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In a mobile ad hoc network, difficulties exist in supporting address autoconfiguration and naming resolution due to the lack of centralized servers. This letter presents a novel approach, called name‐based autoconfiguration (NBA), which uses host names to determine IP addresses and provides address autoconfiguration and name resolution as a single protocol.  相似文献   

移动自组网IP地址分配技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对近年来提出的多种移动自组网(MANET)地址分配技术进行了较详细地分类评价和性能比较,包括基于状态维护的算法,基于冲突检测的算法和基于网络分层的算法等,并在最后指出了未来的技术发展方向。  相似文献   

Hongbo  Lionel M.  Matt W.   《Ad hoc Networks》2003,1(4):423-434
A mobile device in a MANET must be assigned a free IP address before it may participate in unicast communication. This is a fundamental and difficult problem in the practical use of any MANET. Several solutions have been proposed. However, these approaches have different drawbacks. A new IP address allocation algorithm, namely prophet address allocation, is proposed in the paper. The proposed scheme may be applied to large scale MANETs with low complexity, low communication overhead, even address distribution, and low latency. Both theoretical analysis and simulation experiments are conducted to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm over other known algorithms. Moreover, the proposed prophet allocation is able to solve the problem of network partition and merger efficiently.  相似文献   

In order to allow truly spontaneous and infrastructureless networking, autoconfiguration algorithm is needed in the practical usage of most mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). This paper presents spanning-tree based autoconfiguration for mobile ad hoc networks, a novel approach for the efficient distributed address autoconfiguration. With the help of the spanning tree, the proposed scheme attempts to distribute address resources as balanced as possible at the first beginning. Since each node holds a block of free addresses, a newly joining node can obtain a free address almost immediately. Subnet partitioning and merging are well supported. Finally, analysis and simulation demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms the existing approaches in terms of both communication overhead and configuration latency.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a dynamic Internet Protocol (IP) address assignment architecture for heterogeneous wireless IP devices network. The IP device could be a sensor device, a laptop, a cell phone, or any wireless device using IP communications. The proposed architecture introduces security and service reliability to the consumer while reducing the operational expenditure for the service providers. According to the proposed scheme, each node maintains an IP address pool storing the current occupancy of each IP address. Each node advertises its database whenever the ratio of negative acknowledgments from the domain name server to the total number of requests at a given node exceeds a certain threshold. We evaluate our IP assignment scheme under two traffic intensity scenarios, namely the uniform traffic intensity and the heterogeneous traffic intensity. Performance evaluation is carried out with respect to blocking probability and average IP list utilization. We define three types of blocking probability for the user requests as follows: The real blocking, the unjustified acceptance, and the unjustified rejection. We observe that the proposed scheme outperforms the uniform assignment as long as the threshold is below 1.5% for the uniform intensity scenario and 1% for the heterogeneous scenario. Furthermore, this architecture considers the security aspect of the wireless network by allowing only registered devices to communicate with other registered devices. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

IP地址的盗用给网络管理带来安全隐患,针对常见的IP地址盗用方法,分析IP地址盗用原理,提出有效的防范措施。  相似文献   

IP地址的盗用给网络管理带来安全隐患,针对常见的IP地址盗用方法,分析IP地址盗用原理,提出有效的防范措施。  相似文献   

介绍广电城域网IP地址规划、分配的原则和方法以及利用IP地址计算器工具软件协助实现IP地址的计算等。  相似文献   

IP address autoconfiguration of mobile nodes is highly desirable in the practical usage of most mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). This paper proposes cluster-based autoconfiguration, a novel approach for the efficient address autoconfiguration of MANETs. The cluster structure derived from clustering techniques is used to manage address assignment and conflict resolution. By introducing the concept of virtual address agents (AAs), the proposed approach can be applicable to many existing clustering protocols. Finally, analysis and simulation demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms the previous autoconfiguration approaches.
Longjiang LiEmail:

The autoconfiguration algorithm of the mobile node addresses is important in the practical usage of most mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The passive Duplicate Address Detection (PDAD) protocols can detect address conflicts in a passive manner and thus have very low protocol overhead. However, the blindly random assignment algorithm used in PDAD leads to a high initial conflict probability. In this paper, we propose a novel concept of address agent, based on which arises a novel autoconfiguration approach, to obtain the least address conflict probability. Most features of PDAD are inherited, e.g., address conflicts are still detected in a passive manner based on anomalies in routing protocol traffic. Analysis and simulation show that our algorithm outperforms existing methods.  相似文献   

传输层的移动SCTP可支持无缝的移动切换,而不需要网络路由器的支持,SCTP的移动切换性能主要是由在关联中加入和改变IP主地址的触发机制决定。本文针对具体的切换实现进行了分析研究,提出了预切换的可行性方案。  相似文献   

提出一种基于IPv6的安全地址自配置方案SMAAC(Security MANET Address Auto-Configuration),新节点以口令方式通过节点验证服务器的验证后,由该服务器发放节点授权票据,由邻居节点进行授权票据检验并根据相关硬件信息产生IPv6地址,并完成地址冲突检测,保证网络内节点身份合法性.最后对该方案进行了安全及性能分析与仿真.  相似文献   

选播服务是Internet一种新的服务模式,它可有效提高网络资源利用率和平衡网络与服务器负载。文章介绍选播服务的基本概念和研究现状,讨论IP中的选播地址结构、主要特点,以及选播地址到单播地址的映射方法和手段。  相似文献   

Whereas cellular systems have traditionally adopted single‐hop transmissions between the mobile station (MS) and the base station (BS), researchers expect multihop transmission to be utilised in the future. Cellular systems present several challenges, such as channel assignment, which are exacerbated by multimedia service traffic and an increasing number of subscribers. Recently, a clustered multihop cellular network (cMCN) architecture that complements traditional cellular systems has been proposed and studied using fixed channel assignment (FCA). However, the performance of FCA is limited when the traffic pattern varies in a service area. This paper proposes the use of dedicated information ports (DIPs) as clusterheads in cMCN, followed by a multihop dynamic channel assignment (mDCA) scheme. The mDCA works by assigning channels based on information about interference in surrounding cells. Two different channel searching strategies are developed and evaluated. Through computer simulation, we show that the proposed mDCA is able to achieve a significantly improved capacity which is maintained when the number of system channels is increased. Finally, issues regarding the implementation of the mDCA and future work on this topic are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

弓有辉 《信息技术》2013,(8):155-157
从以太网体系结构入手,重点阐述了以太网数据链路层的作用与功能,并引入了MAC地址的概念,分别介绍了MAC地址与IP地址的作用与功能。从而重点阐述了计算机网络中IP地址与以太网MAC地址的相互关系和作用。  相似文献   

校园网IP地址防盗用策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IP地址盗用是网络管理中一个亟待解决的问题,它严重影响了合法用户的权益,影响了网络的正常运转。防范IP地址盗用变得越来越重要。给出了一个新的IP地址防盗用的方法,较好解决了这个问题。  相似文献   

对IP地址在应用中的若干难点进行了全面地讨论,重点从理论和应用这两个方面对IP地址的分类、IP地址的使用范围,特殊的IP地址等有关问题进行了深入地阐述。  相似文献   

为了解决既能在异地访问内网资源,又能充分保证内网资源的高度安全,将VPN与DMZ技术应用于校园网络的升级改造。提出了针对DMZ专区的三类IP地址映射算法与合法外网用户通过VPN访问内网资源需要的虚拟IP地址转换函数,并在此基础上提出了VPN与DMZ技术在校园网上集成应用的解决方案。通过在校园网中合理构建DMZ专区与VPN网络,巧妙设置DMZ与VPN的访问规则,在充分保证校内资源安全的前提下,成功解决了异地用户共享内网资源的难题。  相似文献   

MAC地址与IP地址绑定在电子政务系统中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了MAC地址与IP地址的绑定在电子政务系统中作为一种访问控制手段的运用以及具体的实现方法。使时电子政务资源的安全管理不仅能针时具体的用户.还能针时具体的计算机硬件。  相似文献   

摩西  卢选民  单长  杨杰 《现代电子技术》2011,34(17):101-103
随着Internet的迅速发展,网络中因为IP地址信息泄漏而遭受的攻击日益严重。通过代理服务器来隐藏内部网络设备IP地址的传统方式,不仅影响数据传输速率,而且其本身也易成为攻击的目标。针对这一亟待解决的问题,基于Netfilter/iptables模块和IP地址替换技术,在Linux环境下通过DNAT和SNAT,以及多线程系统调用的方式实现了静态IP和DHCP动态分配IP的地址信息隐藏。通过网络实验证明,达到了预期的目的。  相似文献   

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