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S.M. Mir Najafizadeh M.T. Sadeghi R. Sotudeh-Gharebagh 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2013
Due to energy crisis and concern regarding the environmental emission, hydrogen as an alternative clean fuel has received more attention. To develop new devices or upgrade the conventional combustion systems for hydrogen flames, fundamental concepts necessary for burner design need to be investigated. In the present work, characteristics of flame stabilization for a turbulent lifted H2/N2 jet flame issuing into a hot coflow of lean combustion are investigated using the Scalar probability density function (PDF) approach. Calculations are carried out for different coflow temperatures, concentrations of species and equivalence ratio. Reaction rate analyses are used to investigate the dominant chemistry at the flame base for a variety of conditions. The results show the occurrence of autoignition at the flame base that is responsible for the stabilization of the lifted turbulent flame. The coflow temperature plays an important role in the relative contribution of elementary reactions and the determination of the dominant chemistry at the flame base. This leads to a high sensitivity of lift-off height to the coflow temperature. Oxygen and water content in the hot coflow could affect the ignition process and lift-off height depending on the dominant chemistry at the flame base. Furthermore, the effect of oxygen content in hot coflow is found to be very important on the reactions controlling the high temperature combustion. 相似文献
Seyed Mohammad Mir Najafizadeh Mohammad Taghi Sadeghi Rahmat Sotudeh-Gharebagh Dirk J.E.M. Roekaerts 《Combustion and Flame》2013,160(12):2928-2940
In the present paper autoignition is studied as the main stabilization mechanism in turbulent lifted H2/N2 jet flames issuing into a vitiated hot coflow. The numerical study is performed using the joint scalar PDF approach with detailed chemistry in a two dimensional axisymmetric domain. The SSG Reynolds stress model is used as a turbulence model in the simulation. Chemical structure and characteristics of autoignition are investigated using various methods and parameters. Reaction rate analysis is made to analyze the ignition process at the flame base. The results show the occurrence of a chain branching reaction preceding thermal runaway, which boosts the chain branching process in the flame. This demonstrates the large impact of autoignition at the flame base on the stabilization of the lifted turbulent flame. Further investigation using the scatter-plots of scalars reveals the characteristics of the ignition. The relation between the behavior of temperature and of key intermediate species demonstrates the formation of OH through consumption of HO2 at nearly isothermal conditions in a very lean-fuel mixture at the flame base. Flux analyses in the conservation equations of species are used to explore the impacts of mass transport on ignition process. Ignition is found to be mainly controlled by chemical features rather than the mixing processes near the flame base. Characteristics of autoignition are also investigated in terms of Damköhler number and progress variable. 相似文献
A. Milford 《Combustion and Flame》2010,157(8):1467-1483
The present paper examines the case of autoignition of high pressure methane jets in a shock tube over a range of pre-heated air temperatures in engine-relevant conditions. The two objectives of the present paper are: (i) to examine the effect of the inhomogeneous mixing model on the autoignition predictions relative to the results obtained using homogeneous mixing models and (ii) to see if the magnitude of the change can explain the discrepancy between the predictions of ignition delay previously obtained with homogeneous mixing models and the experimental data. The governing equation of the scalar dissipation rate is solved for transient conditions and two different formulations of the same model are tested and compared: one using the linear model for the conditional velocity and one including the gradient diffusion model. The predicted ignition kernel location and time delay over a range of pre-combustion air temperatures are compared with results obtained using two homogeneous turbulent mixing models and available experimental data. The profiles of conditional velocity and the conditional scalar dissipation rate are examined. Issues related to the conditional velocity model are discussed. It is found that the differences in the predictions are due to the mixing model only. The inhomogeneous model using the gradient conditional velocity model produces much larger ignition delays compared to the other models, whereas the inhomogeneous form including the linear model does not produce any significant differences. The effect of the turbulent inhomogeneous model is larger at high air temperatures and decreases with decreasing air temperatures. In comparison with the measured ignition delays, the inhomogeneous-Gradient model brings a small improvement at high air temperatures over the results from the turbulent homogeneous models. At low air temperatures, other parameters need to be investigated in order to bring the predicted ignition delays and locations within the experimental data scatter. 相似文献
This paper reports results of numerical simulations of a turbulent lifted jet flame of hydrogen–nitrogen mixtures including the effects of the autoignition. The impact of burned gases on the flame stabilization is analysed under the conditions of a laboratory jet flame in a vitiated coflow. In this study, mass flow rate, temperature and exact chemical composition of hot products mixed with air sent toward the turbulent flame base are fully determined. The effects of both non-infinitely fast chemistry and partially premixed combustion are taken into account within a Lagrangian intermittent framework. Detailed chemistry effects are incorporated through the use of a tabulation delay. The concept of residence time of the particles and the transport equation for the mean scalar dissipation rate are included. Numerical simulation of the turbulent diluted jet flame of H2/N2 studied by Cabra and his co-workers at Berkeley University is performed and satisfactory results are obtained: the flame liftoff height is reasonably captured and the predictions display a reasonable agreement with respect to experimental data. 相似文献
In this study, reaction rate sub-models are investigated in the framework of conditional moment closure (CMC) using the direct numerical simulation (DNS) database of a lifted turbulent H2/N2 flame. The DNS code solves the fully compressible Navier–Stokes equation system. A 9 species and 19-step mechanism for hydrogen combustion is adopted. The comparison of the DNS results and the measurements shows that, in spite of the under predicted lift-off height, the predictions of the conditional means are satisfactory. Two improved models for the conditionally averaged reaction rate are investigated a-priori. The doubly conditioned reaction rate accounts for the fluctuations with two conditioning variables while the second-order closure is based on the Taylor expansion. It is shown that both of the models give promising results. 相似文献
The chemical and thermal structure of a premixed rich CH4/air/N2 flame (?=1.18±0.02) that contains either triphenylphosphine oxide [(C6H5)3PO] or hexabromocyclododecane [C12H18Br6] and that is stabilized on a Mache-Hebra burner was studied experimentally using molecular beam mass spectrometry (MBMS) and the microthermocouple technique. Compounds such as hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and triphenylphosphine oxide (TPPO) are representative flame-retardant additives that are added to polymers to reduce the flammability of the base polymer. Both compounds provide flame retardation in the gas phase by the production of active species that effectively scavenge key combustion radicals to shut down the combustion process. The MBMS method was used to determine the concentration profiles of stable and active species directly in the flame, which includes atoms as well as free radicals. Thin thermocouples were employed to determine temperature profiles in a flame stabilized on a Mache-Hebra burner at a pressure of 1 atm. A comparison of the experimental data and simulation results for the flame structure shows that MBMS is suitable for studying the structure of flames that are close to freely propagating conditions. The relative effectiveness of flame inhibition by the compounds tested was estimated from changes in the peak concentrations of H and OH radicals in the flame and from changes in the estimated flame velocity. 相似文献
Application of an enhanced PAH growth model to soot formation in a laminar coflow ethylene/air diffusion flame 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Seth B. Dworkin Qingan Zhang Murray J. Thomson Nadezhda A. Slavinskaya Uwe Riedel 《Combustion and Flame》2011,(9):1682-1695
A recently developed chemical kinetic scheme for C2 fuel combustion with PAH growth has been implemented in a parallelized coflow flame solver. The reaction mechanism has been developed to include almost all reasonably well-established reaction classes for aromatic ring formation and soot particle precursor molecular weight growth. The model has recently been validated for zero- and one-dimensional premixed flame systems [N.A. Slavinskaya, P. Frank, Combust. Flame 156 (2009) 1705–1722] and has now been updated and extended to a sooting ethylene/air diffusion flame in the coflow geometry. Updates to the mechanism reflect the latest advances in the literature and address numerical stiffness that was present in diffusion flame systems. The chemical kinetic mechanism has been coupled to a sectional aerosol dynamics model for soot growth, considering PAH-based inception and surface condensation, surface chemistry (growth and oxidation), coagulation, and fragmentation. The sectional model predicts the soot aggregate number density and the number of primary particles per aggregate in each section, so as to yield information on particle size distribution and structure. Flame simulation data for the present mechanism is compared to data computed using two other reaction schemes [J. Appel, H. Bockhorn, M. Frenklach, Combust. Flame 121 (2000) 122–136; N.M. Marinov, W.J. Pitz, C.K. Westbrook, A.M. Vincitore, M.J. Castaldi, S.M. Senkan, Combust. Flame 114 (1998) 192–213]. The computed data are also compared to numerous experimental data sets. Whereas the fuel oxidation chemistry in all three mechanisms are essentially the same, the PAH growth pathways vary considerably. It is shown that soot concentrations on the wings of the flame (where soot formation is dominated by surface chemistry) can be predicted with two of the three mechanisms. However, only the present mechanism with its enhanced PAH growth routes can also predict the correct order of magnitude of soot volume fraction in the low-sooting, inception-dominated, central region of the flame. In applying this chemical mechanism, the parameter α, which describes the portion of soot surface sites that are available for chemical reaction, has been reduced to a theoretically acceptable range, thus improving the quality of the model. 相似文献
Downstream interactions between lean premixed flames with mutually different fuels of (50% H2 + 50% CO) and CH4 are numerically investigated particularly on and near lean extinction limits in order to provide fundamental database for the design of cofiring burners with hydrocarbon and syngas under a retrofit concept. In the current study the anomalous combination of lean premixed flames is provided such that even a weaker CH4-air flame temperature is higher than a stronger syngas-air flame temperature, and, based on a deficient reactant concept, the effective Lewis numbers Leeff ≈ 1 for lean premixed (50% H2 + 50% CO)-air mixture and LeD < 1 for CH4-air mixture. It is found that the interaction characteristics between lean premixed (50% H2 + 50% CO)-air and CH4-air flames are quite different from those between the same hydrocarbon flames. The lean extinction boundaries are of slanted shape, thereby indicating strong interactions. The upper extinction boundaries have negative flame speeds while the lower extinction boundaries have both negative and positive flame speeds. The results also show that the flame interaction characteristics do not follow the general tendency of Lewis number, which has been well described in interactions between the same hydrocarbon flames, but have the strong dependency of direct interaction factors such as flame temperature, the distance between two flames, and radical-sharing. Importance of chain carrier radicals such as H is also addressed in the downstream interactions between lean premixed (50% H2 + 50% CO)-air and CH4-air flames. 相似文献
A new flame sheet model to reflect the influence of the oxidation of CO on the combustion of a carbon particle 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A model with a moving flame front is proposed for the combustion of a carbon particle, taking into account the effect of CO oxidizing in the boundary layer around the particle. Using this model, the continuous transition of the effective combustion product from CO2 under the ignition condition to CO under the condition of diffusion control has been successfully realized. Good agreement was obtained with the experimental measurements of Young and Niksa; such agreement could not be obtained using the customary single-film model. 相似文献