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刘婷 《信息网络》2005,(6):26-29
中国电信与香港的电讯盈科都是传统的固网电信运营商.它们有着许多相似之处:电信市场开放以前唯一的垄断企业;暂时占据着固网运营龙头老大的地位;经历了电信市场改革与重组的阵痛;面临着市场竞争日趋激烈和利润下降的考验:经历着由基础网络运营商向综合信息提供商的战略转型;甚至连电信盈科的企业文化“以客为尊”都与中国电信的“用户至上”如出一辙。  相似文献   

面对相对饱和的通信市场和移动对固话的替代所带来的越来越激烈的竞争冲击,固网运营商越来越难以通过新增用户来拉动收入增长。面对新增用户越来越少的困境,固网运营商开始将工作重点从获得新用户转向保有老用户。为了有效保有存量老用户,国外固网运营商纷纷推出了各自的客户忠诚计划。  相似文献   

用户流失、利润缩水以及严峻的管制环境是德国电信转型期的现实写照。德国电信在经营上较为保守和陈旧,是欧洲各大运营商中较迟实行转型的运营商,面对激烈的市场竞争环境及严格的监管环境,德国电信陷入了转型期的困境。  相似文献   

运营商手中无形的鞭子再次挥出。其政策调整最直接地改变着这个市场的规则。而在3G即将到来的大背景下,运营商对产业链的控制与主导已变得比任何时候都更为迫切和重要。对SP们来说,暴富机会已经逝去,简单生意正变成残酷竞争。市场环境变了,SP的生意理念也要变。突破单一的内容格局和业务格局,摆脱对运营商渠道的过分依赖,SP们需要在不断规范的行业中继续求变。  相似文献   

新技术的不断引入和“杀手级”应用的缺乏,使耕作于日渐饱和的移动语音市场的电信运营商们不得不正视这样一个现实:3G时代的市场竞争将是,也必然将是客户服务的竞争,即“如何发现并满足客户需求”的竞争。而对于正积极实施“移动化”转型的固网运营商来说,客户服务更是其在获取3G运营牌照后,获取和稳定市场份额、追赶现有移动运营商的唯一契机。固网运营商3G客户服务面临的挑战3G时代的客户服务对固网运营商来说是一个全新的课题。首先,虽然固网运营商通过发展小灵通积累了一些移动市场运营的经验,但在针对个人的客户服务方面与中国移动等…  相似文献   

第三方支付市场竞争日趋激烈,我国的第三方支付市场目前有五种竞争力量,集中表现为五种竞争形态。但是目前国内第三方支付公司普遍还没有形成比较成熟的赢利模式,第三方支付必须创新其竞争策略,着力进行市场创新才有出路。  相似文献   

凌轩 《信息网络》2010,(6):26-28
中国移动以超过80%的用户市场份额牢牢占据了大学校园市场,作为弱势运营商要想有效地进占校园市场就必须从大学生通信消费的特点出发,采取侧面进攻战略,并制定出包括时机选择、套餐选择、终端选择、营销活动等因素在内的竞争策略规划。  相似文献   

第三方支付竞争策略创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第三方支付市场竞争日趋激烈,我国的第三方支付市场目前有五种竞争力量,集中表现为五种竞争形态。但是目前国内第三方支付公司普遍还没有形成比较成熟的赢利模式,第三方支付必须创新其竞争策略,着力进行市场创新才有出路。  相似文献   

霍爱侠 《A&S》2005,(12):98-100
眼看到了2005年的终点,那么这一年来,中国的安防行业市场比往年有什么进步?发生了哪些重要的事件?又有哪些技术成为热门的应用?我们将以上问题以关键词的形式来表现,以纵览2005年安防业的风云变幻。[编者按]  相似文献   

在这个信息化时代里,随着社交网络的逐渐兴起与发展,数据量也大规模的增加,随之而来的是大数据时代.电信运营商有着数量很大的基础网络,电信运营商的业务和网络管道上也会有一大批的数据,所以电信运营商的数据质量和数量也是其他行业不能相比的.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of load balancing strategies for ray tracing on large parallel computer systems and cluster computers. Popular static load balancing strategies are shown to be inadequate for rendering complex images with contemporary ray tracing algorithms, and for rendering NTSC resolution images on 128 or more computers. Strategies based on image tiling are shown to be ineffective except on very small numbers of computers. A dynamic load balancing strategy, based on a diffusion model, is applied to a parallel Monte Carlo rendering system. The diffusive strategy is shown to remedy the defects of the static strategies. A hybrid strategy that combines static and dynamic approaches produces nearly optimal performance on a variety of images and computer systems. The theoretical results should be relevant to other rendering and image processing applications.  相似文献   

We study the pricing strategies for a software firm and an entrant software-as-a-service (SaaS) firm in two customer markets: the market composed of the incumbent’s past customers and the market of new customers. We build a game theoretical model to investigate how user costs and the quality differential between products affect firms’ pricing in different customer markets. Our findings show that it is not always optimal for the software firm to price discriminate between its old users and the new customers. The entrant firm would be better off acquiring only the new customers when the SaaS quality is sufficiently low.  相似文献   

2009年中国政府第一季度陆续出台的重要产业振兴规划加上已经推出的4万亿人民币经济刺激计划将在短期内促进中国制造业的复苏,在中长期推动产业整合与升级。大中型制造企业规模的进一步提升,技术与设备的升级将带动制造企业对于信息化的投入。以产品生命周期管理(PLM)、生产制造执行系统  相似文献   

亚太区(不含日本)的电信和网络业正在并将在"三大变化"的推动下不断发展,而这些变化的影响将在2010年及此后逐步显现出来。这三大变化在下述三大主题的背景之下得以凸显:首先,对于ICT(信息和通信技术)行业的"非资本化"和"非物质化"的要求,将会导致服务提供商  相似文献   


The European space-economy represents a complex system with a great internal heterogeneity, intensive socioeconomic interactions and differential growth trajectories among countries and regions. The present study aims to investigate the connectivity between spatial competitiveness and resilience in Europe and seeks to design an operational framework for concerted strategies of competitive and resilient regions. To assess the linkage between resilience and competitiveness, we have developed a new measure, viz. the Resilience and Competitiveness Index (RACI) as a function of two constituent sub-indices: Resilience and Competitiveness. This approach is tested on the basis of detailed data on European regions. The empirical results from 268 EU NUTS2 regions offer a solid anchor point for the proposed operational framework for concerted development strategies of competitive and resilient regions. Our research distinguishes and proposes several systematic types of concerted regional strategies according to the performance of a region measured by Resilience and Competiveness sub-indices. A key result of the study is the design of an operational constellation for strategic regional policy evaluation, with a major added value for policy- and decision-making purposes. The use of official data from Eurostat and of standard indicators in our research assures continuity and consistency with the official Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) classification and measurement, so that policy makers are able to compare the performance of their regions over time and to develop proper concerted strategies accordingly. The clear evidence of a connectivity between regional competitiveness and resilience may help to develop a governance approach that balances competitiveness (mainly represented by productive assets) with resilience (mainly represented by sustainability and ecological awareness) and thus to deal with the complexity in socioeconomic systems.


亚太区(不含日本)的电信和网络业正在并将在"三大变化"的推动下不断发展,而这些变化的影响将在2010年及此后逐步显现出来。  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the Load Balancing Problem (LBP) in a network of processing units. The performance objective is to minimize the makespan, i.e., the time spent to finish all jobs in a network of processing units. Because of the communication delay that results from the network topology, it is impossible to have a strategy which obtains the exact optimum under all load distributions. Instead, we measure the information efficiency of a load balancing policy by the worst case ratio of the solution (for each load distribution) of a load balancing policy to the optimal solution (for the same load distribution) assuming that processors have complete information about the load distribution over the network. This ratio is called the competitive ratio of this strategy [17, 24, 34]. In particular, a policy is calledcompetitiveif this ratio is bounded by a constant. As a first step, we discuss the centralized LBP, where all the processors have complete information of the load distribution over a network. Its solution serves as a benchmark to compare with realistic strategies, both in theoretical analysis, and experimental and simulational studies of distributed algorithms. We show that when jobs have different sizes, even with preemptive scheduling, LBP is NP–complete. When the jobs are of the same size, we give a polynomial algorithm, using network–flow techniques, which extends to approximate solutions for jobs of different sizes. We apply this benchmark solution in order to analyze the competitiveness for three network topologies: completely connected graphs, rings, and hierarchical completek-ary trees. The constant competitive ratio results for complete network and hierarchical completek-ary trees are applied to a study on the issues of network designs suitable for the LBP. We further discuss the problem for general networks with jobs of different sizes for slightly weaker results than those for the constant competitive ratio requirement. Finally, we comment on the related issues of job partitioning over parallel/distributed systems.  相似文献   

In this paper we study three popular on-line disk scheduling algorithms, FCFS, SSTF, and LOOK, using competitive analysis. Our results show that, in a competitive sense, the performance of LOOK is better than those of SSTF and FCFS. As a by-product, our analysis also reveals quantitatively the role played by the size of the window, which in our model is a waiting buffer that holds a fixed number of requests waiting to be serviced next. The window, in some sense, offers the lookahead ability which is mentioned in several on-line problems. Received February 1997, and in revised form November 1997, and in final form February 1998.  相似文献   

宋晖 《现代计算机》2005,(11):99-102
本文结合了最近发现的多种蠕虫病毒,分析了它们的潜入、传播和攻击方法.结果表明,大多数的蠕虫病毒的行为具有极大的相似性,它们或者使用垃圾邮件的方法进行传播,或者通过感染即时通信软件,或者利用未知的系统漏洞.了解这些常见的方法,为预防和清除蠕虫病毒提供了方便的途径.  相似文献   

国家计算机网络入侵防范中心在该文中介绍了2011年10月份的网络安全漏洞的整体情况,分别统计了"紧急"、"高"、"中"、"低"不同威胁级别的漏洞数量,并从中选取了十个重要安全漏洞,对其内容和危害进行了分析,进而提出了应对的措施。  相似文献   

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