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本文主要从四个方面对5G时代下的虚拟现实展开了研究,科学技术的发展使VR技术的应用越来越广泛,其发展的特点和未来应用前景等都会对相关课题研究产生帮助,因此,希望本文能够为相关研究提供合理参考. 相似文献
5G的应用以及网络切片技术的产生对人类的生产生活有重要影响.文章以5G为研究对象,对5G的应用前景及网络切片技术进行分析.网络切片技术是5G网络演变进程中的一项关键技术,该技术可将5G网络虚拟切割为分别具有增强移动带宽、海量物联和超可靠低时延通信等特性的若干网络片层,通过不同的切片可以使网络部署具有灵活性和扩展性,映射... 相似文献
王欣宁 《电脑编程技巧与维护》2021,(1):73-75
5G时代的来临,让信息传播深度、信息传播质量、信息传播速度等方面均得到了改变,同时还有效地推动了网络游戏技术、虚拟现实技术、信息传播技术三者之间的融合,较好地呈现出信息传播的时代性特征.阐述了5G时代下信息传播发展的趋势,分析了虚拟现实与网络游戏应用到信息传播中的影响,得出结论:当虚拟现实与网络游戏应用到信息传播之后,... 相似文献
张淼科 《数字社区&智能家居》2021,(20):168-169,190
5G网络在4G网络的基础上进一步体现出了智能化、综合化和多元化的优势,5G网络可以实现高校全覆盖的多功能智慧系统建设.该文阐述了5G网络在高校智慧校园建设中的应用价值,对应用模式进行了深入分析,并且提出了5G网络在高校智慧校园中的应用要点,希望能为高校新时期信息网络和校园系统建设提供一定的帮助. 相似文献
邓涛 《数字社区&智能家居》2013,(11):2623-2624,2637
随着网络技术的发展,基于网络的网络学习已成为人们关注的热点。该文就如何通过虚拟技术,增加网络学习的实用性,从而适应基于网络的网络学习的需要,提高教学质量和学者学习的兴趣。 相似文献
大数据是一种存储、分析、互联的技术手段,并且大数据已经应用于人们生活的方方面面。通过5G技术的分析可以得知,5G技术具有强大的协调性,并且使用频率较高,大数据结合5G通信技术能够使5G通信技术取得更大的发展,有助于5G通信技术的优化,改善了5G通信中天线较多信号互相干扰的问题。 相似文献
虚拟实验应用日益广泛,而支持虚拟实验的相关技术成为了研究热点。分析了虚拟化学实验及其在未来虚拟现实技术上的发展趋势,综述了U-nity3D技术、增强现实技术和Kinect体感交互技术的理论基础以及在虚拟化学实验中的应用与发展,以虚拟技术融合的方法为导向,仿真化学实验的实时环境,使虚拟实验简单化、直观化。展望了虚实融合技术在虚拟实验领域的应用前景。虚实融合技术有利于推动虚拟化学实验朝智能化发展,是虚拟实验改革的一个新起点。 相似文献
《Information & Management》2020,57(5):103229
Virtual Reality (VR) has been regarded as a highly effective technology that enables people to gain enjoyable and immersive information about museum collections. Drawing from the four realms of the experience economy, we assume absorptive experiences influence immersive experiences, overall museum VR tour experience, and intention to visit a museum. The results show that all the hypotheses are supported. Furthermore, we compared and tested the proposed model and its rival model (postulating the direct influence of the four realms of the experience economy on museum VR experience) and found that the proposed model is better than the rival model. 相似文献
提出了利用虚拟现实技术开发的"模拟法庭教学软件",建设<模拟法庭>虚拟实验室,以解决"模拟法庭"数量不足的问题,使每一个学生都参与到实践教学中去,教学效果良好. 相似文献
Guido Makransky Stefan Borre‐Gude Richard E. Mayer 《Journal of Computer Assisted Learning》2019,35(6):691-707
The main objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of immersive virtual reality (VR) as a medium for delivering laboratory safety training. We specifically compare an immersive VR simulation, a desktop VR simulation, and a conventional safety manual. The sample included 105 first year undergraduate engineering students (56 females). We include five types of learning outcomes including post‐test enjoyment ratings; pre‐ to post‐test changes in intrinsic motivation and self‐efficacy; a post‐test multiple choice retention test; and two behavioral transfer tests. Results indicated that the groups did not differ on the immediate retention test, suggesting that all three media were equivalent in conveying the basic knowledge. However, significant differences were observed favoring the immersive VR group compared to the text group on the two transfer tests involving the solving problems in a physical lab setting (d = 0.54, d = 0.57), as well as enjoyment (d = 1.44) and increases in intrinsic motivation (d = 0.69) and self‐efficacy (d = 0.60). The desktop VR group scored significantly higher than the text group on one transfer test (d = 0.63) but not the other (d= 0.11), as well as enjoyment (d =1.11) and intrinsic motivation (d =0.83). 相似文献
《Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory》2008,16(9):1415-1429
This paper presents a novel methodology involving a Virtual Reality (VR)-based Belief, Desire, and Intention (BDI) software agent to construct crowd simulation and demonstrates the use of the same for crowd evacuation management under terrorist bomb attacks in public areas. The proposed BDI agent framework allows modeling of human behavior with a high degree of fidelity. The realistic attributes that govern the BDI characteristics of the agent are reverse-engineered by conducting human-in-the-loop experiments in the VR-based Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE). To enhance generality and interoperability of the proposed crowd simulation modeling scheme, input data models have been developed to define environment attributes (e.g., maps, demographics, evacuation management parameters). The validity of the proposed data models are tested with two different evacuation scenarios. Finally, experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effect of various crowd evacuation management parameters on the key performance indicators in the evacuation scenario such as crowd evacuation rate and densities. The results reveal that constructed simulation can be used as an effective emergency management tool. 相似文献
Assembly modelling is the process of capturing entities and activity information related to assembling and assembly. Currently, most CAD systems have been developed to ease the design of individual components, but are limited in their support for assembly designs and planning capability, which are crucial for reducing the cost and processing time in complex design, constraint analysis and assembly task planning. This paper presents a framework of a two-handed virtual assembly (VA) planner for assembly tasks, which coordinates two hands jointly for feature-based manipulation, assembly analysis and constraint-based task planning. Feature-based manipulation highlights the important assembling features (e.g. dynamic reference frames, moving arrow, mating features) to guide users for the ease of assembly and in an efficient and fluid manner. The users can freely navigate and move the mating pair along the collision-free path. The free motion of two-handed input in assembly is further restricted to the allowable motion guided by the constraints recognised on-line. The allowable motion in assembly is planned by the logic steps derived from the analysis of constraints and their translation in the progress of assembly. No preprocessing or predefined assembly sequence is necessary since the planning is produced in real-time upon the two-handed interactions. Mating features and constraints in databases are automatically updated after each assembly to simplify the planning process. The two-handed task planner has been developed and experimented for several assembly examples including a drill (12-parts) and a robot (17-parts). The system can be generally applied for the interactive task planning of assembly-type applications. 相似文献
Benjamin Lok Richard E. Ferdig Andrew Raij Kyle Johnsen Robert Dickerson Jade Coutts Amy Stevens D. Scott Lind 《Virtual Reality》2006,10(3-4):185-195
The purpose of this paper is, first, to summarize a theoretical perspective toward the development of a virtual reality innovation in education. Next, we will describe a virtual character project that is impacting the training of medical students in two institutions. In doing so, we will present a summary of three studies completed over the last 2 years, highlighting specific results from the research. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of the impact of these findings on the development and implementation of virtual reality systems for teaching and learning. It is our hope that through providing this study of a virtual reality scenario—experienced by over 100 end-users—from an educational concepts perspective will help others aiming to apply virtual reality to education. 相似文献
This paper presents a novel general-purpose simulation analysis application that combines concurrent operations simulation
with the advanced data interrogation and user interaction capabilities of immersive virtual reality systems. The application
allows for interactive modification of the simulation parameters, while providing the users with the available simulation
information by effectively placing the operator in the midst of the environment being simulated. The major contribution of
this research is the total integration of the immersive virtual reality environment with the simulation, allowing users in
the environment to interactively change the inputs to the simulation as it is running. Implementation and functionality details
of the developed application are presented. The experience of using the application to analyze a manufacturing operation in
a collaborative scenario is also discussed. 相似文献
Tohru Ifukube 《Artificial Life and Robotics》1998,2(4):145-150
This paper describes research into sensory substitutes for the disabled, and proposes one basic research approach to assistance
technology. It also reports on how the technology is related to virtual reality research. 相似文献