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Nitrogen fertiliser was applied at two rates (0 or 100 kg N/ha) to field-grown Müller-Thurgau grapevines grafted onto six rootstocks (Kober 5BB, Teleki 5C, Teleki 8B, Selection Oppenheim 4, Couderc 3309, Ruggeri 140). Half the nitrogen was applied four weeks pre-flowering and half at the end of flowering. Nitrogen supply reduced symptoms of inflorescence necrosis and improved fruit set, but increased bunch-stem necrosis, Botrytis cinerea bunch rot and yield. This was associated with reduced grape sugar, higher acidity and lower pH. Rootstocks had no significant effect on inflorescence necrosis, bunch-stem necrosis and bunch rot, but vines grafted on C-3309 and Ru-140 had both lowest yields and highest fruit quality. Nitrogen × rootstock interactions were rare and contributed little to total variance, suggesting that rootstock-induced differences in scion performance were, except for SO4, largely independent of soil nitrogen level.  相似文献   

Effects of nitrogen (N) supply on biomass distribution as well as N effects on NO3"assimilation, were examined in two-year-old graftlings of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon on five rootstocks. Whole-plant biomass in all graftlings more than doubled with increased N supply in solution from 0.25 to 8 mM. Whole plant biomass was also affected by rootstock genotype, but to a lesser extent than by N supply. Biomass allocation to roots declined with increased N supply for all stock-scion combinations, but the magnitude of that response varied with rootstock genotype. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in leaves increased with increased N supply for all stock-scion combinations, whereas root NRA increased only up to 1 mM N supply, dropping markedly with additional N. NRA in leaves was one to two orders of magnitude higher than NRA in roots - a difference that increased steadily with increased N supply. By implication, grapevine leaves have a much higher capacity for NO3-- reduction than do grapevine roots, and any contribution by roots to whole-vine NO3-- assimilation declines even further as NO3-- availability increases.  相似文献   

Yeast cells have a minimum N requirement to ferment a must through to dryness, so that grape N content (hence must N) becomes critical in meeting that prerequisite. Viticultural practices aimed at meeting that N requirement are of special relevance because interactions between rootstock and vineyard nitrogen supply strongly influence scion mineral nutrient status as well as shoot vigour, and via those processes, fruit composition. Such outcomes were investigated in a field trial involving Shiraz on three rootstocks viz. Teleki 5C, Schwarzmann and Ramsey. Five N supply regimes, varying from 0 to 80 kg/(haseason), were imposed through a drip-irrigation system during two periods (either flowering to veraison, or post-harvest to leaf-fall, or both) over three successive growing seasons. Post-harvest N supply increased scion leaf N and nitrate N concentrations at flowering for vines on Teleki 5C and Schwarzmann. By veraison, N recently applied in the flowering to veraison period elevated these indicators of N status in all vines on all rootstocks. Grape yields from vines on Teleki 5C and Schwarzmann were elevated by N supply after harvest, whereas juice soluble solids levels were lowered. Free amino acids in Shiraz juice were dominated by non-assimilable N, amounting to about 50% or more of the total free amino-N in the juice. Increasing N supply increased free amino acid concentrations in the juice of berries from vines on all rootstocks, but only vines on Schwarzmann derived any benefit from N supplied after harvest. The highest concentrations of free amino acids were measured in the berries from vines on Schwarzmann receiving 80 kg N/(ha.season). Of immediate practical relevance for N management of Shiraz grapevines on either Teleki 5C or Ramsey rootstocks, the minimum value for assimilable free amino-N concentration required to ferment a must through to dryness was not achieved if vineyard N application was limited to the post-harvest period.  相似文献   

This paper shows the degree of precision by which measurement of total canopy light interception (TCLI) can estimate whole-canopy net CO2 exchange rate (NCER). The test vines comprised a single 35° NE-SW oriented hedgerow, with vertically shoot positioned grapevine canopies at either a low shoot density (10 shoots/metre of row) or a high shoot density (20 shoots/metre of row). TCLI was measured on different dates and at various times on each date (during the 2001 growing season) by a multiple line sensor equipped with 64 phototransistors (35 mm spacing). Each sensor had a spectral sensitivity in the 300–1100 nm waveband and the line of sensors was moved horizontally in steps of 10 cm. Whole-canopy NCER was recorded over successive clear days using an enclosure method. TCLI and canopy NCER were highly correlated on a seasonal basis for both the low shoot density treatment ( R2= 0.97) and the high shoot density treatment ( R2= 0.94). The correlation became less precise ( R2= 0.80 and 0.79 for low and high, respectively), when data taken at various times of day were treated separately. Canopy NCER derived from single TCLI readings taken at solar noon tended to be under-estimated, while NCER derived from single TCLI readings taken later in the afternoon tended to be over-estimated. Nevertheless, for a given training system, our method was sufficiently precise to predict seasonal increase of canopy NCER as well as the total leaf area at which NCER approached a maximum thus setting a value above which additional leaf area resulted in mutual shading without enhancing carbon assimilation.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Net carbon gain commonly estimated from leaf photosynthesis measurements often overestimates grapevine production. This is usually attributed to canopy complexity and a lack of plant respiration data. The present study evaluates the significance of plant respiration in correcting this overestimation. Methods and Results: Non‐grafted and non‐productive young plants of four grapevine varieties were grown either under irrigation or controlled water stress for 30 days. Daily time courses of leaf photosynthesis and transpiration were determined along with measurements of leaf, stem and root respiration, from which whole plant carbon balance was estimated. Up to 30–60% of carbon obtained by photosynthesis is used in respiration, with root respiration being the largest user of fixed carbon (up to 75%). Conclusions: Whole plant respiration represents a significant part of total carbon balance and accounts for the largest part of the discrepancy between photosynthesis‐based estimates of plant production and actual plant production. Significance of the Study: The present study presents a quantitative evaluation of the importance of plant respiration in grapevine carbon balance and biomass production, highlighting that gas exchange studies aiming predict plant production should include estimates of respiration, especially of roots.  相似文献   

Field-grown vines ( Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sultana) were examined for their fruitfulness and yield performance over four growing seasons. Vines were either grafted to Ramsey rootstock ( Vitis champini ) or were grown on their own roots. Four commercially applied trellising systems were investigated, namely, a T-trellis, a Shaw trellis with a double cordon, a Shaw trellis with a single cordon and a Shaw swing-arm trellis. Fruiting potential was assessed shortly after budburst using the Merbein bunch count method. Bunches on vines that had been counted in springtime were again counted at harvest, and vine yield recorded. During the four years of the experiment fruitfulness was strongly influenced by growing season. Fruitfulness per node along the cane followed a well-established trend. Bud fruitfulness was close to zero in basal nodes but increased steeply thereafter reaching a maximum between nodes 8 and 10. Fruitfulness then decreased steadily. Grafted vines were always less fruitful than own-rooted vines, and this difference was amplified for all trellis designs in years when fruitfulness was low. At the time of pruning, more canes were retained on grafted than own-rooted vines in accordance with the greater vigour of grafted vines. This pruning strategy resulted in a larger number of bunches on grafted relative to ungrafted vines.  相似文献   

The influence of soil moisture and different rootstock genotypes on the 18O/16O ratio of must-water in grapes was investigated. Grapevines ( Vitis vinifera L.) with cv. Cabernet Sauvignon as scion grafted on rootstocks 101–14, 420A and 41B were subjected to three levels of plant-available soil-water from veraison to harvest. Significant differences were observed in the 18O level of must-water, the differences being related to water regime and rootstock genotype, with 18O increasing as soil-water became less available. The higher the canopy-air vapour pressure gradient (VPG), the larger was the oxygen isotope content of must-water, indicating that VPG is an important factor in determining the degree of must-water enrichment under water deficit conditions. In all water regimes of soil, 41B induced the highest degree of 18O enrichment in must-water. The differences between rootstocks in must-water 18O could not fully be explained either by the rootstock effect on VPG or on root distribution.  相似文献   

Most table grapes in Chile are produced on an overhead (parronal) trellis system with typically high values for leaf area index (LAI). An apparent lack of sunlight inside such canopies often raises questions as to the photosynthetic effectiveness of shaded leaves, and the comparative importance of successive leaf layers (top to bottom) for the total canopy carbon balance. In particular, are some leaves parasitic with respect to daily carbon balance? Accordingly, we undertook a study of canopy architecture, light climate and photosynthetic physiology to address those issues. Canopy photosynthesis was inferred from a process‐based model using measured values for: the vertical distribution of (1) leaf angle, (2) LAI, (3) the fraction of sunlit leaves and (4) single‐leaf photosynthetic capacity. Photon flux densities (PFD) and measured values of CO2 assimilation by leaves located on different parts of the canopy were obtained at flowering (mid‐October) and during active berry growth (mid‐December). Results of leaf angle revealed that Sultana canopies on this system behave in an erectophile manner with an average leaf inclination of 60o above horizontal. Modelling the contribution made by different leaf layers to overall canopy photosynthesis demonstrated that leaf layers contributing most were those under a shade plus sunfleck regime. They were located between 20 and 40 cm above the horizontal trellis structure itself. Indeed, some photoinhibition was observed in leaves under continuous direct radiation towards the top of the canopy, and located above 40 cm layer. However, such leaves represented only a small proportion of total LAI, and thus compromised canopy photosynthesis to only a limited extent. Outcomes from our simulation studies imply that LAI values commonly reached by canopies managed according to the parronal system of grape trellising do not result in parasitic leaves.  相似文献   

Own‐rooted Shiraz, spaced 1.5 m apart in 2.75 m wide rows, were compared under five different training systems in the Barossa Valley, South Australia over five seasons starting 1995–96. Our objective was to determine how training affected fruit composition and crop yield in a context of efficient vineyard management. Training systems were: (i) low single wire (LSW), in which vines were trained to bi‐lateral cordons, 1.0 m above the ground, non‐shoot‐positioned; (ii) high single wire (HSW), a higher cordon (1.8 m) version of LSW; (iii) vertically shoot positioned (VSP); (iv) Scott Henry, where canopies of alternate vines were cordon‐trained and shoot‐positioned upwards (SHU) or downwards (SHD); and (v) minimally pruned (MIN), the same as LSW, except vines were not annually spur‐pruned. Crop yields (kg/m of row), over four seasons, averaged 4.9 (MIN), 2.9 (combined Scott Henry), 3.2 (VSP), 2.6 (HSW) and 2.9 (LSW). The greatest year‐to‐year variation in yield occurred with MIN and Scott Henry training. Crop weight of SHD vines was inferior to that of SHU vines in two seasons due to fewer shoots and bunches per vine, and to fewer bunches per shoot. Individual berry weights (g) were consistently least with MIN (0.89), and greatest with VSP (1.17). Fruit from all training systems exhibited similar rates of sugar accumulation during two seasons in which repeated measures of fruit maturation were made. Excepting the relatively light yields observed in 1999–2000, sugar accumulation was delayed in MIN vines, relative to other training systems, even when MIN harvest was delayed up to two weeks. The delay is most readily explained by the greater crops of MIN vines. Berry total anthocyanins and total phenolics concentrations (mg/g berry fresh wt.) at harvest were not greatly affected by training system. Berry anthocyanins and total phenolics exhibited a negative relationship with crop/m of canopy and a slight positive relationship with bunch exposure when evaluated across all training systems. Experimental plot soil depth and water availability affected cane pruning weights, yield per vine, berry weight, and canopy characteristics. LSW, HSW and MIN training systems all provided good yields of high quality fruit, although MIN did have a tendency to produce excessive crops in some years. VSP and Scott Henry training were less attractive due to their inherently greater canopy management requirements.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: In the first decade of the 21st century, drought within the Murray–Darling Basin has reduced the amount of water available for irrigation. We investigated whether the response of vines to reduced irrigation was modified by rootstock. Methods and Results: Reduced irrigation (5 versus 8 ML/(ha·year)) was applied to Chardonnay vines grafted to five rootstocks (Ramsey, 140 Ruggeri, 1103 Paulsen, 110 Richter and K51‐40) for four seasons. It decreased the yield from 29.3 to 26.7 kg/vine, and increased the irrigation water use index (IWUI) from 4.7 to 6.6 t/(ha·ML), but gains in this index declined as the trial progressed. The values of mid‐afternoon leaf water potential were not affected by reduced irrigation, but leaf CO2 assimilation declined from 13.1 to 11.7 µmol/(m2·s). These effects were independent of rootstock. Reduced irrigation did not increase soil salinity (ECe) or vine tissue Na and Cl concentrations. Vines on Ramsey and 1103 Paulsen rootstocks had higher yields, 32.2 and 30.0 kg/vine, respectively, and the highest IWUIs, 5.9 and 5.5 t/(ha·ML). In two of the three seasons, reducing irrigation did not affect the rates of ripening (°Brix/growing degree days) excepting vines on 1103 Paulsen. Ripening rates varied by 1.5‐fold between seasons. Conclusion: The yield and growth responses of Chardonnay vines to a 35% reduction in irrigation were not modified by rootstock. Significance of the Study: Reducing irrigation did not lead to a build‐up of soil salts. The response of vines to reduced irrigation on rootstocks rated as having good drought tolerance was the same as that for vines on a rootstock rated as having poor drought tolerance.  相似文献   

This paper describes variation in transpiration efficiency ‘W’ (where W = dry matter produced/water transpired) among grapevine genotypes grown under well‐watered conditions in either a glasshouse or a vineyard. Nineteen genotypes were grown in a glasshouse where growth and transpiration were measured. W ranged from 2.5 to 3.4 g dm/kg H2O transpired. Carbon‐isotope discrimination (Δ) of laminae dry matter ranged from 20.8 to 22.7%o and there was a negative relationship (R2= 0.58) between W and Δ. A large proportion of variation in W could be attributed to variation in stomatal conductance. Genotypic variation in photosynthetic capacity was also an important component of variation in W. In a second experiment, lamina Δ was measured for mature field‐grown Shiraz and Chardonnay, grown either on their own roots or grafted to five different rootstocks, and maintained at three sites under well‐watered conditions. At all sites and regardless of rootstock, the laminae of Chardonnay had Δ values 1 to 2%o lower than Shiraz. There was also a 1 to 2%o variation among the sites. Rootstock variety affected Δ values inconsistently and by a maximum of 0.5%o. Leaf gas exchange measurements were performed at a single site on sun‐exposed leaves of Chardonnay and Shiraz on either their own roots or 1103 Paulsen, a moderate to high vigour rootstock. There was no significant effect of rootstock on leaf gas exchange and photosynthetic rates did not differ between scion varieties. However, Chardonnay had a 20% lower stomatal conductance and a 1.4‐fold higher ratio of CO2assimilation/H2O transpiration (A/T) indicating a potentially higher W, at a leaf level, for Chardonnay compared with Shiraz. We conclude that photosynthetic capacity was also higher for Chardonnay. Δ values, predicted from the Ci/Ca ratio calculated from leaf gas exchange measurements, did not differ significantly from measured values for laminae Δ. This similarity for Δ, in conjunction with the fact that the lower Δ of Chardonnay was reflected in a higher A/T ratio, suggests that Δ may be a reliable predictor of comparative W under vineyard conditions.  相似文献   

This study was conducted over three seasons on irrigated Shiraz grapevines growing in a warm climate. We addressed the question of whether differences in berry size (within a population of berries from minimally pruned, own‐rooted or Ramsey‐grafted vines), would lead to differences in juice composition, wine composition or wine sensory score. Predictably, berry mass was found to increase with seed number, but berries in the smallest mass categories (0.3–0.7 g) still had similar juice soluble solids and pH; and similar concentrations of K+, tartaric acid and malic acid, compared with larger berries (1.4–2.0 g). Only for the very smallest mass category (0.3–0.55 g) was there any indication of better colour density (both for own‐rooted and Ramsey‐grafted vines) or higher anthocyanin concentration (for own‐rooted vines) compared with larger berries (1.4–2.0 g). Concentrations of tartaric acid and K+ in berry skins were highest in the smallest berry mass categories (0.3–0.7 g) and decreased with increasing berry mass (up to 1.4–2.0 g). A strong correlation (R2= 0.85) between skin tartaric acid and K+ concentrations was observed across that range. Small‐scale wine lots based on small berries (0.8–0.9 g) versus large berries (1.2–1.3 g) showed no differences in measures such as soluble solids, total acids or pH of juice; nor any differences in pH, total acids, K+, tartrate, malate, spectral characteristics or sensory score of corresponding wines. Moreover, small berries had a similar skin to fruit ratio, and a similar juice yield, compared to large berries. However, when measured post‐fermentation, the ratio of seed weight to skin weight was higher for small berries. The mass range of berries used here for small‐scale winemaking (i.e. from 0.8–0.9 g up to 1.2–1.3 g), covered the range of Shiraz berry mass typically found in irrigated vineyards (from 0.8 to 1.5 g), and thus confirms the relevance of present outcomes to practical winemaking. Finally, our data for variation in juice and wine composition as a function of berry size, showed consistent trends for all seasons, and thus implies that reported instances of improved wine quality from small berries (often associated with certain pruning treatments or deficit irrigation strategies), are more likely due to treatment effects that lead to small fruit, rather than to intrinsic developmental differences between large and small berries.  相似文献   

Limited water resources are placing pressure on the wine grape industry to improve vineyard water use efficiency by continuing improvements in vineyard management. One way to improve vineyard water use efficiency is to improve transpiration efficiency, and judicious use of scion-rootstock combination can play a role. Accordingly, this paper examines the influence of rootstocks on the water use physiology of a common scion variety (Shiraz) and assesses the importance of variation in xylem sap abscisic acid (ABA) as an indicator of relative water use efficiency of different scion-rootstock combinations. Shiraz scions (clone BVRC12) grafted to seven rootstock varieties (along with an ungrafted control), were observed over two consecutive seasons in a field trial located in Adelaide, South Australia. Those two seasons (2001/02 and 2002/03) offered sharp contrasts with respect to soil and atmospheric water stress. Rootstock genotype had a significant impact on scion gas exchange, water status, canopy growth and yield in both seasons. Those impacts were associated with an inverse relationship between xylem sap ABA and stomatal conductance. We suggest that strategic analysis of xylem sap ABA may provide a marker for comparative water-use physiology of different stock-scion combinations, while recognising that irrigation pre-history, and associated degree of vine water stress, will be a further source of variation in grapevine water use.  相似文献   

Two watering and two nutrient regimes were applied to small vines established in pots and grown under greenhouse conditions. With water, a comparison was made between water adequacy (WH) and intermittent water stress (WL); with nutrition, between nutrient sufficiency (NH) using fertiliser-enhanced potting medium and insufficiency (NL) with one-fifth fertiliser application. NL reduced major growth parameters - shoot length, stem weight and leaf weight - more than did WL. Both NL and WL reduced node and leaf number, but only NL reduced internode length, leaf area and weight. WL had bigger effects when combined with NH than with NL. WL, especially when combined with NH, advanced maturity by ten days. Effects of W and N on pH, malic acid, tartaric acid and total soluble solids (°Brix) were different. The °Brix values were similar in WH and WL, but were less in NH than in NL. The treatments interacted in pH, malate and tartrate: pH was highest in WL/NH and lowest in WH/NH; malate tended to be less at both WL and NL, while tartrate concentration tended to become smaller from WH to WN but greater from NL to NH. No significant changes in the levels of citric acid, anthocyanin or reducing sugars were observed as a consequence of any treatment. Thus, although levels of stress due to WL or NL may have been different, the differences in the effects on several variables indicate that there is no general response to stress but that responses vary according to the factor inducing the stress. The level of reduction in variables measuring vegetative growth was 2– to 3-fold greater than induced changes in juice composition. Advancement of maturity would suggest a potential value of intermittent water stress combined with adequate nutrition in areas with short seasons. Low-nutrient soils might be desirable in areas where other factors are likely to induce strong growth.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Smoke exposure of grapevines and development of smoke taint in wine are issues of increasing incidence and severity. There is limited understanding of the effect of phenological stage at the time of smoke exposure on taint development. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the variation in smoke uptake and taint development between and within seasons. Methods and Results: Smoke was applied to field‐grown Merlot grapevines at 12 stages of vine development over three growing seasons. Key periods of vine sensitivity to smoke taint in wine were (i) from shoots at 10 cm to full bloom (low levels of smoke taint); (ii) from berries at pea size to the onset of veraison (variable levels of smoke taint); and (iii) between 7 days post‐veraison and harvest (high levels of smoke taint). Conclusions: The severity of taint in wine varied depending on the phenological timing of grapevine smoke exposure. Taint was elevated when exposure occurred between 7 days post‐veraison and harvest. The carry‐over of smoke constituents the following season was not detectable in wine but yields were reduced. Significance of the Study: This is the first study to demonstrate the timing of smoke exposure to critically affect wine chemical and sensory characters. These effects were consistent and reproducible over three seasons.  相似文献   

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