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依据苏南地区气候特征和住宅建筑特点,对苏南地区住宅采暖方式进行调查,分析目前常用各类采暖方式的适用性和经济性,同时考虑该地区居民的生活习惯,分析人员行为对住宅冬季能耗的影响。通过实际调研数据的分析比较,认为户式燃气壁挂炉采暖、集中供暖系统不适宜在该地区做大范围推广,电采暖不能作为主要采暖设备,只能作为其他采暖形式的补充。"部分时间,部分空间"的分散空调系统是最适合苏南住宅建筑的采暖模式。人员的行为对能耗高低影响很大,对居民进行用能行为方面的节能教育非常重要。  相似文献   

以严寒气候某地区的一处代表性农村住宅为例,探讨了农村住宅附加太阳房的采暖能耗及其节能潜力。基于EnergyPlus研究了附加太阳房前后农村住宅采暖设计温度为14℃、16℃、18℃和20℃时,在最冷日、最冷月以及采暖期的采暖能耗和节能效果。研究结果表明:严寒地区农村住宅附加太阳房后室内温度升高、昼夜温度波动较小,室内热舒适性增加,而且有效降低建筑采暖能耗,其节能率达22.73%;农村住宅采暖设计温度越高,其建筑采暖能耗越大且呈1.4~2.7倍增长;采暖设计温度18℃时,农村住宅附加太阳房节能效率最高。  相似文献   

建筑形式对太阳能热利用的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简毅文 《太阳能学报》2007,28(1):108-112
以上海地区的住宅建筑为研究对象,通过模拟分析的方法,采用DeST软件计算确定建筑逐时的采暖、空调能耗,研究分析窗墙比对建筑全年采暖能耗、全年空调能耗以及全年采暖、空调总能耗的影响规律,研究分析太阳辐射热增加所导致采暖能耗的降低幅度与外围护结构保温性能两者之间的定量关系。计算结果表示在夏季外窗遮阳和夜间通风的条件下,加大南向窗墙比可增强太阳能的热利用效率,降低建筑全年的采暖、空调总能耗;而外围护结构保温性能的增强则可降低室内向室外散热的程度,相应提高对冬季太阳辐射的热利用程度,从而达到降低采暖能耗的目的。  相似文献   

燃气空调分布式能源与绿色奥运、科技奥运   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1建筑节能--中国节能战略的必然选择 建筑能源是指民用建筑(包括居住建筑和公共建筑以及服务业)使用过程中的能耗,主要包括采暖、空调、通风、热水供应、照明、炊事、家电、电梯等方面的能耗.其中采暖空调通风能耗约占2/3左右.  相似文献   

通过TRNSYS软件模拟不同传热系数的建筑外窗,在严寒地区和夏热冬暖地区,对建筑冷、热负荷的影响。分析得出,节能外窗在严寒地区夏季空调能耗的节能率为8.9%,冬季采暖能耗的节能率为39%,全年总建筑能耗的节能率为31%;在夏热冬暖地区夏季空调能耗的节能率为8.0%,冬季采暖能耗的节能率为22%,全年总建筑能耗的节能率为8.6%。由此可见,外窗在严寒地区的节能效果要明显优于夏热冬暖地区。因此,在新建建筑的节能设计和既有建筑的节能改造中,严寒地区应更加重视外窗部分。  相似文献   

试论建筑节能设计问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
分析当前我国的建筑能耗状况,强调建筑节重要意义,详细探讨了诸如建筑规划设计、围护结构(如墙体、门窗、屋顶)以及采暖空调等的各种节能问题。  相似文献   

盛炯 《广西节能》2012,(2):26-29
我国既有建筑面积已超过400亿平方米,其中仅有1%为节能建筑,其余无论从建筑围护结构还是从采暖空调系统来衡量,均属于高耗能建筑。为此,实施建筑节能,降低建筑能耗,减少环境污染,已刻不容缓。本文主要从建筑围护结构、空调、供热、电梯、照明、开水供应、用电质量、新能源利用等方面论述既有建筑的一些节能改造措施。  相似文献   

严寒地区多数农村住宅建筑围护结构热损失严重,造成其采暖能耗增加,强化建筑围护结构的保温性是提高建筑采暖效率的方式之一。以位于严寒地区的安达市某传统农宅为研究对象,采用EnergyPlus对该住宅围护结构的保温性能进行研究,并分析了建筑能耗情况,获得了建筑墙体、玻璃、屋顶等围护结构部位采用保温后的节能效率。研究结果表明:安达地区节能效率较好的墙体和屋顶保温材料为XPS保温板、玻璃窗结构形式为6mm+12mm+6mmLow-E低辐射玻璃;传统农宅采用建筑保温材料后,其节能率可达72.0%,从而降低了农村住宅采暖能耗,并可维持室内良好的热环境。  相似文献   

建筑能耗是社会总能耗的主要部分,空调采暖能耗又是建筑能耗大户,因此节约空调采暖的能源消耗是建筑节能的重要手段,而使用被动式自然通风,利用可再生能源,最大限度减少主动式采暖与制冷设备的运行,是减少空调采暖能耗的一种重要方式。选取一栋位于寒冷地区的办公建筑,为优化建筑室内的通风效果,利用软件模拟分析室内通风气流组织,以获得最大的通风节能效果。  相似文献   

能源资源是人类生存和发展的基础.“开源节流”是人类获取能源资源的必经之路.能源节约比能源开发更为重要,而建筑节能是重中之重.中国是一个建筑大国,每年新建房屋面积高达近20亿平方米,超过所有发达国家每年建成建筑面积的总和.随着全国城乡建设事业的蓬勃发展,建筑能耗也将快速增长.其中采暖、空调能耗约占60%-70%.中国现有的400多亿平方米建筑,仅有1%为节能建筑,其余无论从建筑围护结构还是采暖空调系统来衡量,均属于高耗能建筑.单位面积采暖耗能相当于纬度相近发达国家的2.5倍,采暖用能的2/3白白跑掉.建筑耗能总量在中国能源消费总量中的份额已接近30%.  相似文献   

Average energy consumption per U.S. household has fallen by just under 20% in the last ten years. Much of this drop occurred after 1979, when gas and electricity prices as well as oil prices rose in real terms. The response of households to higher prices has involved physical modifications on and in the home and changes in behavior. Many actions have been taken by households, but the most important single factor has been a significant reduction in indoor temperatures. The greater energy efficiency of new homes and appliances has also helped to depress residential energy demand, although improvements have levelled off in the last few years. There are signs that the momentum of energy conservation is less now than it was 2 years ago, but it appears that energy prices will be high enough to discourage households from returning to former energy-using practices. Along with the continued replacement of homes and appliances with more efficient models, and other factors such as the migration to wanner regions and the movement to more apartments and smaller homes, this will probably keep U.S. residential energy consumption at about its present level through the 1980s.  相似文献   

Hidetoshi Nakagami 《Energy》1996,21(12):1157-1167
Energy use in the Japanese residential sector has more than doubled (on a per-household basis) during the post-war period. Important factors contributing to the increase include changes in the types of housing built, heating, cooling, water-heating equipment, and other appliances. In this paper, the developments of household equipment and living conditions in Japan are described, from their 1950s state to the present. Trends in energy consumption by fuel types and end uses are reviewed over the same period. The past trends are combined with expectations for future developments in household equipment and quality, as well as with international comparisons of household-energy use, to predict further increases in household-energy consumption. The results indicate the importance of a renewed emphasis on energy efficiency in the residential sector.  相似文献   

A model is developed that simulates nationwide energy consumption of the residential sector by considering the diversity of household and building types. Since this model can simulate the energy consumption for each household and building category by dynamic energy use based on the schedule of the occupants’ activities and a heating and cooling load calculation model, various kinds of energy-saving policies can be evaluated with considerable accuracy. In addition, the average energy efficiency of major electric appliances used in the residential sector and the percentages of housing insulation levels of existing houses is predicted by the “stock transition model.” In this paper, energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the Japanese residential sector until 2025 are predicted. For example, as a business – as-usual (BAU) case, CO2 emissions will be reduced by 7% from the 1990 level. Also evaluated are mitigation measures such as the energy efficiency standard for home electric appliances, thermal insulation code, reduction of standby power, high-efficiency water heaters, energy-efficient behavior of occupants, and dissemination of photovoltaic panels.  相似文献   

As a result of rapid economic growth in the last several decades, energy issue is becoming more and more important in today’s world because of a possible energy shortage in the future; the usage of residential electricity has increased rapidly in China and building energy efficiency is included as one of the 10 key programs targeting energy efficiency improvement in the 11th Five-Year Plan. In response to the growing concerns about energy conservation in residential buildings and its implications for the environment, systematic evaluation on energy and thermal Performance for residential envelops (EETP) is put forward to assess the energy efficiency of envelop designs and to calculate the energy consumption of cooling and heating systems. Hot summer and cold winter zone of China was selected for EETP analysis because of its rigorous climatic and huge energy consumption. The correlations between EETPs and electricity consumptions in cooling season, heating season, and the whole year were built in Shanghai, Changsha, Shaoguan and Chengdu, which represent A, B, C and D subzone of hot summer and cold winter zone in China, respectively. Illustrations indicate that the algorithm is simple and effective, energy and thermal performance of residential envelopes can be evaluated easily. The maximum allowable values of EETPs were determined when just meeting the compulsory indices of Standard JGJ134-2001, the corresponding allowable EETPs were also gained when achieving different energy-saving degrees on basis of it. EETP method can suggest possible ways to improve the energy efficiency for envelope designs of new building and retrofits of existing buildings and provide governments some useful information for the establishment of new policy on energy efficiency buildings. It has important meanings to carry out sustainable residential building designs with high thermal comfort and low energy consumption.  相似文献   

The residential sector plays an important role in the energy system of developing countries. In this paper we introduce a bottom up simulation model for household energy use. The model describes energy demand for several end-use functions based on a set of physical drivers, such as floor space and heating degree days. The model also recognizes different population groups: i.e. urban and rural households, each distinguishing five income quintiles. The model is applied to analyze possible future developments of residential energy use in five developing world regions: India, China, South East Asia, South Africa and Brazil. We find that in each of these regions cooking is currently the main end-use function, but that other functions, such as space heating, cooling and appliances become more important. At the same time, energy consumption slowly shifts towards modern fuels. The model also shows that climate policy can reduce residential energy emissions, but could also slow down the energy transition away from traditional fuels in low income classes.  相似文献   

Energy conservation policies for the residential sector are evaluated by a model that simulates city-scale energy consumption in the residential sector by considering the diversity of household and building types. In this model, all the households in the city are classified into 380 categories based on the household and building type. The energy consumption for each household category is simulated by the dynamic energy simulation model, which includes an energy use schedule model and a heating and cooling load calculation model. Since the energy usage of each appliance is simulated for every 5 min according to the occupants’ energy usage activity, this model can evaluate not only the energy conservation measures by improving the buildings and appliances but also the measures that involve changing the occupants’ activities. The accuracy of the model is verified by comparing its results with the statistical and the measured data on Osaka City, Japan. Various types of energy conservation measures planned by the Japanese government for the residential sector are simulated and their effects on Osaka City are evaluated quantitatively. The future effects of these combined measures on the energy consumption are also predicted.  相似文献   

A comprehensive survey of 1450 households in 26 Chinese provinces was undertaken in 2012 to identify the characteristics and potential driving forces of residential energy consumption in China. The survey covers six areas: household characteristics, dwelling characteristics, kitchen and home appliances, space heating and cooling, residential transportation, and electricity billing, metering, and pricing options. The results show that a typical Chinese household in 2012 consumed 1426 kilograms standard coal equivalent, which is approximately 44 percent of the 2009 level in the United States and 38 percent of the 2008 level in the EU-27. District heating, natural gas, and electricity are three major residential energy sources, while space heating, cooking, and water heating are three major end-use activities. Moreover, the results suggest a large urban–rural gap in terms of energy sources and purpose of usage. Commercial energy is used mainly for space heating in urban areas, while biomass dominates mainly for cooking purpose in rural areas. The survey results can help decision makers and scholars identify energy conservation opportunities, and evaluate the effectiveness of energy policies.  相似文献   

The Yangtze River Basin in China is characterised by hot-and cold-humid climates in summer and winter, respectively. Thus, increased demand for heating and cooling energy according to the season, as well as poor indoor thermal comfort, are inevitable. To overcome this problem, this study focused on the influence of passive design and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment performance on the energy performance of residential buildings, and explored potential energy-saving technology paths involving passive design and improved coefficient of performance through a multi-objective and multi-parameter optimisation technique. A large-scale questionnaire survey covering a typical city was first conducted to identify family lifestyle patterns regarding time spent at home, family type, air conditioner use habits, indoor thermal comfort, etc. Then, the actual heating and cooling energy consumption and information of model building were determined for this region. Subsequently, the design parameters of an individual building were simulated using Energyplus to investigate the cooling and heating energy consumption for a typical residential building with an air conditioner. The results indicated an improvement of approximately 30% in energy efficiency through optimisation of the external-wall insulation thickness and the external-window and shading performance, and through use of appropriate ventilation technology. Thus, a multi-objective and multi-parameter optimisation model was developed to achieve comprehensive optimisation of several design parameters. Experimental results showed that comprehensive optimisation could not only reduce cooling and heating energy consumption, but also improve the thermal comfort level achieved with a non-artificial cooling and heating source. Finally, three energy-saving technology paths were formulated to achieve a balance between indoor thermal comfort improvement and the target energy efficiency(20 kWh/(m2?a)). The findings of this study have implications for the future design of buildings in the Yangtze River Basin, and for modification of existing buildings for improved energy efficiency.  相似文献   

Apartments account for over 60% of total residential buildings and consume a significant portion of primary energy in South Korea. Various energy efficiency measures have been implemented for both new apartment constructions and existing apartment retrofits. Old apartment structures have poor thermal performances, resulting in a high energy consumption. The South Korean government initiated retrofitting projects to improve the energy efficiency in old apartments. Apartment owners typically replace old windows with high-performance windows; however, there is still a demand for better and more innovative retrofit methods for a highly improved energy efficiency. This paper proposes an advanced double-skin façade (DSF) system to replace existing balcony windows in old apartments. Considering the cold climate conditions of Seoul, South Korea, it mainly discusses heating energy savings. Three case models were developed: Base-Case with existing apartment, Case-1 with typical retrofitting, and Case-2 with the proposed DSF system. The EnergyPlus simulation program was used to develop simulation models for a floor radiant heating system. A typical gas boiler was selected for low-temperature radiant system modeling. The air flow network method was used to model the proposed DSF system. Five heating months, i.e., November to March, and one representative day, i.e., January 24, were selected for detailed analysis. The main heat loss areas consist of windows, walls, and infiltration. The results reveal that the apartment with the DSF retrofit saves 38.8% on the annual heating energy compared to the Base-Case and 35.2% compared to Case-1.  相似文献   

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