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科目:小学英语教学对象:四年级课时:1~2课时 教材:译林版(4-津小学英语>(4A)Unit 7 It's Late 教材内窖分析 1.以时间话题"time"为教学主线,复习100以内英文数字one to hundred.  相似文献   

学科:英语 学段:小学 教材:<牛津小学英语> 课题:Unit 9 Shapes 知识点:单词triangle和句型Cometo the…and show us how to do it [教学片段] 在平时的教学中,教师会教授给学生tri-表示"三",angle表示"角",并且会提醒他们rectallgle和triangle中都包含angle.  相似文献   

●教材分析Time for School是广州市小学英语课程标准实验教科书四年级上册的内容。本节课是第二课时,主要学习有关日常生活的表达语:get up,go to school,have a lesson,have lunch,go back home,go to bed,结合第1课时某个时间做事的句型:  相似文献   

教材分析 Time for School是广州市小学英语课程标准实验教科书四年级上册的内容.本节课是第二课时,主要学习有关日常生活的表达语:get up,go to school,have a lesson,have lunch,go back home,go to bed,结合第1课时某个时间做事的句型:What time do you usually…?  相似文献   

Listen to me适合你使用吗? Listen to me的使用者可以是正在读小学、初中、高中的学生,正准备考四六级、研究生的朋友,也可以是已经过了专业八级的英语专业人士,还可以是英语教师及许许多多对英语感兴趣的朋友.  相似文献   

Good IntentionsOne day a boy came to his teacher andsaid: "Teacher, my father wants to know ifyou like roast pig.""I certainly do, "said the teacher, "andyou tell your father he is very kind to thinkof me."Days passed, and nothing more was saidabout the roast pig.Finally the teacher said to the boy: "Ithought your father was going to send meover some roast pig.""Yes," said the boy, "he did intend to,but the pig got well."良好的心愿一天有个男孩去对他老师说:“老师,我爸想知道你是不是爱吃烤猪肉…  相似文献   

学科:数学。学段:小学。教材版本:北师大版小学数学第八册。课题:《认识图形》。知识点:把图形按一定的标准进行分类,并能够说明分类的依据。  相似文献   

The paper, by a research report, summarizes emergence and definition of double bases cooperating mecha-nism, and introduces its driving force and influence to many sides of main stream of knowledge discovery from struc-tural model to algorithm , from structuring data mining to complex type data mining. The influence also expands tophilosophy field. It has been above five years from proposing it to now. Summarizing it makes us learn a thing clear-ly : its functions are not simply improvement to algorithm, are to bring forward many new structural models and tech-nology methods . It answers those urgent questions in the one paragraph of the paper to a greater extent. So we maysay: double bases cooperating mechanism has important driving force to main stream of knowledge discovery.  相似文献   

<正>Brief:New control theory is required to underpin safe design and deployment of future highly automated systems to deal with uncertain environments and complicated tasks, enabled by AI and other advanced technologies. Goal-Oriented Control Systems offer potential to transform the control system design from currently instructing a control system how to perform a task to specifying what is to be achieved.  相似文献   

软件大小:66677KB软件语言:简体中文软件类别:国产软件/共享版/外语学习运行环境:Win9x/NT/2000/XP下载地址:http押//xbol-http.skycn.net押8080/down/listen101000.exe听我说Listentome适合你使用吗?Listen to me的使用者可以是正在读小学、初中、高中的学生,正准备考四六级、研究生的朋友,也可以是已经过了专业八级的英语专业人士,还可以是英语教师及许许多多对英语感兴趣的朋友。Listentome有什么特色?1.全面支持用户自定义学习库的内容。2.能够在线获取最新的学习资料。3.它给了我们一个轻轻松松阅读文章、背单词、学语法、练听力、…  相似文献   

目的:调查并了解许昌市襄城县小学低年级留守儿童心理健康状况,并分析其原因提出相应的对策。方法:对襄城县农村的96名小学低年级留守儿童和74名非留守儿童进行《中小学心理健康量表》测试。根据统计分析的结果,找到小学低年级留守儿童与非留守儿童心理健康状况的差异,并分析其原因提出相应对策。结果:小学低年级留守儿童在学习焦虑、对人焦虑、自责倾向、过敏倾向、身体症状和心理问题总分上显著高于非留守儿童。结论:许昌市襄城县小学低年级留守儿童心理健康状况显著偏低。我们建议,应该建立"社会-政府-学校-家庭"综合性的体系来保障留守儿童的心理健康。  相似文献   

在美妙的英文字母歌中进入陆老师的课件,柔和的旋律、动态的画面激发了我的好奇:在这堂小学英语课中,都有什么在等待着我呢?轻击鼠标,展现在眼前的是三个活泼可爱的小学生用英文打招呼的场面,该引入环节设计简洁自然,并没有过分强调形式上的趣味性而去一味追求动画和视频效果."Hello,I'm…Nice to see you",很平常的一个见面情境对话,却很自然地把我们引入到课堂情境之中.  相似文献   

学科:语文. 学段:小学. 教材版本:"信息技术支持下的小学语文提前读写课题"实验课本一年级下册. 课题:<森林音乐会>. 知识点:识字,让学生通过读和理解意思感知汉字和记忆汉字.同时进行简单的口头说话练习.  相似文献   

http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus http://www.springerlink.com Aim The Journals of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE (A/B/C) are edited by the international board of distinguished Chinese and foreign scientists, and are aimed to present the latest developments and achievements in scientific research in China and overseas to the world’s scientific circles, especially to stimulate  相似文献   

正http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus http://www.springerlink.com Aim The Journals of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE(A/B/C)are edited by the international board of distinguished Chinese and foreign scientists,and are aimed to present the latest developments and achievements in scientific research in China and overseas to the world’s scientific circles,especially to stimulate  相似文献   

正http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus http://www.springerlink.com Aim The Journals of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE(A/B/C)are edited by the international board of distinguished Chinese and foreign scientists,and are aimed to present the latest developments and achievements in scientific research in China and overseas to the world’s scientific circles,especially to stimulate  相似文献   

正http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus http://www.springerlink.com Aim The Journals of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE(A/B/C)are edited by the international board of distinguished Chinese and foreign scientists,and are aimed to present the latest developments and achievements in scientific research in China and overseas to the world’s scientific circles,especially to stimulate  相似文献   

学科:数学. 学段:小学. 教材版本:北师大版小学数学第八册. 课题:<认识图形>. 知识点:把图形按一定的标准进行分类,并能够说明分类的依据. 学情分析: 本课是让学生学会把图形按一定的标准进行分类,并学习分类的依据.  相似文献   

识字是小学低年级的教学重点,是学生提高阅读能力的基础。《小学语文课程标准》中明确提出:小学阶段,学生要认识3500个汉字,在1—2年级,则要求认识常用汉字1600—1800个汉字,让学  相似文献   

The rate equations for the intracavity-frequency-doubled quasi-three-level lasers are developed. By normalizing the related parameters, it is shown that the general solution to the rate equations is dependent upon four dimensionless parameters: the normalized reabsorption loss, the pump to laser-mode size ratio, the normalized pump level, and a parameter written as nSHG, which is related to the ability of the nonlinear crystal to convert the fundamental to the second harmonic. By numerically solving these rate equations, a group of general curves are obtained to express the relations between the solution and the four dimensionless parameters.  相似文献   

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