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矿石品位与回收率是采矿及选矿生产中的关键参数,准确掌握金属矿石品位与回收率的关系及规律,可有效提高金属综合回收利用率,大幅提高选矿技术水平。针对洛钼集团各钼、钨选厂进行选矿实际数据收集,分别采集到钼品位与回收率数据1120组,钨品位与回收率数据1636组,综合考虑粗选和精选回收率,利用Logistic模型建立了原矿品位与回收率的趋势预测模型,利用MATLAB软件对该模型进行了模拟及预测,通过实验表明该模型宏观上揭示了洛钼集团当前钼钨原矿入选品位与回收率之间的变化规律,并可以利用该模型进行回收率的预测分析,为采矿及选矿生产管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

根据价格变化动态调整矿石开采边界品位,对于多金属矿山开展多种金属的合理开采与综合利用研究尤为重要。首先基于盈亏平衡分析,考虑采矿、选矿及冶炼等生产工艺,建立了矿石品位、市场价格和产品利润的数学模型;借助于该模型,分析研究了矿产品价格变动对企业盈利的影响,以及不同工艺下出矿品位对采矿成本的影响;最后结合具体事例说明该模型的应用。研究结论表明,所建立的模型能够根据成本、价格等诸多因素的动态变化,获得矿山多种品位指标的变化规律,为矿山采矿边界品位决策及生产工艺优化提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

矿石的检测是矿山企业采矿生产的重要工作,它既可以帮助分析指导采矿生产,又是后续选矿(冶炼)生产配比的组织保障。但是由于矿石的特殊性以及现场环境工况的复杂性,传统的矿石品位检测方法难以在无损检测的前提下准确的判断品位。X射线透射法已经成熟应用于安检、医疗领域中进行物质识别,本文将此方法改进引入矿石品位检测中,通过感知器算法形成分类曲线,依据分类曲线统计K值,进而判断矿石品位。这种方法立足于大量实验数据,判断结果和实际相符程度高,并且实现无损检测。  相似文献   

Citadel 金矿公司正在规划安大略沃瓦(wawa)北2英里 Surluga 矿的地下采矿试验和选矿试验项目,以便进一步证实那儿井下勘探所估算的品位。这些试验对用于满负荷生产的恰当的采矿方法和品位控制过程成为必要。该公司预告于1988年9月开始采矿和选矿。该项目总投资约1500万加元。  相似文献   

<正> 确定最合理的精矿品位,评价精矿品位的最优方案,应该考虑各方面因素。其中包括精矿品位和选矿回收率的相互关系;必须支付的相应磨浮费用;从冶炼过程来衡量提高精矿品位与回收率的经济效果。这是有效地利用矿产资源和改善选矿经济效果的根本课题。一、精矿品位与选矿回收率在一定选矿条件下,精矿品位与选矿回收率之间存在着矛盾。如果过分提高精矿品位,势将有损于选矿回收率。问题在于,提高精矿品位之所得是否能大干因此降低的回  相似文献   

铜矿峪矿床为变斑岩铜矿,原矿含SiO_259~62%,选矿采用一段磨矿流程,精矿品位低,含硅高,给铜冶炼带来很大困难。不但消耗大量黄铁矿和焦炭,而且炉渣过粘,铜回收率很低。众所周知,从采矿到冶炼,金属总回收率和回收一吨金属所需的成本取决于选矿指  相似文献   

引言长期以来,美国国内的铜工业由于矿石品位不断下降、常规的采矿、选矿、冶炼与精炼的成本继续升高、环保的限制日益苛刻、采用代用材料使市场日渐缩小等原因而陷入困境。主要的问题是矿石品位下降,从图1可以看出矿石中铜的平均产率是逐年递减的。从1940年到1979年,铜品位下降了60%,从而使矿石中铜的产率从1.2%下降至0.49%(苏萨,1981)  相似文献   

本文成功地把选矿理论、应用数学、微机技术及生产实际有选择性地紧密联系起来,使选矿流程计算方法科学,物料平衡精度高,品位调优切合实际,有效地解决了用小容量个人电脑进行产品个数不一定等于元素种数的多产品多元素流程计算问题。  相似文献   

现有的采矿方法的设计思想,主要是要最大限度地回采矿体内预定边界品位的矿物。在这种思想的指导下,一方面从矿体构造中最大限度地回收了矿石,另一方面在采矿产品中亦夹杂大量的废石和低品位的物料。因此,在矿石中废石贫化的比率很高,使选矿的工作量大为增加。  相似文献   

王湘江 《矿山机械》2005,33(7):17-19
选矿是采矿和冶炼的一个中间环节。它在提高矿石品位使之符合冶炼要求以及合理利用国家资源方面,成为国民经济中一个不可缺少的组成部分。我国大多数大型选矿厂都是上世纪五六十年代建成投产,设计规模一般为30~40万t/a。随着我国能源的需求量越来越大,这些选矿厂在1980年~1990年间都进行了生产规模的扩建。与此同时由于最初开采的矿源已经开始枯竭,各矿山企业都寻找了新矿源,破碎处理的矿石性质也发生了改变。  相似文献   

市场经济下金属露天矿边界品位的优化与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济体制的转变,我国矿物产成品逐渐与国际矿物市场接轨,这导致矿物产成品价格随着市场供需关系的变化而波动。在此情况下,金属露天矿存在着如何有效控制开采边界品位,以争取最大经济效益问题。为此,建立了生产金属产品全过程即与采、选、冶相关的边界品位优化模型,讨论了不同条件下的边界品位控制策略。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2003,16(8):771-776
One of the most important aspects of mine design is to determine the optimum cut-off grades. Material grading above and below the cut-off is directed to different destinations. Optimization of cut-off grade is now an accepted principle for open pit planning studies. The most commonly criteria used in cut-off grade optimization is to maximize net present value. Lane formulated the concept of cut-off grade optimization for single metal deposit but this method cannot be use in multiple metal deposits. Because in single metal deposits six points are possible candidates for the optimum cut-off grade, in multiple metal deposits an infinite number of points are possible candidates for the optimum cut-off grades. The objective function evaluation of these infinite points is impossible. In this paper, the equivalent grade factor is used to find optimum cut-off grade of multiple metal deposits. First, the objective function is defined for multiple metal deposits and then objective function is converted to one variable function by using equivalent factors. The optimum equivalent cut-off grade of main metal can be found by the optimization techniques such as the Lane algorithm or elimination methods. At final step, the optimum cut-off grades will be determined by interpolation of grade-tonnage distribution of deposit.  相似文献   

The main aim of the paper is to present possible strategies of copper production, which the processing plant can implement, resulting from the technological and economic (market) factors. Such a way of the optimization of copper production process, is considered within the scope of ore extraction, ore concentration and metallurgical processing. The issue is presented on the example of KGHM “Polish Copper” S.A. which operates three mines, three concentrators and two smelters. Each concentrator treats one orebody, producing different bulk concentrates at different recoveries and grades. The effect is to determine the strategy of copper production and such strategy would determine the quality and quantity of concentrates, processed in each of three concentrators in the entire flow-sheet. The routing of the three concentrate streams to the two smelters is optimized using a set of models built with GAMS software. These models consider ore, concentrator process and smelting, and use metal production: (1) or profit maximization (2) as target function. Formulation of a relationship between copper concentrate grade and mass recovery is the major part of introduced model. Limitations determining the maximum copper grades in concentrates as well as relationships between copper grade βCu and silver grade βAg for each concentrate, were also introduced.Theoretical target concentrate grades were estimated for both high and low stock market copper and silver prices. Further sensitivity analysis of model for metal stock market prices and production costs was performed. It was conducted that generally for lower stock market prices, higher concentrate grade should be produced, whilst for the higher metal prices, lower concentrate grade was the optimal strategy.  相似文献   

One of the most difficult problems in mining operation is how to determine optimum cutoff grades of ores at different periods over the lifespan of the mine that will maximize the net present value (NPV) of the mine. Maximizing the NPV of a mining operation, subject to different constraints is a non-linear programming problem. These problems can often be solved by the use of gradient methods, direct search methods or intelligent optimization methods. In this paper, a hybrid genetic algorithm combined with the grid search method is used to find the optimum cutoff grades of multiple metal deposits that will maximize the NPV. At first, the solution space is determined by using the grid search method, then the optimum cutoff grades are determined accurately by the use of genetic algorithm. The result of a sensitivity analysis of the problem shows that when crossover probability ranges between 55 to 70%, and mutation probability is between 8 to 11%, and population size greater than 35 individuals; the optimum cutoff grades can be determined with high accuracy while keeping the computational time relatively low.  相似文献   

Thin Slab Casting and Rolling Technology, in particular CSP® technology (Compact Strip Production), is well established for hot coil production. From its introduction in 1989, CSP® technology has been continuously developed further. Today, on a CSP® plant, nearly the full range of high-quality steel grades can be produced with tightest geometrical and metallurgical tolerances under optimum economic conditions.  相似文献   

Lane's theory of cutoff grade optimization maximizes the Net Present Value (NPV) of an open pit mining operation with a declining effect as the deposit moves toward exhaustion. This declining effect of NPV defines dynamic cutoff grades, i.e. higher cutoff grades in the early years of mine life and lower cutoff grades in the later years. This phenomenon allows the creation of stockpiles with material between the lowest (breakeven) and optimum cutoff grades for processing during later years, when it becomes economical. As an extension to Lane's original theory of cutoff grades in deposits of two economic minerals, the management, i.e. supplies of material from the mine to the stockpile and from the stockpile to the processing plant, is addressed through the development of a cutoff grade optimization algorithm with option to stockpile. The benefits of the methodology are elaborated in a hypothetical case study.  相似文献   

单斗机械铲─汽车生产工艺技术参数优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单斗机械铲-汽车生产工艺技术参数有:电铲效益、合理采掘带宽度及生产工作帮坡角,一般凭经验或技术规格确定,而无法保证经济上最优。作者以经济最优为准则分析采掘宽度与工作帮坡角、工作线长度、电铲作业效率及运输道路长度的关系,提出确定以上各参数的具体方法,并进行计算,对确定间断生产工艺的技术参数作了有益探讨。  相似文献   

矿山企业生产过程中,各采场的矿石数量与品位不尽相同,为满足供矿品位要求有必要合理安排每个采场的矿石开采量。为此,综合考虑矿石供应需求和井下工程状况,建立了辅助采矿计划编制的线性规划模型。利用该模型和矿山技术人员的知识经验,可以快速高效地完成采矿计划的编制任务,这为矿山企业管理的现代化奠定了良好基础。  相似文献   

光面爆破参数的多目标灰色决策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了多目标灰色局势决策的数学模型。在光面爆破试验的基础上 ,应用该方法对耒宜高速公路J标段的光爆参数进行优化分析 ,从而选出一组最优化的爆破参数 ,以期达到综合考虑光面质量和生产效益的目的  相似文献   

赵纯权  王伟  王家平 《矿冶》2008,17(2):77-80
本文介绍了来宾冶炼厂烟化炉风嘴角度与生产的直接关系。通过生产实践确定了烟化炉硫化挥发的最佳风嘴角度。  相似文献   

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