cheeses of good quality by means of chemical, electrophoretic, and chromatographic analyses. Rates of proteolysis were significantly affected in cheeses of different quality. Primary proteolysis, as measured by pH 4.6-soluble N, was significantly greater in bitter cheeses compared with reference samples. Urea-PAGE profiles showed an almost complete breakdown of caseins in bitter cheeses and the further degradation of primary peptides into smaller compounds not detectable by this technique. Cheeses with defects had significantly lower levels of secondary proteolysis as reflected by the percentage of pH 4.6-soluble N soluble in 12% trichloroacetic acid and the amounts of total free amino acids. Peptides separated by reversed phase-HPLC revealed that the large and significant differences in peptide profiles of the soluble fractions between bitter and reference cheeses were mainly due to a much higher proportion of hydrophobic peptides in the former. The occurrence of bitterness in Ragusano cheese was therefore attributable to unbalanced levels of proteolysis and peptidolysis. Extensive degradation of caseins and primary peptides by activities of proteases produced large amounts of small- and medium-sized hydrophobic peptides that were not adequately removed by peptidases of microflora and therefore accumulated in cheese potentially contributing to its bitter taste. The presence of these compounds in bitter cheeses was related to high salt-in-moisture and low moisture contents that limited the enzymatic activities of microflora important in secondary proteolysis. Combining salt-in-moisture and the ratio of hydrophobic-to-hydrophilic soluble peptides resulted in the best logistic partial least squares regression model predicting cheese quality. Although bitterness is known to be rarely encountered in cheese at salt-in-moisture levels >5.0, all of the bitter cheeses analyzed in this study had salt-in-moisture levels much greater than this value. According to the logistic model, a risk of bitterness development may exist for cheeses with a midrange (5 to 10%) salt-in-moisture content but with an inadequate level of secondary proteolysis.  相似文献   

The effect of pectin addition on viscoelastic properties of model processed cheeses with 40% w/w dry matter and 50% w/w fat in dry matter after 42 days of storage at temperature 6 ± 2 °C has been investigated using dynamic oscillation rheometry (plate–plate geometry; frequency range 0.1–50.0 Hz; temperature 20 °C). The role of pectin concentration (0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8% w/w) has been studied. Also, the sensory evaluation of samples has been made to assess cheese appearance, rigidity, spreadability and flavour. All samples with the pectin addition were more rigid and less spreadable compared with processed cheeses without pectin. With the increasing concentration of pectin the storage ( G ') and loss ( G ") moduli rose at the whole tested frequency range (0.1–50.0 Hz). Growing pectin content resulted in the decrease in loss tangent (the nature of gel was changed to more elastic material). The dependence of processed cheese rigidity on pectin concentration (in range 0–0.8% w/w) was not linear. The appearance and flavour were not worse by pectin addition.  相似文献   

李博  张亮  高鑫 《中国酿造》2015,34(4):110
对蒙古干酪的颜色、质构、微观结构和感官品评进行了研究。蒙古干酪外部亮度稍暗,偏微红色,内部干酪颜色趋向于纯色。在质构上,其硬度、弹性、黏着性和回复性分别为23.18 N、47.25、7.40和5.60,在硬度上和Cheddar干酪类似,但是其他3个方面要差一些。蒙古干酪具有致密的酪蛋白胶束组成微观结构,脂肪脱去形成的孔洞很少。蒙古干酪的综合感官分为69.23分,由于质地和口感的原因使得得分较低,但仍在可接受范围内。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the milk properties and the yield and sensory properties of Cantal cheese made with milk from Holstein or Montbéliarde cows milked once or twice daily. Sixty-four grazing cows [32 Holstein (H) and 32 Montbéliarde (M) cows] in the declining phase of lactation (157 d in milk) were allocated to 1 of 2 equivalent groups milked once daily (ODM) or twice daily (TDM) for 7 wk. The full-fat raw milk collected during 24 h from the 4 groups of cows (M-TDM, M-ODM, H-TDM, and H-ODM) was pooled and processed into Cantal cheese 4 times during the last 4 wk of the experimental period. In all, 16 cheeses were made (2 milking frequencies × 2 breeds × 4 replicates) and analyzed after a ripening period of 15 and 28 wk. The results showed that for both breeds, the pooled milk content of fat, whey protein, casein, total protein, and phosphorus as well as rennet clotting time and curd firming time were significantly higher with ODM cows, whereas the casein-to-total protein ratio was lower, and lactose, urea, calcium, and free fatty acids contents of milk remained unchanged. The acidification and draining kinetics of the cheese as well as cheese yields and the chemical and rheological properties of the ripened cheese were not significantly modified by milking frequency. For both breeds, the cheeses derived from ODM cows had a slightly yellower coloration but the other sensory attributes, except for pepper odor, were not significantly affected by milking frequency, thereby demonstrating that ODM does not have an adverse effect on the sensory properties of Cantal cheese. Compared with that of Holstein cows, milk from Montbéliarde cows resulted in a higher cheese yield (+1.250 kg/100 kg of milk) and ripened cheeses with lower pH, dry matter, calcium, sodium chloride, and water-soluble nitrogen concentrations. These cheeses had also a less firm and more elastic texture, a more acidic taste, and a yogurt/whey aroma.  相似文献   

Chemometric analysis of proteolysis during ripening of Ragusano cheese   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chemometric modeling of peptide and free amino acid data was used to study proteolysis in Protected Denomination of Origin Ragusano cheese. Twelve cheeses ripened 3 to 7 mo were selected from local farmers and were analyzed in 4 layers: rind, external, middle, and internal. Proteolysis was significantly affected by cheese layer and age. Significant increases in nitrogen soluble in pH 4.6 acetate buffer and 12% trichloroacetic acid were found from rind to core and throughout ripening. Patterns of proteolysis by urea-PAGE showed that rind-to-core and age-related gradients of moisture and salt contents influenced coagulant and plasmin activities, as reflected in varying rates of hydrolysis of the caseins. Analysis of significant intercorrelations among chemical parameters revealed that moisture, more than salt content, had the largest single influence on rates of proteolysis. Lower levels of 70% ethanol-insoluble peptides coupled to higher levels of 70% ethanol-soluble peptides were found by reversed phase-HPLC in the innermost cheese layers and as the cheeses aged. Non-significant increases of individual free amino acids were found with cheese age and layer. Total free amino acids ranged from 14.3 mg/g (6.2% of total protein) at 3 mo to 22.0 mg/g (8.4% of total protein) after 7 mo. Glutamic acid had the largest concentration in all samples at each time and, jointly with lysine and leucine, accounted for 48% of total free amino acids. Principal components analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis of the data from reversed phase-HPLC chromatograms and free amino acids analysis showed that the peptide profiles were more useful in differentiating Ragusano cheese by age and farm origin than the amino acid data. Combining free amino acid and peptide data resulted in the best partial least squares regression model (R(2) = 0.976; Q(2) = 0.952) predicting cheese age, even though the peptide data alone led to a similarly precise prediction (R(2) = 0.961; Q(2) = 0.923). The most important predictors of age were soluble and insoluble peptides with medium hydrophobicity. The combined peptide data set also resulted in a 100% correct classification by partial least squares discriminant analysis of cheeses according to age and farm origin. Hydrophobic peptides were again discriminatory for distinguishing among sample classes in both cases.  相似文献   

Capsaicin creates a spicy, burning, sensation that lingers. Thus, an increased understanding of spicy aftertaste and its relationship to consumer liking is of interest. We aimed to evaluate aftertaste intensity and liking of spicy paneer cheese (0, 3.75, 7.5 and 30 ppm capsaicin) by consumers (n = 79) every minute for 15 min. Influences of consumer consumption patterns on spicy aftertaste were also explored. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed among samples, across aftertaste time periods (beginning, middle and end), and within consumer consumption categories. In general, the more capsaicin in a sample, the longer the sensation lasted, with a more intense spicy and overall aftertaste. Results showed consumers in different categorisation groups rated intensity of the samples differently, and reported liking the 30 ppm capsaicin paneer sample differently. Additionally, a consumer’s spice level preference was shown to not affect the time to abatement of the spicy aftertaste intensity perceived by consumers.  相似文献   

The effect of season of the year associated with changes in feeding and management system (pasture-based vs. confinement) on milk and cheese fatty acid profile and on sensory properties of Caciocavallo cheese was evaluated on 3 mountain dairy farms. Each farm used a pasture-based feeding system from April to June and from September to October (PS), and a confinement system for the rest of the year (CS). As a consequence of grazing, PS milk showed higher percentages of C18:3, cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid, and trans-11 C18:1, and a reduced percentage of C16:0. The fatty acid profile of cheese largely reflected that of the corresponding raw milk from which cheese was made. This led to a significant decrease of atherogenic index in cheeses produced from cows on pasture. Based on sensory analysis, cheese from animals kept on pasture was more yellow and had a lower intensity of butter and smoked odors than did CS cheese. In addition, grazing induced a lower intensity of bitter and a higher intensity of spicy flavors compared with cheese from CS animals. In regard to texture, pasture feeding resulted in higher intensity of friability and graininess. All cheeses performed well in consumer tests; the panel found all samples more than acceptable for overall liking, and for liking according to appearance, taste/flavor, and texture. Overall liking of Caciocavallo cheese, as assessed by slope analysis, was affected primarily by taste/flavor (raw slope k = 0.88) and texture (k = 0.97), whereas appearance had a lesser effect (k = 0.72). The acidic and sensory profiles of cheese were well discriminated, with healthier cheeses produced by grazing cows. Therefore, wider use of pasture should be promoted to accentuate this favorable feature. Based on the specific nutritional and sensory characteristics of mountain Caciocavallo cheese, particularly that obtained from grazing animals, efforts should be made to indicate the quality of this cheese to the consumer and improve product recognition.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature (12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 degrees C) of saturated brine on salt uptake by 3.8-kg experimental blocks of Ragusano cheese during 24 d of brining was determined. Twenty-six 3.8-kg blocks were made on each of three different days. All blocks were labeled and weighed prior to brining. One block was sampled and analyzed prior to brine salting. Five blocks were placed into each of five different brine tanks at different temperatures. One block was removed from each brine tank after 1, 4, 8, 16, and 24 d of brining, weighed, sampled, and analyzed for salt and moisture content. The weight loss by blocks of cheese after 24 d of brining was higher, with increasing brine temperature, and represented the net effect of moisture loss and salt uptake. The total salt uptake and moisture loss increased with increasing brine temperature. Salt penetrates into cheese through the moisture phase within the pore structure of the cheese. Porosity of the cheese structure and viscosity of the water phase within the pores influenced the rate and extent of salt penetration during 24 d of brining. In a previous study, it was determined that salt uptake at 18 degrees C was faster in 18% brine than in saturated brine due to higher moisture and porosity of the exterior portion of the cheese. In the present study, moisture loss occurred from all cheeses at all temperatures and most of the loss was from the exterior portion of the block during the first 4 d of brining. This loss in moisture would be expected to decrease porosity of the exterior portion and act as a barrier to salt penetration. The moisture loss increased with increasing brine temperature. If this decrease in porosity was the only factor influencing salt uptake, then it would be expected that the cheeses at higher brine temperature would have had lower salt content. However, the opposite was true. Brine temperature must have also impacted the viscosity of the aqueous phase of the cheese. Cheese in lower temperature brine would be expected to have higher viscosity of the aqueous phase and slower salt uptake, even though the cheese at lower brine temperature should have had a more porous structure (favoring faster uptake) than cheese at higher brine temperature. Therefore, changing brine concentration has a greater impact on cheese porosity, while changing brine temperature has a larger impact on viscosity of the aqueous phase of the cheese within the pores in the cheese.  相似文献   

Trentingrana is a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) hard cheese manufactured in the valleys of Trento province (eastern Italian Alps) by several small cooperative dairies linked in a consortium. Nine months after production, wheels are delivered to a shared facility, ripened up to 18 mo, and assessed by a panel of 8 experts for 7 sensory attributes; namely, external aspect, rind thickness, paste color, texture, odor, taste, and aroma. The evaluation takes place every 2 mo on wheels sampled within each dairy. Based on the results of the assessment, dairies receive a price premium or penalty depending on a quality index, which is the weighted sum of the scores attributed to each sampled wheel. Sensory scores and quality index of 652 wheels representing 11 dairies and 10 yr of production were analyzed using a model that included fixed effects of dairy, year, and season of production, and first-order interactions between them. The coefficients of determination ranged from 0.50 (texture) to 0.66 (aroma). All factors significantly affected the studied traits, with the exception of interactions between dairy and season of production for texture and external aspect, and between year and season of production for odor. Dairy was the most important source of variation for visually assessed traits (external aspect, rind thickness, paste color, and texture) and for quality index, whereas year of production was the most important for flavor attributes (odor, taste, and aroma). The latter traits were always highly correlated among them and with the quality index, whereas correlations among visually assessed attributes, between them and flavor attributes, and between them and the quality index were more erratic. The sensory evaluation performed by the panel of experts has proven to be a useful tool to define the quality index and address the payment system of Trentingrana cheese, but it has some limitations in correctly describing the sensory profile of cheese and identifying specific defects and possible remedies.  相似文献   

The impact of presalting and nonsaturated brine on salt uptake by Ragusano cheese was determined. The study included four treatments: 1) the traditional method using no presalting and saturated brine, 2) presalting and saturated brine, 3) no presalting and 18% brine for 8 d followed by 16 d in saturated brine, and 4) presalting and 18% brine for 8 d followed by 16 d in saturated brine. Cheese blocks were weighed and sampled before brine salting (time 0) and after 1, 4, 8, 16, and 24 d of brining for each treatment. Presalting delivered 60% of the normal level of salt in the center of the block prior to brine salting without decreasing the rate of uptake of salt from either saturated or 18% brine. Use of 18% salt brine for the first 8 d of 24 d of brine salting increased the rate of salt uptake, compared with 24 d in saturated brine. The increased rate of salt uptake with 18% brine compared with saturated brine was related to the impact of salt brine on the moisture content and porosity of the cheese near the surface of the block. Brine with higher salt content causes a rapid loss of moisture from cheese near the surface of the block. Moisture loss causes shrinkage of the cheese structure and decreases porosity, which impedes moisture movement out and salt movement into the block. The use of 18% salt brine for the first 8 d delayed the moisture loss and cheese shrinkage at the exterior of the block and allowed more salt penetration.  相似文献   

Cheese made from raw milk represents an important proportion of the traditional cheeses, particularly in South European countries. Besides destruction of pathogenic bacteria, the most significant changes in milk relevant to cheesemaking, which are induced by pasteurization are:

• a partial elimination of the milk microorganisms which may grow in cheese during ripening,

• a partial or total activation or inhibition of the plasmin/plasminogen complex, cathepsin D, lipoprotein lipase and alkaline phosphatase. Enzymes from psychrotrophic bacteria, acid phosphatase and xanthine oxidase, which may be active during ripening, withstand pasteurization.,

• a slight (7%) denaturation of serum proteins and little or no modification of the cheesemaking properties (coagulation, acidification by lactic acid bacteria).

From experimental work carried out on several cheese varieties, comparing pasteurized or microfiltered milk and raw milk cheeses, it was found that facultatively heterofermentative lactobacilli, Micrococcaceae, enterococci, and propionibacteria in Swiss-type cheese, are found at higher levels in raw milk cheese. The main biochemical modification of cheese during ripening concerns the nature and extent of proteolysis. Although there is no clear trend in the breakdown of s1- and β-caseins, milk pasteurization leads to a significant decrease of the amount of small peptides and free amino acids and to different HPLC profiles. Experiments carried out with sensory analysis show that, in all cases, pasteurized or microfiltered milk cheeses have received lower flavour intensity scores than raw milk cheeses. From this review, it is concluded that the indigenous milk microflora, with its diversity of species and strains, appears to be mainly responsible of the specific sensory properties of raw milk cheeses.  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of the addition, to milk, of an essential oil (EO) obtained from the hydrodistillation of plants collected from a mountain natural pasture on the milk and cheese sensory properties. The EO was mainly composed of terpenoid compounds (67 of the 95 compounds identified) as well as ketones, aldehydes, alcohols, esters, alkanes, and benzenic compounds. In milk, the addition of this EO at the concentration of 0.1 μL/L did not influence its sensory properties, whereas at 1.0 μL/L, sensory properties were modified. In cheeses, the effect of adding EO into milk was studied in an experimental dairy plant allowing the production of small Cantal-type cheeses (10 kg) in 3 vats processed in parallel. The control (C) vat contained 110 L of raw milk; in the other 2 vats, 0.1 μL/L (EO1) or 3.0 μL/L (EO30) of EO were added to 110 L of the same milk. Six replicates were performed. After 5 mo of ripening, chemical and sensory analyses were carried out on the cheeses, including determination of the volatile compounds by dynamic headspace combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The EO did not influence the sensory properties of the cheeses at the lower concentration (EO1). However, the EO30 cheeses had a more intense odor and aroma, both characterized as “mint/chlorophyll” and “thyme/oregano.” These unusual odors and aromas originated directly from the EO added. In total, 152 compounds desorbing from cheese were found, of which 41 had been added with the EO; in contrast, 54 compounds of the EO were not recovered in the cheese. Few volatile compounds desorbing from cheeses, other than the added compounds, were affected by EO addition. Among them, 2-butanol, propanol, and 3-heptanone suggested a slight effect of the EO on lipid catabolism. The antimicrobial activity of terpenes is not or is only marginally involved in the explanation of the influence of the botanical composition of the meadows on the pressed cheeses sensory properties.  相似文献   

The volatile composition and sensory properties of industrially produced Idiazabal cheeses made from ewes’ raw milk (RM) or pasteurised milk (PM) and with addition of different starter cultures were compared. Cheeses were analysed at 90 and 180 d of ripening. Acids were the major volatile compounds in RM cheeses. Methyl ketones were the major volatile compounds in PM cheeses at 90 ripening days. However, the content of acids strongly increased with ripening whereas the content of ketones decreased in PM cheeses. The concentration of esters was higher in RM cheeses than in PM cheeses. No differences were found in the content of alcohols. Most aldehydes, hydrocarbons, terpenes and furans identified were minor volatile compounds in both RM and PM cheeses. In RM cheeses, characteristic sensory attributes for the aroma of Idiazabal cheese were present at 3 months, whereas in PM cheeses those desirable sensory attributes did not appear until 6 months of ripening.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(11):8609-8620
The aim of the present study was to assess the dietary supplementation of tannins to grazing dairy cows in 2 seasons characterized by a good quality pasture (spring) or a poor-quality pasture (summer). The effects of dietary tannins were assessed on plasma antioxidant status and cytokines profile and on the antioxidant properties of cheese and cheese in vitro digestates. Fourteen lactating dairy cows were divided into 2 homogeneous groups (n = 7): a control group (CON), and an experimental group (TAN) receiving 150 g/head per day of tannins supplementation. The experiment was performed twice, in spring and in summer. The animals were free to graze on spontaneous pasture (spring) or on dry stubble (summer). Blood was sampled at the beginning (d 0), at the midpoint (d 11), and at the end (d 22) of the trial. Individual cheese was produced before the beginning (d ?1) and at the end (d 22) of the trial from the milk collected from each cow. On blood plasma, the reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM), biological antioxidant potential (BAP), nonesterified fatty acids quantification, and cytokines profile in terms of IL-10, IL-8, IL-1β, and IFN-γ were determined. Data on ROM demonstrated that tannins supplementation lowered oxidative stress both in spring and in summer. Accordingly, TAN diet increased BAP levels compared with the CON during summer trial. Thus, feeding tannins resulted in lower ratio between ROM and BAP (oxidative stress index) in both spring and summer. Cytokines' profile showed lower IL-1β values in TAN group at d 22 during spring season, with a concomitant higher IL-10 level, during summer season. Moreover, TAN group had a lower level of IFN-γ in plasma than CON group, both in spring and in summer. On cheese samples, the in vitro digestion was performed and on cheese and cheese digestates (gastric and intestinal digestate) the free radical scavenging antioxidant activity was evaluated. The intestinal digestate fraction registered the highest antioxidant activity compared with cheese and gastric digestate, in both spring and summer seasons. Furthermore, an improvement of the antioxidant property of cheese and cheese digestates was found. Present data demonstrated that tannins supplementation contributed to reduce the oxidative stress of lactating dairy cows and showed an increase of anti-inflammatory cytokines ratio.  相似文献   

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