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受保税港优惠政策和国内外经济复苏的双轮驱动,福建省首个保税港区一海沧保税港区的出入境集装箱量迅猛增长。  相似文献   

受保税港优惠政策和国内外经济复苏的双轮驱动,福建省首个保税港区—海沧保税港区的出入境集装箱量迅猛增长。据海沧检验检疫局统计,2011年1~2月,海  相似文献   

国务院联合验收组组长、海关总署加贸司副司长吕伟红和重庆市副市长周慕冰.近日为“中华人民共和国重庆两路寸滩保税港区”揭牌.这标志着全国第11个保税港区、我国首个内陆保税港区——重庆两路寸滩保税港区(一期)通过国家11部委验收.即将正式封关运行.  相似文献   

梳理了洋山保税港区(陆域)近年来的规划情况,对洋山保税港区规划编制的实践探索和创新进行了介绍,评析了洋山保税港区(陆域)的建设情况,结合完成的规划实施评估对规划实践进行了反思,为今后相类似地区规划编制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文通过阐述大连大窑湾保税港区周界防范及视频监控系统的实施过程,着重介绍了卫星视频移动侦测软件的功能和大屏幕投影的多画面视频显示功能,并实现了保税港区远距离视频图像传输等技术方法。  相似文献   

正拍摄地点:广西,钦州INFO:DJI FC550,f/9,1/100s,ISO-1002016年"魅力钦南"摄影大赛一等奖在绵延的海岸线上,钦州保税港码头如一簇遒劲的灯光,照亮广西向海经济的大道。图为广西钦州保税港码头上如跳动音节般的彩色集装箱。钦州保税港区是我国西部沿海唯一的保税港区,是中国距东盟最近的保税港区,地处中国—东盟国际大通道和西南地区出海的最前沿。在每日巨量的吞吐和繁忙的装卸中,钦州保税港码头乘风破浪,勾画着广西风生水起的壮阔图景。  相似文献   

“港为城所依,城为港所托”,港口是宁波的优势所在。梅山岛开发建设将围绕宁波建设国家重要的区域性资源配置中心的目标,依托梅山岛资源优势,以进出口贸易为龙头,以现代物流为支撑,以休闲旅游和涉外巾介服务体系为配套,建设与保税港区战略定位相适应,模式新颖、特色鲜明、运作高效、环境优美、国内领先、与国际接轨的开发开放先行区。  相似文献   

<正>制度创新是赢取对外开放新优势的重要保障。保税区与自由贸易区作为国家对外开放的前沿阵地和特区,制度创新的空间十分广阔。多年来,青岛前湾保税港区在先行先试开放政策的同时,以建立和完善国际标准、规范有序的制度规范与管理机制为着力点,不断加大创新力度,已基本形成了横到边、纵到底、全覆盖、可复制、可推广的制度体系。在新的历史起点上,青岛前湾保税港区深入把握开放发展的丰富内涵和要求,紧紧抓住创建自由贸易试验区的有利契机,积极  相似文献   

在8月29日召开的海南国际旅游岛建设领导小组会议中提到.海南将建设国际旅游岛先行试验区.从特殊政策.开发模式、体制机制创新等方面开展探索试验。  相似文献   

<正>重庆,西部地区的重要增长级、长江上游的经济中心、城乡统筹发展的直辖市。两江新区,规划面积1200平方千米,其中可开发建设面积550平方千米,涵盖江北区、渝北区、北碚区三个行政区部分区域及北部新区,拥有内陆唯一的保税港区——两路寸滩保税港区。到十二五末,重庆城镇化率将达到60%,三线,四线乃至五线区县将形成整个重庆大区的重要蓝海,预计地产开发投资达9900亿元,占全市社会固定资产投资22%左右,房地产业增加值达到1000亿元,占全市GDP的7%左右。  相似文献   

自由贸易区作为一种为国际贸易而生的、境内关外的关税豁免地区,经过数个世纪发展,分化形成了多种不同的类型。通过对多个自由贸易区的案例研究,综合规模、空间形式、与城市的关系3大因素,将自由贸易区分为园区型、城市型、集群型3大类型,并对各类型自贸区的功能、监管方式、空间扩展模式等特征进行总结。在案例的经验基础之上,结合上海自贸试验区的发展基础与空间条件,提出未来上海自贸区“一城两区”的空间发展构想。  相似文献   

郭子成 《规划师》2012,28(Z1):75-79
综合保税区是我国向自由贸易区发展道路上的一项新的举措和探索。研究在分析国内已批准设立的部分综合保税区的基础上,对现阶段综合保税区的主导功能内涵以及与之相关的内部空间组织等方面进行分析,以探寻在综合保税区内的空间组织模式,为这一特殊政策监管区域的规划编制与实施提供可行的发展模式。建设综合保税区的主要设想是通过发展保税加工、保税物流和相关增值服务业,赋予综合保税区完备的保税加工、保税物流功能,满足跨国公司普遍采用的零库存、及时供应等现代生产方式、管理方式和营销方式,使保税加工、保税物流在区内协调发展,促进加工贸易转型升级和区域外向型经济发展。  相似文献   

In this paper we derive endogenous tariff rates for a tariff revenue maximizing policy and a welfare maximizing policy (optimal tariff) in a spatial framework. The underlying model is that of a spatial oligopolistic market with domestic and foreign firms. We assess the outcomes of the model for different tariff rates and the free trade situation, the stress being on welfare considerations. Compared to the traditional theory of international trade and tariffs, this approach affords useful insights into the role of firms‘ locations and transportation costs for profits and consumers‘ surplus in the case of alternative trade policies. Received: February 1996 / Accepted in revised form: April 1997  相似文献   

市场经济制度下,城市高速发展对城市空间提出了各种新的需求,传统的“理想蓝图”式规划在复杂多变的情况面前显得日益被动。以推进中国(上海)自由贸易试验区的规划编制工作为契机,在梳理了区域项目实际建设情况的基础上,分析了市场经济制度下区域空间发展的特点和趋势,结合国外发达国家的规划经验,提出了“综合用地”的概念与新的规划编制理念,强调了制度设计在规划编制中的重要性。  相似文献   

在当前逆全球化及贸易保护主义抬头趋势下,对中老铁路经济廊带各优势自然资源进行综合区划研究对我国具有重大战略意义。以区域成矿理论、规律及矿点分布、卫星影像、地形地貌、土壤理化性质、气候资料、路网车站等数据为基础,采用叠置分析、网络分析等空间分析方法对廊带内的矿产、林木和土地资源进行评价并考虑时间、距离成本效应进行综合区划研究。结果显示:中老边境丰沙里、南塔省是林木资源优先开发区,乌多姆赛东部为后备开发区;沙耶武里的狭长河谷地带是潜在基础设施建设重点区;乌多姆塞南部及万象北部为矿产资源优先开发区。以中老铁路为依托的综合区划研究可为我国自然资源的贸易进口运输及境外战略布局提供支撑。  相似文献   

Suzhou is located at the center of lower Yangtze River Delta (YRD). With a history of more than 2500 years, it has been transformed from a famous national commercial city in history to a vanguard of globalization known as a modern industrial city in contemporary China. It was not until the reform and opening in 1978 that the traditional spatial structure of the city was jeopardized. It has become an industrial base of Shanghai and relied on foreign direct investment and foreign trade remarkably through a new industrialization path of constructing development zones at various levels. Paralleling economic growth, it has exhausted massive agricultural land and caused rampant urban sprawl because spatial planning was not effective in development control. However, spatial planning does play an important role in the conservation of the ancient quarter which made Suzhou another model in the country. Lastly, some issues and challenges ahead in planning and governance are also discussed.  相似文献   

蔡震 《室内设计》2016,(1):4-13
国家“一带一路”战略实施以来, 国内外政治与经贸格局呈现出了一定的变化 趋势。国家战略的长期贯彻实施,有赖于国 家内部空间格局的全面支撑。基于这一背 景,需要系统地考察国外地缘政治与经贸格 局的演变与发展趋势,全面梳理国家内部空 间格局的演变历程,并对现有空间格局进 行必要的研判和思考。文章提出在“一带一 路”战略背景下,国家内部格局的构建思路, 即从单向开放、梯度推进调整为全面开放、 东西分工对进的整体空间格局。国家空间格 局的轴带组织上建立从海陆分割、东西失 衡、北重南轻调整为海陆统筹、东西均衡和 南北贯通的网络框架。在国家空间格局节点 构建上,配合海陆统筹的轴带网络框架,发 展和培育网络上的关键节点,分级组织,建 立西部双核,优化“钻石结构”。并提出在国 际门户地区建立国家新区+自贸区的顶级政 策平台的设想。进而,文章进一步阐述了对 局部地区空间格局调整的思路与方向。  相似文献   

结合宜昌市五龙片区的控制性详细规划,分析了控制性详中山水景观保护与再创的背景及意义;并着重从基地使用、建筑布局、景观设计、空间组织等角度探讨了控制性详规中山水景观保护与再创的原则和方法;最后提出对于山水景观保护与再创的支撑体系——景观敏感区的保护措施。  相似文献   

The traditional view of interaction in spatial markets has been challenged by recent studies of producer service trade in the space economy. These studies find that although city-size and distance influence the direction and spatial extent of interaction, patterns of trade oftentimes counter expectations as trade flows up the urban hierarchy and across large distances. This paper seeks to determine whether the ownership structure of establishments contributes to deviations from the traditional model of hierarchical interaction. Using trade data obtained from surveys of 547 producer service establishments, patterns of trade originating from a five-tier urban hierarchy are examined empirically and evaluated using spatial survivor functions and logit models. The results indicate that the ownership structure of establishments contributes significantly to deviations from expected patterns of interaction. Independently owned establishments have smaller spatial markets and interact more often with smaller sized cities. Nonindependently owned establishments, in contrast, trade down and up the urban hierarchy in a manner much less sensitive to distance.  相似文献   

China has established overseas industrial cooperation zones along the Belt and Road as a key platform for the advancement of the Belt and Road construction and international economic and trade cooperation,aiming to facilitate deep economic integration,promote mutual benefit,and achieve win-win results with countries along the Belt and Road.This paper firstly explains the definition and connotation of overseas industrial cooperation zones against the background of the Belt and Road Initiative,and then introduces the construction status of Chinese overseas industrial cooperation zones along the Belt and Road in terms of type and spatial distribution.The research conducts case studies on four types of overseas industrial cooperation zones,including agricultural industrial zones,processing industrial zones,service industrial zones,and comprehensive industrial zones.Based on the case study,it discusses the development context,planning mission,industrial function,leading enterprise,operation mode,and final comprehensive effect of Chinese overseas industrial cooperation zones.Finally,through comparing the differences with domestic experience on typical industrial cooperation zones,this paper suggests that the construction of overseas industrial cooperation zones along the Belt and Road should focus on strengthening bilateral communication between governments,further improving the cooperation mechanism,scientifically formulating industrial planning,driving construction of infrastructure facilities,and fostering and bringing in international talents.  相似文献   

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