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In a direct containment heating (DCH) accident scenario, the degree of corium dispersion is one of the most significant factors responsible for the reactor containment heating and pressurization. To study the mechanisms of the corium dispersion phenomenon, a DCH separate effect test facility of 1:10 linear scale for Zion PWR geometry is constructed. Experiments are carried out with air-water and air-woods metal simulating steam and molten core materials. The physical process of corium dispersion is studied in detail through various instruments, as well as with flow visualization at several locations. The accident transient begins with the liquid jet discharge at the bottom of the reactor pressure vessel. Once the jet impinges on the cavity bottom floor, it immediately spreads out and moves rapidly to the cavity exit as a film flow. Part of the discharged liquid flows out of the cavity before gas blowdown, and the rest is subjected to the entrainment process due to the high speed gas stream. The liquid film and droplet flows from the reactor cavity will then experience subcompartment trapping and re-entrainment. Consequently, the dispersed liquid droplets that follow the gas stream are transported into the containment atmosphere, resulting in containment heating and pressurization in the prototypic condition. Comprehensive measurements are obtained in this study, including the liquid jet velocity, liquid film thickness and velocity transients in the test cavity, gas velocity and velocity profile in the cavity, droplet size distribution and entrainment rate, and the fraction of dispersed liquid in the containment building. These data are of great importance for better understanding of the corium dispersion mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the frame of the LACOMECO (large scale experiments on core degradation, melt retention and containment behavior) project of the 7th European Framework Program, a test in the DISCO (dispersion of corium) facility was performed in order to analyze the phenomena which occur during an ex-vessel fuel–coolant interaction (FCI). The test is focused on the premixing phase of the FCI with no trigger used for explosion phase. The objectives of the test were to provide data concerning the dispersion of water and melt out of the pit, characterization of the debris and pressurization of the reactor compartments for scenarios, where the melt is ejected from the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) under pressure. The experiment was performed for a reactor pit geometry close to a French 900 MWe reactor configuration at a scale of 1:10. The corium melt was simulated by a melt of iron–alumina with a temperature of 2400 K. A containment pressure increase of 0.04 MPa was measured, the total pressure reached about 0.24 MPa. No spontaneous steam explosion was observed. About 16% of the initial melt (11.62 kg) remained in the RPV vessel, 60% remained in the cavity mainly as a compact crust. The fraction of the melt transported out of the pit was about 24%.  相似文献   

The containment concept of Eibl, Keβler, and Hennies for nuclear power plants equipped with large pressurised water reactors is aimed at developing passive mechanisms that are capable of safely confining core-melt consequences. Regarding this, it is important to know the ultimate loads acting on the supporting containment structures in case of core-melt accidents. In this study a large break of the reactor pressure vessel under high pressure (17 MPa) is assumed. The hydraulic load acting on the vessel supporting structure during the vessel blowdown was estimated. The results presented are based on calculations performed with the transient analysis thermal-hydraulic code RELAP5/ MOD3. The information obtained provides a force-function input for necessary structural dynamic investigations. On the assumption of a global circumferential rupture of the lower head of the pressure vessel, the computational results show a load peak of 340 MN and a continuing load of 160 MN acting on the vessel support ring.  相似文献   

The ongoing IPE studies for the Vandellos and ASCo nuclear power plants require evaluation of accident phenomena that have been perceived to potentially challenge containment integrity including direct containment heating (DCH). Analyses and scaled experiments performed to date indicated that the lower containment structures play a substantial role in mitigating the extent of DCH given a high pressure melt ejection. Since the geometry is judged to be of major importance, linearly scaled experiments were conceived and conducted to evaluate the role of such structures in the Vandellos and ASCo specific configurations. The Vandellos test configuration with an initally dry cavity and significant exhaust area for the instrument tunnel resulted in the dispersal of a majority of the debris from the instrument tunnel into the lower compartment. The test of the ASCo configuration with an initially wet reactor cavity and limited exhaust area from the instrument tunnel exhibited the retention of the majority of the debris within the instrument tunnel and reactor cavity. The observed pressure responses in these scaled experiments for the seal table room, lower containment vessel, and upper containment vessel were all less than the containment design basis pressure. These test results contribute to the existing technical basis for concluding that direct containment heating would not represent a challenge to the integrity of these containments.  相似文献   

The DISCO test facility at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK) has been used to perform experiments to investigate direct containment heating (DCH) effects during a severe accident in European nuclear power plants, comprising the EPR, the French 1300 MWe plant P’4, the VVER-1000 and the German Konvoi plant. A high-temperature iron–alumina melt is ejected by steam into scaled models of the respective reactor cavities and the containment vessel. Both heat transfer from dispersed melt and combustion of hydrogen lead to containment pressurization. The main experimental findings are presented and critical parameters are identified.The consequences of DCH are limited in reactors with no direct pathway between the cavity and the containment dome (closed pit). The situation is more severe for reactors which do have a direct pathway between the cavity and the containment (open pit). The experiments showed that substantial fractions of corium may be dispersed into the containment in such cases, if the pressure in the reactor coolant system is elevated at the time of RPV failure. Primary system pressures of 1 or 2 MPa are sufficient to lead to full scale DCH effects. Combustion of the hydrogen produced by oxidation as well as the hydrogen initially present appears to be the crucial phenomenon for containment pressurization.  相似文献   

The containment structures of the HTTR consist of the reactor containment vessel, the service area, and the emergency air purification system, which minimise the release of fission products in postulated accidents, which lead to fission product release from the reactor facilities. The reactor containment vessel is designed to withstand the temperature and pressure transients and to be leak-tight in the case of a rupture of the primary concentric hot-gas duct, etc. The pressure inside the service area is maintained at a negative pressure by the emergency air purification system. The emergency air purification system will also remove airborne radioactivity and will maintain a correct pressure in the service area.The leak-tightness characteristics of the containment structures are described in this paper. The measured leakage rates of the reactor containment vessel were enough less than the specified leakage limit of 0.1%/d confirmed during the commissioning tests and annual inspections. The service area was kept in a way that the design pressure becomes well below its allowable limitation by the emergency air purification system, which filters efficiency of particle removal and iodine removal well over the limited values.The obtained data demonstrate that the reactor containment structures were fabricated to minimise the release of fission products in the postulated accidents with fission product release from the reactor facilities.  相似文献   

Analysis of Primary Containment Transients (APRICOT) is an ERDA sponsored project in which a variety of reactor safety analysis groups around the world have been invited to participate by performing calculations to verify capabilities of large computer codes used to analyze postulated core disputive accidents of liquid metal fast breeder reactors. Nine groups have performed calculations of the first three problems which were set, using ten computer codes. Two problems were simple test problems for which analytical solutions exist, namely an ideal gas shock tube, and a suddenly pressurized spherical cavity in an infinite elastic medium. The third problem concerns an explosion in a partially water-filled overstrong cylindrical containment vessel for which experimental data exist. A critique of the results of these calculations is given in this paper.  相似文献   

压水堆核电厂发生严重事故期间,从主系统释放的蒸汽、氢气以及下封头失效后进入安全壳的堆芯熔融物均对安全壳的完整性构成威胁。以国内典型二代加压水堆为研究对象,采用MAAP程序进行安全壳响应分析。选取了两种典型的严重事故序列:热管段中破口叠加设备冷却水失效和再循环高压安注失效,堆芯因冷却不足升温熔化导致压力容器失效,熔融物与混凝土发生反应(MCCI),安全壳超压失效;冷管段大破口叠加再循环失效,安全壳内蒸汽不断聚集,发生超压失效。通过对两种事故工况的分析,证实了再循环高压安注、安全壳喷淋这两种缓解措施对保证安全壳完整性的重要作用。  相似文献   

An analysis of the responses of the containment during a station blackout accident is performed for the APR1400 nuclear power plant using MELCOR 2.1. The analysis results show that the containment failure occurs at about 84.14 h. Prior to the failure of the reactor vessel, the containment pressure increases slowly. Then, a rapid increase of the containment pressure occurs when a large amount of hot molten corium is discharged from the reactor pressure vessel to the cavity. The molten corium concrete interaction (MCCI) is arrested when water is flooded over a molten corium in the cavity. The boiling of water in the cavity causes a fast increase in the containment pressure. During the early phase of the accident, a large amount of steam is condensed inside the containment due to the presence of the heat structures. This results in a mitigation of a containment pressure increase. During the late phase, the containment pressure increases gradually due to the addition of steam and gases from an MCCI and water evaporation. It was found that two-thirds of the total mass of steam and gases in the containment is from an MCCI and one-third of the mass is from water evaporation.  相似文献   

It has been found that the pressure in the reactor coolant system (RCS) remains high in some severe accident sequences at the time of reactor vessel failure, with the risk of causing direct containment heating (DCH).Intentional depressurization is an effective accident management strategy to prevent DCH or to mitigate its consequences. Fission product behavior is affected by intentional depressurization, especially for inert gas and volatile fission product. Because the pressurizer power-operated relief valves (PORVs) are latched open, fission product will transport into the containment directly. This may cause larger radiological consequences in containment before reactor vessel failure. Four cases are selected, including the TMLB' base case and the opening one, two and three pressurizer PORVs. The results show that inert gas transports into containment more quickly when opening one and two PORVs,but more slowly when opening three PORVs; more volatile fission product deposit in containment and less in reactor coolant system (RCS) for intentional depressurization cases. When opening one PORV, the phenomenon of revaporization is strong in the RCS.  相似文献   

The design of the simplified boiling water reactor (SBWR-1200) is characterized by utilizing fully passive safety systems. The emergency core cooling is realized by the gravity driven core cooling system, and the decay heat removal is done by the passive containment cooling system and isolation condenser system. All of the systems have multiple units and could be partially failed. The objective of this paper is to analyze the system response under the multiple malfunctions of passive safety systems in the SBWR-1200.

The chosen accident scenario is a small break loss of coolant accident with one of three gravity driven core cooling system drain lines blocked and one of three passive containment cooling system condensers disabled. An integral test has been carried out in the PUMA facility for 16 h. The facility is designed for low pressure, long term cooling operation with the multiple safety related components; therefore, it has the flexibility to demonstrate the asymmetric or multiple-failure effects with the combination of disability of safety systems. The test initial conditions at 1 MPa (150 psi) are obtained from RELAP5/MOD3.2 code simulation for the SBWR-1200 with appropriate scaling considerations.

Comparisons have been first made between the multiple-failure test and a single-failure test preformed previously. It shows that the core has been covered with liquid coolant during all of accident transient even though there is an apparent coolant inventory reduction in the multiple-failure test. The decay heat removal has no significant difference because the remaining two passive containment cooling condensers increase their cooling capacities, and even the drywell pressure is slightly lower due to the cold water injection from the suppression pool. Comparisons have also been made between the scaled-up test data and the code simulation at the prototypic level. The prototypic simulation is done by RELAP5/MOD3.2. Agreements between the code simulation and the scaled-up test data confirm the code applicability and the facility scalability for this accident scenario.  相似文献   

The LACOMERA project at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany (FZK) is a 4-year action within the 5th Framework Programme of the EU which started in September 2002. Overall objective of the project is to offer research institutions from the EU Member Countries and Associated States access to four large-scale experimental facilities QUENCH, LIVE, DISCO, and COMET. These facilities are being used to investigate core melt scenarios from the beginning of core degradation to melt formation and relocation in the vessel, possible melt dispersion to the reactor cavity, and finally corium concrete interaction and corium coolability in the reactor cavity. The paper summarizes the main results obtained in the following three experiments:QUENCH-L2: boil-off of a flooded bundle. The test is of a generic interest for all reactor types, provided a link between the severe accident and design basis areas, and would deliver oxidation and thermal hydraulic data at high temperatures.DISCO-L2: fluid-dynamic, thermal, and chemical processes during melt ejection out of a breach in the lower head of a pressure vessel of the VVER-1000/320 type of reactor.COMET-L2: investigation of long-term melt-concrete interaction of metallic corium in a cylindrical siliceous concrete cavity under dry conditions with decay heat simulation of intermediate power during the first test phase, and subsequently at reduced power during the second test phase.  相似文献   

Three integral effects tests (IET-1, IET-3, and IET-6) were conducted to investigate the effects of high-pressure melt ejection on direct containment heating. A 1:10 linear scale model of the Zion reactor pressure vessel (RPV), cavity, instrument tunnel, and subcompartment structures were constructed in the Surtsey test facility at Sandia National Laboratories. The RPV was modeled with a melt generator that consisted of a steel pressure barrier, a cast MgO crucible, and a thin steel inner liner. The melt generator/crucible had a hemispherical bottom head containing a graphite limitor plate with a 4 cm exit hole to simulate the ablated hole in the RPV bottom head that would be formed by tube ejection in a severe nuclear power plant accident. The reactor cavity model contained 3.48 kg water with a depth of 0.9 cm that corresponded to condensate levels in the Zion plant. 43 kg iron oxide/aluminum/ chromium thermite was used to simulate molten core debris. The molten thermite in the three tests was driven into the scaled reactor cavity by slightly superheated steam at 7.1, 6.1, and 6.3 MPa for IET-1, IET-3, and IET-6 respectively. The IET-1 atmosphere was pre-inerted with nitrogen, while the IET-3 atmosphere was nitrogen with approximately 9.0 mol% O2. The IET-6 atmosphere was nitrogen with 9.79 mol% O2 and 2.59 mol% pre-existing hydrogen. In IET-1, approximately 233 g mol hydrogen were produced but almost none burned because oxygen was not available. In IET-3, approximately 227 g mol hydrogen were produced and 190 g mol burned. In IET-6, approximately 319 g mol hydrogen were produced and 345 g mol burned. The peak pressure increases in the IET-1, IET-3 and IET-6 experiments were 0.098, 0.246, and 0.279 MPa respectively. In IET-3 and IET-6 hydrogen burned as it was pushed out of the subcompartments into the upper region of the Surtsey vessel. In IET-6, although a substantial amount of pre-existing hydrogen burned, it apparently did not burn on a time scale that made a significant contribution to the peak pressure increase in the vessel.  相似文献   

An integral arrangement is adopted for the Low Temperature District Nuclear-Heating Reactor. The primary heat exchangers, control rod drives and spent fuel elements are put in the reactor pressure vessel together with the reactor core. The primary coolant flows in natural circulation through the reactor core and the primary heat exchangers. The primary coolant pipes penetrating the wall of the reactor pressure vessel are all of small diameters. The reactor vessel constitutes the main part of the pressure boundary of the primary coolant. Therefore a small sized metallic containment closed to the wall of the reactor vessel can be used for the reactor. Design principles and functions of the containment are the same as for the containment of a PWR. But the adoption of a small sized containment brings about some benefits such as a short period of manufacturing, relatively low cost, and ease for sealing. A loss of primary coolant accident would not be happened during a rupture accident of the primary coolant pressure boundary inside the containment owing to its intrinsic safety.  相似文献   

Sodium leaks and resultant fire containment play an important role in the safe operation of a fast breeder reactor. Leak collection tray (LCT) is a passive device which is used to collect the highly reactive liquid sodium in the case of an accidental leakage. The consequences of sodium fire are mitigated by oxygen starvation in the vessel which collects the liquid sodium after leakage. The current paper deals with the optimization of the LCT geometry based on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the leaked liquid sodium. Isothermal numerical simulations have been performed to understand the interfacial dynamics of the hot liquid sodium flow in the top tray part and the variation of sodium draining rate into the holdup vessel for various drainpipe diameters and leak rates. Since the numerical simulations involve very high computational effort, an equivalent semi-analytical sloshing/draining model has also been developed which emulates the flow process in the LCT. The predictions of transient mass distributions in the top part and in the holdup vessel for the semi-analytical model are in close match with the results obtained from the detailed numerical study. The results reveal critical geometric parameters at which the un-burnt sodium collected in the LCT will be maximum.  相似文献   

压力容器内的水位是反应堆运行中的重要参数.基于发热体在液相和汽相介质中放热系数的显著差异.本文提出了一种由铠装铂电阻组成的液位测量传感器,并给出了理论分析结果和0.1~3.0MPa压力范围内的试验结果。结果表明,该传感器原理正确.结构可行.性能可靠。  相似文献   

The Purdue NMR (Novel Modular Reactor) represents a BWR-type small modular reactor with a significantly reduced reactor pressure vessel (RPV). Specifically, the NMR is one third the height and area of a conventional BWR RPV with an electrical output of 50 MWe. Experiments are performed in a well-scaled test facility to investigate the thermal hydraulic flow instabilities during the startup transients for the NMR. The scaling analysis for the design of natural circulation test facility uses a three-level scaling methodology. Scaling criteria are derived from non-dimensional field and constitutive equations. Important thermal hydraulic parameters, e.g. system pressure, inlet coolant flow velocity and local void fraction, are analyzed for slow and fast normal startup transients. Flashing instability and density wave oscillation are the main flow instabilities observed when system pressure is below 0.5 MPa. And the flashing instability and density wave oscillation show different type of oscillations in void fraction profile. Finally, the pressurized startup procedure is recommended and tested in current research to effectively eliminate the flow instabilities during the NMR startup transients.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to develop a system, which assists the operator in identifying an accident quickly using ANNs that diagnoses the accidents based on reactor process parameters, and continuously displays the status of the nuclear reactor. A large database of transient data of reactor process parameters has been generated for reactor core, containment, environmental dispersion and radiological dose to train the ANNs. These data have been generated using various codes e.g., RELAP5—thermal-hydraulics code for the core. The present version of this system is capable of identifying large break LOCA scenarios of 220 MWe Indian PHWRs. The system has been designed to provide the necessary information to the operator to handle emergency situations when the reactor is operating. The diagnostic results obtained from ANNs study are satisfactory.  相似文献   

To evaluate the system pressure of an external water wall type containment vessel, which is one of the passive systems for containment cooling, the evaporation and condensation behavior under a noncondensable gas presence has been experimentally examined. In the system, steam evaporated from the suppression pool surface into the wetwell, filled with noncondensable gas, and condensed on the containment vessel wall. The system pressure was the sum of the noncondensable gas pressure and saturated steam pressure in the wetwell. The wetwell temperature was, however, lower than the supression pool temperature and depended on the thermal resistance on the suppression pool surface. The evaporation and condensation heat transfer coefficients in the presence of air as noncondensable gas were measured and expressed by functions of steam/air mass ratio. The evaporation heat transfer coefficients were one order higher than the condensation heat transfer coefficients because the local noncondensable gas pressure was much lower on the evaporating pool surface than on the condensing liquid surface. Using logal properties of the heat transfer surfaces, there was a similar trend between evaporation and condensation even with a noncondensable gas present.  相似文献   

叙述了核供热堆上空腔不凝结气体在发生排放事故工况下排放特性的试验研究。试验模拟了核供热堆排放工况的主要参数,着重研究了在排放过程中的氮气排放份额,及氮气对排放背压的影响。本试验是在5MW核供热堆热工水力学试验回路(HRTL-5)和排放回路上进行的,系统压力为1.5MPa,初始氮气分压为0.34MPa。采用静态校验法,成功地获得了氮气的排放份额。这些试验数据为核供热堆的安全分析提供了重要的试验数据。  相似文献   

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