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张若彤  郭旗  谷梦  李昊 《室内设计》2021,(5):98-103
今年是“十四五”开局之年,我国进入以人为本、提质为主的城市更新新阶段。国内传统菜市场作为一种存在广泛、表现多元的日常性公共空间,既承载了市井记忆,又是城市发展的痛点。众多“网红菜市场”空间优化尝试应运而生,引发了社会各界的关注与讨论。梳理近五年来国内传统菜市场更新研究的进展,从日常与非日常生活交集的角度出发,思考菜市场1.0优化转型的得失,再从空间、文化与社会层面剖析转型后的新问题,基于国内外经典的更新项目的经验,思考菜市场2.0的再提升。  相似文献   

The paper draws on qualitative empirical evidence from studies of regeneration in North-East England, and seeks to link housing market renewal to wider regeneration issues at regional and neighbourhood levels. It suggests that the discourse on, and justification of, housing market renewal has shifted from a specific concern with low housing demand and abandonment to a more generalised modernisation agenda seeking the restructuring of low-income neighbourhoods in terms not only of housing quality but also of tenure and population. This modernisation discourse is strongly linked to a regional economic regeneration agenda. It is argued that despite claims for the holistic nature of market renewal policies, it seems unlikely that these will improve the economic circumstances of existing residents as opposed to serving regional economic development objectives. Moreover, the more sweeping change implied by the modernisation agenda may reinforce the tension at neighbourhood level between community-led neighbourhood renewal and the restructuring of tenure and population through market renewal.  相似文献   

This paper sets out the argument that housing renewal has a major role to play in economic and social regeneration in areas of council owned housing. It considers the role that housing stock transfer, with the shift of ownership from local authorities to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs), might have, not only in generating the investment needed to improve the quality of housing and environments, but also in terms of creating wider regeneration benefits. Using the Welsh policy context, it examines how the first large-scale housing transfer is being used to secure broader regeneration objectives.  相似文献   

Urban interventions in deprived neighbourhoods rank high on the agenda in European countries. This article explores what aspects of targeted urban-area interventions involve and appreciate local people during the intervention process so that they become motivated to continue to take care of and develop their area afterwards. Local social sustainability stands out as a necessary prerequisite for continued upkeep of upgraded urban neighbourhoods. The analysis builds on a ‘most different approach’, a comparison of interventions in the far south (Lisbon) and north (Oslo) of Europe. The article concludes that in addition to relevant goals and progress, local support was conditioned on how goals, organization and participation were worked out and implemented.  相似文献   

李静  刘加平 《华中建筑》2008,26(3):29-31
该文以孟加拉国GB住宅项目为例,从建筑的层面介绍该项目在适宜技术和建材更新方面的情况,并结合西藏实际情况,提出和总结西藏传统民居在营建技术更新方面值得借鉴的经验.  相似文献   

Theories on network governance constitute a promising approach to a better understanding of complex decision-making and problem-solving. Network theories are increasingly used in housing research. In this paper we present case-study findings on urban regeneration decision-making in Groningen, a medium-sized city in the North of the Netherlands. We used a network governance approach as an analytical framework. Social landlords and local government in Groningen have been collaborating in urban regeneration processes for many years. In 2006 negotiations between these actors on a renewal of the Local Urban Regeneration Covenant ran into difficulties and encountered seemingly insurmountable differences of opinion. These difficulties were largely caused by the increased complexity of the decision-making process, the large number of actors involved and a shift in focus from ‘bricks-and-mortar’ investments to a more balanced approach including social and economic aspects of urban regeneration. In this paper we analyse decision-making on urban regeneration policy in Groningen over the past 10 years. The outcomes of the case study demonstrate the usefulness of the network approach as a framework to analyse decision-making processes. The paper also identifies strategies used by actors in the field to successfully deal with complexities and uncertainties in networks.  相似文献   

This paper places the Housing Market Renewal programme in Liverpool in its historical context, highlighting a mismatch between the supply and demand for housing which has existed for four decades. This disequilibrium produced an environment where successive waves of neighbourhood abandonment occurred from the late 1970s despite significant public policy interventions. The implementation of the Housing Market Renewal programme has stimulated a debate about the extent to which the public sector interventions are leading to the gentrification of poor neighbourhoods. The paper finds that there is no evidence of gentrification in older neighbourhoods, however, inflows of capital rather than middle-class residents have altered the physical development of the city to an extent that the housing choices of all income groups have been affected. The paper concludes that critical gentrification research should take account of historical development and wider housing market change to remain relevant to the debate about the changing social and economic structure of cities.  相似文献   

This paper provides first-hand empirical evidence about the differentiation of housing conditions among China’s urban poor families based on a case study of Nanjing. The main findings include: (1) the Hukou family registration system has strong differential effects on poor families’ housing conditions; (2) housing conditions among the urban poor are tightly associated with privatization and home ownership, where non-owners face more severe housing difficulties than nominal owners; and (3) resettlement has played a positive role in improving the poor’s housing conditions, but its positive effects are only present in cases where work units or the government has taken the responsibility of housing the resettled poor. These findings show that housing the urban poor in post-reform China is largely: (1) path-dependent, (2) privatization-oriented, and (3) development-driven, and a mechanism that can pro-actively ensure the poor’s basic right to housing is still lacking.  相似文献   

本文对荷兰海牙市中心Spui地区城市建设发展进行了回顾与分析,阐述在重塑城市中心进程中,在综合性土地开发利用、社会各界的公众参与、宜人城市环境的创造、多种交通的便捷转换、设计理论对实践影响等方面,海牙所取得的切实而宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

Both cross-sectional and panel data can be used to analyse the dynamics of housing markets over time. Myers proposes the method of longitudinal cohort analysis of repeated cross-sectional data for the study of trends in housing market circumstances. He emphasises the problems and limitations of the use of panel data for such purposes. In this article it is argued that Myers underestimates the potentials of panel data for the study of housing market dynamics over time. Panel data are now relatively easy to obtain and use, also for the analysis of long-term changes in housing markets. Prices and turnover rates in housing markets have been shown to be strongly auto-correlated across geographical space. Therefore, panel data can be used to analyse regional differences in housing markets, even if these data have a relatively small sample size.  相似文献   

在对中国规划的时代背景及中西方城市规划思想博弈现状进行简要分析的基础上,结合宜宾旧城区滨江带的旧城更新,本文提出了基于针灸学原理的设计理念,借用其中特殊的腧穴论、经脉论和表里学说对旧城更新的方法进行了探索和尝试,并期望将其推广到城市规划的更大领域中。  相似文献   

土地产权问题是城市改造的核心难题之一。通过对德国和中国的台湾、香港地区相关经验的介绍,本文试图探讨井为我国内地城市改造中的土地产权问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Institutional sustainability (IS) is critical to translating infrastructure investments into actual service delivery. This paper examines IS for urban water utilities, and how its progress could be tracked. Common conceptualisations of IS in extant literature were found inadequate from an evaluation stand point. We conceptualize IS as a capacity rather than a financial issue, and, consistent with a process-based approach, we propose a new evaluation tool – the water utility maturity (WUM) model – which is flexible and considers different levels of IS. The WUM model, which requires further validation/verification, was piloted in two water utilities in South Asia with positive feedback.  相似文献   


The evident conflict in upgrading policies between several entities necessitates the crucial need to develop a reliable urban appraisal method to ensure successful interventions. The Egyptian initiative, aims at categorizing them into ‘unsafe’ versus ‘unplanned’ areas. Yet, it has ignored some basic socio-spatial and psychological quality of life indicators. Accordingly, the study aims at strengthening the local-level data collection through testing the reliability of the ‘ISDF’ index versus the two other sets of indicators statistically, by conducting an urban socio-economic survey on 30 different Ashwa’iyyat areas in Egypt.  相似文献   

赵衡宇 《华中建筑》2008,26(7):119-121
在面对当前城市化背景下,处于主流的封闭住区缺乏与城市的互动而封闭经营逐渐显现出诸多的严重问题。同时,若干全开放的老住区却在开放与封闭的变化中形成一定程度的适应性与可持续性。通过分析老住区的变化成因、空间状态和影响评价,该文从新的侧面论述其内在动力,探讨设计的导向机制。  相似文献   

发展高质量的产业化住宅,解决重庆市人民的住宅问题,这是重庆市建委的长远战略。重庆市坐落在长江和嘉陵江畔,它的发展对国家西部大开发举足轻重。为了加快重庆的发展,政府就必须拓展基础设施、运建新的商业设施,娱乐设施,为市民提供更多的住宅。当然,这就要要求我们必须有一个立足于重庆的本地具体情况,综合考虑能源,环境和可持续发展的总体规划。本文就如何在重庆开展住宅产业化工程进行了详细分析,提出了实施方案与步骤。  相似文献   

伴随国家经济社会全面进入高质 量发展阶段,城中村更新成为我国城市转 型升级发展的突破口与重要的空间支撑, 也成为相关话题研究的热点,但基于空间 规划学科的相关研究缺乏系统的梳理与总 结,造成学科对此研究的主体性不足、主 题性不明。为此,本研究基于城市规划类 期刊,以历史主义为切入点,应用文献研 究法,回顾我国空间规划学科研究城中村 更新的成就与不足。研究发现,我国城中 村更新改造研究可分为“城—村”割裂的 起步期(1998—2002年)、“城—村”共生 的兴盛期(2003—2007年)、“城—村”一 体的稳定期(2008—2012年)和“城—村” 共融的转型期(2013—2020年)四个阶段,相关研究秉承可持续发展理念,从更新改造的空间环境特征、产业经济特征、社会文化发 展特征以及改造更新模式四个方面开展,并呈现出五个转变轨迹与四大不足,文中最后剖 析了相关原因及提出研究展望。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands the regeneration of post-war urban districts is closely intertwined with the role of housing associations. This is hardly surprising, given that the housing associations have such a large share of the market (usually over 50%; sometimes nearly 100%) in many early post-war urban districts. This has caused a growing concentration of low-income households in those urban areas and a selective migration by middle- and high-income households from the city to the suburb. Official government policy on housing and urban renewal is directed at a redifferentiation of the urban housing stock. Specifically, the policy promotes more owner-occupation, larger and higher-quality homes, and a greater percentage of homes with a garden. This implies the demolition of social housing estates and selling social housing. The position of housing associations in the regeneration of Dutch post-war urban districts is somewhat enigmatic. On the one hand, national government is expecting them to take initiative and invest in urban renewal; on the other, government is urging them to cut down their market share. How are housing associations coping with this paradoxical challenge? And what are the current national policies about the position of housing associations? Aedes (the umbrella organisation of Dutch housing associations) and the Dutch Ministry of Housing have agreed upon the so-called great transition of housing associations. Here we explain and critique this great transition, which will hamper the current regeneration of Dutch urban districts. As an alternative we present the new transition.  相似文献   

Urbanization growth in developing countries raises concerns regarding these countries' ability to consider slums, underdeveloped communities, and neighbourhoods in economic, health, and climatic goals. This research proposes a methodology that integrates algorithmic design and analysis strategies to define, study, and measure key parameters that affect the rehabilitation of these areas. Construction scenarios and design dimensions are analysed to establish design and comfort thresholds, and alternatives are simulated and tested to identify possible improvements. The methodology includes an optimisation step integrated in the workflow that maximizes thermal comfort, minimizes costs, and ensures fairness in the rehabilitation of large sets of buildings. This step identifies improvements in thermal comfort for different construction scenarios from which a two-staged rehabilitation plan is defined. The first stage comprises a sensitivity analysis to identify building materials regarding their improvement and cost of application, and the second defines the most suitable construction scenarios considering the results from the optimisation process for each building. Additionally, we research and document guidelines regarding the parameters tested for building design, revealing the existing conflicts between performance objectives, and the architect's role in their prioritization.  相似文献   

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