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《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》2008,56(11):5465-5477
为了应对未来5G网络流量爆炸式增长,研究学者提出在宏基站覆盖范围内密集部署小基站,并利用小区覆盖扩展(Cell Range Expansion,CRE)策略实现宏基站与小基站的负载均衡。但是,CRE区域用户会严重受到宏基站的同频干扰,为解决此问题引入几乎空白子帧(Almost Blank Subframe,ABS)策略,提出了一种联合偏置值及ABS比例的迭代优化算法。针对具有偏置值与ABS比例约束的问题,分别对偏置值及ABS比例进行搜索寻找最优解,再通过迭代联合算法进行更新迭代,以实现系统能效的最大化。对提出的迭代联合优化算法进行了仿真分析,进一步验证了所提方案具有较好的能效。 相似文献
The effect of the integration interval in an integrate and dump detector in a band-limited system is analyzed. It is found for optimum performance that the interval must be delayed by τ seconds, which can be approximated by finding the interval giving maximum area under the system pulse response. 相似文献
《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》2008,56(11):5454-5464
针对传统时域或频域分析方法对时域、频域交叠但时频域不交叠的多分量信号分离能力不足的问题,提出了一种基于图像处理技术的分离方法.首先对多分量信号进行短时傅里叶变换(STFT),在获取多分量信号时频图像的基础上,引入图像处理技术,实现时频图像二值化,得到多分量信号的二值图像,并利用连通区域标记法对各分量进行定位;最后利用透分量消除法,将定位后的各分量依次提取出来,从而实现时频平面上的各分量分离.仿真实验表明,该方法能够实现多分量信号的有效分离,为后续信号的识别和参数估计奠定了基础. 相似文献
Qiang Xiang Kai-Yu Qin Qin-Zhen Huang 《Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing》2013,32(5):2385-2406
The aim of the multichannel sampling is the reconstruction of a band-limited signal f(t), from the samples of the responses of M linear time invariant systems, each sampled by the 1/Mth Nyquist rate. As the offset linear canonical transform (OLCT) has been found wide applications in signal processing and optics fields, it is necessary to consider the multichannel sampling based on offset linear canonical transform. In this paper, we develop a multichannel sampling theorem for signals band-limited in offset linear canonical transform domains. Moreover, by designing different OLCT filters, reconstruction formulas for uniform sampling from the signal, from the signal and its first derivative or its generalized Hilbert transform are obtained based on the derived multichannel sampling theorem. Since recurrent nonuniform sampling for the signal has valuable applications, reconstruction expression for recurrent nonuniform samples of the signal band-limited in the offset linear canonical transform domain is also obtained by using the derived multichannel sampling theorem and the properties of the offset linear canonical transform. 相似文献
As yet there exists no analytical method of obtaining the exact output distortion of BPF's for an angle-modulated signal input. In this paper, we have introduced a numerical method in which a filtering problem is described by the state space method and then is converted to a time domain difference equation. As a result, evaluation can be carried out quickly and easily. 相似文献
微波致热超声成像是一种兼顾了微波和超声成像两方面长处的新型生物医学成像方法。本文首先给出了一个微波致热超声(Microwave-Induced Thermo-Acoustic,MITA)实验系统,然后结合信号理论和MITA机制,讨论微波脉冲激励源和样品尺寸这两方面因素对MITA信号的时域波形和频域分布的影响。由实验数据和理论分析得出MITA信号时域波形强度与入射微波脉冲宽度和样品截面大小成正比;MITA信号的频率分布除了与激励微波脉冲频谱有关外,更主要的特性是其频谱分布中心与样品厚度所确定的超声波本振频率存在对应关系。 相似文献
PAM data transmission receivers accomplishing maximum likelihood sequence detection (MLSD) usually require a matched filter prefilter, a sampler at the symbol rate, and a Viterbi algorithm detector. When the channel is unknown or slowly changing, one must use an adaptive matched filter prefilter. We examine an alternative optimum receiver whose optimality is independent of the matched filter prefilter and which is applicable when the channel is effectively band-limited. The sampler in the proposed receiver operates at a rate faster than the data symbol rate, enabling one to replace the matched filter by a fixed low-pass filter and still ensure that the maximum likelihood detector is supplied with a set of sufficient statistics. It is shown that the matched filter is incorporated within a modified Viterbi detector without increasing the number of states in the algorithm, although the Viterbi detector must perform computations at approximately twice the usual rate. Simulations support the optimality of the new receiver and quantitatively indicate the degradation in performance experienced by some adaptive receivers previously proposed. 相似文献
《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》2009,57(1):168-181
A modification of the conventional Lagrange interpolator is proposed in this paper, that allows one to approximate a band-limited signal from its own nonuniform samples with high accuracy. The modification consists in applying the Lagrange method to the signal, but pre-multiplied by a fixed function, and then solving for the desired signal value. Its efficiency lies in the fact that the fixed function is independent of the sampling instants. It is shown in this paper that the function can be selected so that the interpolation error decreases exponentially with the number of samples, for the case in which the sampling instants have a maximum deviation from a uniform grid. This paper includes a low-complexity recursive implementation of the method. Its accuracy is validated in the numerical examples by comparison with several interpolators in the literature, and by deriving upper and lower bounds for its maximum error. 相似文献
本文给出用离散正则化方法进行一维带限信号外推的快速算法,其基本思想是将正则化方法与离散Fourier变换(DFT)结合起来,而正则参数的选取则基于偏差原理和作者提出的三阶收敛算法来实现.这样,可将计算量由原米的O(n3/3)量级减少到O(12n2)量级(当采样点n为偶数时)乃至O(12/2nlog2n/2)量级(当n=2*,p为正整数时),分析和数值试验表明,新算法具有快速、稳定和抑制高频噪音干扰等优点. 相似文献
本文给出用离散正则化方法进行二维带限信号重构和外推的快速算法.其基本思想是将正则化方法与快速Fourier变换(FFT)结合起来,而正则参数的选取则基于偏差原理和作者提出的三阶收敛算法来实现,并进行数值了模拟.计算结果表明本文给出的新算法具有快速、稳定和抑制高频噪音干扰等优点. 相似文献
Tertinek S.. Vogel C.. 《Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on》2007,54(7):616-620
This brief considers the problem of reconstructing a band-limited signal from its two-periodic nonuniformly spaced samples. We propose a novel reconstruction system where a finite-impulse response filter designed as differentiator followed by a time-varying multiplier recovers the uniformly spaced from the nonuniformly spaced samples. The system roughly doubles the signal-to-noise ratio with relatively few filter coefficients. The main advantage is that once the differentiator has been designed, it can be implemented with fixed multipliers, and only the coefficients of the time-varying multiplier have to be adapted when the sampling pattern changes; this reduces implementation costs substantially. In addition, the system allows an efficient polyphase implementation. 相似文献
Qi-Wen Ran Hui Zhao Li-Ying Tan Jing Ma 《Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing》2010,29(3):459-467
Fractional Fourier transformed bandlimited signals are shown to form a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Basic properties
of the kernel function are applied to the study of a sampling problem in the fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) domain. An
orthogonal sampling basis for the class of bandlimited signals in the FRFT domain is then given. A nonuniform sampling theorem
for bandlimited signals in the FRFT domain is also presented. Numerical experiments are given to demonstrate the effectiveness
of the proposed nonuniform sampling theorem. 相似文献
Characterization of the Arterial System in the Time Domain 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Laxminarayan Swamy Sipkema Pieter Westerhof Nicolaas 《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》1978,(2):177-184
The impulse response function and the input impedance of the systemic arterial tree emphasize different aspects of this system. The impulse response function is calculated via inverse Fourier transformation of the input impedance. The effects of truncation of the impedance are reduced by subjecting the data to a Dolph-Chebyshev filter. The impulse response functions of a windkessel model, a uniform tube model, and of the arterial system of the dog, are given. The impulse response functions of the windkessel model and of the arterial system of the control dog show a sharp initial peak followed by an exponential decay (equal decay time as that of the diastolic pressure tracing). The height of the decay extrapolated to time zero is related to total arterial compliance. Total arterial compliance calculated in this way agrees with the value calculated from the ratio of the time constant of the diastolic pressure decay and peripheral resistance. The presence of peaks in the impulse response function indicates a distinct reflection site as shown in the uniform tube model and found in the dog with balloon occlusion of the descending aorta. The measurement of the time intervals between these peaks and the start of excitation together with the pulse wave velocity enable us to calculate the distance between the location of the reflecting site and the heart. 相似文献